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Audio Downloads of Daily Discussions on Karmayogi's Commentaries on Pride and Prejudice

  1. Volume 3 Chapter 4

    Context in the novel: 
    Colonel Forster immediately traces them on knowing Wickham's intentions from his friends
    He did trace them easily to Clapham
    Topics discussed: 
    Process of Creation, Protection, defending onself, Consecration
    Questions raised: 

    What does spiritual organization mean?

    What is the first step towards becoming spiritually organized?
    When I consecrate, why should I defend myself?
    How can we know we have risen spiritually, and need more protection?
    How can I consecrate simple things like watching a movie, shopping, staying at home?
    Why are we satisfied by our initial consecration?
    What does consecration from the whole being mean?
    How can we know we have consecrated successfully?
    How is the energy of consecration different from the vital energy?
  2. Volume 3 Chapter 4

    Context in the novel: 
    Colonel Forster informs Bennets that Wickham did not intend to marry Lydia
    It was repeated to Colonel Foster who instantly took the alarm
    Topics discussed: 
    Life and Mother, faith, writing, imagination
    Questions raised: 
    Is it possible to accomplish something, inspite of having negative traits, with absolute faith alone?
    Is imagination mixed with an element of expectation?
    Why is excess energy the first symptom of successful yoga?


  3. Volume 3 Chapter 4

    Context in the novel: 
    Colonel Forster got alarmed when he heard about Wickham’s intention
    It was repeated to Colonel Foster who instantly took the alarm
    Topics discussed: 
    Physical, vital, mind, parent child relationship, grace, opening to grace, time, past consecration
    Questions raised: 

    Do individuals learn more quickly than nations and societies?
    Why is war needed to wipe out the physicality of people?

  4. Volume 3 Chapter 4

    Context in the novel: 
    Denny revealed that Wickham did not intend to marry Lydia
    ...the belief that Wickham never intended to go there or marry Lydia
    Topics discussed: 
    Responsibility, family, society, truth and its opposite
    Questions raised: 

    How does a wish become an aspiration? What is the difference between the two?

  5. Volume 3 Chapter 4

    Context in the novel: 
    Denny revealed that Wickham did not intend to marry Lydia
    Something was dropped by Denny expressing his belief
    Topics discussed: 
    Significance of a small event, atmosphere, society
    Questions raised: 

    Does a small event indicate the place where our consciousness needs to be corrected?
    In spite of Elizabeth and Darcy’s personal strengths and weaknesses, can Caroline’s ill will spoil things in a negative atmosphere?
    Can the negative atmosphere be changed by an individual?
    Who or what determines the atmosphere?
    Is the external atmosphere a summation of the individual atmosphere?
    Was it the social atmosphere that prevented Wickham from hurting the family, by way of introducing Darcy?

  6. Volume 3 Chapter 4

    Context in the novel: 
    In her note, Lydia gave Mrs. Forster to understand that she intended to go to Gretna Green
    Though Lydia’s short letter to Mrs. Foster gave them to understand they were going to Gretna Green…
    Topics discussed: 
    Problem, solution, Pride & Prejudice and The Life Divine
    Questions raised: 

    What does it mean to have a physical ego?
    Why is Japan facing problems? What brings on earthquake and tsunami?

  7. Volume 3 Chapter 4

    Context in the novel: 
    In her note, Lydia gave Mrs. Forster to understand that she intended to go to Gretna Green
    Not many hours after, the express... - Though Lydia’s short letter to Mrs. Foster gave them to understand they were going to Gretna Green…
    Topics discussed: 
    Devotees, accomplishment, fulfillment, opportunity, problem, ignorance
    Questions raised: 

    How is fulfillment different from satisfaction?
    What is meant by raising our consciousness? How does raising the consciousness help us consecrate?

  8. Volume 3 Chapter 4

    Context in the novel: 
    Colonel Forster visits Longbourn to express his doubts to Mr. Bennet
    Not many hours after, the express…
    Topics discussed: 
    Dissolving the ego, non being, mind, accomplishment
    Questions raised: 

    What is the spiritual range of mind?
    Is there more to the universe than life?
    What is the process of dissolving the ego?
    Is silence beyond silence the non being?
    Is the non being conscious of itself?
    What is the difference between consecration and surrender?
    Does war remove the physical ego?

  9. Volume 3 Chapter 4

    Context in the novel: 
    Jane informs Elizabeth about Colonel Forster’s visit to Longbourn
    Colonel Forster came yesterday, having left Brighton the day before
    Topics discussed: 
    Catastrophe, thought, falsehood, strength, receiving, gratitude, secondary causes
    Questions raised: 

    Russia did not receive help from the US after World War II, and rose to great political heights. How did it rise without financial aid?
    What is a false personality?
    What is the correct attitude to receive something? How does gratitude reduce the effect of the ego? Elizabeth receives help from Darcy, will she do him harm later?
    Mother gives everything, so should we be grateful to her alone, or to the person who gives or helps us?
    Why do we get problems that others face, when we pray for them?
    Is there a way to avoid the consequences of praying for someone or wanting to solve another's problem?
    Why do we seek another person's help when we can solve our own problems?

  10. Volume 3 Chapter 4

    Context in the novel: 
    Jane informs Elizabeth about Colonel Forster’s visit to Longbourn
    Colonel Forster came yesterday
    Topics discussed: 
    The Life Divine, responsibility, understanding, will, faith, Real Idea
    Questions raised: 

    How are will and faith connected?
    What made England impart enlightenment to India, a spiritual country?
    Did England avoid a revolution because it was connected with India?

  11. Volume 3 Chapter 4

    Context in the novel: 
    It seems that Wickham and Lydia have not gone to Scotland to be married
    there is too much reason to fear they are not gone to Scotland
    Topics discussed: 
    Mind, India, America, Europe, trust, money, organization
    Questions raised: 

    What was the state of India before the advent of the mind?
    Did England develop contact with its own spirit through its contact with India?
    What is the difference between individuality based on mind and individuality based on emotions?

  12. Volume 3 Chapter 4

    Context in the novel: 
    Jane expresses her doubt about Lydia’s marriage with Wickham
    we are now anxious to be assured it has taken place
    Topics discussed: 
    Excitement, anxiety, rationality, correspondence, logic, play of forces, will
    Questions raised: 

    How should we respond to a great good news or when things look very promising?
    What should we do when we are anxious for something to happen?
    Is it because Jane is self absorbed that she is easy to convince?

  13. Volume 3 Chapter 4

    Context in the novel: 
    Jane expresses her doubt about Lydia’s marriage with Wickham
    Imprudent as a marriage between them
    Topics discussed: 
    Culture, society, prosperity, truth, rationality
    Questions raised: 

    What brings Wickham and Lydia together?
    Can Wickham and Lydia be happy?

  14. Volume 3 Chapter 4

    Context in the novel: 
    Jane prepares Elizabeth for bad news
    and it cannot be delayed
    Topics discussed: 
    Order, space, time, problems, progress
    Questions raised: 

    Could Lydia’s elopement have been avoided?
    Do space and time exist only when Satchchidananda manifests?
    Can one generate intensity without a crisis?
    If goodness is lack of truth, where does badness come from?

  15. Volume 3 Chapter 4

    Context in the novel: 
    Jane prepares Elizabeth for bad news
    I have bad news for you, and it cannot be delayed
    Topics discussed: 
    Time, non reaction, source of problems, aspiration, giving up in the middle
    Questions raised: 

    If a problem in a family is created by the head of the family, is a country’s problem created by the head of the country?
    How can we receive a bad news and convert it into a good one? How can we reconcile opposites at the moment we receive a bad news?
    Why do we lower our aspiration when we meet with some failure?
    Should we first accept all that we already are, in order to acquire what we want?

  16. Volume 3 Chapter 4

    Context in the novel: 
    Jane prepares Elizabeth for bad news
    I have bad news for you
    Topics discussed: 
    Responsibility of the head of the family, family ties, saving, security, taking risk
    Questions raised: 

    What should we do when our interests conflict with the interests of our family?
    How can the feeling of attachment to the family be transformed rather than be subordinated?
    How much importance should we give to our physical possessions?
    Should we prepare for any eventuality, for example, save enough money, or leave everything to Mother?
    Can the parent's unfulfilled or subconscious desires or weaknesses cause problems for the children?
    What is a liberated soul, what is it liberated from?

  17. Volume 3 Chapter 4

    Context in the novel: 
    Jane is afraid her letter will not be coherent
    I cannot answer for being coherent
    Topics discussed: 
    Problems, solutions, irresponsibility, truth, self giving, goodness, bliss
    Questions raised: 

    How can we define a problem clearly when we are in the middle of it?
    When we subconsciously aim for the highest, why are we so pessimistic?
    Once we understand a problem clearly, will it never occur again?
    What is the relationship between Self giving and self existing truth? Is self existing truth the knowledge that we are part of the whole?
    What does rain symbolize?

  18. Volume 3 Chapter 4

    Context in the novel: 
    Jane is afraid her letter will not be coherent
    I cannot answer for being coherent
    Topics discussed: 
    Being inactive, contradiction, conscious, unconscious, values, problems, solutions
    Questions raised: 

    How can I be inactive? How does being inactive accomplish?
    Why does Darcy pay Wickham?
    What is the significance behind offerings, with what attitude should one give offerings?
    Is life stable?

  19. Volume 3 Chapter 4

    Context in the novel: 
    Jane is afraid her letter will not be coherent
    I cannot answer for being coherent
    Topics discussed: 
    Satisfaction, aspiration, stability, physical, vital, mental
    Questions raised: 

    What is the opposite of satisfaction?
    Does nature intentionally create satisfaction to slow down the process of evolution?
    Is seeking social approval vital? Why does Jane do it?
    When we try to express our values, can our lower side distort these values?
    Is there a difference between conscious and unconscious inaction? What does it mean to be inactive?
    How can the mind be inactive when the lower powers are not silenced?
    How can we bridge the gap between the mind and vital? How can we let what we learn mentally seep into the vital?

  20. Volume 3 Chapter 4

    Context in the novel: 
    Jane confesses that she is bewildered
    Though not confined for time, my head is bewildered
    Topics discussed: 
    Too much of a positive or negative thing, past, manifestation, egoistic view, receptivity, movements behind events
    Questions raised: 

    How can a negative thing happen to us when we have a blessing packet with us?

by Dr. Radut