Series XIX                              


801)         Spirituality energises youth.

                Romance invigorates the Spirit.

ÁõÌÄUS Ai¨£øh Bz©õ. Bz©õÄUS ãÁÚΨ£x Áͺa].

Bz©õÂß Áͺa] ©»ºÁx PõuÀ.

Romance is the soul’s love for God in all souls.

802)         To know is to acquire knowledge. To unlearn is to rise to consciousness.

                £i¨£õÀ AÔÄ, bõÚ® Á¸®. AÁØøÓU Ph¨£x 㯮.

803)         With the best of positive intentions, human nature will do again his own negative work.

                ©Ú® Esø©°÷»÷¯ ö|QÌ¢x £µÁ\¨£mk £µ¢x {ØS® ÷|µ® P¸ªUS øPÁµõx.

                        The miser in the most expansive movements of life will act miserly.

804)         Mother’s Touch gives an inspiring idea that enlightens one’s powers of widening accomplishment.

                BºÁ® APßÓ \õuøÚ u¸® BÇ®.

                        His inspiration was an expansive achievement.

                Ai¨£øh°ß BºÁ® BshÁÛß \õuøÚ.

                        Inspiring expansiveness.

Expansive inspiration.

Dynamism of expansive inspiration ending in automatic accomplishment.

Accomplishing inspiration of expansiveness.

805)         The world wars were fought by the physical man to vindicate his physicality. Prior to that he fought for territory, the origin of his body.

©s ©ÛuÛß EhÀ.

Fight for territory – The base of the body.

Fight for honour, democracy, patriotism in the two World Wars – Physicality.

Cold War – Negative vitality.

Rising expectations – Positive vitality.

806)         Consecration becomes conscious by moving into the subtle plane.

                `m_©ªÀ»õ©À §ºzv¯õPõx.

807)         We often believe that the electorate elects corrupt criminals in spite of what they are. The truth is the people do so because they are corrupt and criminal.

                SØÓÁõÎø¯ ©UPÒ ÷£õØÖÁøu |õ® |®£ ©ÖUQ÷Óõ®.

808)         The philosopher and the artisan are complements. Ignorance of pride isolates them.

                Gsn•® ö\¯¾® Gvº¨¦ÓzvÛßÖ JzxøǨ£øÁ.

809)         Energy organising itself according to knowledge is skill.

                AÔøÁa ö\¯¼À HØ£x \Uv vÓø©¯õÁx.

810)         The physical knows when a problem matures and precipitates. The Mind, its subtle part, can know when the first symptom shows.

                Á¢u¤ß AÔ£Áß EøǨ£õÎ.

Á¸•ß öu›¢x Põ¨£Áß AÔÁõÎ.

811)         The validity of knowledge is revealed by the result. That of the result is shown by the level of perception, as the sun goes around the earth.

                ö\¯À öÁΨ£kzx® AÔ÷Á AÔÄ. ö\¯À ußÛø»ø¯U TÖ®.

812)        öPmhx £»ß uµõx, |À»x GߣvÀø» GÚ AÔ¯ ©Ûuß E»QÀ ¤ÓUQÓõß. ©Ûuß öu´Á©õP ©Ûua ]Ó¨ø£U PhUP ÷Ásk®.

                Ph¢x Á¢uøuU P¸z÷uõk ¤ß£ØÖÁx ©Ûu›øh ÁõÇ AÁ]¯®. ¤Óº ö\´Áx Gvº£õºUPU Thõx GÛÀ uõß ö\´¯ •¯»»õ©õ? Gøu²® ö\´¯õuÁß, GÀ»õÁØøÓ²® ö\´£Áß.

To be interested in those who have forgotten him is human longing. To invite those who wish to destroy him is Man’s way of life. Friendship arises to prove that there is no loyalty in the human heart. Human ideal is the torture it seeks to secure knowledge.

813)        |õ® Sk®£zøu ÃmiÀ |hzxQ÷Óõ®. ÷¯õQ Sk®£zøu ©ÚvÀ |hzu ÷Ásk®.

                        To run the family and the society inside your emotions is yoga.

814)         Symbolic beings abridge Time. There is a SYMBOL of the various Symbols. It is the Mother.

                SÔ¨£õÀ AÔ£Áß ²Pzøu Á¸å©õUSÁõß. SÔ¨¦PmS Jº SÔ¨¦sk. Ax ²Pzøu ñn©õUS®.

815)         Aggressive rationalism in Europe was absorbed by France, Spain, Italy and Greece by Revolution, Imperialism, Renaissance, and Hellenic culture. Only Germany could find no outlet. Hence she raised the world wars.

                ¦µm] ©»º §UP Bµ®¤zuõÀ GÀ»õ |õkPξ® ©»¸®.

816)         Instantaneous miraculousness is for those who shift from life to Mother instantaneously.

                ñn® u›¯õuÁØS ñnzvÀ §ºzv¯õS®.

817)         Even the ultimate experience is incapable of giving elementary knowledge.

                ö£›¯ AÝ£Ázøu Âh ]Ô¯ bõÚ® E¯º¢ux.

818)         Loss of memory is loss of one’s unconsciousness.

                {øÚÁÈÁx ußøÚ¯ÔÁx.

819)        E¯º¢u Phø©ø¯²® HØ£x E»Pzøu ©ÚuõÀ HØ£uõS®.

                        Raise duty to devotion.

820)         Elementary knowledge rediscovered in one’s own experience shifts one from Mind to the psychic.

                £µ®£øµ bõÚ® £USÁzuõÀ Bz©õÝ£Á©õÁx \©º¨£n®.

821)         Unconsciousness is higher consciousness.

                |®ø©¯Ô¯õ©À ö\´²® |À»x \©º¨£n®.

822)         Passive surrender is goodness; active surrender is evolution.

                AÔ¢x ö\´²® |À»x Enº¢x GÊ® £›nõ©®.

823)        ußøÚ¯ÔÁx Bz© bõÚ®. Aøu²® AÔ¯õ©À |h¨£x £›nõ©® ©»ºÁx.

                        Self-awareness is atma acting in life. The Marvel transcends it in Self-oblivion.

824)         The virtue of smallness is vulnerable to the vicious fringe of a great organisation.

                ]Ô¯x ö£›¯vÛßÖ u¨£ •i¯õx.

825)         Virtue is vulnerable as long as it values itself.

                ö£¸ø©ø¯²n¸® |À»x ]Öø©US›¯x.

826)         The social power of Money becoming Mother’s Power is yoga.

                £n® £Uv¯õÀ \Uv¯õÁx ÷¯õP®.

827)         Man tries to start the yoga from where he is and then tries to go to the Supreme or the Origin. To start the yoga, one should first go to the Origin.

                Ts÷hõk øP»õ\® ÷£õÁx ©ÛuÝUS ÷¯õP®. ÷¯õP® øP»õ\zvÀ Bµ®¤UQÓx.

828)         Consecration becomes real when it becomes an enduring companion.

                ©Ú® ÂøDz® ©QÌa] u¸® |s£ß \©º¨£n®.

829)         Everyone can see in his own life an echo of September 11, 2001.

                E»øP Bmi¨£øhUS® G¢u {PÌa]²®, JÆöÁõ¸Á¸Ò÷Ͳ® ¤µv£¼US®.

830)         Drinking water cures constipation as well as diarrohoea.

                Gv›÷¯ |s£ß.

831)         Opinion can be of the majority; action can only be by unanimity.

                ¤ÍÄ£mhõ¾® ©Ú® ¦›¢x öPõÒЮ. ö\¯¾US SøÓ°¸UP •i¯õx.

832)         Man will eagerly rush to God not when he comes as philosophy, not even as a vision, but as the events of his own life.

                CøÓÁøÚ ÁõÌÂß ÁÍ©õPU Põn ©Ûuß HUP•ØÔ¸UQÓõß.

833)         The concentration needed by consecration is one the world has not known yet.

                E»P® AÔ¯õu {èøh \©º¨£nzvØSz ÷uøÁ.

                \©º¨£n® E»P® AÔ¯õux; ¤µ£g\ {èøh¯õÀ \©º¨£n® ö\´¯»õ®.

834)         The man who commits suicide in attacking the enemy offers to his cause what is most valuable for him – his own life. When he comes to value human life, he won’t be able to do it.

                ußÝ°øµÂh ¤Ó E°øµ¨ ÷£õØÖ£Áß uØöPõø» ö\´x v¯õP® ö\´¯ ©õmhõß.

835)         The Europeans believed and prided in civilising Asia. Now they are being modernised by the Americans.

                Cx £n® £s¦US AÔÄ ¦Pmk® Põ»®.

836)         H.G.Wells saw the French Revolution all over the world and felt its influence would continue till human kind was united. Still his hatred of Napoleon was total.

                öÁÒøÍ¯ß ÷Áø»ø¯ •ÊÁx® |®¤¯Áº AÁøÚ }\ß GßÓÚº.

837)         Consecration of thoughts enables consecration of speech.

                ÷£a]À \õvUP GsnzvÀ Bµ®¤UP ÷Ásk®.

838)         The normal status of life is growth.

                Áͺa] ÁõÌÂß C¯À¦.

839)         The right thing of the lower consciousness is the destruction of the higher consciousness.

                ©mh©õÚÁß |À»x ö\´uõÀ E¯º¢uÁß AÈÁõß.

840)         There is no passive voice in Tamil as it attributes a personality to inanimate beings or events.

                Pmhh® QÍ®¤Âmhx GÚ |õ® PmhhzvØS E°º öPõkUQ÷Óõ®.

841)         Defenceless people refuse Grace as defence.

                A¸øÍ ©Ö¨£x AÔ¯õø©US AÁ]¯®.

842)         Consecration is expressing aspiration in action.

                BºÁ©õP ö\¯À£kÁx \©º¨£n®.

843)         The measure of human values one is able to follow himself uncompelled is the measure of Man’s value.

                £s¦ ©ÛuÛß £USÁ®.

844)         Initiative interferes.

                ©Ûuß BshÁÝUPõPa ö\¯À£kQÓõß.

                •øÚ¯õux •uÀÁøÚ AøǨ£x.

                        Ego is egoistic God.

845)         When Man decides NOT to take initiative, it scarcely occurs to him that it is an initiative.

                A¸øÍ ©Ú® |õh •i¯õx. Bz©õ |õh ÷Ásk®.

846)         Charles Darwin was to the Biblical creation what Khrushchev was to the edifice of Stalin.

                ©»¸® bõÚ® ©hø©°ß AÈÄ.

847)         To the biological scientist, the theory of God creating the world in six days is downright foolishness. How can we describe the scientist view? Is it any better?

                AkzuÁº ©hø©ø¯ AÔÁx bõÚ©õS©õ? ©hø©°ß ©ØÓ ¹£©õS©õ?

848)         Mental aspiration can reduce the impossible into the object of unwillingness.

                EnºÁõÀ •i¯õuøu AÔÄ •i²® GÚ ©õØÖ®.

                To emotionalise is to understand the impossible as one we do not like.

849)         Mercedes was the misforture of Edmond. He longed only for her. He got knowledge and wealth only when she married Fernand and left him. Life gave him a Princess of rare oriental loyalty.

                áõÚQ ^ÝÁõ\ Cµõ©Ýázvß u›zvµ®. AÁÒ B²ÐUS £[P®.

850)         Art is the beauty of the form of Mind. The energy of the community must be STILL for the form to rise and stay.

                ¹£® GÇ \»Ú® Aȯ ÷Ásk®.


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