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Physical, Mental, Spiritual Organisations



  • Organisations are the bringing together of activities so that in their coordinated action, they would produce a greater result.
  • Man acts individually and society acts collectively. Therefore it is easier to understand organisation socially.
  • It would be more accurate to say that organisation is to bring systems together to work in union, rather than activities.
  • In social development, we observe the chain of act, activities, system, organisation, institution, culture, sensitivity, the collective and the individual.
  • That individual who can rise above individual sensitivity and not react, is one who is a superior citizen, capable of creating a rational society.
  • Organisations exist at the physical, vital, mental, spiritual and Supramental levels.
  • In a physical organisation, disparate individuals are brought together under the will of a single individual, who alone prevails.
  • Here all decisions rest with that single individual.
  • Violation of his will resulted in death earlier and now in dismissal.
  • The member acts on physical - written - instruction.
  • In the two world wars, all orders literally emanated from the war office in the shape of telegrams.
  • Mostly the member was exposed to physical risk, including death.
  • Results are physical, but far greater than the sum of the individual's work, working alone.
  • We call the greater result efficiency.
  • Instead of several farmers marketing their produce individually, they can do better collectively. They get a better price. Operations are easier.
  • In a physical organisation, we get all the benefits of an Organisation, but the benefits are minimal.
  • The benefits of ease of operation, saving of time, avoidance of the same operations, saving of money and greater results.
  • A good number of our organisations are physical organisations.
  • A vital organisation does not differ very much from a physical organisation.
  • Here, violation is not punished by death, but by ostracism.
  • Instructions are mostly oral, understood by the members.
  • The finest of vital organisations is where the members anticipate the boss's will and act readily. Written instructions are often there, sometimes they follow.
  • This organisation requires enthusiasm, devotion and dedication.
  • Members act is if they are one single body.
  • One can venture to say the results are ten times greater than the physical organisation.
  • Speed is its most characteristic trait.
  • Punishment is ostracism, dismissal, and humiliation.
  • Skills required here are inclusive of physical skills, but essentially are the vital skills of relationship, especially human relationship.
  • Cooperation is the central strategy, but coordination is essential.
  • Speed here is seen as the elimination of any gap in movement.
  • Mental organisation is one of planning we all know well.
  • The modern world functions by mental organisation. Here the exactness is to the minute.
  • Each level of organisation is inclusive of all previous levels, but more efficiently.
  • Planning is rational. It anticipates results by Time, Space, quality and quantity of results.
  • What works here is not the boss, but the rule. Rule is to be obeyed.
  • Violation results in loss of promotion, reputation, but not dismissal or liquidation.
  • Strategies vary as organisations vary. In the physical organisation, it is obedience, in the vital organisation it is conformity, in the mental organisation it is the obedience or adherence to the written instruction. In the Spiritual organisation, the strategy is self-giving. In any organisation, we find an odd mixture of all these strategies giving sporadic results.
  • Records are the life blood in a mental organisation. What is not recorded is not admissible fact, even if the tangible results are there.
  • One recognises the physical organisation by an order of the boss, the vital organisation by the intention of the boss, the mental organisation by the written order. In the Spiritual organisation it is recognised by the inner value of the awakened Spirit that gives the recognition.
  • How do we create a spiritual organisation?
  • Here obedience, friendship and written order are beside the point.
  • One's own awakened spiritual sensation matters.
  • To recognise the existing spiritual organisation by a sensation is the qualification to join the organisation.
  • Recognition of different organisations:

- Physical - liquidation

- Vital - excommunication

- Mental - loss of organised benefit. At the spiritual level, there occurs a reversal, the punishment becomes a reward. There are grades in this level as in all other levels.

- Spiritual - thrilling sensation in the body that is gratitude.

  • As we rise in the scale of organisations, the efficiency rises from one to infinity. Infinity means it is the infinity of the personality. Personality is the determinant.
  • As the spiritual organisation includes all other previous organisations as well as the rise to the next level being determined by the saturation of the previous level, the spiritual organisation is meant only for those who have transcended all the previous levels.
  • Personality being the receptacle in the human being, it determines how much it wants to receive.
  • To build up one's personality, one needs a spiritual organisation. Here it is useful to remember the twelve aspects of the Spirit - Infinity, Eternity, Unity, Truth, Goodness, Consciousness, Power, Beauty, Love, Joy, Silence and Peace.
  • Any work in which any of these aspects or some of them or at least one of them is developed will take one step into building a spiritual organisation.
  • We know of kinds of work that require two years or two hundred years to complete. Many believed that India would take two hundred years to become free. To retrieve a document stolen by the opposite lawyer, there is a legal procedure. If you succeed, it takes one or two years for it to happen. In the case of a devotee, such an event happened. He decided to appeal to his spiritual organisation of which he was a ‘member' by sensation, not in the register. It came to his memory that two months earlier the District Judge had come to his house for some work. Neither before that nor after that for twenty years had such a visit occurred. He went to the judge and he got the document from the lawyer directly. At the same time, the lawyer told the devotee, "For you to retrieve the document, the legal procedure would have taken two full years." You must belong to that spiritual organisation having secured it in your nerves and better still in the body.

story | by Dr. Radut