Series XVIII                                        


351)         Our success is in the measure of our helplessness.


                vÓÚØÓÁß GÚ EnºÁx vÓß ö£ÖÁuõS®.


352)         When you tell God, "I cannot do it, how can I do it?" it is God in you that is awake.


                GßÚõÀ •i¯õx Gߣx ‰»zøu AÔÁx.


353)         APsh® Psh©ØÓ {zv¯®.


                Infinity is eternal security of hazards.


354)         A flat dull atmosphere can be changed by chanting of mantras. They cannot create an atmosphere or raise its level.


                ãÁÚØÓ ÷|µzvØS ©¢vµ® EuÄ®.


355)         Forces of lower planes acting in higher planes is violence.


                ]Ô¯x ö£›¯ ÷Áø»ø¯a ö\´¯ •¯ÀÁx Áß•øÓ.


356)         Consecration cannot be done by vital effort or mental thinking. To consecrate successfully the vital effort and mental thinking are to be consecrated. So, consecration can only be done by consecration.


                •ÒøÍ •ÒÍõÀ Gk¨£x ÷£õÀ \©º¨£nzøu \©º¨£nzuõÀ ©mk÷© ö\´¯ •i²®.


357)         For one to consecrate, it is necessary that his whole existence must become consecration.


                \©º¨£n÷© \©º¨£n® ö\´²®.


358)         The moveless subjective Time becomes the moving object in Space.


                PØ£øÚU P¸Å»® P¸zxUS›¯ ö£õ¸ÍõQÓx.


359)         Governor is originally used in the sense of a manager.


                ¦zuP® GßÓ  £øǯ ö\õÀ ¦Ûu ø£¤Ò B°ØÖ.


360)         Creation is summed up in the five processes.


                IÁøP ]¸èi.


361)         Akshara Brahman is the non-creative, witness Self. The Self-Conscious Being is the Creative Self.


                Añµ¨ ¤µ®©® Aø\¯õu ¤µ®©®. \z ¤µ®©® ]¸èi¨£x.


362)         Familiarity is the passage through which sacredness passes into profanity.


                •uÀ AÝ£Á® ¸]US®.


            ¦xø©°ß ©Öö£¯º ¸].


363)         Being takes three poises of God, Jivatma, Ego. Consciousness also takes three poises of knower, known and knowledge. Time too takes three poises.


                ‰ßÖ {ø»PÎÀ •iÁx ]¸èi.


364)         It is natural to be in Time as man; it is easy to be God in Timelessness; it is evolutionary to be God in Simultaneous Integrality of Time.


                ©ÛuÚõP ÁõÌÁx C¯ØøP.

                PhÄÍõP ÁõÇ •i²®.

                ¤µ®© áÚÚzvØS›¯ ¤µ®©©õP ÁõÌÁx ÿ AµÂ¢u®.


365)         Waste, the result of lack of skill, is the pride of the uncultured neo-rich.


                vÓø©¯ØÓ ¦x¨ £nUPõµß ö\Ȩ¤À ö£Ö® ö£¸ø© µ¯®.


366)         Passion has intensity, not loyalty.


                £õ\® wµ©õÚx. ÂìÁõ\® AuØS›¯uÀ».


367)         Learning is to see the impersonal in the personal event.


                J¸ {PÌa]°À E»øPU Põs£x PØÓÀ GÚ¨£k®.


368)         Disgrace is infinite grace.       

- Agenda.


                AÁ©õÚ® A¸Ò u¸® ©õÚ®.


369)         We think of people of achievement as that is what we too aim at.


                \õuøÚ°ß «xÒÍ Bø\ \õvzuÁ›ß «v¸US®.


370)         Meanness manipulates.


                P¯ø© PÊzuÖUS®.


371)         Relationship with anyone is inward, through Mother, not external.


                AßøÚ ‰»® ö£Ö® EÓÄ APzvØS›¯x. Ax÷Á EÓÄ. ÷|µi¯õP EÓÄ öPõÒÍ |©US›ø©°Àø».                       


372)         The human bliss that thrills the body is transformed into the divine Delight in the soul of the body.


                ©øÚ u¸® Cߣ® ©PzxÁ® ö£õ¸¢v¯ ¤µ®© áÚÚ©õÁx \©º¨£nzuõÀ.


373)         History makes tyrants' offsprings work for fairness and justice to complete their learning.


                CßÖ {¯õ¯zvØS¨ ÷£õµõk£ÁºPÒ AßÖ öPõk[÷PõÀ ©ßÚ¸øh¯ \¢uvPÒ.


374)         v¸hÝøh¯ {¯õ¯zøu HØ£Áß v¸hß.


                The public who adore or approve of a dishonest rogue are dishonest.


375)         Emotions of the body is passion; of the mind is idealism;  that of the Spirit is devotion.


                £ØÖ, £õ\®, C»m]¯®, £Uv BQ¯øÁ EhÀ, E°º, ©Ú®, Bß©õÂß Enºa]¯õS®.


376)         The lazy man really knows the highest goal of man as "to be". Only that he knows it negatively.


                \zvß E¯ºøÁz uø»R÷Ç Enº¢uÁß ÷\õ®÷£Ô.


            \z ¦¸åøÚ ÷\õ®÷£Ô¯õPU PshÁß ©Ûuß.


377)         Man wants to achieve, to do, to enjoy, not knowing that he should be.


                \õvUP ÷Ásk®, Gøu¯õÁx ö\´¯ ÷Ásk®, AÝ£ÂUP ÷Ásk® GßÓ ©Ûuß uõ® uõ©õP ©mk® C¸UP ÷Ásk® GßÖ AÔ¯ÂÀø».


378)         \zøu A\zuõPU PshÁß ÷\õ®÷£Ô.


                Laziness transformed Sat into Asat.


379)         ußÚõÀ •i¢u uÁØøÓ uÁÓõx Cøh¯Óõx ö\´ÁvÀ BÚ¢u® ö£Ö£Áß ©Ûuß.


                God enjoys every minute. Man acts all the time.


380)         Energy exhausts inevitably.


                öu®¦ AÈÁx ÁõÌöÁÚ¨£k®.


381)         Reading a book is to learn the argument the author gives. In The Life Divine to get that argument one needs to have intuition. The intuitive argument is intriguing as it is inverse.


                AÔÄ AÈ¢x GÊÁx bõÚ®.


382)         The greatest thinker is still far away from the smallest spiritual Idea.


                AÔÂß Ea\•® Bß©õøÁ Gmhõx.


383)         |À»øuU ÷PmkU öPõÒÍ ©Ö¨£Áß öPmhøuz uÁÓõx ÷PmkU öPõÒÁõß.


                He who refuses good advice will readily pay heed to evil counsel.


384)         To work effectively in a given, right, well-equipped infrastructure is called efficiency. Capacity is to work as effectively in the absence of such an infrastructure.


                •i¢uøu ö\´Áx vÓø©;

                •i¯õuøu ö\´x •i¨£x uø»ø©.


385)         Wisdom may be wide; but power belongs to personality.


                £µ¢u Â÷ÁP•® _£õÁzvÚÍ÷Á \õvUS®.


386)         Objective knowledge can be taught, not subjective knowledge.


                ¦Ózvß AÔÄ, APzvß bõÚ®.


387)         Those who ask for guidance expect the work to be finished in spite of themselves – without their doing anything.


                ÷¯õ\øÚ ÷Pm£Áº ÷¯õ\øÚ ö\õÀ£Á÷µ ÷Áø»ø¯ •i¨£õº GÚ Gvº£õº¨£õº.


388)         When you see the resistance to the descent is divine, the resistance disappears, becomes receptivity.


                A_µÛ¾ÒÍ öu´Ázøu ©mk® AÔ¢uõÀ A_µß ÷uÁÚõÁõß.


389)         What is left unsaid lives in the subtle plane and achieves silently.


                ö\õÀ¼¯ ö\õÀ Gk£hõu ö£õÊx, ö\õÀ»õu ö\õÀ ö\À¾®.


390)         No man who follows his own faith in sincerity will fail to prosper. Sincerity is Prosperity.


                E»Pzv¾ÒÍöuÀ»õ® Esø©ø¯ |õi Á¸®.


391)         The principles of successful physiotherapy contain the entire wisdom of the world.


                Aq÷Á ¤µ®©®. ¤µ®©÷© Aq.


392)         Popularity must be followed by unpopularity is a rule.


                |À» ö£¯¸®, öPmh ö£¯¸® ©õÔ ©õÔ Á¸Áx \mh®.


393)         No man's statements can be taken as rational ones in the areas of his own personal prejudices.


                G¢u ö£›¯ ©ÛuÝUS® ö\õ¢u©õÚ Âå¯[PÎÀ öuÎÄ, ÷|ºø©°¸UP •i¯õx.


394)         The public's ignorance of the defects of the leadership enables them to support its evolutionary role.


                AÔ¯õø© AÔ÷Áõk |hUP EuÄ®.


395)         It is Love that loves itself everywhere.

 p.70 – Agenda, Vol.6


                "AÁÚ¸ÍõÀ AÁß uõÒ Án[Q'.


396)         A simple fact converted into a rule (e.g. their excuse is their agony) renders language expressive.


                {PÌa] P¸zuõÚõÀ GÊzx E°º ö£Ö®.


397)         Desire to excel others is the beginning of self-exceeding.


                ÷£õmi v¸Ä¸©õØÓzvß Bµ®£®.


398)         Man learns only once. It is at the beginning.


                C¸ •øÓ PØ£x CÆÄ»Q¼Àø».


399)         Sensitive spots are irrational because they are sensitive.


                EÒѵ {øÚzuõÀ EÒÍx öÁÎ Áõµõx.


400)         ¦»ßPÒ CøÓÁøÚ EnºÁx öu´Á® {uº\Ú©õÁx.


                To sense GOD is to realise Him in Life and in Time.



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