Series XIX                              


651)         Surrender on the positive side means giving up one’s capacities; on the negative side it means to value the opposite of capacity.

                A_µÛß öu´Áõ®\zøu HØ£x \µnõPv.

652)         Submission to indignities happily with clear knowledge is the way Spirit evolves in life.

                A{¯õ¯zøuz öu›¢x® ¸¨£©õP AuØS¨ £oÁx ø\zv¯ ¦¸åß öÁÎÁ¸ÁuõS®.

                A{¯õ¯® CÛzuõÀ Bß©õ ÂÈUS®.

                {¯õ¯® \mhzøuU Ph¢ux.

            uº©® {¯õ¯zøuU Ph¢ux. uº©zøu²® {¯õ¯zøu²® Ph¢u AßøÚ \mh® öu›²©õ?

                        Emerging Psychic enjoys the Taste of Injustice.

                A{¯õ¯® ¸]¨£x Avºèh®.   A{¯õ¯® ÷ui Á¸Áx A¸Ò.

                The entire past is in the Present.

                A{¯õ¯® v¸Ä¸©õÔÚõÀ {¯õ¯©õPõx.  Avºèh©õS®.

653)        SÔ¨£Ô¢x ö\´Áx ÷\øÁ.   Cmh ÷Áø»ø¯a ö\´Áx T¼ ÷Áø».

                        Service gets done. What is ordered is work.

654)         The seat of consecration lies behind the heart, not in the mind.

                ö|g_US¨ ¤ßÚõÀ {ø»zu¤ß \©º¨£n® Esk.

655)         Steady concentration in the waking makes consecration possible.

                ÂȨ¤À {èøh {ø»zuõÀ \©º¨£n® £¼US®.

656)         Friends are in plenty, friendship is rare. Friendship is the impersonal friend.

                |s£ß |m¦US›¯ÚõÁx Aߦ A¸ÍõS® u¸n®.

657)         Act is on the surface as it is our act. It includes thought and feeling. Moving to the subliminal, SHE acts, not MAN.

                Consecration begins when we cease to act.

                ö\¯À |®•øh¯uõÚõÀ \©º¨£nªÀø». \©º¨£n® ö\¯ø»U Ph¢ux.

658)         The secret of success is to harness everydrop of energy for it without sharing a little for its opposite.

                öÁØÔø¯ |õk£Áß öÁØÔø¯ ©mk® |õh ÷Ásk®.

659)         The freedom of the finite permits infinite extension of it at its level.

                _u¢vµ® GÛÀ ö£›¯øu¨ ö£Ö® E›ø©ø¯ ]Ô¯x ö\õ¢u©õP¨ ö£ÖÁx.

                        The finite’s right for infinite expansion is freedom.

                ©õÓ E›ø© ÷Ásk®. ©õÓõ©¼¸US® E›ø© _u¢vµ®.

                Freedom exists at various levels; To change; Not to change; To create; Not to create; To produce; To destroy; To be as one chooses.

-          _u¢vµzvØS® _u¢vµ® Esk.

-          _u¢vµ©õÚ _u¢vµ®.

-          Self-affirmation is the first law of Freedom.

-          £Sv uõß Gߣx AP¢øu.

-          •Êø© uõß Gߣx ¤µ®©®.

660)         Initiative is impatience.

                AÁ\µ® |® ö\¯À. ö£õÖø© BshÁß ö\¯À.

661)         APsh ö©ÍÚ® BÌ¢u ö©ÍÚ©õÁx BshÁß.

                        God is wide Silence becoming deep Peace.

662)         Progress is to retain the essence of experience and build on it. To retain the experience is superstition.

                \õµ® ÁͺÁx \õuøÚ.

                AÝ£Ázøu Aݣ¨£x AÔ¯õø©.

663)         Mother says the body does not respond to the Presence in it. Why, She asks. For the matter that is BODY to act, the Presence should further change into Self-representation to its own mental experience. (p.239, The Life Divine).

                E»QÀ BshÁß AÁu›UP Ehø»z uõ[P ÷Ásk®.

664)         The outer circumstances exactly reflect the inner mental organisation. An erratic outer situation compels Man to organise it thereby organising his own mind.

                •øÓ¯õÚ ÷Áø» •øÓ¯õÚ Gsn® u¸®.

                        Mind organises itself by organising the outer work.

665)         In rich countries, Man is more valuable, not money.

                £nUPõµ |õkPÎÀ ©v¨¦ £nzvØPÀ», ©ÛuÝUS & Human value of currency.

                Value the Man, if the country is to become rich.

                To know one’s value is luck.

                Bz©õÂß ©v¨¦ öu›ÁuØS Avºèh® GÚ¨ ö£¯º.

666)         Money is a social force. He who moves to its subtle centre will have power over the world’s wealth.

                £nzvß ã¯zøu AÔ¢uÁº E»Pzvß ö\ÀÁzvØS Av£v.

667)         He who wants to found the World Union must move to the centre of absolute power on earth.

                ©ÛuøÚU Ph¢u ©PzxÁzøu AÔ¢uÁß E»QÀ JØÖø©ø¯ {ø» |õmkÁõß.

668)         The General is the mental in the vital (No.4) while the Politician is the vital in the mental or better still, the mentalised vital (vital in No.4, if No.4 can be subdivided into three parts).

                Ãµß Enºa] Á\¨£mk ÷|ºø©¯õP E°º ÂkÁõß. Aµ\ß Enºa]ø¯ AÔÄUSUSU Pmk¨£kzxÁõß.

669)         Self-righteousness of inexperience is passionate superstition divinely exalted.

                AÝ£ÁªÀ»õuÁÝøh¯ |õn¯® AÔ¯õø©°ß ‰h |®¤UøPø¯ AvPõµ ¥hzv¼¸zxÁuõS®.

                        Passionate honesty of Ignorance becomes a martyr to ignoble causes.

670)         Movements arise inside. That part in you where you are centred takes it up first.

                Aø\øÁ AÔ²® Bß©õ ö\´Áx \©º¨£n®.

                \©º¨£n® Gߣx ãÁÛß Aø\øÁ Bß©õ HØ£x.

Consecration is for him who is centred in the psychic. When there is no mind or vital between the being and the psychic, consecration is possible in gratitude.

671)         Sri Aurobindo could win the two World Wars by His own inner movements, but when the Cripps offer came He had to intervene externally and in vain.

                E»P¨ ÷£õºPøÍ öÁÀÁøu Âh C¢v¯ _u¢vµ® PiÚ©õÚx.

                        Wars were conducted by evil forces. Gandhiji represented perverse spirituality of the Mind.

                wø©¯õÚ ©Ú® w¯ \UvPøÍ Âh wø©¯õÚx.

                        Man’s endorsement of evil makes him more formidable than evil.

                Human evil is worse the pure evil.

672)         Evolution can only begin in precivilised conditions.

                ¦v¯x ©mh©õÚ ChzvÀ Bµ®¤US®.

673)         Love is not love if it does not include material prosperity and physical health.

                ö\ÀÁ¸® |»Ý® Põu¾Ò EÒÍÚ.

ÁÖø©¯õÚ PõuÀ Põu¼Àø». ÷|õ´Áõ´¨£mhx® Põu»õPõx.  PÍ[P©Ô¯õux PõuÀ.

674)         The finite freely chooses the determinations of the Infinite and is under the illusion of free will. Free will is for Him, not for us.

                _Ǿ® §ª {ø»¯õPz ÷uõßÖQÓx.

675)         Trying to tell the world or another person is still initiative, not the divine act.

                AkzuÁºUS ö\õÀÁx Bø\.

676)         Man has the genius to insist on the refusal of what he has prayed for and Mother has given. Habits interfere.

                ÷Pmhøu÷¯ ©Ö¨£x ©Ûuß.

                £ÇUP® £È Áõ[S®.

                        To be human is to refuse to allow the divine to act even when he called the divine in – “Hound of Heaven”.

                Ambition is the idealism of the low.

                Bø\ C»m]¯®. C»m]¯® Bø\.

ö£õÖø© Bø\ø¯ \õuøÚ¯õUS®.

677)         The attitude of surrender brings mind Silence on its own.

                ÷|õUP® \µnõPv¯õÚõÀ ö©ÍÚ® ©Úzøu ÷|õUQ Á¸®.

678)         Work is consecration.

                ÷Áø» \©º¨£n®.

679)         Knowledge lies beyond thought in Silence. Deconditioning oneself entirely is necessary for knowledge. Such a deconditioning is known as surrender.

                ©Ûuß ö£ØÓøu CǨ£x \µnõPv.

680)         He who solves a problem is usually one who has created it.

He who gives something will have the right to take it away.

wº¨£Áß, ö\´uÁß. öPõkzuÁß Gkzx¨ ÷£õÁõß.

A¸Ò öPõkzuøu Gkzx¨ ÷£õÁvÀø».

681)         Work is done at the subliminal. One can understand it only from there. Society builds itself, not the government. One can understand it only from the social point of view.

                ö\´uÁÝUS¨ ¦›²®, £õº¨£ÁÝUS¨ ¦›¯õx.

682)         Culture springs from the roots of the social composition.

                \‰Pzvß Ai¨£øh°¼¸¢x GÊÁx £s¦.

683)         Mother appears when Man dissolves.

                PØÓx AÈ¢u¤ß Põ»® AȲ®.

684)        ÷ui¨ ö£ØÓx u›zvµ®, uõ÷Ú Á¢ux A¸Ò.

                        Man seeks misforture; grace comes on its own.

685)         The urgent work on hand is conditioning.

                AÁ\µ® ußøÚ AÈzxU öPõÒЮ.

686)        •iÄ ‰»zøu »US®. ö£õÖø© AÁøÚa ö\¯À£ha ö\´²®.

                        Decision defies the Divine. Patience lets Him act.

687)         The indispensable is the urge of Force, not of the Being.

                Pmhõ¯¨£kzxÁx Pº©®, CøÓÁÛÀø».

688)         Mother brings you to the threshold of the Being. It is for you to enter it.

                A¸Ò Pº©zøuU PhUQÓx. ÷£µ¸Ò ö\¯À£h ©Ûuß ußøÚ ©ÓUP ÷Ásk®.

689)         The Mind collects patiently over a lifetime; the subliminal reveals all at once.

                B²Ò •ÊÁx® AÔÄ ÷\Pµ® ö\´Áøu BÌ©Ú® ñnzvÀ PõmhÁÀ»x.

690)         The subtle plane crosses distances; the subliminal overcomes Time.

                `m_©® yµ v¸èi²ÒÍx. BÇ® Põ»zøuU Ph¨£x.

691)         Thought interferes with consecration.

                Gsn® \©º¨£nzvØSz uøh.

692)         Fantasy is the ambition of ineffective thought.

                Gsnzvß C¯»õø© PØ£øÚU ÷Põmøh.

693)         Action that takes you in leads to consecration.

                EÒ÷Í AøÇzx¨ ÷£õS® ö\¯À \©º¨£nzvØS EuÄ®.

694)         He who sees the ideal in the unideal is fit to be an idealist.

                ÷Põµ® AÇPõPz öu›Áx C»m]¯®.

695)         Man’s highest cultural attainments are determined by the way he executes his lowest functions.

                ö£›¯øu {ºn°US® ]Ô¯x & £s¦.

696)         Duty and Responsibility are the same concepts seen as outside action and inner sensation.

                Phø©÷¯ ö£õÖ¨¦. ¦Ó¨ö£õÖ¨¦ APzvß Phø©¯õS®. Phø©¯õÚ AP® ö£õÖ¨£õÚ ¦Ó©õS®. APzvß ö£õÖ¨ø£ ¦Ózvß Phø© §ºzv ö\´²®.

697)         Tyranny is the cost of low consciousness rising to higher consciousness unwillingly.

                ©Ûuß öu´Á©õS® £õøu öPõkø©.

698)        •øÚ¢uÁºUS •i¯õuvÀø».

                        Determination achieves.

699)         Until transformation starts, it is inevitable that both good and evil will be present. For the purposes of accomplishment, the Good should be in excess.

                |À»x AvP©õP C¸UP ÷Ási¯x AÁ]¯®. öPmhx C¸UPU Thõx GÚU ÷PmP •i¯õx.

                        Not perfection but a dominating good is essential.

700)        Põ›¯® •i¯ PkPÍÁõÁx |À»x ªa\©õP C¸UP ÷Ásk®.

                        Accomplishment is by excess good.


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