Series XIX                              


251)         To share the knowledge with those who are not striving for it, is to lose the power of that knowledge. It is a mental vanity or creation of receptivity.


                ÷uøÁ¯ØÓÁºUS uµ •¯ÀÁx AÔ¯õø©°ß ö£¸ø©.


                        To be able to see only the positive higher side is the beginning of Self-awareness.


                E¯º¢uøu ©mk® AÔÁx ¤µ®© áÚÚ®.


                ÿ AµÂ¢u® ¤µ®© áÚÚ®.

                ¤µ®©õº¨£n® ¤µ®© áÚÚ®.

                ¤µ®©õº¨£n® \µnõPvUS •ß Pmh®.


                        To surrender to the Absolute enables one to surrender to the Mother.


                Gita’ calls for the surrender of the Soul.

                Sri Aurobindo demands the surrender of the whole Being.


252)         Consecration is to refer the initiative we have taken to Mother.

                Surrender gives up the urge to take initiative.


                GÊ¢uøu AßøÚUSa ö\õÀÁx \©º¨£n®.

                GÊÁøuz uº¨£x \µnõPv.


Joy in nothing inside stirring is the state of being surrendered, equality.


GxÄ® GÇ •i¯õu {ø» \µnõPv, \©zxÁ©õS®.


Gita’s equality is by the surrender of the soul. The equality of Sri Aurobindo enables the Brahman to seek unity in multiplicity.


253)        Ps A¸Põø©°¾ÒÍ AøÚzøu²® Põq®.

                öh¼ì÷Põ¨ yµzv¾ÒÍ J¸ ö£õ¸øÍ ©mk® Põq®.

¤µ®©® GÀ»õ Chzv¾® EÒÍ GÀ»õ ö£õ¸ÒPøͲ® Põn ÁÀ»x.


The eye sees all around. The telescope can see one object at a distance.

The Soul sees all in all places.


öh¼ì÷Põ¨ PsnõÁx v¸èi.


Vision is the physical eye evolving into telescope.


254)         To be aware of the Origin and its intention is to be conscious.


                ußøÚ ¤µ®©©õP AÔÁx ußøÚ¯ÔÁuõS®.


255)         Divine Life is the world coming to us through the Divine.


                E»P® ÷|µi¯õP |®ªh® Á¸Áx ÁõÌÄ.

                ¤µ®© ‰»® Á¸Áx öu´ÃP ÁõÌÄ.


256)         Personality or character compromises the ideal with the realities of life. Being finds them as the real complements to the Ideal.


                ÁõÌÄ _£õÁzuõÀ Pº©zøu {øÓ÷ÁØÖQÓx.

                Á͸® Bß©õ \µnõPv¯õÀ ¤µ®© áÚÚzøu¨ §ºzv ö\´QÓx.


                ÁõÌÄUSU Pº©®.

            Á͸® Bß©õÄUS ¤µ®© áÚÚ®.


                Karma is in life; Psychic offers the Marvel.


257)         One becomes tired when he supplies his own energy to work. Learning to draw the universal energy and passing it on to work, he will not be tired.


                uß |®¤UøPUSU Pøͨ¦sk.

                öu´Á |®¤UøPUSU Pøͨ¤Àø».


258)         Joy is the sensation of expressing excessive energy. Strain is the sensation of work of an energyless faculty without skill.


                ö£õ[Q Á¸Áx BÚ¢u®.

                C¯»õø© ¤øÇUP •¯ÀÁx Á¸zu®.


                        Overwhelming joy; energyless strain.


259)         Infinity of infinities is the essence of Sri Aravindam.


                Ba\›¯zvß AÚ¢u©õÚ Aئu® ÿ AµÂ¢u Av\¯®.


260)        ¤iø¯ Âk£Áß ¤µ®©®.


                        Giving up possessiveness, one becomes Brahman.


The alternate before the Indian is exceeding prosperity and self -immolation.


He who faces total destruction rarely realises that he is on the brink of unheard of Prosperity.


Prosper or Perish.


261)         A mountain of human crimes and sins will dissolve in one drop of light. In fact, they are the greatest potentials for the glorious future.


                £õÁ ©ø» GvºPõ»¨ ¦so¯®.

                Ph¢u Põ» SØÓ® GvºPõ»¨ ¦so¯®.


                        Crime is human intensity.

Sin is spiritual savings for the future.

A classic phrase immortalises thought.

A word that touches Brahman rings through ages.


262)         Power in democracy comes by justifying the Right by the wrong.


v¸hÝUS |õn¯® Pؤ¨£Áß •iÂÀ v¸høÚ |õn¯©õÚÁß Gߣõß.


©UPÍõm]°À AvPõµ® ö£Ó v¸hÝUS |õn¯® PؤUP ÷Ásk®.


ö£õ´°ß ö©´ø¯¨ ÷£õØÖÁx ÷¯õP®.


Democracy brings out the Truth out of untruth.


263)         There are not more than a dozen Ideas in the world ruling it.

Sri Aravindam enables one to create new original Ideas to add to its store. Such an Idea will be more powerful than all the existing Ideas put together.




The word from the Body is a Big Bang.


Gsn® Gøu²® \õvUS®.

Gsn® \õvUPõuøu GxÄ® \õvUPõx.


264)         Professionals who excel do not lose temper.


                ÷£õºUPÍzv¾®, Cµõä¯ \ø£°¾® ÷Põ£¨£h •i¯õx.

                ÷Põ£® ÷Põn¼À •i²®.


                To achieve in the least of works, patience is needed.

                All achievements in Nature are Spiritual.

Movements belong to Nature, achievements to Spirit.


Neither Rama nor Krishna could elevate their caste by their birth.


265)         Even the magnificent noble appreciation of the past is still a drain. Past is past and will never do for the Future.


                Ph¢ux PøµUS®.


            PhÄÍõÚõ¾® Ph¢ux Pº©®.


                        Past is destructive Time.


                Love of the past destroys the present, dissolves the Future.


266)         Generosity without strength makes one enter the trap of malicious greed.


                v¸møh E›ø©¯õUS® Áø»°À Â寪À»õu ö£¸¢ußø© ÂÊ®.


                ö£›¯x ö£ÖÁx |ßÔ.

                ]Ô¯x ö£ÖÁx ]Öø©°ß ö£õÔ.


267)         The capacity of the Americans to make nouns out of verbs arises from their sense of practicality.


                ö\õÀ ö\¯»õÁx E»P®.

                ö\¯À ö\õÀ»õÁx ö\¯À vÓß.


                        Language exactly reflects vital, physical urges.


268)         Intellectual clarity carries no energy.


                AÔÄUS›¯x öuÎÄ, öu®¤Àø».


                öu®¦US›¯x Enºa].


                        Emotion energises.


269)         The work of the Infinite is to accomplish in the perfection of the Finite.


                öu´Á® Gߣx ©ÛuÛß ]Ó¨¦.

                ]Ô¯vß ]Ó¨¤¼¸¢x ö£›¯x ¤ÓUS®.


                        The Infinite is the Perfection of the Finite.


270)         Man is a satisfied animal in his security of unconsciousness.


                |®¤UøP°ß \Uv ©ø»ø¯ |Pºzx®.

                ‰h |®¤UøP°ß £»zøu E»P÷© Aø\UP •i¯õx.


271)         Cleanliness is the receptivity of the perfected physical.


                ]Ó¨¦ØÓ áh® ÂȨ£x  _zu®.


272)         Honour is the ideal of the physical mind.


                ©õÚ® áh® ö£ØÓ C»m]¯®.


273)         By creating characters, the poet lives in all of them and sees all in him – All is in each, each is in all.


                £õzvµ[Pøͨ £øhUS® P AÁºPÎÀ ÁõÌQÓõß.

                AÁºPÒ AøÚÁøµ²® ußÝÒ PõsQÓõß.

                CÆÁÈ PÂ E»QÀ Bß© ÷|¯ J¸ø©ø¯U PõsQÓõß.


                ö\´²Ò C»UQ¯® ö\¨£÷»õø\US›¯x.


                        The poet rises to the unity of souls.


274)        •iÁØÓÁß ‰»® •Êø©²øh¯x.


                        To discover the ORIGIN of the endless Person is to discover the Finite in the infinite.


275)         How can an infinite life be exhausted by a language which can infinitely express it. Still it is that exhaustion that opens the infinite possibilities of intense divine intimacy.


                •iÁØÓ ÁõÌøÁ •iÂÀ»õu ö©õÈ •i¨£x ‰»Áß u›\Ú®.


276)         Coincidences are Brahman knocking on the human door.


                ¤µ®©® ©Ûu ÁõÌÂÀ Gmi¨ £õº¨£øu |õ® uØö\¯À, öu´Áa ö\¯À GßQ÷Óõ®.


                Aߦ AÚ¢uÛß AøǨ¦. 


            uõ÷Ú |h¨£x bõÚz uSv.


                Life Responds when the Soul is mature.


277)         To accomplish in knowledge, one can discover a Law behind each act of his.


                ö\¯¼ß \mh® bõÚ® E»QÀ £¼US®.


278)         Accomplishment by attitudes abridges time and organises the environment.


                ußø©¯õP \õvzuõÀ uSv ö£¸S®.


279)         Patronising attitude brings prosperity.


                ©Ûuõ¤©õÚ® _¥m\® u¸®.


280)         The blinding light of heaven dissolves in its benevolence.


                bõÚzvß ÷áõv P¸øn¯õPU Pøµ²®.


281)         The richness of the being dissolves the past. The past includes all karma.


                ö|g_ {øÓ²®ö£õÊx Põ»® Pøµ²®.

                Põ»® Pº©zøu²möPõshx.


                        Rich fulness is the solvent of karma.


                §›zu ãÁß £õÁzøu¨ ¦so¯©õUSQÓõß.


282)         Surrendering an idea or an impulse that arises is the very best. To have no ideas that are to be surrendered is Silence. Then that Silence is to be surrendered as Silence itself is not Brahman or His move. Then the Silent Brahman begins to flower in Life. That is all life is yoga. Is there a state beyond where all Matter is yoga or all Existence is yoga? What then is yoga? The Freedom of Brahman expressing in the action of Brahman is what we seek. It extends the conception of Brahman by the Rishis.


                ›æPÒ Pshx Añµ¨ ¤µ®©®.

                Ax £Sv. Aøu ö©ÍÚ©õPU PshÚº.

                DìÁµß Añµ¨ ¤µ®©zøuz ußÝm öPõshx.

                Supreme DìÁµøÚU Ph¢ux.

                ¤µ®©® Supreme-&ø©U Ph¢ux.

                AxÄ® Aø\ÁØÓ ¤µ®©®.

                Aø\²® E›ø© ö£ØÓ ¤µ®©® ÿ AµÂ¢u® TÖÁx.

            Ax E»QÀ áÛ¨£x ]¸èi.

                Cx ›æPÒ AÔ¯õu ]¸èi.

                ›æPÒ Psh ]¸èi Põ»zvÀ EÒÍx.

                ÿ AµÂ¢u® TÖ® ]¸èi Põ»•® Põ»zøuU Ph¢ux® Cøn¢u ÷»õP®.


283)         Attitudes accomplish.


                ußø© \õvUS®.


284)         Rationality requires facts. Facts change as Time is successive. There is no rationality without facts. And facts do not exist.


Põ»® ©õÖ®.

GÚ÷Á {ø»¯õÚ {PÌa]ö¯Ú JßÔÀø».

{PÌa]¯ßÔ AÔÄ CÀø».


285)         All impulses are intuitions. One makes progress in yoga when he consecrates the mental impulses in the ascent and physical impulses in the descent.


                •iøÁU Ph¢x ‰»zøu¯øh¯ ©Úzøu ]¸èi°¾®, Ehø»¨ £›nõ©zv¾® PhUP ÷Ásk®.

                ]¸èi²®, £›nõ©•® \¢v¨£x ÷¯õP®.


286)         Silence into which knowledge has retreated is more powerful than Silent will. Its emerging into external life is the power of Spirit moving matter.


                ö©ÍÚ® \Uv ö£ØÖ öÁΨ£kÁx ¤µ®© áÚÚ®.


287)         One reason for the birth of Mind and Science in Europe is they have reached perfection in agriculture and made their entire country into a well maintained garden.


                ÂÁ\õ¯® £ÊzuõÀ ÂgbõÚ® Põ´US®.


                        Physical primitivity prevents birth of mental innovation.


288)         To experience Love, the attachment in ignorance must be replaced by the affinity in Spiritual knowledge.


                AÔ¯õø©°ß £õ\® Pøµ¢x Bß«P bõÚzvß EÓÄ HØ£mhõÀ Aߦ ÂÍ[S®.


                        Love is the emotion of spiritual oneness.


                Aߦ Bß«P J¸ø©°ß EnºÄ.


                Bß©õÂß PÁºa] Aß¤ß GÊa].


289)         Not to react to falsehood is more important than adherence to Truth as what reacts is active organised falsehood.


                ö£õ´ø¯U Pi¢x öPõÒÍõux ö©´°Ý® ]Ó¢ux.


                        Only the false ego reacts.


                Pi¢uõÀ ©i²® ö©´.


290)         The intelligence of a practical mind whose intelligence does not soar, resorts to mischief.


                Â寪À»õuÁß AÔÄ Âå©® ö\´²®.


                        Energy of the low ends in mischief.


291)        ¦Ózøu EÒ÷Í AÔÁx bõÚ®.


                To see the outside inside is Jnana.

                Jnana is universal. It cannot be confined to outside or inside. It overflows. It overflows outside from inside.


292)        bõÚ® Eu¯©õÚõÀ öÁΨ£k®.

Eu¯©õÚ bõÚ® EÒ÷Í ÷£õÁx ]zv.

]zv £USÁ©õÚõÀ EÒ÷Ͳ®, öÁÎ÷¯²® ›²®.


                        Revelation is Jnana. It presses for expression. The revealed Jnana going in is realisation. It is outside as well as inside.


                Eu¯©õÚ bõÚ® EÒ÷Í ÷£õÁx ¤µ®©® ÂȨ£uõS®.

                Ax÷Á ¤µ®© áÚÚ®.


293)         To relate to a single VIP meaningfully for a short while is no mean achievement. Still, any number of such accomplishments will count for little when it comes to accomplishment in work or even personal gain.


                E¯÷µ £Ó¨£x FºUS¸ÂUPÀ».

                G¢u E¯µ•® Aøu¨ £¸¢uõUPõx.


                        All the VIP events cannot serve people, though they are of significance.


                Not great men, but great moments achieve.


294)         In the period of their ascendancy, US banks ruined their clients by intentional foreclosing. Banks flourished, clients were ruined as the banks acted from a position of strength.


                Á¼ø© Á͸® £¸ÁzvÀ uÁÖ, SØÓ®, £õÁ® £›_ ö£Ö®.


            £õÁzvØS® £¸Á® Esk.


                        Sin too has its flourishing seasons.


295)         Emerging organisation entering devious ways is chaos.


                ö©ÍÚzøu Gmh •i¯õu Gsn® uh® ¦µsk uÂUS®.


296)         One who knows the characters as they know is a writer.


                £õzvµzøu AÔ£Áß B]›¯ß.


                E»øP AÔ£Áß Ezu©ß.


            AÔÄ AÚ¢uÚõUS®.


297)         The higher includes the lower, but the lower excludes the higher.


                ö£›¯uÝÒ ]Ô¯x AhUP®.

                ]Ô¯x ö£›¯øu »US®.


298)         Organisation ultimately eliminates the failure of work in the individual life.


                ÷uõÀ ©ÛuÝUS, ÷Áø»UQÀø».


            vÓø© £Sv, •Êø© •Êø©²øh¯x.


                        Organisation is the efficiency of the whole.


299)         One who expects to accomplish against his enemy should have


1.        strength;

2.        the capacity to let the enemy know he has strength;

3.        the ability to inform the enemy that he knows the fact of the enemy knowing.


Still he must know that the enemy has received the information.


\õvUP Á¼ø© ÷Ásk®. Gv›US |® Á¼ø© öu›¯ ÷Ásk®. AÁß AÔ¢uøu |õ•® AÔ÷Áõ® Gߣx® AÁß Enµ ÷Ásk®. Aaö\´v |®ø© Á¢x Aøh¯ ÷Ásk®.


Á¼ø©°¸¢x, Gv›¯Ô¢x, Aøu |õ•® AÔ¢x ö\¯À£k£Áß \õv¨£õß.


Our strength known to the enemy coming back as news to us is an index of accomplishment.


300)         Unorganised life organises and integrates and leaves out what refuses integration. Growth in an integrated organisation excludes none, upgrades all.


                Fº »US®, Sk®£® ÷\ºzuønUS®.

»USÁº Sk®£ªÀø».


»QÚõÀ Sk®£ªÀø».


Society integrating itself becomes an all-absorbing family.



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