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Pride and Prejudice Volume II Chapter 14

The next morning, Darcy and Fitzwilliam leave Rosings and Lady de Bourgh invite them to dinner. She attempts to keep Elizabeth around for one more month, but Elizabeth is intent on leaving as she had planned. During that last week of their stay, Elizabeth and Maria are invited to the estate often for dinner for advice on traveling and packing for their return trip.


The two gentlemen left Rosings the next morning, and Mr. Collins having been in waiting near the lodges, to make them his parting obeisance, was able to bring home the pleasing intelligence of their appearing in very good health, and in as tolerable spirits as could be expected, after the melancholy scene so lately gone through at Rosings. To Rosings he then hastened, to console Lady Catherine and her daughter; and on his return brought back, with great satisfaction, a message from her ladyship, importing that she felt herself so dull as to make her very desirous of having them all to dine with her.

  1. The snob lives a vicarious life.
  2. His centre of life is his boss or superior. As it is a vital life, it lives on the excess energy coming from above. Collins is one such, a snob. He feels all the emotions his superiors feel. Also, he imagines emotions, service, pleasures they do not feel. The squeamishness, obsequiousness issue out of this loyalty. This is the nether side of loyalty, submission in the follower, the subordinate, the children, the wife, the citizen at large. One golden rule works everywhere: it is ultimately what determines is Man's personality. Man's personality has size, strength, intensity, structure, constitution, motives, skills, etc. This is what he inherits and pours into the mould of his own. Each man is unique in everything, he calls it his own. Nature fixes it, he nourishes it, he has the freedom to leave Nature behind and move into consciousness or being. Nature has smaller directing units of society, community, family. The snob becoming an individual is a landmark in social evolution. In the snob, lazy man, idiot, madman, one can find the greatest personal organisation. In all great works of Shakespeare, there comes a fool, known for his wisdom. The creation of such a character in any fiction can be done only by great writers. He can emerge only into a great story. To know the story from his own point of view is to know it as exhaustively as the author has conceived. In Pride and Prejudice, in this sense, Mr. Collins is the most central character. Next in importance comes Mrs. Bennet who has raw energy untempered by any values of the Mind. Mr. Collins' sendoff to the two gentlemen and his reporting about it to Charlotte is one such episode. We see Mr. Collins in full performance.
  3. Eating in rich houses is an occasion to overcome dullness.
  4. Mr. Collins is a dull man, a personification of dullness, trying to remove the dullness from a household of organised dullness. Authority is organised dullness.
  5. "To make them the parting obeisance".Fulfillment arises when the force expresses in form - the swabhava formulating itself into its swarupa.
    This continues till the form becomes a perfect form.
    Socially we see superiority and inferiority; ethically it is right or wrong; spiritually it is each expressing its truth in force and form.
    All truths being equal, all men are equal.
    The honour of an aristocrat and the squeamishness of a snob are two expressions of the truth.
    Further he who expresses the falsehood and who does so his truth are not different.
    Falsehood is the truth of darkness.
    In carnatic music there are 72 ragas.
    The acme of music can be expressed through any one of the ragas thus eliminating grades.
    From such a point of view Elizabeth and Lydia both are expressions of spirit.
    God resorted to creation for the delight of Self-discovery through Spiritual evolution.
    Spirit evolves from Inconscience to Superconscience.
    The movement from Brahman to Ishwara through Purusha is one fact of it.
    It can be seen in ego, Nature, divine Nature, the three stages of evolution.
    Ego is an attitude; Nature is a status.
    Ego is a self-ignored attitude; therefore it can be withdrawn.
    Nature being an evolutionary status, it can be overcome only by evolution.
    What evolves is consciousness; but it is really the evolution of the Spirit.
    He calls His yoga the yoga of spiritual evolution.
    The same movement can also be understood as the reconciliation of the Individual, universal and the transcendent in their nodus of life.
    The separative divisions are many.
    It is Mind that divides.
    It is the ego that separates.
    The division proceeds till we reach the infinitesimal.
    The origin of the division is the apprehending Supermind.
    We witness it in Purusha-Prakriti.
    The parts of the being are thus divided.
    The planes are divided - gross, subtle, causal.
    Psychological ignorance is due to the division of the intra conscient, circumconscient.
    Mind is divided from the senses.
    The senses are further divided.
    The divisions continue till the cell is reached or the atom is touched.
    Every divided status becomes unique.
    In each unique situation Nature's evolution attempts perfection.
    Perfection in form is completed by the Spirit.
    Collins is a unique character trying to express higher education in the form of squeamish submissiveness to rank.
    His waiting for the parting is the parting obeisance.
    Farewell becoming obeisance is the social function changing into its psychological poise.
    In Collins Jane Austen has produced a great character of a smaller mould.
    Perhaps Charlotte has felt that greatness in £ 2000.
    Collins belongs to the type of Falstaff only that he brings up the rear.
    He is conscious of condescension.
    Condescension becoming conscious in a small character is pomposity.
    In his experience which is his view, pompous behaviour is the perfect expression of status of wealth and education in low social context.
    His self-oblivious self-righteousness is self-evident for this view.
    His submissiveness is domination in disguise.
  6. "After the melancholy scene so lately gone through".
    Man sees what he believes in, even if it is not there.
    The extent to which senses can distort is seen in the pencil in the water.
    Here, of course, the light rays are deflected.
    To see affability in a Lady Catherine, one should be a genius of deception.
    Now he can see melancholy in Darcy's parting from his aunt.
    He has the genius to see and sense what he thinks and his thoughts are resourceful.
    Raghukalam, if it has real power, it must affect all.
    It is real in India, not in England.
    Even in India it is not real to the westerner.
    Mind in Europe rises above life.
    Vital belief in India makes life act according to their belief.
    Collins, in spite of his education, remains vital.
    Mental Man has no way of knowing the reality of Supermind at all.
    It is His grace that makes Man see the presence of Supermind in one act.
    Our concentration goes deep enough to solve a problem, never keeps us for a while at that plane to convince us of its Reality.
    The Reality for Man who sees his problems vanish by Supermind is the mental plane he is in, not the descent of power from above.
    His writings offer us the power to see directly by the sense Mind, but we end up understanding the explanation.
    We do not identify with the power of the atmosphere of His writings, but we read the sentences.
    David was able to know Agnes to be his good angel, not able to see her love.
    Her manners were more real than what she was to him in her inner truth.
    The difference in their status turned off his Mind.
    To wipe off such a difference, Mother gives us Her TOUCH. We still do not see it.
    Man sees the fast multiplying Money, not the fast growing Individual.
    A Man's education can be seen on his face, but not all see it.
    A Man's mental capacity is very much around him, but no one sees it.
    Man can know the Absolute, as the faculty to know it must be in him and is in him.
    Man sees what he chooses to see; Shankara saw illusion.
    Man can raise himself to Supermind, but transformation requires descent.
    Darcy's transformation was made possible by the descent of the Force from the French Revolution.
    Elizabeth's change has the flavour of self-exceeding Nature in that she exerted herself to rise out of vital infatuation to Mental rationality.
    Charlotte could not even concede the falseness of her position mentally.
    Left to itself life will stay put for centuries and millennia.
    In that evolutionary sense, this is truly the Hour of God.
    Her grace laden declaration that She holds herself responsible to all those whom She has seen even for a second has the other side to it.
    He says those who are strong but are not ready will be crushed under the wine press.
    Therefore the Force knows no gradual change. It can act only as a lightning flash.
    To go deep down crossing the surface Mind has no alternative.
    It is not only into the inner Mind one enters. He enters the subliminal and touches the Psychic.
    No devotee can say it is not possible for him to meet the psychic action, if not the Psychic, once.
    For the vast majority of the population, it matters not.
  7. "Very desirous of having them all to dine with her". (P. 187)
    Recovery from a fall has various expressions. And this is one where the higher loss is compensated by a lower means.
    In Charlotte's good will we see another version of this phenomenon and witness how it worked with her and why Elizabeth cannot avail of it.
    We may call it mercenary good will, as to accept her good will Jane and Elizabeth have to become mercenary.
    Another principle must be honoured here. A higher goal cannot be reached by a lower method.
    Both of them would have lost Bingley and Darcy had they resorted to fix him or honour Darcy's right to offend.
    One other principle is at work here; and it relates to the positive atmosphere.
    Her methods are low; but her intentions are good. There are two results.
    Charlotte's attitude that made her remain unmarried till 27, married Collins now.
    Both of them reached their goals through their own methods.
    One cannot be advised by another.
    One's own swabhava, the character, asserts.
    Intention is honoured by life in spite of these, according to the atmosphere.
    In a negative atmosphere, had they listened to Charlotte, she would have grievously wronged them.
    Various atmospheres determine various phenomena variously.
    Advantages become obstacles in changed planes or Times.
    Good intention of low consciousness gives low results, hurt or even ruin.
    Mrs. Bennet's wish that Lydia should enjoy totally ruined her.
    Great present loss due to treachery shields the object from greater treachery in future.
    It certainly protects him from those who now betrayed.
    Should the Man consciously allow himself to be betrayed, he will, in future, be protected from all treachery by anyone; it even can transform treachery into service.
    Still the atmosphere can generate ill will that cannot hurt because of his good will to those who betray.
    We see all this in Lydia's marriage with Wickham.
    The atmosphere is the ultimate determinant.
    Intention becomes motive at the level of being.
    There is becoming preceding it and succeeding it. It is being of the becoming that succeeds it.
    A work is done by energy or capacity or values or intention.
    Wrong intention appears to punish. It is the working of the energy of intention.
    Energy needs a long time, intention needs the least.
    There is no waste in Nature. Every drop of energy produces its own result.
    To read in Nature's work social goals is to write one language according to the grammar of another language.
    Idioms are the embellished excellences in any language because the idiom is the sensitive grammar of linguistic beauty.
    In periods of transition tyranny changes position while tyranny remains.
    The changing time changes the recipient; it has no power to change tyranny.
    Qualities can be transformed, not changed.
    Transformation is done by the atmosphere in general and by the attitude in particular.
    As we know the Inconscient is the Superconscient in darkness, the idiot is the genius in ignorance.
    At any given moment everyone is a genius, everything is a Marvel for a vision of the evolving soul.
    This vision must be able to see in the first scene of this story the final outcome in live potential.
    A princess interviewed by a prince across a curtain saw his toe under the curtain.
    She drew his picture by seeing the toe.
    Indian Freedom was won by Sri Aurobindo through non-violence.
    World War was won by Him to secure the Freedom of India through the arch enemy of India.
    A womanizing husband makes the wife a paragon of virtue in a positive cultural atmosphere.
    Good cannot lose its goodness without its own consent.

Elizabeth could not see Lady Catherine without recollecting that, had she chosen it, she might by this time have been presented to her as her future niece; nor could she think, without a smile, of what her ladyship's indignation would have been. "What would she have said? How would she have behaved?" Were questions with which she amused herself.

  1. At Longbourn, Elizabeth heard Lady Catherine's answers to her questions.
  2. "Elizabeth could have been her future niece".
    Survival being so demanding, opportunities missed make no impression.
    Most, almost all, may not remember a capital opportunity they missed.
    It is true men are ambitious.
    It is equally true that the instinct of survival overcomes the urge to be ambitious.
    Emotions like ambition, jealousy, imitation, competition are keenly sharp among people of the same social status.
    These emotions begin to be thinner as the social distance increases.
    Such a distance between Darcy and Elizabeth is exceedingly great.
    No wonder she never seriously considered the fact that he proposed to her.
    The above self-commentary is feeble in strength, is almost a whisper in the dream.
    To be jealous is to be socially alive, though negatively.
    That which gives energy to emotions is the context.
    We see it as social context, but it is really an emotional context.
    USA became fabulously wealthy by 1850. Till 1950 Europe was not aware of the American existence, much less the American prosperity.
    All the conditions of living whether affluence or squalid misery become simple non-existing social facts that provoke no thought or even recognition.
    Non-attainability of a rich condition results in a response of insensibility.
    To Kitty and Lydia Bingley and Darcy were immaterial.
    Kitty did not remember Darcy's name on his visit to Longbourn.
    We hear of no comment on Bingley from the entire village that suggests a competitive sense.
    Darcy was in nobody's thoughts.
    Even in Jane's ‘impossible' on hearing of Elizabeth's engagement, we can hear distant echoes of this attitude.
    Mr. Bennet's objection to his daughter about marrying Darcy was genuine no doubt.
    When we consider the total absence of surprise on such a fact from him, we begin to think he never could consider it as a possibility.
    We are told of no response to this engagement from Mary or Kitty or even Lydia.
    No one including Caroline, with the sole exception of shrewd Charlotte, even suspected his interest in Elizabeth.
    Caroline knew of it out of his mouth.
    Man in love would rather not speak of his love to anyone.
    The opposite of his considering every issue from her point of view is total.
    The presence of these two opposite motives both powerful is seen in one exception which here is his telling Caroline.
    That it caught Charlotte's attention shows how saturated is her observation of Men's interest in women because of her neglected condition.
    She has no mental occupation like Mary to engage her energies.
    Maybe she considered every bachelor as an eligible candidate for her.
    Jane Austen suggests that such a possibility entered her consideration as soon as he was rejected by Elizabeth.
    Her father's earning a knighthood from his position in trade suggests the strong streak of ambition that lurked in him in spite of his empty head.
    Society's ignoring someone becoming utter neglect keenly awakes all the inner silent faculties.
    Life gave her a rich buffoon. She arrived at an intelligent working compromise by encouraging him in his own ways in the garden.
    Had she permitted him to get on her nerves and endeavoured to make a psychological growth, she would have earned him a bishopric.
  3. "Nor could she think without a smile of what her Ladyship's indignation would have been".
    Her thoughts of such nature energized her Ladyship to call at Longbourn.
    No thought is without a sequence. No event is unindicated earlier.
    Ordinarily after such a proposal, even if it is rejected, the lady's imagination would be on fire and thoughts would run in all directions in utter chaos.
    It did not happen to her.
    Such a turmoil of the Mind cancels any lingering possibility or at least brings in similar turmoil in the way of its consummation.
    Her Mind not running like that, proved to be a pleasant preservative of its possibility.
    Till Pemberley came into her view the proposal never recurred in her Mind.
    One slight exception was her mentioning it mildly to Jane who dismissed it.
    An event often lends itself to be explained in opposite ways.
    The merit of the explanation lies in the confirmation of the coming events.
    The idea of Darcy marrying Anne is unreal, a wishful thinking, an illusion.
    Had it been a reality, Darcy's proposal, silently would have raised an intense irrational anger in the Lady against Elizabeth.
    That it took so long for the Lady to flare-up shows there was no reality in the wish and by the efflux of time it lost any virility it had.
    The rumour came to her through Collins, a rejected suitor of
    There really was no rumour. It was an unreal rumour fancied at the Lodge.
    Because it came through Collins, it was bound to fail with Elizabeth as he had done with her.
    Already the fear of Charlotte, having encouraged Elizabeth, that she might marry Darcy acted in sending the rumour to the Lady.
    Such an initiative will have its opposite effect.
    Initiatives are taken when the energy for accomplishment is less.
    Originally, it was the good will of an old maid.
    People who have consistently failed have in their subconscious wisdom the social experience that a good act may do them good.
    Now that Charlotte was married that incentive had no life.
    What was originally a good will now turned into fear of jealousy.
    If that is true, in this conversion to negativity the energy considerably increases.
    Negativity changes the direction of the result.
    Increased energy quickens the result overcoming opposition.
    We must note that the Lady expected Darcy to be disgusted with Elizabeth.
    Elizabeth found it real in her senses that Darcy, when appealed to that aspect, would fall a victim. It carried in the subtle plane that much of reality.
    The original good will that received a reward still had life through a negative initiative to energise a receding possibility.
    Collins has a personality that completes.
    His energy, being great, ends in completion. What is completed matters little.
    He told Elizabeth that she might not receive another proposal.
    Now, he sends her another proposal.
    Analyzed from energy, intention, related characters, the working of the laws of life, the integral totality of the situation, each accomplishment will fully explain itself.
    Behind Collins's proposal was the greatest energy possible as Mrs. Bennet combined hers with his.
    That great energy helps explain the great result of Pemberley.
    Collins never came in touch with Wickham.
    Such a meeting or effective transaction would have energized Wickham.
    Elizabeth's two encounters with Darcy and his aunt are the struggle of the new against the old.
    Collins marrying Charlotte is a significant miniature of Darcy's marrying Elizabeth.
  4. "What would she have said, how would she have behaved were questions amused herself".
    It is a natural curiosity for anyone, highly intriguing and interesting.
    It is this; I said earlier, that invites her visit and energies.
    Elizabeth raises herself to the Lady's status by this amusement.
    All events in the material plane are first prepared in the subtle plane.
    This is one fragment of such a phenomenon.
    Her being out of spirits is one result of this amusement as in that imagination she feels the reality of the real social distance.
    It is Elizabeth who persuaded Darcy to reconcile with his aunt as she understands the real help the aunt gave to her wedding.
    Gratitude is a rare emotion.
    The deity of gratitude is the latest born, says Mother.
    It is more easily born towards Darcy and his aunt than towards people below.
    Remittances to Lydia periodically are the legacy of such an emotion towards her as Lydia was behind the other two weddings.
    Lydia seeks help from both and gets it.
    Service, as other things, is in grades.
    Elizabeth's service to Jane is one of positive good will.
    Lydia's service to both the sisters is through a possible ruining of the family.
    Lydia offered to find husbands for all. She did so for two sisters.
    Elizabeth triumphed over Caroline, but her triumph over Lady Catherine is more interesting to her.
    Hence her invitation to Pemberley.
    In today's atmosphere, Mother has said, great results for small acts as well as in the opposite direction will issue.
    For Elizabeth such an atmosphere was created by the proposal.
    She, for amusement, thought of Lady Catherine's reaction to her ‘news' and that later brought the downpour of abusive talk.
    Her mother's similar expectation for Jane in Netherfield cancelled it.
    Her own thoughts were similar about Jane.
    Her mother was incorrigible.
    Nothing could be done in that quarter.
    But Elizabeth was of a different category.
    It was impossible for her not to think like her mother about Jane.
    But, in life, it is certainly possible as we have seen after the proposal.
    Suppose she had not also thrown her lot - her lot of expectation - her mother by herself would have been helpless.
    The rightness of a description is valid when confirmed by further events.
    The very fact that Bingley and Darcy came there to which they did not belong showed the presence of the atmosphere.
    On the first day the whole assembly saw Bingley's interest in Jane.
    Darcy was not noticed at all.
    He was not consciously noticed by her for whom he came there.
    The lack of recognition, the neglect, his being ignored sent him into a chrysalis of psychological incubation where he prepared himself for her.
    When Sri Aurobindo came to Pondicherry and She came looking for him, He was not noticed by India, by Tamilnadu where He was.
    Even the very town of Pondicherry was not interested in Him.
    The sadhaks who came seeking Him never took to his yoga.
    But He won the wars, won Indian and Asian Freedom silently.
    Neglect in the physical plane made Him effective in the subtle plane.
    The total neglect of Darcy was necessary for her to win him silently.
    She wanted to hide the elopement from Darcy.
    It was a natural thought to anyone in her position.
    But it is ingratitude in the subtle plane.
    She felt gratitude in the conscious Mind for him for loving her and she endeavoured to partially compensate it.

Their first subject was the diminution of the Rosings party. "I assure you, I feel it exceedingly," said Lady Catherine; "I believe nobody feels the loss of friends so much as I do. But I am particularly attached to these young men, and know them to be so much attached to me! They were excessively sorry to go! But so they always are. The dear colonel rallied his spirits tolerably till just at last; but Darcy seemed to feel it most acutely; more, I think, than last year. His attachment to Rosings, certainly increases."

  1. Lady Catherine provides the example of one who sees her own emotions in others
  2. Lady Catherine's observations are a good example of how one can live in one's own world oblivious of what the other person thinks.
  3. ‘Darcy seemed to feel it most acutely.' - Yes, about what?
  4. "Nobody feels the loss of friends as I do".
    For each person he is the entire world for himself.
    It is a subjective view.
    For most the subjective includes the objective.
    Expectation needs instantaneous fulfillment.
    Darcy's presence was a reinforcement of that expectation.
    Lady Catherine was least aware why Darcy prolonged his visit there and what he was occupied with.
    His physical going away is a blow to her expectation.
    Mother says the physical does not wait to act when the knowledge is there.
    She is physical and would have acted readily, at once.
    Society or social context did not endorse her impatience.
    Life acts there to compel the physical to move to the vital through external circumstances.
    Compelling outer circumstances show unwillingness for inner self discipline.
    It is true she was lonely and company was welcome.
    Her loneliness was a circumstance of her status.
    The insularity demanded by status that has no context, made her lonely.
    She wanted Darcy to marry Anne.
    A realistic aunt would not have that expectation.
    Refined culture of sensitive emotions would be shy of such an ambition.
    She relied on her vast property.
    Property is physical.
    Marriage is vital.
    To expect a vital goal through a physical qualification is invalid.
    A reasonable cultured aunt could deny herself the expectation of marriage from Darcy.
    In that case, there would be a rare possibility of Darcy volunteering to marry Anne because she was sickly.
    In that case, he would not be going in for marriage, but would be honouring the friendship in the relationship.
    It is sympathy, not love.
    Love can overcome any defect, even serious sickness.
    True love can even cure the sickness.
    Darcy's love cured Elizabeth of falsehood in infatuation.
    A rich seat of culture will not have occurrences of serious sickness.
    Culture itself has the power to prevent illness.
    Culture is the health of emotions.
    It is superior to physical health.
    Healthy criminals, unhealthy saints are unknown.
    Darcy's love along with Pemberley was enough to cure infatuation.
    Certainly it is insufficient to make vulgar energy into cultured sensitivity.
    The truth of Bingley's love could overturn a ruse.
    It was not enough for Jane to pardon Darcy of a ruse.
    The affection of the elder Darcy was a direct means for the false exterior of Wickham to have designs on Georgiana.
    Lady Catherine in that social context needed a violent disappointment.
    In such a context spiritual grace could offer to Anne an affectionate cousin who could marry her for true family affection.
    Normally in such a situation people act like Wickham - to organize dissipation.
    An opportunity in Being is availed of in the Non-Being.
    Charlotte is such an instance where the fall out of grace acted.
  5. "I am particularly attached to these young men and knew them to be attached to me".
    Youth is not attached to age.
    People's attachment arises out of likeness in temperament.
    Between age and youth none exists.
    Inner sweetness has no bar of age.
    Darcy brought the colonel for company as he could not stand her.
    The colonel said his aunt never stopped talking.
    Talking in old age is involuntary.
    Old age goes with anecdotage.
    Talking is ‘enjoyable' when interest is held.
    Talking is ‘tolerable' when there is no repetition.
    If there is repetition it must bring in one more fresh shade of interest.
    Lady Catherine could be tolerated by snobs like Collins to whom dining with her was a privilege.
    Like the lover's ever growing enchantment, it is not a privilege that knows any diminution.
    Instead of condescending superiority, had she been capable of attentive kindness to her neighbours like Charlotte, Anne's health would have improved.
    Such kindness would generate genuine admiration for Anne.
    Genuine admiration has the ability to lessen ill health.
    Life does offer anyone all the positive circumstances needed for growth.
    We see it so with Wickham.
    In Mrs. Bennet, the opportunity was abundant.
    In an intense period, it is life that brings wealthy young men to a not wealthy village.
    At no time life has refused such opportunities.
    America that received help from France refused to help the French Revolution when the opportunity came.
    USA received help from monarchy, refused to help liberty.
    Disease is an intense form of physical selfishness.
    Self-giving can cure diseases, if not fully, at least partially.
    Health is purity in the physical.
    Affection is purity in the vital.
    Taking another man's point of view is Mind's move towards purity.
    Spirit is always pure.
    By relating to spirit any part of the being can increase its purity.
    Social aloofness is a mental disease.
    A mental disease becoming an ideal spreads down to the body.
    People try to perpetuate an occasional advantage.
    The whole of human endeavour is to take the course of life along the path of ego.
    Ego's positive periods are over.
    Now ego is a bar.
    To achieve in life that has changed through values of erstwhile life when it was inappropriate even in those good old days, is the one known human attitude.
    Lady Catherine belongs to a distant past.
    Elizabeth belongs to the present.
    Darcy belongs to the future.
    To work out the equations there is an interesting exercise.
  6. "His attachment to Rosings certainly increases".
    She is one to whom objectivity means subjectivity.
    Intensity generated by the Lady for Darcy works, but works in another direction.
    Her intensity increased Darcy's towards Elizabeth.
    What she calls attachment to Rosings is really attachment to Longbourn.
    She had seen the intensity, but mistook the object for which it was created.
    It is a quixotic phenomenon in life, but very real.
    People call it a mystery.
    To know where energy emanates from and where it goes is a rare power in life.
    That requires total knowledge.
    He who can consecrate can have the benefit of the result without the knowledge.
    Once the result is seen, which is knowledge in the physical plane, observation will give the full right knowledge.
    We know Caroline's intense interest drove Darcy equally intensely towards Elizabeth.
    Elizabeth attracted Collins because she generated inordinate intensity for Wickham.
    That intensity made Wickham go to Miss King, ultimately worked for Lydia.
    Whoever creates intensity for another, the result will go to him to whom it is due.
    This is so because the community is a totality.
    Sowerby, George, and Frank were after Miss Dunstable who collected all their energies and directed them towards Dr. Thorne.
    The persecution of Mary by Lady Arabella released the power of Money from Roger and placed it at the feet of Mary.
    These laws work by 1) the deserts in life, 2) available social structures, 3) attitudes of the individuals, 4) atmosphere.
    Mrs. Bennet's interest in Jane got Lydia married because in her own conscious Mind and in subconscious urge there was the last child, Lydia. What the atmosphere sanctioned Elizabeth was completed by Caroline's intensity.
    Darcy saw that his intensity for Elizabeth brought her Collins.
    Later he learned that she moved towards Wickham.
    He withdrew his intensity consciously, but it was alive in his subconscious to bring her close to the colonel.
    Energy given to work may be drawn off by an individual for his personal benefit.
    That happens when the individual is more organized than the field for work.
    The final refusal of the Brahmin which enabled him to fully dominate the Indian field, is because the Brahmin was more organized to receive the social benefits than the country was for the spiritual benefit.
    Monarchy and aristocracy have the same history.
    Absence of social structure in favour of a class along with the absence of the class system allowed the whole nation of America to be receptive, to benefits.
    The distant shadows of the emerging Individual, however feeble he is, have stirred India to the point of the world expecting her to perform.
    The false charge trumped up against Crawley released the entire energy of the whole Christian community that fully sympathized with him, resulting in his daughter marrying Major Grantly.
    His family's poverty was so great as to require the vast support of the population.
    His dogmatic pride organized as contempt for others and shame for his family was that powerful.
    Edmond's ardour for Mercedes yielded benefit to Fernand as the country was organized at the level of treachery and deceit.
    Mercedes herself deserved Fernand's falsehood, not Edmond's honesty.

Mr. Collins had a compliment, and an allusion to throw in here, which were kindly smiled on by the mother and daughter.

  1. Mr. Collins serves as a snob, cad, henchman
  2. "Collins had a compliment. Mother and daughter smiled".
    A right compliment elevates the giver and the receiver.
    A difficult task for Man is to concede a capacity to a colleague.
    A more difficult task is to acknowledge the goodness of another.
    All wills are ill wills - Mother.
    Good will is rare.
    Good will to one who is close is rarer still.
    Man does not have any known capacity to have good will to another who is close.
    There is a palpable fear that some good will may escape him involuntarily.
    Good will of Elizabeth for Jane is difficult to conceive. It is rare.
    Non-existing, unreal compliments prevent real achievement.
    To receive a compliment from a Man like Collins will disqualify one for a long time to receive a true compliment.
    To compliment another is more difficult than giving material gifts of value.
    One can like another, but to know the value of another is more difficult as Mind does not ordinarily understand the mental capacity of another.
    At best one values appearances, e.g. fluent speech is mistaken for intelligence.
    Granting that capacity to evaluate another, it requires a different capacity to put it into words.
    When both are there, they fully absorb all mental energies.
    There is no energy left for the formation of the will that is needed to express it.
    One who passes all these hurdles, and speaks out intelligently and generously a well deserved compliment, will be in great danger if it is by any error given to a person who does not deserve it by his temperament.
    One may or may not know the laws, but experience teaches unfailingly and in the first bad experience Man withdraws into his cocoon.
    To pleasantly receive a compliment is more difficult than to generously offer it.
    Even Jane failed to give the generous compliment Elizabeth deserved by Darcy's proposal.
    There is incapacity and unwillingness.
    One who offers a genuine compliment inwardly expands while delivering it.
    One who receives it with an open soul will find his own soul peeping out at that moment.
    Great Romance is True spiritual experience.
    Spiritual goodness as well as generosity is its base.
    A disgusting relationship will readily shed its disgusting element when one of them attempts this approach.
    It is elevating, expansive and ennobling.
    Even at a primary level the experiment is rewarding.

Lady Catherine observed, after dinner, that Miss Bennet seemed out of spirits, and immediately accounting for it herself, by supposing that she did not like to go home again so soon, she added --

  1. Lady Catherine's interpretation of Elizabeth being out of spirits truly reflects her own character, not the situation.
  2. Lady Catherine sees in the dispirited Elizabeth sadness about leaving Rosings
  3. "She did not like to go home so soon".
    One type of ignorance is to assume something.
    Taking one's assumption as understanding is subjective.
    Objectivity corrects the errors of subjectivity.
    The objective can err when the senses are relied on.
    Ego guiding the subjective assumption is to make the error grand.
    Man exists by self-confidence whether the confidence is right or not.
    Subjective self-confidence making for psychological survival is a known widely prevalent phenomenon.
    With those species that have lost the environmental endorsement it is common.
    Aristocracy belonged to that category in the 18th century.
    Disappearing establishments defend themselves by such subjectivity.
    Any phenomenon can become either the truth or an illusion.
    Whether they are truths or not they have a temporal as well as spatial version.
    Their last expression is a personal rendering of a general truth.
    Logic came into existence to correct the excess in this regard.
    Logic is the right relations between things.
    Reason was added to make logic real.
    Reason demands a real basis for facts.
    Reason co-ordinates intelligent facts to arrive at unity.
    Reason can know the truth by knowing the continent.
    The truth that the Lady wants to arrive at is her own greatness.
    Society and social change offer the possibility of exploring the current truth that aristocracy is a vanishing species.
    This is a play of forces.
    Human choice is a determinant here.
    The physical property and wealth offer sustenance to preserve property.
    Vital alertness can help one survive social authority.
    One of the things that needs to be perceived is the vital reality of change.
    Even for those who are blind the new generation announces that change.
    The sickness of Anne gains that social significance for the mother.
    This being the context, the rest can be best appreciated.
    The self-flattery in the above comment is because of condescension.
    An act of condescension in the absence of such difference leads to a flat fall.
    The truth is the new emerging generation is placed high.
    Any attempt at condescension in this context enables the new to shatter the old.
    That happens when the Lady visits Longbourn.
    The motive force of the story is such a destruction.
    What is lost in France is the aristocratic head; in England it is the psychological head of that status.
    The fineness of her eyes expresses that light.
    Darcy is the moth who was anxious to burn all his wings and himself in that light.
    The situation is a tragi-comedy expressed by the vigour of the Lady.
    The significance of the personality of Collins, its pomposity are thus delineated.

"But if that is the case, you must write to your mother to beg that you may stay a little longer. Mrs. Collins will be very glad of your company, I am sure."

  1. "You must write to your mother to beg to stay longer".
    Imaginative will extends itself endlessly.
    Always it ends in the social pinnacle of marrying the princess.
    All ambitions are social; all end in being the King.
    Mental ideals have not acquired any reality in social existence.
    Even spiritual ideals strive for social power, making society ultimate.
    Society is not only a great reality; but it is the only reality.
    Idealism is known to the world as an idea, not as a reality.
    The economic crisis of 1929 that persists till now is the symbol of Money becoming the only social reality forgetting the Man.
    Money is a symbol, is a process, a cause, a secondary cause.
    Money is the foundation for supramental realization because today Man is under the tutelage of Money.
    Even after his emancipation from Money, he needs it as the foundation, as it is the strongest of foundations, being a symbol.
    Often we find miserly people generous in matters of Money.
    Social upward mobility takes the form of generosity in Money as he who aspires to rise in society sees Money as the symbol of higher status.
    True generosity is of the soul. It expresses in all possible fashions.
    Such a generosity goes with indifference to Money.
    Generosity is the result of infinity expressing through will.
    That makes the Man a Kshatriya.
    Money is one form of will.
    Infinity expressing through the will that is Money is Vysya.
    Infinity through Truth as well as knowledge makes one a Brahmin.
    One loses caste when the characteristic trait of the caste is lost.
    Courage makes a Man or marks out a Man as Kshatriya.
    Courage expressing infinity is the generosity of the soldier.
    Unity, Truth, Goodness, knowledge, power, Beauty, Love, Joy are the aspects of Sachchidananda.
    Silence, Peace, Eternity and Infinity are the attributes of the Spirit.
    Each of these expressing through another enriches the Play.
    He who sees the Play sees the part.
    He who sees the Play as the Player sees more than the part.
    Seeing the Play as the Player and the Playground one sees the whole.
    The combination of two aspects results in sweetness, Goodness, generosity.
    Equality is the consciousness of infinity.
    Divine Equality is the consciousness of the Absolute - Maya.
    The final expression of Divine Equality is Ishwara's Shakti.
    Moving from consciousness to Superconscience that is the door to the Absolute is the Supreme discovery.
    Peace matures into bliss.
    Infinity and eternity mature by combining into Spirit.
    Supramental Shakti's aspects are described by Him as Supramental Silence, Supramental Love, Supramental Reason, Supramental Knowledge, Supramental Sense and Supramental Time-vision, v›Põ» v¸èi,         trikaladrshti.
    When grace acts on us answering our prayer it is possible for us to observe these aspects.
    After reading the letter Elizabeth felt gratitude, revealing a touch of this.
    He felt a gratitude for her abuse, a stronger touch of these aspects.

"I am much obliged to your ladyship for your kind invitation," replied Elizabeth, "but it is not in my power to accept it. I must be in town next Saturday."

  1. "It is not in my power to accept it". Audio
    What is invaluable in one's view is no view from another or even an obstacle.
    As it is a time of changing social values, material values become its opposite.
    The purpose of her visit is over; therefore there is no sanction for further stay.
    One cannot accept an invitation while being ‘out of spirits'.
    Had she accepted it, the abuse of the Lady would quickly precipitate.
    We see in Elizabeth the joy of refusal, however ill-concealed it is.
    It is significant that Anne never spoke at all; she was a sickly relic.
    Light hurts her, reflecting her true inner condition.
    She is unable to eat well; the only thing available in plenty - food.
    She is not able to accept her invitation; at Longbourn she is not able to give her the promise the Lady asked for.
    No one will ask for the promise the Lady asked Elizabeth of a social equal.
    Social superiority gives the authority for the Lady the freedom to ask for it.
    The several visits Elizabeth made and the several dinners she ate there made her personally vulnerable.
    The above refusal to accept her invitation enabled her to refuse her later.
    Relationship is among equals.
    Dining and interdining creates an atmosphere of power of exchange.
    In sensitive relationships no such courtesy is extended or accepted without complete consideration.
    Edmond would not eat at Fernand's house, nor would he eat the single fruit Mercedes offered him during the walk. It was noted by her and her son.
    Mrs. Bennet planned in her mind that Jane's stay at Netherfield would facilitate her wedding.
    In this case the determinant was not her plan, but the atmosphere.
    The atmosphere was not in Jane's favour.
    Therefore her stay there could hurt her marriage.
    Elizabeth too stayed there out of necessity.
    It fully earned her Darcy up to the point of alarming him.
    Her four days stay at Netherfield and the dinners at Rosings enabled her to abuse him.
    That which acted against Jane, acted in Elizabeth's favour. Jane was weak, Elizabeth was strong.
    A strong person receiving courtesies strengthens his hand.
    A weak person becomes weaker by the same treatment.
    The rule acts according to strength, not determined by plan or initiative or intention.
    Lady Catherine refused to take refreshments at Longbourn.
    On the first visit Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner refused refreshments at Pemberley.
    On the second visit they accepted the courtesy but were provoked by Caroline before dinner.
    Had Lady Catherine eaten at Longbourn certainly either her abuse would have been strengthened or weakened. The balance that we saw would certainly have been disturbed. Which way is not known.
    Had the party accepted the refreshments at Pemberley at the first visit when Caroline was not there, maybe Caroline could not have provoked her during the second visit.
    Every Act influences the totality of the events.
    Not only acts, even sights or thoughts.
    Society jealously preserves the relationships between equals and that touches people of positive good will. Every correspondence matters.

"Why, at that rate, you will have been here only six weeks. I expected you to stay two months. I told Mrs. Collins so before you came. There can be no occasion for your going so soon. Mrs. Bennet could certainly spare you for another fortnight."

  1. She expects Elizabeth and her family to obey her.

"But my father cannot. He wrote last week to hurry my return."

  1. Lady Catherine cannot know how much Mr. Bennet misses Elizabeth.
  2. Lady Catherine is unable to comprehend Mr. Bennet's need for his daughter
  3. "My father wrote to me to hurry my return".
    Her father, as an exception, is much attached to her.
    She owes her Mind to her father.
    It is not Mind, but the heart that is developed among women.
    Elizabeth is an exception.
    How that exception arose is of great interest.
    To him Jane was a disappointment.
    His great expectation and aspiration succeeded in Elizabeth.
    Not only that, in her he exhausted his energies as well as hopes.
    His apparent irresponsibility was a great silent responsibility.
    It finally came true in Darcy covering all three weddings.
    His objections to Darcy were real and that is because, I said, of social distances. Darcy had overshot his expectations.
    His own experience of not being able to respect his partner was repeating in her in the other direction which is a life necessity.
    His expectations were fulfilled overmuch but according to the rules of life.
    As Mrs. Bennet inappropriately ruled Longbourn, Elizabeth would rule Pemberley rightfully which was seen in Caroline's submission already.
    In a small but essential way Pemberley was a place where Wickham had spent all his youth.
    In marrying Pemberley she was marrying Wickham vicariously.
    Wickham's ambitions to live and rule Pemberley were fulfilled through her.
    Darcy could banish Wickham physically but not psychologically.
    The end of the story is a triumph of magnificent Freedom in Silence over the vulgar insistent dynamism of his wife.
    He had to sacrifice normal domestic felicity of wedded bliss.
    She had to sacrifice the direct reward of life to her initiatives.
    Darcy paid in cash for her direct insolence and insult as it was due to Lydia and Wickham.
    The low demands, demands vulgarly by insulting, mostly as a reward for treachery.
    The excuse was his own attraction for her pretty face.
    Jinnah did so and demanded Pakistan as a reward for his betrayal of the national cause and continued to ask for Kashmir as an excess.
    France was rewarded with a seat in the Security Council for her surrender to Hitler.
    The Brahmins who had betrayed the Spiritual cause of India ruled her for the first 30 years before finally quitting the national scene.
    Even when values are betrayed, capacities are rewarded.
    In all marriages this is an unfailing experience during the periods when marriage was binding.
    Values seek organization for social survival.
    In Christianity it survived for 1500 years though the betrayal of Christian love was total in the beginning.
    United Nations which came to unite the world, at its founding blatantly betrayed democracy and the betrayal still survives.
    As socialism succeeded all over the world clandestinely though capitalism, democracy is being served by dictatorship in the United Nations Organizations.

"Oh! Your father of course may spare you, if your mother can. Daughters are never of so much consequence to a father. And if you will stay another month complete, it will be in my power to take one of you as far as London, for I am going there early in June for a week; and as Dawson does not object to the barouche-box, there will be very good room for one of you -- and indeed, if the weather should happen to be cool, I should not object to taking you both, as you are neither of you large."

  1. Lady Catherine's desire to extend Elizabeth's stay there indicates that Elizabeth is to enter that family soon
  2. Left alone Elizabeth's dwelling on the letter would have crushed her. She is taken to Rosings as a diversion
  3. Lady Catherine offers to take Elizabeth to London - Earlier sign of Elizabeth's marriage.
  4. "Daughters are never of so much consequence to a father". (P.188)
    Lady Catherine reflects from the point of view of her time.
    One can conform to his own society mentally, or try to be ahead of it.
    Mr. Bennet's interest in Elizabeth is the interest of Mind in life.
    It is a climate that gives birth to scientific thinking.
    It is a progressive view that seeks change.
    Lady Catherine's view is one of preservation, known as conservatism.
    Elizabeth is aware of her father's interest and eagerly responds to it.
    Father may be interested; the daughter may not be aware of it or respond to it.
    Elizabeth eagerly refuses the Lady's idea and expresses an urge to respond to her father.
    Human choice is based on physical need, vital interest, mental curiosity or spiritual possibility.
    She responds from mental curiosity.
    Just that day she had effectively moved to a mental view from vital absorption.
    In her reply we see that nascent energy.
    Human choice is exercised by 1) where he is, 2) what is possible for him,
    3) the ideal of his time, and 4) the extent of his willingness to exert.
    For her temperament, it is surprising how readily the Lady yielded to Elizabeth.
    The power of her eagerness overcomes the Lady's habit of irrational insistence.
    This is another indication of 1) Elizabeth's performance in Longbourn with Lady Catherine, 2) the final outcome of Darcy's proposal based on her decision that morning.
    Between the conscious effort of Man and the subconscious insistence of the woman, the woman always prevails.
    Darcy wants her consciously, she wants him subconsciously.
    Its fulfillment takes the course of her own personality rather than his.
    Mother says the woman achieves more than the Man.
    Man offers the energy.
    The woman offers the direction.
    Man loves to fulfill his aspiration into the mould of her temperament.
    Its outcome is determined by the laws of life.
    Laws of life do not come into operation as long as Man effectively expresses his choice.
    There are concentric circles of operation.
    The outer circle's law does not intrude into that of the inner circle while the operation is confined to its limits.
    A fuller appreciation of this process is seen in 1) Caroline's initiative to stop Jane's future, 2) the direct results of Mrs. Bennet's activities, 3) Bingley's response to the ruse, 4) the workings of Lydia's Mind, 5) how Wickham spreads himself, 6) Darcy's response to life shaking him, 7) Collins's execution of his plan of marriage, 8) Charlotte's alertness in an otherwise innocuous atmosphere.
    The operation of each circle is wide or narrow not according to its construction but according to one's readiness to act.
    There is no fixed Law. The law is made from moment to moment.
    It is the unknowable formulating to human consciousness and disappearing.
    It is the universe creating itself every moment.
    Man meets it by the end of his interest and attitude.
    His ideal fixes the interest and attitude.
    It is a moment when involution changes into evolution.
    Behind it lies the REASON for creation.
    The range is between Human Choice and the response of the Unknowable.
    The arrival of the Hour of God between them is of great interest to us as we are presently in it.
  5. "If you stay another month complete".
    The Lady repeated her demand after Elizabeth refused.
    It means the demand in her was irresistible.
    She was shameless in that measure.
    When a demand is refused it turns into a request.
    The transition is made through a bait.
    An irresistible demand at such times is inevitably destroyed.
    The offer was qualified as it is for one.
    Quickly she modified it to two.
    She was dismayed that she is not sufficiently attractive.
    Despair or dismay if pursued will become stronger, as any other vibration.
    Aristocracy sees itself as miniature Royalty.
    All eyes are on royalty all the time.
    The weak aristocrat wants to arrange all eyes turned to them.
    We see here the vacillations of aristocracy as well as the determination of the emerging new class.
    At Netherfield, during Jane's stay, the same context was presented.
    There the context was physical illness of a lady receiving attention from her lover.
    The subplot becomes the main plot by the arrival of Elizabeth.
    Darcy, having pronounced ‘tolerable', now changed his attitude.
    He, by his conscious choice, spoke of his interest in Elizabeth to Caroline.
    Caroline's evaluation of Elizabeth was poor in terms of beauty, wealth, fashion and status, making her rivalry weak.
    Darcy's attention to Elizabeth alarmed Caroline who wished her removal quickened.
    There it is all youth, love, energy, excitement around a patient.
    Here it is between rank of age and fiery youth's disregard of status.
    To this context was added the presence of Darcy and the colonel.
    Lady Catherine rules the roost. No one contradicts her.
    Elizabeth's reluctance to answer her question about her age is the first sign of challenge to authority.
    Finding Elizabeth expressing her opinion about girls' being out, the Lady was startled.
    Now her suggestion was opposed.
    Next her blandishment fell flat.
    These scenes bring to us the context of social transition.
    What the Lady openly demands is slipping behind her effectively by his proposal.
    It is one expression of Life which simultaneously moves on opposite directions.
    Each is in one part of the movement.
    We have the advantage of seeing both.
    The reader by his preference sees only one side.
    Or he sees the story not the movement of life.
    Apparently it is Elizabeth visiting Collins and being invited to Rosings.
    Behind it is her subconscious readiness to accept Darcy when he moves and Darcy's conscious move positively.
    They are at loggerheads.
    The play of relative status maintains the background.
    It is up to us to see the reversal of courses here.
    Should we choose, even the reversal of consciousness can be seen here.
    From the story at the low end, the transformation at the higher end one is to choose.
  6. "as neither of you are large". Audio
    Ideas of old arise out of us with force.
    Such expressions become eloquent.
    Eloquence is the tone of inner conviction spread over all the being for long.
    Lady Catherine's voice was strong and insistent, neither eloquent nor magnificent.
    Man is soaked with family traditions.
    Its values in him are not mere ideas.
    They are emotionally enriched with the certitude of the heart.
    In a right occasion, such ideas find expression as a reflection of the situation.
    Its unfolding is majestic, needing no conviction.
    The course of hearing is conviction.
    Its massive cultural weight permeating the wideness of personality delivers itself with an irresistible force that is enjoyable.
    True love of a mature being often reaches its pinnacle at this intensity.
    Spiritually it does receive its complement positively as well as negatively.
    Positively the complement proves to be a field where the unfolding personality can cosily rest and grow in comfort.
    Negatively, it is depraved meanness expressing itself as petulant perversity.
    One in life reacts or revolts.
    One seeking transformation sees in its touch all the points of imperfection in him.
    The voice of authority is powerful.
    Sweetness of personality formulating as authority is an enveloping beneficence.
    Darcy has the potential to shape himself like this.
    But neither knowledge or aptitude is there for the required effort.
    Mrs. Gardiner is of this type but is of shallow social propriety.
    Elizabeth has reached a mental capacity though for a while clouded with infatuation.
    The gratitude she felt to Darcy for loving her has all the personality potential to release energy and formulate itself into massive magnificence.
    For that she must love Darcy which is not there.
    Love for Darcy for a heart that already felt the gratitude has the aptitude to drive towards such a goal.
    Transformation of her mother's energy of falsehood into a capacity for truth in love requires in her an intensity of enveloping good will that equals her good will to Jane.
    In that case the material weight of Pemberley would have exhibited the ever increasing growth into cultural maturity that could form the basic foundation for the aim described above.
    However that is, the acme of character then will become the first qualification fulfilling it in love and gratitude.
    The very physical being is then filled with these ideas giving it a rare health in tenderness.
    Should it go with spiritual purity, the persons become a standing wonder.
    A society that can be described as cultural democracy will have the best part of the population or at least its cream of this description.
    Kingdom of heaven on earth, earthly paradise, etc. are envisioned in this light.
    The Love felt by Dante for Beatrice impelled him to write Divine Comedy.
    The whole energy needed for that epic will be fully absorbed and assimilated in a few years of life that is love.
    Love that lasts grows on the foundation of physical purity.

"You are all kindness, madam; but I believe we must abide by our original plan."

  1. "You are all kindness, Madam, but I believe we must abide by our original plan".
    English is known for its balancing phrases.
    Its understatements are often deceptive.
    There is a genius in expressing the negative idea in positive words.
    Please do not persist in your foolish insistence is put in terms of original plan.
    Should a Man enter into the spirit of transformation, this is the first step when it is emotionally truly felt.
    This exercise will gain one entry into the citadel of Romance Eternal.
    For one to imbibe the spirit of Romance Eternal, the spirit behind this exercise should be fully absorbed as one does the core idea of a chapter in The Life Divine when he wants to translate or render it into his own words.
    The core of that Idea in Him is a spiritual experience.
    In formulating itself into an idea, it takes possession of the entire Mind, especially its substance which is in relation to the bodily substance.
    It goes beyond to become a spark in His being.
    We read the coherent argument that reaches our thinking Mind, the intellect.
    Its essence transcends the thinking and pervades the Mind.
    We see the gradation of arguments, the pervasive Idea behind, the Real-Idea of which this is a mental representation and finally the essential mental experience which dissolves and becomes one with the Being.
    Taking the arguments, removing their links, we see the Idea growing on us.
    An expansive Mind allows the Idea to mature into Real-Idea.
    A grateful recognition permits the identification to grow further.
    At this stage the Idea, in the subtle vision, turns into His figure.
    At this stage one can shift the influence into the sources of his mother tongue.
    What emanates will be a fresh style in that language.
    Should it be rendered into one's own English, a real elegant simplicity will express the complex thoughts.
    Of course when The Life Divine brings this atmosphere, this will bring the author's atmosphere, whatever it is.
    It is possible to traverse these emotional stages in the relationship in Romance.
    Very soon one can come to the end of his patience.
    Patience, I repeat, is the human version of equality.
    Equality is the consciousness of Infinity.
    When acting in Faith, Faith in the Divine Shakti, in the consciousness of equality, Mind rises to Supermind.
    Acting in Faith in the partner's goodness which is in abundance, a field of Patience will raise marriage into Romance.
    Darcy did it.
    At first he was rewarded with gratitude when he silently received the abuse.
    After reading the letter it wrought in her a change from the vital to the mental.
    At Pemberley his manners became soft, shedding the stiffness of bitter spirit, and it evoked a wonder in her.
    What he did for Lydia made her feel wretched for her subtle ingratitude.
    His excellent good feelings to her abusive pertness put her to shame, utter shame for all that she was and her family was.
    To him it was innocence.
    He was genuine.
    It was a boon to him to emerge out of the cocoon of selfish meanness.
    She could not see his joy that suffused his countenance.
    It was not because of her but in spite of her.
    Darcy did in transforming his emotions what an understatement does for social politeness.

Lady Catherine seemed resigned. "Mrs. Collins, you must send a servant with them. You know I always speak my mind, and I cannot bear the idea of two young women travelling post by themselves. It is highly improper. You must contrive to send somebody. I have the greatest dislike in the world to that sort of thing. Young women should always be properly guarded and attended, according to their situation in life. When my niece Georgiana went to Ramsgate last summer, I made a point of her having two men-servants go with her. Miss Darcy, the daughter of Mr. Darcy, of Pemberley, and Lady Anne, could not have appeared with propriety in a different manner. I am excessively attentive to all those things. You must send John with the young ladies, Mrs. Collins. I am glad it occurred to me to mention it; for it would really be discreditable to you to let them go alone."

  1. It is certainly a wonder that the Lady resigned without being angry.
  2. "Lady Catherine seemed resigned".
    Resignation is given to mildness of temper, cultural quickness, understanding sympathy.
    Lady Catherine possessed none of these things, resigned or seemed resigned.
    Her resignation resurfaces as manservant. It is irrepressible.
    Strong tempers and strong wills are never suppressed except by authority.
    The authority of self-discipline is culture, of which we see none here.
    We see in Mrs. Bennet a strong temper that cannot be suppressed.
    It took a month for her to speak to Elizabeth when she crossed her mother.
    Emotions not able to express in words, if negative, emerge as cough.
    Disagreement a husband is unable to voice turns into sarcasm.
    Genuine fact incapable of being spoken takes the form of a letter.
    An event that defies one's understanding issues as a surprise.
    Frustration makes one cross and changes into initiatives that spoil.
    News received physically moves the body to another and delivers itself.
    Ruse employed with a submissive friend comes to him as violent abuse from a strong character's dislike.
    Disturbed equilibrium drives one to a serious decision that restores it.
    Subtle sarcasm missed at the host's table comes back as a letter of triumph over a tragedy.
    Adoration of a scoundrel turns itself into the removal of a good Man - Bingley.
    Sarcastic abuse is changed by the atmosphere into a circumstance that compels a polite letter out of impolite emotions - Caroline.
    Refusal to sympathise with the victim of an attempted elopement changes itself into a real elopement.
    The body, better still the being is a field of equilibrium of energies.
    Energies are converted into acts or temperaments by the inner structure of attitudes, motives, and opinions.
    Inspiration energises existing motives.
    Atmosphere can change the character of opinions into their opposites.
    Resignation is the frustration of culture.
    There is no giving without taking.
    What enters the human system emerges out transformed by the inner structure.
    Mind organizes.
    Emotion energises.
    Thought directs the energies.
    Thinking stays their speed and organizes them according to its pattern.
    Cheerfulness has a natural tendency to multiply itself.
    Cheerfulness as a character is a converter of the bad into good ones.
    Pride offends others, invites prejudice.
    Prejudice provokes comments that unearth family skeletons.
    Good will in an average person seeks the balance of ill will.
    Empty-headedness finds its good will doing harm to others and good to oneself.
    Energies released at one point accomplish at another point.
    Good issues evil.
    Evil issues good.
    A provocative thought precipitates itself as a reality - Caroline.
    Unexpressed cultured curiosity crystallizes itself as the content of that thought.
    Simple courtesy extended - fishing - brings a reward of resplendent marriage.
  3. "I cannot bear the idea of two young women traveling post".
    Men who are not generous offer help that is already there.
    Selfish mean alertness defends itself before help may be asked.
    They indelicately point out that the other man must take care of himself.
    Sure, his alertness successfully defends himself.
    Life responds, responds with a vengeance.
    It brings him to a situation hundreds of times where he is out of the pale of human assistance.
    When some generous soul still offers help, he realizes that his own situation will not allow himself to avail of it.
    This can be seen as life's punishment to a mean attitude.
    Without deriving such a satisfaction, one can see deeper forces at work.
    Poverty offers particular attitudes in life.
    Life offers antidotes to poverty without fail, offering the Man a choice.
    A poor father comes along with a not so poor mother of culture.
    The son is always to choose between the attitudes of the parents.
    His choice is the human choice.
    What makes him make that choice?
    From the father he gets a mean attitude, from the mother not so mean an attitude.
    His own education enlightens him.
    Now he can make a positive or negative choice.
    Making a positive choice he makes a progress in consciousness unaccompanied by a similar progress in his substance.
    In life, it is for him to cling to the higher opportunity and fill up the substance.
    It is an onerous endeavour such as keeping pace with a friend in college, remaining outside it. But it is possible.
    In Mother, if he sticks to Mother, She does it on your behalf easily.
    To stick to Mother one need not desert Truth.
    In Wickham we see life has gone out of the way to offer him kindness, support, solicitude, inheritance, high profession, etc. all for a life time.
    He made a choice of progress in Non-Being!
    Even after several acts of betrayal, life, through Darcy, for the sake of Elizabeth who was infatuated with him saved him fully.
    It is ultimately a move of Mr. Bennet identifying with his wife.
    In Wickham the ultimate result is he is to LIVE with Lydia for life.
    With all his faults Wickham is cheerful, apparently expansive.
    Lydia too is cheerful in her own way, expansive in her own fashion.
    As Darcy was given an ever present alertness about Georgiana, now Wickham is to focus all his concentration on Lydia to fully engage her exuberance lest she might choose to activate herself again as before.
    She is not merely cheerful but dynamic and wants constant psychological attention.
    Wickham rising to that occasion will not have energy to indulge in any other dissipation.
    His aspiration in Non-Being will now be fully active engaging Lydia's ever expanding feminine propensities.
    Otherwise he would lose her.
    She cannot be quiet for a moment in any reasonable way.
    He must discover reasonableness in her own deviations.
  4. "It is highly improper".
    A Man evaluates himself from the level at which he can lay down the law.
    He does not see how relevant he is, but the pronouncement is self-satisfying.
    She has been laying down the law by which the weather is ruled.
    Maybe, the Lady discovered herself to be the Absolute.
    Sri Aurobindo had no one to whom He could pray, because He Himself was the Lord.
    In recruitments, Man choosing a wife, in such decisive moments knowledge of human nature from this point of view helps eliminate potential danger.
    Churchill's aunt congratulating him on his entering the Cabinet advised him to run only his department, not the entire Cabinet.
    In 1937 popular Ministries were installed in all Indian provinces. In Madras and Punjab it was the Chief Minister who took all the decisions.
    We see the opposite also of people appealing to erstwhile powers for relief or sanction.
    Mr. Bennet would have escaped a life long tutelage to his wife had he this perception while courting.
    Infatuation drowns this perception when it is there feebly.
    This sensitivity sees the whole in the part, an infinitesimal part.
    Great works of fiction carry this knowledge on every page.
    Bernard Shaw speaks of ‘a page of Shakespeare'.
    This knowledge found as power raises one to world leadership at the age of 20, as it did Alexander and Caesar. Akbar too joined them as early.
    It is the stamp of Individuality.
    The Psychic emerging raises a Man like this.
    Mother saw that in Nehru in 1930 and predicted his leadership.
    Lydia's "Maybe Bingley will choose me" had this ring.
    Again she says "I am the youngest but the tallest".
    Capacity to boorishly interfere in a proceeding is the indirect expression of this attitude.
    Indifference to essentials is the inversion of it.
    Wickham in his first interview with Elizabeth discloses that he has this knowledge that he may be observed from this point of view.
    A poem of Sri Ramalinga Swami was read out to Mother. At the first line She said he was in touch with Supermind.
    She said that by perceiving his consciousness.
    Sensation in us is consciousness.
    People with no mental development can be great actors or literary critics as they directly perceive the character.
    A Man becomes really great in those fields if he overcomes his mental development and regains this faculty of sense Mind.
    A.C. Bradley wrote like this.
    Exercise of authority extends to all levels.
    One's personality is decided by the level at which it ceases.
    Petty people carry it down to the lowest possible levels.
    Beyond that there are those who when they physically touch an object feel it is theirs.
    They are physical.
    No such person can be vested with any authority of any description.
    To be pushy is to be different from being physically possessive.
    In the measure an organization allows its employees to be free in this regard, it becomes a great organization.
    The Hindu religion has extended the Freedom of the Absolute to the last member to choose as he likes.
    Hence the tolerance.
    The greater the tolerance, the greater its power of survival.
    Royal families who are capable of this freedom to its last member last longer.
    The formation of an Individual - its level - is decided by this.
  5. "When Georgiana went to Ramsgate".
    It would have never struck Edmond that he was sent to jail by Mercedes.
    Any Indian will have that as the first thought.
    Lady Catherine speaks of the interest she took in Georgiana, and we know what happened there.
    Surely that result issued out of this interest of hers.
    Her design on Darcy is an ill will - to marry Anne.
    Out of the interest of the lady of such will, nothing good can come.
    We now see how it was overcome in time.
    Anne's marriage was in her Mind; there was no endorsement of it in Darcy's Mind.
    Marrying Anne was evil to Darcy which she wished to foist on him.
    Darcy was able to save the sister because his aunt's evil had no sanction in his Mind.
    The betrayal of Mrs. Young was possible as there was ‘ill-will' inside the house.
    Wickham was able to contemplate it because 1) £ 1000 in the will 2) £ 3000 in lieu of the living 3) clearing of his debts in Lambton, 4) his miniature in Pemberley, 5) Presence of treacherous Mrs. Young, 6) Lady Catherine's desire for his marriage, 7) Darcy's temperament was in alliance with Lady Catherine's temperament.
    Every act of everyone, even thought, will have an effect on work. No exceptions can ever be made.
    To locate the partial influence of anyone on any act positive or negative is always easily possible, after the event.
    To know how that act balances with the other acts is impossible to know even after the act.
    To know it before to fully protect oneself is possible only for senses, if one has it. Mind cannot as readily know it before the act.
    To know all the acts, their relations to our action before a work to create an opportunity out of it, is to know it integrally.
    One can, of course, create that opportunity by consecration, not so easily explain it theoretically.
    Result is physical, explanation is mental.
    We see such opportunities.
    Opportunities are created by the attitudes of people.
    They are created by external circumstances.
    At Pemberley when Darcy met Elizabeth, such an opportunity was created.
    It was created by the combination of all their attitudes.
    Darcy and Bingley coming to Netherfield was an opportunity created by circumstances.
    A single person creating such an opportunity consciously is not in the story, if we do not include Darcy's finding Lydia in that list.
    It was done as a good act.
    He was not sure what outcome would be there.
    He did not even want to benefit by such a result.
    The question of conscious knowledge of such an opportunity is out of the question.
    Mother created such a one by sending that being to Hitler.
    It was an opportunity to destroy himself.
    Today there is such an occasion to form a World government.
    Conscious initiative in that direction will create that opportunity.
    In fact, it is a non-initiative as it is not human initiative.
    Establishment of a world government can thus be achieved as the political atmosphere is waiting for such a human initiative.
    Human initiative taken on inner promptings is not initiative.
    It is an obedience of the higher inner command.
    The nearest example in the story is Darcy's finding Lydia.
    Anyone who imbibes this knowledge fully can wait on the inner command for any work, no matter how small it is.
    The rule is the same for the world government or for buying a book.

"My uncle is to send a servant for us."

  1. Again the Lady's offer to send a servant was refused. The Lady is anxious to establish her superiority.
  2. "My uncle is to send a servant".
    Lady Catherine's solicitude again became superfluous.
    In the context of Elizabeth, Lady Catherine has no role to play. Here she is a superfluous personality.
    Her manners are the authority of superfluity.
    Man and woman are indispensable to each other, not marriage.
    It was a period where marriage carried the entire authority of the society.
    The goal of human romance will remain till Man continues to be human. Already the institution of marriage has given way.
    Marriage had authority when society is the ultimate conception.
    Romance will have that status when the authority vests with psychology.
    Psychological authority having Romance as a goal is the climate in which the Individual will be born.
    The Individuality we see in Europe is of the Mind.
    Here the principle of Individuality - mental individuality - is conceded and even established, but its social psychological benefit is only to the aristocracy.
    As it was confined to one class and no principle can come of age if it is not extended to the entire society, mental individuality remained an attractive goal in Europe and failed to produce in any measure.
    There is no original thinker in Europe whose vision is comprehensive.
    In human evolution it is a far distant goal that precedes the Spiritual Individual.
    America produced that Individuality in production. Hence her prosperity.
    Her prosperity rules the world today.
    Economic prosperity is no goal of humanity; maybe economic self-sufficiency as self-sufficiency in food production.
    Again no original scientist or original contribution to scientific thought, such as Darwin, has been produced by America.
    That remains a prerogative of Europe.
    America claims every first in Technology.
    Practical organization is their forte.
    Before the Mental Individual is born the vital Individual has to appear.
    European Science was born in the Reformation and the Renaissance.
    The Vital Individual is one who will create the world government.
    The American Individual has offered all the worship production needs and deserves.
    The next logical step is global trade but the kernel of vitality does not lie in trade or its consequent wealth. It is there in the government.
    The Mental Individual will offer the world Ideas that are evolutionary.
    Revolutionary ideas are within national boundaries.
    It is an evolution of Man to the next species.
    The Vital Individual will offer the world Ideas for World government, which is a social goal.
    He will be able to solve all the political, military, economic problems that are besetting the world now.
    His knowledge can be theoretical but it must be practicable.
    Whether he will be an Individual in the beginning or an organization is to be seen.
    Maybe it is an Organisation of like-minded global organizations.

"Oh! -- Your uncle! -- He keeps a man-servant, does he? I am very glad you have somebody who thinks of those things. Where shall you change horses? -- Oh! Bromley of course. If you mention my name at the Bell, you will be attended to."

  1. "If you mention my name at Bell, you will be attended to".
    The Lady persists. Now from the servant, she has come to her name.
    Man has before him the virginally creative moment He speaks of.
    We see between the Lady and our heroine the persisting virgin Moment.
    The Lady chooses one course; the other course pursues Elizabeth.
    I wonder whether there was any time when God denied that opportunity to Man.
    Man has always been in the Presence of God.
    God awaits in divine Patience for Man to choose Him.
    In 2009 it must be much more so.
    God brings Man to his place on the excuse of one or many errands.
    Man may visit Him or His place physically, still God waits.
    Man relies on his course, on his own resources.
    He drinks, as the horse led to water, when he lets God overtake him.
    It is the Moment which changes from my will to Thy will.
    The great moment of evolution is that Moment when God who has forgotten wakes up from his forgetting.
    It is the awakening, the hour before Gods awake.
    Mother has invited people to become the Divine, not merely worship the divine.
    Sri Aurobindo indicates those moments by capitalisation in his writing.
    Man is the determinant.
    Man is to determine himself as god.
    His god evolves into God.
    In the first chapter He speaks of the ever-present human aspiration.
    At every chapter He refers to it as the possibility of Divine Life.
    He speaks of it as the final refusal of the Brahmin.
    It resurfaced as non-violence of Gandhiji.
    FDR who entered the path retraced it.
    The enormous unplanned production of USA crashed on a market that was unable to expand.
    When FDR shrank back, the economic forces transformed themselves as military energies to absorb the production.
    After the war, it continued as development.
    Britain loved her Royalty, missed the World government.
    The crash again came with characteristic significance in housing.
    The door to the creation of the World government is the solution of the financial crisis.
    Man has to choose Thy will.
    In the last chapter He humorously touches upon the taste of ignorance.
    There He speaks of the inevitability of transformation.
    Knowing oneself as Supermind, universal, integral, complete, whole is possible only through surrender.
    He, who has surrendered His exalted status to become the universe, can regain it only through surrender.
    The Gita which pronounced surrender took the path of moksha.
    It was a surrender of Jivatma to Paramatma, not His surrender to His process.
    He worked for it for aeons and in response came the Hour of God.
    He came to us to announce its arrival.
    She came to realize it.
    The universal Mother in 1946 came to consummate Mother's work.
    The virgin Moment is always there before us.
    My will becoming Thy will avails of the Hour of God.

Lady Catherine had many other questions to ask respecting their journey, and as she did not answer them all herself, attention was necessary, which Elizabeth believed to be lucky for her; or, with a mind so occupied, she might have forgotten where she was. Reflection must be reserved for solitary hours; whenever she was alone, she gave way to it as the greatest relief; and not a day went by without a solitary walk, in which she might indulge in all the delight of unpleasant recollections.

  1. Small minds take great interest in every detail. Great minds do not ever neglect it.
  2. Unpleasant recollections are the result of imperfect understanding.
  3. "She might have forgotten where she was. Recollection must be reserved for solitary hours".
    Elizabeth is brave, self-aware, more collected than any one could be in her situation.
    That she might have forgotten where she was, is clearly a symptom of subconscious ecstasy.
    She felt gratitude after the proposal, a sensation of the psychic.
    She moved to the Mind after reading the letter; so what she felt was gratitude of the mental psychic.
    The emotions were not unmixed.
    It went with ‘out of spirits' and an amusement at Lady Catherine's possible response.
    This amusement would have created at least in her subconscious a terror.
    Recollection is generally possible only when it is pleasurable.
    At such a psychological stage, she is able to refuse the Lady's invitation to London and her own situation finds the other offers of the Lady's help superfluous.
    The substance readily reveals the natural strength. Elizabeth finds herself strong enough.
    That strength mainly comes from the freedom in which she has grown.
    The comfort and social respect in which she grew up adds to her inner strength.
    The inner strength is indicative of many things of which the security arising out of future hope is one.
    The proposal, refused downright, is alive deep down and she has hopes of fulfillment.
    Lady Arabella on hearing Mary's inheritance fainted and woke up with ‘dear Mary' on her lips.
    All self-consciousness about being a De Coursey Lady deserted her at that moment.
    It was a real sense in her nerves giving social strength.
    Mercedes, had she deserved Edmond's love, would have fainted on hearing his voice.
    It was she who sent him to jail. It was clearly a subconscious betrayal.
    He loved an undeserving girl whose rasi was a direct negation of his.
    Even at that stage she was a complement to him, as we find his own love for her enabled him to successfully revenge on his enemies.
    Love in Edmond was ‘transformed' into hatred of revenge.
    It was progress in the reverse.
    Maybe her own ambition was more for status than for love.
    She was an orphan. Naturally she would have craved for security.
    What begins as need for security matures as satisfaction in status and wealth.
    His was fiery love, of the purest kind.
    His father was alive, not the mother.
    A son's affection is not so much consummated by the father's love as the mother's.
    Abuse by girls is liked by Men is because it indicates a relationship.
    It is not in spite of the abuse but because of the abuse that Man loves the woman.
    Abuse is a strong psychological affinity, stronger than can be given by affection.
    Mean characters love those who ill-treat them and vulgarly abuse.
    Their insensitivity recognizes the stronger touch, in spite of its negativity, but remains unreached by good sensible behaviour.
    A false, slippery, deceitful character is at once sensed.
    There is the realization that to win such a character one needs great skill.
    The generation of greater skill in oneself by a false character is attractive.
    Culture is repelled by deceit.
    Lack of culture is attracted by deceit.
    A pretty face is not the determinant in love affairs.
    An attractive handsome face is almost a superstition in love affairs.
    A handsome face does attract. Fortune is more attractive, but falsehood is far more attractive.
    The determinant in attraction is the capacity to play the complement.
    Power is a greater determinant than knowledge.
    Evolutionary need is the ultimate determinant. As soon as it is fulfilled, which is often very quick, the attraction ceases.
  4. "Not a day passed without her indulging in all the delight of unpleasant recollection". (P. 189)
    She who is unable to share her thoughts with anyone else is a fit material to become an Individual.
    Delight is what is offered to her, unpleasantness is of the receptacle.
    The delight of it is compelling as well as intense.
    She took some days to allow it to settle down safely.
    Her indulging in her delight of unpleasant recollections is how one enjoys his experience.
    It is true Man enjoys all his experience thus.
    He willingly goes back to pleasant delight.
    The overall experience for her is delight - a sacred fact of human life.
    Man delights in what he wants whether it is good or bad.
    That is the basis of evil turning into Good.
    Man wanting something dissolves it in his consciousness.
    Man seeing evil not as evil but as God's good and wants it for that reason evil turns into good.
    This is a process by which the divine nature becomes possible for human nature.
    The soul of Nature emerges when Man wants from Nature its soul.
    Man is God who is his own determinant.
    His realizing that is his awakening.
    Elizabeth received unpalatable skeletons from the letter, bitter pills but her view -- a mental view -- is able to delight in it.
    Mind has that capacity to delight in what is despicable to the vital.
    The spirit sees the vital, mental truth as purity itself.
    This is so because the spirit identifies with what is presented while the Mind understands.
    The vital reacts from its own position and that is its only possible response.
    The Supermind sees the complement the evil is and happily embraces it making the evil good.
    The solitary walks are her tapas.
    She seeks the recollections that are unpleasant for their inherent delight.
    Only a genius in the writer can see the delight of unpleasantness.
    It is the deepest truth of life.
    Retiring into his library he only in his depths dwells on the touch of sweetness of his wife's personality on his.
    There is communion at that level.
    The great events in a short period of some months can only be achieved by something good, sweet and endurable.
    In him it is seen when the results come.
    In his wife the results turn into speechlessness in the beginning.
    Perhaps the sweetness of vulgarity loses its speech.
    The relief in him at Bingley's proposal is true and vast.
    Even with that great satisfaction he waited for Bingley to go to congratulate Jane.
    It is patience of aristocratic culture, not easily acquired.
    That patience gave way when his pet retired into Pemberley where he arrived at all unexpected moments.
    His relationship with this child is not social to honour social courtesies.
    Elizabeth's response to Wickham was one of excited tension.
    Her response to Darcy's letter was near self-forgetfulness.
    When people meet in love they are overcome by sleep, says Mother.
    Sleep in love is meditation in Spirit.

Mr. Darcy's letter she was in a fair way of soon knowing by heart. She studied every sentence; and her feelings towards its writer were at times widely different. When she remembered the style of his address, she was still full of indignation; but when she considered how unjustly she had condemned and upbraided him, her anger was turned against herself; and his disappointed feelings became the object of compassion. His attachment excited gratitude, his general character respect; but she could not approve him; nor could she for a moment repent her refusal, or feel the slightest inclination ever to see him again. In her own past behaviour there was a constant source of vexation and regret; and in the unhappy defects of her family, a subject of yet heavier chagrin. They were hopeless of remedy. Her father, contented with laughing at them, would never exert himself to restrain the wild giddiness of his youngest daughters; and her mother, with manners so far from right herself, was entirely insensible of the evil. Elizabeth had frequently united with Jane in an endeavour to check the imprudence of Catherine and Lydia; but while they were supported by their mother's indulgence, what chance could there be of improvement? Catherine, weak-spirited, irritable, and completely under Lydia's guidance, had been always affronted by their advice; and Lydia, self-willed and careless, would scarcely give them a hearing. They were ignorant, idle, and vain. While there was an officer in Meryton, they would flirt with him; and while Meryton was within a walk of Longbourn, they would be going there for ever.

  1. It is his letter that first forged a relationship with her.
  2. It requires such a powerful abuse to open her mind to social realities. Had she tried to marry an army officer, so that he would remain in her own sphere, no opening would be necessary.
  3. For her to rise to Pemberley, a hard opening is necessary.
  4. She has come to cherish an abusive string of arbitrary words.
  5. Elizabeth studied the emotions inversely expressed by crude facts.
  6. She studied the letter now to see how well Darcy loved her, wherefrom the love originated, what in her evoked the love.
  7. Indignation is the heat required to open the closed seals of blindness.
  8. Surely it is welcome, but if her anger had disappeared, in its place there was a chance of love being born.
  9. She felt sorry for his disappointment.
  10. This is a distant, faint, inner readiness to accept him, not love.
  11. His attachment excited gratitude.
  12. Gratitude is an expansive inner emotion of joy.
  13. His general character evoked respect.
  14. She has a respect for him knowing his respect for her.
  15. It is mutual.
  16. Respect has its glory when it is all from one side.
  17. She could not approve of him.
  18. We approve of manners, which he is devoid of.
  19. She did not repent her refusal.
  20. There was absolutely no ground or scope fro her to reach him.
  21. She had no slight inclination to see him.
  22. That sentiment already made her miss him.
  23. His memory reminds her of her inferior status.
  24. Till that moment, there was no basis in her past behaviour of her seeking him.
  25. It was all from his side. He wanted to dance, he took initiative to meet her more than once.
  26. None of them contain any positive energy to overcome the negative contacts.
  27. ‘Vexation, regret, chagrin' cannot seek his company.
  28. Hopeless of remedy' - She has no end from which a beginning can be made.
  29. ‘Wild giddiness of sisters' - Shame arising as sensation organises as the emotion of shyness.
  30. Mrs. Bennet is that evil. How can she be self-conscious?
  31. Elizabeth could not see it till she read the letter.
  32. Elizabeth cannot restrain Lydia as long as she has the same vibration deep down.
  33. Her mother's indulgence of Lydia is seen in her adoration of Wickham. To expect a girl or boy of 20 to resist that charm is meaningless.
  34. Grace came as Darcy, ripped open her mind, let luck into it. Any other girl would either readily shift to Darcy or would be pining for Wickham.
  35. No wonder Jane Austen did not marry.
  36. Had Lydia not been out, she would have been less intolerable.
  37. Mrs. Bennet does not miss a single social opportunity to enjoy, even if she has to oppose it.
  38. As she is enjoying life as it presents to her, the question of hearing does not arise. Hearing means the first step to thinking.
  39. Most of the population then was so. They submit to the society and grow into social culture. Mrs. Bennet does not submit to anything. In her life she met with an extraordinary success. Her alternatives were to raise her to that level of culture or enjoy that potential at her own level.
  40. Mr. Bennet with his education and wealth was totally blind to her stupidity. It was impossible for him not to know of her folly. She was married for her beauty. What works is her energy. Not that she could not be controlled. Of course, she could not be improved. He never tried to control her. All her unseemly assertions were needed for him to understand his decision on his marriage. It came to him in the elopement.
  41. Any foolish girl like Lydia, left to herself, will act only like her.
  42. By memorising Darcy's letter Elizabeth let Darcy into her in the form of words, crude words he alone would write. Now it is not the crudeness that lingers in her, but the Man who wrote the words
  43. His feelings became the object of compassion as it was roused without her own participation, rather by her rejection
  44. His attachment excited gratitude. Gratitude is in response to grace which acts on its own. As he acted on his own, gratitude rises in her
  45. His character evoked respect. His willingness to reply her, write at length, are aspects of high character. He was free to spurn her
  46. She was not regretting her refusal, as she was not mercenary
  47. She had no inclination to see him again. The bitterness of the confrontation did not seek a revival. Meeting him would remind her of the lowness of her family. Her mother was insensible of the evil. Elizabeth is insensible of her being the daughter of a wild boar
  48. Mr. Darcy's letter, she was in a fair way of knowing by heart".
    All knowledge is knowledge of identity.
    Knowledge comes by interest.
    Interest identifies.
    Greater the interest, the greater the identity.
    Mind's identity is to know the letter by heart.
    When a woman sees the fine make up of another woman, she knows all the details in a trice, as her interest there is fullest.
    Elizabeth's interest in Darcy is so complete that she knew it by heart.
    In spite of this fact, she sets no store by his proposal.
    Man is not able to know of the presence of a thing in spite of its value for him unless when it is presented to him in his own terms of cultural sensitivity.
    Mind is not only divisive, but selective.
    England could forget Shakespeare for two centuries having produced him.
    Having said ‘All is Brahman' the rishis shunned life, seeking moksha.
    India is being bestirred by the emerging Individuality but is not aware of it.
    The achievements of the Individuality are mistaken as ones of selfishness.
    The achievements of Grace are taken as the achievements of ego.
    The body of vast student population learns in spite of the stifling educational system.
    We understand that the system teaches well.
    The country develops in spite of corruption.
    The politician understands corruption develops the society.
    It is a prime fact of human nature that she who knew the letter so well truly expected nothing out of his proposal.
    When something needs freedom from our mental interference, Man is capable of forgetting it fully under some excuse, even if it is so important to Elizabeth as Darcy's proposal.
    She never expected this proposal to be renewed after Hunsford.
    Even after Lambton she did so.
    Even after Bingley's proposal she did so.
    It is god's way of preserving a possibility from Man's expectation.
    Society can do it, life does it, even one's ignorance does it.
    To achieve by expectation is a phenomenon of the physical plane.
    To achieve by non-expectation belongs to all the planes.
    Even achievement by expectation belongs to all the planes.
    Whether expectation achieves or destroys depends upon Man's relationship to the project.
    When the project is bigger than he is, expectation helps.
    It is also true that what can be accomplished by forgetting can also be accomplished by expectation.
    Life follows these rules with any Man according to his level of consciousness.
    One whose consciousness is developed can accomplish things far below his level either by expectation or by forgetting.
    Society is psychologically mature when what can be accomplished by forgetting can be accomplished by expectation.
    Man is the determinant.
    He can raise his present consciousness to any level he chooses.
    Integral yoga dispenses with asana, japa, pranayama thus.
    Integral yoga accomplishes more by resorting to surrender.
    The higher includes the lower.
    What Chandrasekar and Morarji accomplished by life long aspiration and expectation, Rajiv achieved by rejecting.
  49. "She studied every sentence. Her feelings towards the writer were widely different".
    Studying is to read so as to fully absorb the idea.
    Facts are directly easily received.
    Thoughts require patient reception.
    Facts, devoid of sense impressions, combine to create thoughts.
    They combine at random producing the inspiration of the idiot.
    It is ego that intelligently coordinates them to produce an egoistically valid thought as the sun goes round the earth.
    Shorn of the intrusion of ego, it becomes a thought of pure reason.
    Complying with the requirements of logic and reason, it yields a pure thought.
    Elizabeth, in two hours, produced such a finding.
    Any religious leader, politician, social scientist or physical scientist or a thinker who is capable of this today can congratulate himself.
    It is a useful research to study the important books of a year or ten years to select some that qualify according to this criterion.
    If one does not meet with any, there is no surprise.
    Reason gives us a clear well defined thought.
    Still, it will be found incapable of handling emotions.
    Elizabeth's excellent reason left her with a residue of infatuation.
    Habit lies deeper still.
    Mind has thought and will.
    Will is the mental force which can act without reference to its own thought.
    The will can enlighten itself with the knowledge of the thought.
    In that measure it can handle emotions successfully.
    Fully integrated it becomes the Real-Idea capable of handling the habit.
    Thought or will becoming Real-Idea is transformation.
    Darcy achieved it with respect to Elizabeth.
    On receiving the letter, she wanted to put it away.
    After the first prejudiced perusal, she did put it away, saying it was all false.
    He who studies every sentence will initially respond, if he does so from his emotions, to declare he will not touch it.
    Total, prejudiced, refusal is total endearing appreciation.
    As the thought yields, emotions change.
    Her experience and Jane's are entirely at variance.
    Jane's entered into a period of disappointment and then was restored.
    Jane and Bingley are not the best of human material.
    Elizabeth was never aware of Darcy's love except ‘tolerable'.
    It entered into a violent upheaval, subsided into sympathetic appreciation, rose to a violent earthquake, disappeared from the field and came back to life as a wonder.
    In all this period she had no expectation.
    Absence of expectation achieves.
    Absence of expectation is made possible by life among the social realities for a far higher purpose.
    Partly, but essentially the infatuation for the rogue made this absence possible.
    Life achieves its aims through human temperament.
  50. "When she remembered the style of address, she was full of indignation".
    High accomplishment can go with higher defects.
    A perfect idealist in one exalted area of his career is capable of a perfect irregularity in another ordinary aspect of his life.
    One who has originally organized the economic aspects of life, had a very clumsy household.
    Presiding deities of superpowers exhibit petty meanness to their predecessors.
    The preeminent exponent of logic and reason does irrational things in his life.
    One can reach moksha without shedding ego.
    Without overcoming anger one becomes a Brahmarishi.
    Brahmic consciousness is reached without shedding several human foibles.
    One who can send a young disciple to defeat and physically bring a king to his feet has no capacity to earn milk for his child.
    Mr. Bennet can send a daughter to Pemberley but not have domestic peace.
    Elizabeth moves to Mind from an infatuated vital, but anger is irresistible to her.
    Progress within a plane does not insist on shedding the defects of the plane.
    Crossing the plane imperatively requires perfection in the existing plane.
    Danglers, Fernand, Mercedes made maximum possible progress based on capacities, not values.
    Dr. Thorne and Mary rose to the highest planes of society based on pure values.
    After she analysed the letter so fully, it is possible for her not to have any anger against Darcy.
    His outrage is recent and it is right her vehemence survives.
    From the beginning he came to a frame of Mind that can admit no anger against her.
    Love made him so.
    She is rational towards him. Rationality has no such capacity.
    His style of address can provoke anyone.
    He did not ask for a reply nor expect one.
    Her forgetting his proposal and his not expecting the answer go with each other.
    One helps the other be possible.
    Both help the consummation of the work.
    Hers is forgetfulness. His is non-expectation.
    Her expecting no consequent development to his proposal enables him to have non-expectation of an answer.
    These are negative complements that help a positive work.
    Collins' incessant talk and Charlotte's non-interrupting listening helped consummate their marriage.
    Mrs. Bennet's provocative teasing of Lady Lucas and her non-reacting acquiescence made Charlotte's wedding possible.
    There are several ways life accomplishes utilizing the existing powers.
    As ego is the coordinating intelligence to become reason life coordinates forces complementarily to complete a work.
    Creation of structures in the parts of human beings employs several strategies - complements, coordination, division, aggregation, involution, evolution, harmony, reconciliation, holding back all but one, conception, limitation, absorption.
  51. "When she considered how unjustly she had condemned and upbraided him, her anger turned against herself."
    Anger, like all other human deficiencies, can never be justified.
    Anger justifies itself if directed against the rightful object.
    Directing anger against the rightful object is moving from the vital to the mental.
    Anger moving from one to another can be shifting the prejudice.
    Anger is ability to achieve.
    She became anger when she first read the letter.
    One becomes anger when the mental element totally disappears.
    Mind comes into play not because it is there, but because we choose to exercise it.
    There is soul in everyone but we usually exercise the vital or the mental and ignore the soul.
    Facts make her rational.
    Shame is a sensation that is born with the birth of a higher faculty.
    Progress or social upward movement is to develop shame for what one is.
    In that sense self-respect is an attitude of progress.
    It is the greatest of resourcefulness of Man when he who is devoid of any potential for self-respect creates a movement successfully for self-respect.
    This is an endowment of ego to thwart any change by itself offering to achieve it.
    Mr. Bennet's family is a conflict between shameless energy and cultured freedom.
    Shameless energy organized around self is dynamic selfishness.
    Dynamic selfishness can only destroy and never achieve a little bit in the context of culture or freedom.
    What Elizabeth passed through is self-realisation through self-awareness.
    At any moment Man can realize his Self.
    His Self is the transcendent Self which becomes soul in the cosmos.
    Sri Aurobindo's description of the Self is it is without the sinews of energy, flaws of duality and scars of division.
    Self is the Brahman in the universe.
    The Absolute takes appropriate forms in the universe and all the planes below.
    The Absolute becomes the central being, Manomaya Purusha, Pranamaya Purusha, Annamaya Purusha in Man and his Mind, life and body.
    Elizabeth practices self-affirmation of the rational intellect over vital emotion.
    Sri Aurobindo speaks of reversal at every stage of evolution and involution.
    Here is one.
    Normal human response to kindness or kind goodness is refusal, often refusal through anger.
    To fully justify Man the goodness rarely comes without a touch of ego.
    It is impossible for ego to let any characteristic act without itself claiming all the psychological result.
    But Man acts through the spirit of contradiction negativism, ingratitude.
    Sri Aurobindo speaks of the bottomless ingratitude of earth.
    He asked from the highest the greatest boon of Supermind's descent, not for the world, but for humanity.
    Humanity may cover only the consciousness excluding its substance which is earth.
    Earth is the Inconscient.
    The Inconscient is the Superconscient in the reverse.
    The Inconscient evolving becomes the subconscient.
    The mud evolving becomes the human body.
    Man alone can unite the subconscient with the Superconscient.
    The animal is satisfied with a modicum.
    The gods are lost in their splendour.
    The Psychic is in Man only. It is the evolving soul. Without it even the gods cannot participate in the evolution.
    The gods must take birth as human beings if they want to reach the Absolute or evolve.
    Tradition calls it a misfortune, karma, while it is evolutionary progress.
  52. "His disappointed feelings become an object of compassion".
    Man values those who value him.
    Attention is the most powerful principle in management.
    Attention matures into affection, the most powerful principle in psychology.
    Particularly in education, attention and affection acquire a high role.
    Pay attention to the child, his education will have the best results.
    Any subject to which he can cultivate affection will make him original.
    All this belongs to the lower hemisphere as they are all based on selfish gain.
    The higher method is based on selflessness or self-giving.
    The lower method is by ascent, the higher method is by descent.
    Darcy's love for her created gratitude in her.
    His disappointment generated compassion in her.
    This is the world in which everything is there. It is infinite.
    All that Man has to do is to ask.
    Presently what he gets is what he is asking for - Taste of ignorance.
    The human choice is for ignorance.
    Mother offers a human choice to become God.
    We see Elizabeth vacillating.
    Darcy never vacillates, after the initial ‘tolerable'.
    Vacillation is the process Mind chooses for growth.
    There is vacillation as Mind has to decide on its various choices.
    Intuition takes one look, takes one step and makes a permanent progress.
    Understanding has before it innumerable alternatives.
    Intuition is of the whole.
    Understanding is of the part, the tiniest part.
    Real-Idea is the whole.
    Idea is a part.
    Thought is a part of the idea.
    Information goes to create a thought.
    Information is data organized for use at some level.
    The age of information validation by statistics begins from here.
    Darcy started negatively, changed to positive appreciation, never changed after that.
    He had the advantage of having no other distraction.
    She was powerfully distracted by Wickham.
    It is this distraction that helped her not develop expectation after his proposal.
    Mr. Bennet after the wedding took refuge in the library and never once hoped to exercise himself beneficially in favour of the family.
    His turning away from the family helped life achieve for him vastly.
    Surely life gave him more than what he could have done for his family.
    This is a ‘method' of unconscious compulsion.
    How can Mr. Bennet consciously give his family this benefit.
    It is by uninterested detachment.
    Detachment achieves more than attachment.
    His detachment that is forced is the complement of her vehement attachment.
    How can Mrs.Bennet offer conscious positive cooperation?
    It is by complete detachment from society which she values most.
    The complete detachment of the father and the mother is to practice doing the duty without any attachment to the fruits thereof, nishkamyakarma.
    Dr. Thorne practised it and the results came to Mary and later to him also.
  53. "His attachment excited gratitude, his general character respect, but she could not approve of him, nor could she for a moment regret her refusal, or feel the slightest inclination ever to see him again".
    In spite of gratitude and respect, she could not approve of him.
    What makes one approve of another, a woman or man?
    As character is behind Manners, there is the Man behind his character.
    When two people meet, manners, words, matters, atmosphere do matter.
    Beyond all this, one's inner being or personality readily reaches the other eliciting approval or the opposite.
    That is the determinant which is justified variously.
    She had not thus approved of him, but had gratitude and respect.
    There was no basic compatibility between the two; she therefore disapproved.
    For the same reason he approved of her in spite of the other aspects.
    It is a point at which human choice is to be exercised by both.
    He consciously exercised his choice in her favour.
    She subconsciously exercised her choice in his favour.
    In the rest of the story what is worked out is the difference between his consciousness and her subconscious.
    We study it in the details of the story.
    A course of choices and arguments are right if confirmed by the final outcome.
    Authors are in dismay or in despair when the outcome is in stark opposition to a certain description. Then they say it is the irony of life or fate.
    To see the logic of life to which there is no irony is our endeavour.
    We find it a pity that after independence the Sikhs should ask to leave India.
    It was quelled. Now in response to an event in another country there is a conflict in Punjab. It baffles the historian.
    Apart from territorial integrity the major question India faced in 1947 was not the Hindu-Muslims difference. Behind that was the caste issue.
    The ten year reservation in the constitution that still survives dealt with the issue of Harijans.
    The issue of caste in general remains alive and today's Indian politics are based on it.
    The civil war in USA was fought to free the slaves is true, but the deeper issue was the union.
    Issues taken piecemeal like the Depression will resurface unless and until the root cause is tackled.
    That Elizabeth was there at Hunsford when Darcy came and again at Pemberley she was there are indicators of life we cannot afford to miss.
    Unable to contain the embarrassment at finding her on his premises he took leave of her in a few minutes only to meet her again at a turning.
    Those are facts that are a pointer in this direction.
    To be able to explain events from subtlety, subconscious, subliminal, inner mind, causal plane, seven ignorances, complements, etc. in such a fashion that the outcome will be justified is our endeavour.
    She feels gratitude, respect, but does not approve of him.
    How is this explained in the light of their later marriage?
    How can such an explanation be justified in terms of events, characters, social obligations, courtesies, temperament?
    Logic of life that is consistently right through all the events of the story is what we are trying to arrive at.
    Our own willingness to transform ourselves in the light of the events and character will enable us to do so.
  54. "They were hopeless of remedy".
    They do defy any remedy, but unconsciously Elizabeth stumbled on the remedy - to correct herself inwardly.
    Elizabeth is unaware of the inner outer correspondence.
    But she had the sincerity to recognize the truth of his criticism which he unsparingly expressed.
    Her sincerity helped her to correct herself and the situation was largely remedied after worsening.
    Any deep-seated malady when disturbed tends to grow even if it is going to be wiped out.
    Absence of knowledge is no bar to solve the problem if the right method is there.
    Whenever sadhaks raised an important question, Sri Aurobindo used to say he must read The Life Divine.
    In the Synthesis He gives the strategies to do yoga.
    He does not dwell on the philosophic knowledge there as He does in The Life Divine.
    He who wants to do yoga can do so reading Synthesis.
    The philosophy is most fully described in The Life Divine.
    Shed ego; find the soul of Nature, human soul is upgraded into divine soul is the summary statement of yoga.
    Like the Vakil's clerk or the nurse it is enough to know what to do.
    A lawyer or doctor who knows the root causes, the various expressions of the disease or case can take and handle them.
    The knowledge given in the Synthesis is not incomplete.
    It is a knowledge given from the point of view of the process.
    Philosophically explained process is comprehensive and powerful.
    To have the right clue in full from the strategies one must have a subtle grasp of physical realities.
    No Election Commissioner can turn into a successful politician just because he knows every nook and corner of election rules.
    Lydia and Kitty do not admit of any remedy from any sense.
    But any problem however irremediable from the world's point of view is remediable from the inner point of view.
    Mr. Bennet's family, Elizabeth's inner change, the change in the family fortunes is a clear illustration of inner outer correspondence.
    She not only sees the problem, but sees how it is energized.
    What can a sister do against the encouragement of a mother.
    Kitty cried that she was not invited to Brighton.
    Surely she was lucky to escape elopement.
    Her absence of dynamism saved her.
    Elopement is for those who are adventurous in the last degree.
    Our approach explains the elopement.
    It must also be able to explain how Kitty escaped it.
    Mrs. Bennet's energy is behind Lydia and wants her to enjoy.
    It is not so with Kitty. She has no sympathy with Kitty.
    Kitty is not the last child!
  55. "Her father would never exert himself to control the wild giddiness of her youngest sisters".
    Retarded children are beyond any social remedy.
    Kitty and Lydia were incapable of mental development, even in the opposite direction of retardation.
    As they are physically formed they are considered eligible social members.
    Retardation is a kind of mental malformation.
    These girls were wild and giddy.
    It is a vital malformation unnoticed by the medical talent.
    Intelligence and wilful ignorance in combination are capable of producing many types, of which one is wild giddy heads.
    It admits of no remedy -- medical, cultural, domestic, or educational.
    These girls were impervious to cultural, educational influences.
    Most probably they would drop out of school in a year or two.
    They can be severely punished and disciplined which might produce a controlled specimen marketable in the marriage market, a female version of Mr. Hurst.
    They would not submit to a governess in the presence of an indulging mother.
    Whether any improvement could have been effected is doubtful.
    Hard cruel discipline will tame their wildness.
    I do not know whether there were such schools for girls.
    Boys were disciplined and tamed and they submitted.
    The two elder sisters were a boon.
    Their kindness was ineffective. Neither of them could be brutal.
    She who needed the discipline was the mother, a wild animal herself.
    That two daughters escaped the baneful influences of the mother is a wonder.
    Fathers in similar situations walking out of the house one day is not unheard of.
    Men who create impossible situations disappear from the family, though it is rare.
    Mr. Bennet disappeared into the library.
    They are brainless girls, but such brains were made dynamic.
    Running away from the family might be normal impulses to such girls.
    It is true Mr. Bennet did not try at all to remedy the bad situation even once. It got worse.
    Mrs. Bennet saw nothing wrong with her situation.
    A temperament like hers would not stop if the external conditions did not stop her.
    Even after a breakdown she was not stopped.
    Maybe she would have submitted to cruel physical punishment.
    She was too many for Mr. Bennet.
    Throughout the story she was left untouched by outer events.
    Her problem was not discipline; she was shameless.
    No conceivable method can be devised to create a sense of shame in her.
    Taking all situations into account, Lydia's running away cleared the atmosphere after a fashion.
    There was no further scope for repetition, now that Kitty had the opportunity of better society.
    Truly it was a situation of human helplessness, one of despair.
    Mother can save a devotee from such a tragedy.
    Here life plays that role of beneficent cruelty.
  56. "Her mother was entirely insensible of the evil".
    What is evil to her is not evil to her mother.
    Her mother is beneath evil.
    She was a mass of flesh well formed without a Mind.
    God is in love with Man; Man is in love with himself.
    Selfishness is infinite.
    God awaits Man to exhaust his selfishness and turn out of selflessness.
    Infinity of selfishness refuses to exhaust itself.
    At any moment it can awake into self-giving.
    It is spiritual awakening.
    Spirit coming into its own defies its laws.
    By defying its own laws the finite becomes the infinite.
    Man becoming God by his choice is the human choice.
    Mrs. Bennet can become god not a woman.
    She is a woman of laces and parties.
    She is not the woman, the mother.
    She could be a wife within the marriage.
    In no other sense could she qualify as a mother or wife or even woman.
    In her own daughters she loves not womanliness.
    She loves the animal in the Man and the Woman.
    She is vulgar, but not malicious or venomous.
    She is a vulgar clod in its brute insensitivity.
    She has a sense of wonder at anything society admires.
    She knows not what to admire till others pronounce on it.
    Not only is Lydia the last child, but she is more like her in her animality.
    She is one who feels the privilege of being a bundle of flesh.
    She is a well fed animal, in robust good health.
    To be entirely insensitive is a great endowment.
    One in Samadhi is physically insensitive.
    Mrs. Bennet is in the Samadhi of animal fullness.
    She brought herself to declare that she would not mind his death if it was not for the entail.
    He was aghast at seeing the evolutionary reality of the bottomless ingratitude of the earth.
    In India where the domination of the male is total, in spite of her total dependence on the Man, the phenomenon of extraordinary release of excessive energy at the death of the Man is known to be universal.
    Man is superfluous to woman biologically. She lives for her children.
    The widow pension releases the woman even from that thralldom.
    A bloom visits her on his death.
    As these are social, economic, psychological realities, there is also the evolutionary reality of Man's need to protect her children growing up.
    The grown up children that earn simultaneously releases her from the economic and evolutionary realities and brings the reality of psychological freedom to the fore.
    She does not have the cultural restraint not to speak it out to him.
    The enormous efforts before the marriage for trapping the Man are so bitter that there is a vengeance in speaking it out to his hearing and understanding.
    Her mother was a great specimen who was a vital physical organism whose social sensibilities were so perfected that they were all to her.
    Her resentment at Elizabeth not being an animal, being cultured was seen at her joy at the thought of marrying Collins, a male animal.
  57. "Lydia self-willed and careless was ignorant, idle, vain".
    She has set at naught the social etiquette of an unmarried daughter not being out.
    The rule with Mrs. Bennet was to do whatever she could.
    She defied the society whose approval she sought in long sleeves.
    At the age of fifteen a girl is of age.
    Around thirteen a girl's body matures into that of a woman.
    Elizabeth called it the trying age.
    The physical will at this point becomes the psychological self-will.
    Ignorance strengthens that will.
    Idleness energises it.
    Vanity gives it a flair.
    Mr. Bennet's social freedom out of incapacity brought the girls into their own.
    She had nothing to care for, under the dictum of her mother girls of young age enjoy.
    I wonder what is the source of that wisdom, if it is not her own physical urges.
    That part of life is the non-social biological existence which Jane Austen knew well, making her a genius.
    He was indolent.
    Working on land, Man grows dull.
    Farming is only for a part of the year, for the rest he has to sit at home where inaction is cultivated into laziness tending towards a cultural relish of it in indolence.
    That is in a nation of work-ethic.
    In India where the Sannyasi who sits unmoving for long was the ideal, one prides on being lazy, as it is the social version of spiritual Samadhi.
    Europeans are proud of being busy.
    For the American a dynamic life is the ideal.
    The Indian loves not to move.
    Man or woman is a complex mixture of several urges and motives essentially differing and at times in conflict.
    Shakespeare rose to greatness as he captured these realities in poetry.
    He knew love is at first sight.
    He called frailty woman.
    The infinity in woman culturing itself into change, he said, knows no diminution with age.
    To see the age defying infinity when it seeks to formulate itself into charm is, of course, genius.
    His genius is uniformly at a high level and never flags.
    Jane Austen wrote humdrum novels after Pride and Prejudice where she exhausted her genius.
    Her genius came of age at the moment of biological maturity.
    No wonder she could not marry.
    All her energies were focused in her Mind, a plane unrelated to marriage.
    She knew of the charm of falsehood.
    She valued herself and knew the cherished security in aristocratic eminence.
    Elizabeth was herself distantly reflected.
    Her family living on £ 600 knew no poverty.
    Perhaps she grew in utter freedom.
  58. "While there is an officer in Meryton, they will flirt with him". Audio
    Man the animal does what he can, if he wants.
    Man the human does what is the best he can.
    There are two ends of will in action.
    The primitive Man and the civilized Man occupy these two ends.
    Human accomplishment is guided by human action whose determinant is the human choice.
    The choice of the Absolute is creation.
    Man can choose as the Absolute chooses.
    It will be the creation of the Absolute at his level.
    That, of course, is the Marvel.
    It is a Marvel which can make Mrs. Bennet into a cultured sophisticated chaste wife.
    Pride and Prejudice is a novel in which the transformation possible after the advent of Sri Aurobindo was forecast in action by Darcy, a little by Elizabeth.
    Our analysis and approach must be able to place each event on a path which will end in the Marvel.
    The distance may be great.
    But the positioning must be right assuming the right direction.
    That requires a complete knowledge of The Life Divine and an equally complete knowledge of our own life.
    Should we succeed, The Life Divine will be fully clear - all its 1452 ideas.
    In the Chapter on The Methods of Vedantic Knowledge He speaks of pure reason devoid of sense impression.
    Shedding the sense impression, He says Reason can become intuition.
    Intuition by self-awareness can know we are the Purusha.
    The Purusha He speaks of is the Manomaya Purusha, the witness Purusha.
    It can be seen by the Mind.
    Beyond is the Supramental Purusha.
    It can be seen only by the Supermind.
    On receiving the letter, she was anxious to read.
    She was infatuated, prejudiced, i.e., all sense impressions.
    The first reading raised her anger.
    She had a Mind, a discriminating Mind.
    It was her pride.
    To apply that Mind or not was her choice, what I call the human choice.
    She applied her Mind and read for a second time.
    She took efforts to remove her infatuation, the false information.
    Very slowly the truth revealed itself.
    It was a slow process, an unwilling process too.
    But surely Reason emerged, saw the truth.
    She found herself vain and despicable.
    Respect arose for him.
    This is a half way process of what is given in the chapter.
    Every one of these 1452 ideas can be explained as this.
    The full process is the intuition in the subconscious joining the intuition in the superconscious.
    Elizabeth stopped as soon as Mind is reached.
    Darcy went down started with the lower intuition and joined it with the higher intuition and saw the Marvel for him.
    What Darcy did is partial, but no one has attempted it to this extent.
    Vedanta and Sri Aurobindo differ here.
    It is not so much a difference as Vedanta is a partial mental effort of Sri Aravindam.
    Man is the conscient.
    The Superconscient is there above in the Overmind, Supermind and above that.
    Man's Mind is darkened by the senses.
    Tapas extinguishes the senses and the Mind can directly see or hear.
    That Mind freed from senses is capable of intuition.
    Through that intuition Man reaches the intuition of the superconscient in the overmind.
    Such a realization gives moksha.
    But it cannot conquer evil as it avoids evil which is in the inconscient.
    The evolved inconscient is the subconscient of which the body is made.
    Sri Aravindam releases the intuition in the subconscient.
    Subconscient is life.
    Life is action.
    Intuition is involved in action.
    Right action releases the intuition in the subconscient.
    Man, the conscient, joins the lower intuition with the higher intuition in the Supermind, thereby making a whole that is integral.
    Evil is overcome as the intuition in it is released.
    Sri Aravindam thus overcomes the evil.
    What Darcy did is not that.
    His evil of pride was not buried in the subconscient - the body - where it would be habit.
    His evil was in the vital.
    In Lady Catherine the evil of pride was buried in the body.
    The evil in the world is buried in the inconscient.
    Darcy recognized his evil and released the intuition in his evil which came out as the good behaviour of a gentleman at Pemberley.
    He did not reach the Superconscient in the higher regions.
    He reached the intuition of the superconscient in his Mind.
    By uniting these two intuitions, he overcame the evil in his pride.
    The spiritual power for his mental superconscient comes from the French Revolution.
    It was Sri Aurobindo's Force that acted in the French Revolution through Napoleon.
    Darcy's conquest is for him and through him for the aristocracy.
    It is not for all mankind or for earth.
    That power lies above in the Supermind.
    It releases the light from the evil from the inconscient.
    That light joining the light of the Supermind conquers evil in the world.
    Reconciliation of dualities universalizes Man, overcoming ego.
    Beyond ego's darkness lies the darkness of Nature where evil lurks.
    That evil can be conquered only by the soul in Nature, the psychic, emerging.
    Its completion is reached when the individual rises to transcendence.
    For that Nature has to be conquered.
    Nature that acts through the three gunas - rajas, tamas, sattva- must be transformed into divine nature.
    Darcy's is the first step but a complete act.
    It benefited Elizabeth and her family.
    All the three marriages were possible because Darcy transformed himself.
    He fulfilled the essential condition for transformation, by refusing to recognize evils as evil, but saw it as good.

Anxiety on Jane's behalf was another prevailing concern; and Mr. Darcy's explanation, by restoring Bingley to all her former good opinion, heightened the sense of what Jane had lost. His affection was proved to have been sincere, and his conduct cleared of all blame, unless any could attach to the implicitness of his confidence in his friend. How grievous then was the thought that, of a situation so desirable in every respect, so replete with advantage, so promising for happiness, Jane had been deprived, by the folly and indecorum of her own family!

  1. The only gain for Elizabeth out of Darcy's proposal is Jane's prospects improved. Audio
  2. That Elizabeth has not thought of Jane's loss in terms of her family's indecorous behaviour reveals her blindness.
  3. Elizabeth realises the truth of Darcy's accusations about her family. She also realises her folly with regard to Wickham. It is this realisation that contributed to the final resolution of the elopement and the marriages
  4. "His affection was proved to be sincere".
    In matters of love one must be able to know the sincerity of affection directly by sensing.
    Jane would not speak of it.
    Elizabeth had to know it by inference from secondary sources.
    Darcy's relenting on Jane helped her move away from the vital.
    Infatuation with Wickham was total, but it was only secondary to Jane.
    The possibility of Jane's marriage was not very powerful or inevitable.
    There was a good possibility because of Bingley's marked interest.
    But he was not his master psychologically.
    Legally he was on his own.
    From her own side the mother and daughters were no real encouragement.
    If anything, it was a positive discouragement.
    More than what they were which a disincentive is, the constant, insistent initiatives Mrs. Bennet took powerfully disturbed the possibility.
    Elizabeth was only aware of the consequences not so much the causes.
    It is not as if Bingley was enamoured of Mr. Bennet for that to prove as an incentive.
    Jane herself would not help Elizabeth's endeavours as she would not acknowledge her regard for him.
    As it is, the only positive force in support of Jane's marriage was Elizabeth's unstinted good will.
    Her good will for Jane created in Darcy good will for her.
    Energies do not always produce effects intended.
    Energies are partial.
    The context is total.
    So energy moving in one direction releases energy in another direction.
    It is interesting to see the equilibrium of forces.
    Darcy's positive interest in Elizabeth had its compensation in the direction of Bingley, removing him from there.
    Her own hand was weak as she was turned to Wickham.
    Looking at the alignment of forces we see little scope for Jane.
    Her good will for Jane was complete.
    Was it possible for her single good will to overcome the combined forces against her?
    The end shows it.
    For her it was good will for Jane; for him it was love for Elizabeth.
    It will be of interest to see how the forces combined at each point to keep the work moving.
    The desire to harm a Man when it is possible is irresistible.
    Darcy, in his superior position, took that step with Bingley.
    As his love for Elizabeth had an earlier history of ‘tolerable', the energy released in that pronouncement must find employment.
    It took the direction of harming Bingley.
    It had an indirect harm to Jane, the sister of one whom Darcy loves.
    He was unable to deliver his love unmixed till he was fully aware how deeply he loved her.
  5. "By the folly and indecorum of her own family". (p. 190)
    The understatement admitted by the language is of no avail in life.
    Life requires the harshest reality described in its cruel nakedness if it has to act.
    Life acts, does not describe.
    For her to act on herself effectively, she must describe it not as folly and indecorum but as the treachery of the uncivilized primitive.
    It is a great thing for her to be self-aware to this extent.
    It is this realization that brought her the results.
    Had she felt the primitivity and cruelty of the situation, love for Darcy would have been generated in her.
    He thanked her for her abuse.
    She never did so.
    As one grows up, he comes to silently approve of the context.
    Those who do so never outgrow the context.
    Those who resent the situation revolt against it and emancipate themselves out of it.
    A young boy so cruelly treated ran away, made great Money, came back to the uncle who had ill treated him and took them under his affectionate protection, only to lose his wealth.
    The desire to win the appreciation of those who destroyed one is so common an emotion.
    Life gave him the freedom while he sought back the cruelty of old days.
    It was not possible for Elizabeth to condemn her family sufficiently as she was that family.
    Self-awareness is the passport to emancipation.
    Family is a structure created by the society.
    It has a personality.
    Children cannot resent the family they grew up in especially when it was one of comfort and respect.
    Those who outgrow the structure of family are those who are ruined by it.
    Only they will revolt, not from inside.
    The Royal families of Europe have not witnessed any inner revolt though it is outmoded and otiose.
    The reverence to the royal houses may extend a little outside.
    This is the true nature of Man.
    The revolt coming from inside was seen in Gorbachev.
    It was a rare historical event.
    As the shortcomings are not seen inside, even the strengths are not fully understood.
    The descent of Supermind was missed by all who worked for it.
    Organisation is a strong preservative.
    It is blind to strengths or weaknesses.
    It survives on securities and comforts.
    Organisation is the best instrument for consciousness to progress.
    Organisation is the greatest drag on the ideal.
    What we call physical, vital, mental are organized structures at that level.
    Their organization released from their clogging severities will prove to be a great instrument of evolution.
    Old organizations preserved by the new leadership, as the Government of India, degenerates into corrupt decay.
    Organization is neutral.
    The human management of it is conservative.
    The essence must be conserved, not the outer dead shell.

When to these recollections was added the developement of Wickham's character, it may be easily believed that the happy spirits which had seldom been depressed before, were now so much affected as to make it almost impossible for her to appear tolerably cheerful.

  1. "Family and Wickham robbed her irresistible cheerfulness".
    Elizabeth was always cheerful, a better foundation of yoga.
    She was able to move to the Mind because of this ever-present cheerfulness.
    She changed her attitude towards Darcy from hatred to appreciation.
    Continuity of thought is expressed by the continuity of arguments.
    Continuity of subconscious thought or subtle thought is expressed by the continuity of attitude.
    'Pure Existent' continues Sat Purusha of the previous chapter; apparently the thought is continued.
    Practically Mind is followed by Supermind.
    Immutable Brahman is followed by the Integral Brahman.
    The student in the academic setup tries to excel what is taught.
    The Spiritual sishya submits totally whoever the guru is so that the exhausted finite will open to the inexhaustible infinite.
    The most glorious moment in the life of the Guru is when the sishya excels him and he liberates the disciple.
    Shankaracharya gladly sent Paul Brunton to Ramana Maharishi.
    Genuine gurus happily sent the sishya to the appropriate guru when he had no further use for the present guru.
    In the awakened Mind, overpowering vital gladly offers the release.
    Spirit awakens thus when the Mind liberates.
    Om is the sound that ends in Silence.
    It is the liberating knowledge.
    An organization where a plane is outgrown helping the outgrowing instrument to move above will be a live organization that does not stifle.
    Happiness comes from success. It is of the lower vital.
    Cheerfulness is of the Psychic.
    The soul expressing itself in Mind or life is the Psychic.
    The soul's expression is not a labour, it is a flowering.
    The emerging Psychic expresses the joy of creation.
    The joy of creation is the evolution of the Spirit.
    There is no room for evil if the Spirit evolves in joy.
    The evolution of Spirit in Mind is the infinite emerging in the finite.
    In the spiritual evolution there is no scope for suffering, pain, evil, death.
    Spiritual involution does not create any of them.
    It is ego and Nature that create them.
    Hence yoga is summarized as shedding the ego and discovering the soul of Nature.
    Wickham can be readily overcome by Mind.
    To overcome Wickham's overpowering vital charm is not given to Man.
    The family cannot be as easily understood by the Mind, as it is in the very body.
    Self-consciousness is not the forte of Man.
    Man survives by unself-consciousness.
    Ego is the experience of self-consciousness in ignorance.
    It is self-experience.
    What Elizabeth did was consecration to the Mind.
    What Darcy did was surrender to the soul in the Mind.
    Yoga is consecration to the Self, the transcendent universal Self in us.

Their engagements at Rosings were as frequent during the last week of her stay as they had been at first. The very last evening was spent there; and her ladyship again inquired minutely into the particulars of their journey, gave them directions as to the best method of packing, and was so urgent on the necessity of placing gowns in the only right way, that Maria thought herself obliged, on her return, to undo all the work of the morning, and pack her trunk afresh.

  1. It is significant she too was not to leave when Darcy left. She is given a week there to restore her emotional equilibrium. Audio
  2. Attention to details in old age especially in others' affairs, is a legacy of their own early life lapses.
  3. "Maria thought herself obliged to undo all the work of the morning and pack her trunk afresh".
    The snob cherishes his relationship with the high.
    Paltry information from the exalted gains in significance because of the source.
    In reverse, the most important idea taken, cherished and meticulously followed will not be remembered from whom it came, if it is not a VIP.
    Again we see the live presence of the upward social movement.
    Can we see Mother's presence and action of Grace at every turn?
    Not the result, but the Presence is the rule for the devotee.
    In the story each approaches each event in that spirit.
    Spirit and Matter are reconciled at the level of cosmic consciousness as well as transcendental consciousness.
    For Man the work and the society are reconciled first at the level of his own material benefit and later at the level of his upward movement.
    The snob is a devotee of Rank.
    By repacking her trunk as Lady Catherine has instructed, Maria feels identified with the consciousness of the Lady.
    Long sleeves give an old woman complete identification with the London fashion of youth and wealth.
    Marriage, apart from being an economic necessity, gives Man as well as woman a total sense of identification with the security of the society.
    It does not matter to Lady Lucas that Mrs. Bennet teases her meanly, but it matters to her that she is in identification with the principal family there.
    For Jane there are two levels of reconciliation as there is for matter.
    First she must get married. It is a reconciliation with the society.
    More important than that is she should not appear to be chasing men.
    That is the higher reconciliation for her with her value.
    The higher includes the lower.
    She subordinates the lower aim to the higher.
    Both are achieved.
    For Mr. Bennet too there are two levels of reconciliation.
    One is domestic peace which claims precedence over domestic bliss.
    At the expense of one, he seeks the other.
    Had he been lucky to seek domestic bliss, that aim would not have clashed with the higher reconciliation.
    It was not given to him.
    The best in the circumstances was accepted at the cost of bliss.
    When both clashed, he chose the higher and insisted on it.
    As the higher includes the lower both were served.
    For Bingley too there were two aims.
    For him the lower aim was marriage.
    The higher aim was Darcy's approval.
    These two can be seen in the light of two reconciliations.
    Man may not know his motives.
    His motives are expressions of the cosmic consciousness expressing through his character.
    The cosmic consciousness can give you what Mind's knowledge cannot give.
    People ask for God to be shown.
    There are various ways in which Mind can answer it.
    But in the cosmic consciousness God is felt.
    God is felt as energy while you feel matter too is energy.

When they parted, Lady Catherine, with great condescension, wished them a good journey, and invited them to come to Hunsford again next year; and Miss De Bourgh exerted herself so far as to curtsey and hold out her hand to both.

  1. Aristocrats are fully conscious of the value of their attention to others.
  2. "Lady Catherine and Lady Anne condescended to take leave of them both".
    Condescension is the descent of social power of status to those below.
    When there is real power and one comes down to give it to those below it is the noblest of acts, on a parallel to the descent of spiritual power.
    Those who condescend without real power forget that because of ascent they have this power now.
    Power is power of production.
    It lies in the hands of those who work.
    One can produce working in the fields and factories because work is organized above.
    The power of organization is the greater of the two.
    The greater power is not a superior power because both are indispensable.
    The indispensable smaller one, examined in the subtle plane, will hold as much power as the greater one.
    In the integral consciousness there is nothing superior.
    No individual is superior.
    No organization is inferior or superior.
    There is no more important or less important nation.
    All are equal in every sense of the word.
    Apparently the infinite is great, the finite is small.
    In reality it is not so, both are equal.
    The finite is only the frontal appearance of the infinite.
    To a consecrated view, the relative significances will reveal.
    It is the attitude of condescension and the full enjoyment of it will be in place with Collins or Sir Lucas.
    Condescension is empty.
    With empty-headed people its power can be felt and enjoyed.
    Elizabeth has a Mind which Lady Catherine has not.
    Here condescension is not in place.
    It can produce results in the reverse.
    Lady Catherine was forced to go to Longbourn and be abused by Elizabeth.
    It is significant that the Lady went to the place of Elizabeth.
    At Longbourn Elizabeth will be stronger.
    The Lady's abuse completed Elizabeth's purpose.
    That is the significance of place.
    Elizabeth was not able to know the value of Darcy at Rosings.
    At Pemberley it was impossible for her not to know of Darcy's value.
    The place has a personality. Where people meet is important.
    Darcy's attitude to Elizabeth is true condescension.
    He has a value to offer.
    He can offer that value only when he is not conscious of it.
    He is able to give his value to her because he is not aware of his own value and is aware of her value.
    There is no taking without giving.
    There is no giving without taking.
    The rule for giving is not to value what you give.
    The rule of taking is you must deserve it and not ask for it.
    To be conscious of giving will end up with the knowledge that there is nothing to give.
    Darcy and Elizabeth are not aware of their own values and are aware of the value of the other.
    Neither asks from the other.
    The rules work flawlessly.
    Both are abundantly enriched.


These are a list of

These are a list of statements (or paraphrases of them) that grabbed my attention when listening to the audio discussion of this chapter. Some are followed by my comments or questions. --Roy Posner

Weakness is automatically attacked by what is strong. We can make a list for individuals, organizations, and, especially, history, where it is readily seen.

There is joy for the individual in the negative attitude of refusal.

Accepting anything, even the smallest from another creates a relationship (conscious or subconscious in their mind) where they can demand much of you.

In a negative atmosphere, a positive initiative will backfire or harm one.

When we insist on formality in social relations, we prevent life from expressing.

Intimacy occurs when formality is broken.

A perfect code of conduct keeps a person at a distance.

Life opening up by breaking formality can be positive, neutral, or negative for one.

An act, a though effects an outcome. So can mere physical visual observation. (Comment: It’s because our sensation and attitudes toward it has power.)

[Comment: We can compare Jane’s mildness to Pollyanna’s. The former is mild and produces long-term effect. The latter is intense and attracts immediate positive response.]

Even when values are betrayed, capacities are rewarded. (E.g. the thief.) Q: What gives capacity this greater immediate power than values? (MSS Answer) Capacity is of the physical. It is what we have already fully acquired. Values is of the mind and spirit, it is what we aspire to attain. Capacity reflects the values we have already fully accepted mentally, endorsed vitally and mastered physically – e.g. the capacity to be punctual in the West, or to make things perfectly, or to organize or to fight courageously. What we call values are capacities still in the making, e.g. generosity, self-giving, taking the other person’s point of view, truthfulness. When these values become physical sensitivities, they too are converted into capacities of extraordinary power.

Human choice is based on physical need, vital interest, mental curiosity, and spiritual possibility.

When a person has risen to Mind, the vital compulsions (of others) fail to carry any weight. (E.g. Eliza and LC’s vital-based pressure.)

Men supply the energy; women the direction in their relationships. Her subconscious influence has more power than his conscious efforts.

Effectively expressing Human Choice overcomes the Laws of Life. Key point of evolution. Can we define what “effectively” means here?

Appa’s statement at 47:31 to 48:19 sounds like God, the Divine speaking through him. It is that poetic and cosmically insightful. Utterly astonishing. It itself can be the basis of a discussion.

When a demand is refused, it turns into a request. It is power meeting power.

The dynamic between Lady C’s demands, insistences and Eliza’s refusals indicate the social transitions occurring. [Can we identify 20 such conversations, in literature, film, history, current events, our past experiences (stories) and indicate the social transition?]

On the surface, we see the unfolding of the story. But there is also the influence of the subconscious movements (such as the subconscious urge of Eliza toward Darcy that compels her to take outer actions). What are several more examples of this in the story or elsewhere?

story | by Dr. Radut