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Audio Downloads of Daily Discussions on Karmayogi's Commentaries on Pride and Prejudice

  1. Volume 3 Chapter 4

    Context in the novel: 
    Jane has written two letters to Elizabeth
    Her sister justified by the receipt of two letters
    Topics discussed: 
    Energy, The Life Divine, time
    Questions raised: 

    How does past consecration change the present?
    How does the yogi who is in the witness consciousness deal with time?
    How do plants and animals evolve or change?
    What happens after the superman comes into being?

  2. Volume 3 Chapter 4

    Context in the novel: 
    After waiting for a few days for a letter from Jane, Elizabeth receives two
    But on the third her repining was over - Her sister justified by the receipt of two letters
    Topics discussed: 
    Energy, summary of evolution from The Life Divine , competition, jealousy, eight reversals, understanding life's indications
    Questions raised: 

    What is vital energy, mental energy?
    Why does the inability to compete bring prosperity?
    When someone abuses us, how should we take it?

  3. Volume 3 Chapter 4

    Context in the novel: 
    Elizabeth receives letters from Jane
    But on the third her repining was over
    Topics discussed: 
    Inevitable evolution, summary of evolution from The Life Divine
    Questions raised: 

    Does Wickham complete Darcy?
    Was it that Elizabeth played a role to help Darcy embrace Wickham, or did he have to embrace Wickham because he wanted Elizabeth?

  4. Volume 3 Chapter 4

    Context in the novel: 
    Elizabeth receives letters from Jane
    On their first arrival at Lambton - But on the third her repining was over
    Topics discussed: 
    Freedom, preoccupation, evolution, contradiction, complement, unity, self consciousness, mind, significance of small issues, thought, organization, consciousness, not asking for what one wants, work
    Questions raised: 

    How does Wickham have the power to place obstacles in Darcy and Elizabeth's lives?
    Does Lydia know that Elizabeth is interested in Wickham?
    Is it true that mental knowledge becoming real is easier than life moving matter?
    How does an occultist make objects move?
    What is meant by not asking Mother for what we want?
    Is not asking Mother the same as consecration?

  5. Volume 3 Chapter 4

    Context in the novel: 
    Elizabeth waits for a letter from Jane, with news about home
    in not finding a letter from Jane - On their first arrival at Lambton
    Topics discussed: 
    Ignorance, money, power, knowledge, security, infinity, freedom
    Questions raised: 

    What is meant by reading The Life Divine silently with a view to not understand?
    If the mind cannot comprehend infinity, how can infinity be born in a finite mind?
    What should Darcy do to relate to everyone like he relates to Elizabeth?
    Is cultural dignity more subtle compared to social dignity?
    Does Darcy reverse himself with respect to Bingley because Bingley surrenders to him without resentment?

  6. Volume 3 Chapter 4

    Context in the novel: 
    Elizabeth waits for a letter from Jane, with news about home
    Elizabeth has been a good deal disappointed in not finding a letter from Jane - in not finding a letter from Jane
    Topics discussed: 
    Atmosphere, enthusiasm, cheerfulness, disappointment, Japan, England, developing a faculty, shallow characters, stupidity
    Questions raised: 

    How did India help Britain defeat Germany?
    Why is Japan vital, devoid of mind?
    How can we organize our energy?

  7. Volume 3 Chapter 3

    Context in the novel: 
    Elizabeth would like to know what her aunt and uncle think of Darcy. The Gardiners wish to talk about him, but restrain themselves, and hope Elizabeth would bring up the topic
    Elizabeth was longing to know what Mrs. Gardiner thought of him - Mrs. Gardiner would be happily gratified by her niece starting the topic
    Topics discussed: 
    Silence, taste of ignorance and taste of delight, ignorance, knowledge, sincerity, foolishness, guru, disciple
    Questions raised: 

    What is the relationship between ignorance and concentration?
    If another's consciousness can hurt us, what role does our own consciousness play?
    Is sincerity a type of exclusive concentration?
    If I hate everybody else and love only my child, will that love help my child?

  8. Volume 3 Chapter 3

    Context in the novel: 
    Annoyed by Caroline’s jealous and mean behavior, Darcy breaks his silence and defends Elizabeth. The Gardiners and Elizabeth return to the inn and discuss the events of the evening
    Darcy could contain himself no longer - The looks and behavior of everybody were discussed
    Topics discussed: 
    Superstition, God, life, Sachchidananda, suffering is not inevitable, infinity, time, space, love, prestige
    Questions raised: 

    What is the relationship between God and life?

  9. Volume 3 Chapter 3

    Context in the novel: 
    Caroline reminds Darcy of his comments about Elizabeth during their stay at Netherfield
    She a beauty.. - But afterwards she seemed to improve on you
    Topics discussed: 
    Jealousy, superstition, caste, desire
    Questions raised: 

    Does ill will have the power to destroy another?
    Is knowledge of ill will there in the West?
    Do men and women have to give up their innate urges in order to evolve?
    What would not be a superstition regarding the power of thought?
    Why is difficult to dishonor the rules of society?
    Would Jane have behaved in the same way as Charlotte if she had been unmarried at the age of 27?
    Why is Jane so dissimilar to her mother?

  10. Volume 3 Chapter 3

    Context in the novel: 
    Caroline reminds Darcy of his comments about Elizabeth during their stay at Netherfield
    I particularly recollect - She a beauty..
    Topics discussed: 
    Nature, captivating softness, wealth, culture, supramental descent
    Questions raised: 

    Why should Darcy have Wickham's smoothness, when he has genuine values?
    How did Wickham get his charming nature?
    Should a wealthy person be soft? Can a person without wealth be soft, sweet and cultured?
    Both Elizabeth and Darcy aspire. Why do things happen differently for both?
    When we are insistent, we have to reverse. Is that universally true, or is life more sensitive in some cases, with some people?
    Did Darcy transform unconditionally or did he have any hope of marrying Elizabeth, after she rejects him at Hunsford?
    What determines the order and time of events?

  11. Volume 3 Chapter 3

    Context in the novel: 
    Caroline reminds Darcy of his comments about Elizabeth during their stay at Netherfield
    I particularly recollect
    Topics discussed: 
    Freedom, reversal
    Questions raised: 

    The energy of mind, life and matter is one, how can that help us understand the power of freedom?
    How do we understand that everything that comes to us is our complement, a reflection of ourselves?
    If there is a Lydia in our lives, should we give her freedom?
    What is the difference between a reversal and a sincere repentance?
    When we have an aspiration and a contradictory value, which one will have a result?

  12. Volume 3 Chapter 3

    Context in the novel: 
    Caroline quotes Darcy’s disparaging remarks about Elizabeth during their stay at Netherfield
    When we first knew her in Hertfordshire - …how amazed we all were that she was a reputed beauty
    Topics discussed: 
    Change in character and behavior, knowledge, energy, power, to be awake, awareness, evolution, Sri Aurobindo's dreams, consecration, silence, transformation, gaining power by giving up the negative
    Questions raised: 

    What should Darcy have done to Wickham, what attitude should he have had?

  13. Volume 3 Chapter 3

    Context in the novel: 
    Caroline attempts to make Darcy speak ill of Elizabeth
    From a determination of making him speak, she continued
    Topics discussed: 
    Other man's point of view, relationships, energy, non reaction, life
    Questions raised: 

    If Mr. Bennet had seen from his wife’s point of view, how would things have been different?
    How can we raise our personality?
    What are we doing when we take the other man’s point of view?

  14. Volume 3 Chapter 3

    Context in the novel: 
    Caroline attempts to make Darcy speak ill of Elizabeth
    From a determination of making him speak, she continued
    Topics discussed: 
    Urge to speak, fundamentalism, energy, reversals
    Questions raised: 

    What is the difference between the energy with which Lydia operates, and the energy with which Darcy operates?
    Is the measure to which we move from the ego to the psychic the measure of our strength?
    Are the 8 reversals general in every situation, or are they specific to each situation?

  15. Volume 3 Chapter 3

    Context in the novel: 
    Caroline attempts to make Darcy speak ill of Elizabeth
    From a determination of making him speak, she continued
    Topics discussed: 
    Non reaction, shift, reversal, urge
    Questions raised: 

    Should non reaction be practiced even to good news and events? What is the best way to react to something good?
    What happens when we don’t express a physical urge? Does it get expressed through someone else?
    Does any physical urge have a predecessor in a vital urge?
    Would Mrs. Gardiner's suppression of her urge to ask Elizabeth about Darcy be expressed elsewhere?
    Is physical initiative not at all necessary, when there is complete mental and vital consecration?

  16. Volume 3 Chapter 3

    Context in the novel: 
    Darcy remains silent, but Caroline is determined to make him speak against Elizabeth
    He was resolutely silent however - From a determination of making him speak, she continued
    Topics discussed: 
    Not exercising the surface mind, consecration, Real Idea, self giving, primary cause, secondary cause, culture
    Questions raised: 

    Is aspiration always the primary cause of anything?
    What is the difference between aspiration and a Real Idea?
    What is Wickham's aspiration?
    Can we say that everything that comes from Mother is the result of a Real Idea?
    Is it necessary for a man to have established contact with the psychic to have a Real Idea?
    When I want an accomplishment, how do I know if that aspiration is from my psychic or ego?
    What is the role of the psychic in consecration?
    In Pride and Prejudice, what was the Real Idea fulfilled through Darcy?
    Do our Real Ideas get fulfilled the more we move away from our ego?

  17. Volume 3 Chapter 3

    Context in the novel: 
    In spite of Caroline’s sarcastic comments about Elizabeth, Darcy remains silent
    Miss Bingley was persuaded that Darcy admired Elizabeth - He was resolutely silent however
    Topics discussed: 
    Exhausting one's energy, problem, opportunity, grudge against another, seeing from another's point of view
    Questions raised: 

    Is our association with a person only to facilitate our progress?
    Is every problem an opportunity? How to change our view of the problem so it turns into an opportunity?
    Can we see opposition as a sign of our progress?
    How can we change our view?
    How can we stop having a grudge against someone?
    When some people are mean and full of malice, how can we see from their point of view?
    Does Caroline's jealousy come to Elizabeth because Elizabeth is also jealous? Or does it come for her to make a progress?
    Why do Collins and Charlotte get each other?
    Is it worth analyzing all our relationships, to learn about ourselves and life?
    When one has a disease, does it mean the physical has something to learn from that?
    Are diseases contagious? Do we get them because of or from others?
    What do we create in our lives, what do we contract from others?

  18. Volume 3 Chapter 3

    Context in the novel: 
    Caroline is unable to provoke Darcy to speak against Elizabeth
    and in seeing him at last somewhat nettled - she had all the success she expected
    Topics discussed: 
    Accomplishment, restraint, discipline, subliminal, time, existence, history, civilization, culture, surface, depth of the mind, ideas
    Questions raised: 

    What does it mean to be in tune with the subliminal?
    How can we consciously change our vital and physical?
    What does it mean to be centered in the depth of the personality, to be serious?

  19. Volume 3 Chapter 3

    Context in the novel: 
    Caroline is unable to recommend herself to Darcy. Her jealous and mean behavior only annoys him
    this was not the best method of recommending herself - and in seeing him at last somewhat nettled
    Topics discussed: 
    Personal, impersonal, human nature, other man's point of view, anger, man, God, prayer, faith, The Life Divine, abuse, anger, giving up thought, calling Mother
  20. Volume 3 Chapter 3

    Context in the novel: 
    Caroline thinks Darcy admires Elizabeth. So out of jealousy, she speaks ill of Elizabeth. But this kind of behavior can hardly recommend her to him
    Miss Bingley was persuaded that Darcy admired Elizabeth - this was not the best method of recommending herself
    Topics discussed: 
    Eighth reversal, attention, ego, popularity, truth, relationship, selfishness, self giving, personal, impersonal
    Questions raised: 

    Can an egoistic person exist only if those around him endorse his ego?
    Is it possible that we secretly endorse something that we claim to hate?
    How can we understand it when we face a problem? What in us could have invited it?
    What is the reversal that can be made if one is selfish? How is self giving different from being selfless?

by Dr. Radut