Series XVII



201)     Inability that is unwillingness becomes ability when the mental emerges from the vital or the psychic from the mind.

             ¤›¯ªÀø» Gߣøu •i¯ÂÀø» GßQ÷Óõ®. EnºÄUS AÔÄ Á¢uõ¾®, AÔÄUS Bz© ÂȨ÷£Ø£mhõ¾® •i¯õux •i²®.

             •i¯õux •iÁx ÂȨ¦.

202)     Decisions of progress are made in crises. Inner crisis is a moment when one knows the subliminal pressing the surface.

             ö|¸UPi°À Gk¨£x •iÄ. AP® ¦Ózøua \¢v¨£x ö|¸UPi. BÌ©Úzøu ÷©À©Ú® AÔÁx AP® ¦Ózøua \¢v¨£x. Ax÷Á ö|¸UPi.

             ö|¸UPi A¸ÐUS›¯ ÷|µ®.

203)     The negative role of any institution such as Stock Exchange can be curbed based on the realistic heights to which the stocks can soar, on the analogy of the waiter being prevented from supplying drink to a customer.

             `x, Si, ÷µì CøÁPøÍ KµÍÄUS v¸©n® EhÀ EnºøÁU Pmk¨£kzxÁx÷£õÀ \mhzuõÀ Pmk¨-& £kzu»õ®.

204)     Martin Gilbert with his extraordinary talents for impressive historical writing has written three volumes of scurrilous scandal and won world acclaim.

             AÍÄ Ph¢u Esø©US›¯ vÓø© AÍÄ Ph¢u ö£õ´ ÷£_®.

205)     The right in the wrong revealing itself makes wisdom Spiritual knowledge.

             uÁØøÓ \› GÚ En¸® £õ[S Â÷ÁPzøu bõÚ ]zv& ¯õUS®.

206)     As there is no Silence till memory vanishes, there is no spiritual realisation until Silence settles down.

             {øÚÄÒÍÁøµ ö©ÍÚªÀø». G¢u Bz©õÝ£Á•® ö©ÍÚzvÀ Bµ®¤UQßÓx.

          {øÚÄ & ö©ÍÚ® & ]zv.

207)     No human guru is of any avail in this yoga means all knowledge is Self-knowledge.

             uõ÷Ú PØÓx uµ ©ØÓøÁ £¯ß£hõx Gߣx ©Ûu S¸ÄUS ChªÀø» GÚU TÓ¨£kQÓx.

             Bz© bõÚ® ö\õ¢u bõÚ®.

208)     The Cold War was fought in the vital of humankind. It was a war of mental violence against physical violence represented by USA and USSR.

             µè¯õÂß öPõkø©ø¯ Aö©›UPõ GvºUP ©Úzvß Pkø©ø¯¨ £¯ß£kzv¯uõÀ 40 Bsk E»P® ¥v¯õÀ ¥iUP¨£mi¸¢ux.

          öPõkø©ø¯U Pkø©¯õÀ öÁÀ» •i¯õx.

209)     A coin, a word, a journey or any act of the society compresses in itself the entire power of the society hitherto developed. He who knows it, knows all the future in it. The word 'Sri Aurobindo' thus contains all the future of the universe.

             G¢u ö\õÀ¾®, G¢ua ö\¯¾®  Ph¢uøu EmöPõshx ÷£õÀ,  ÿ AµÂ¢uº GßÓ ö\õÀ ¤µ£g\zvß GvºPõ»zøuz ußÝm öPõshx. AßÖ®, GßÖ® CßÖÒ EÒÍÚ.

210)     Perfection in aspect such as personal integrity in an imperfect society necessitates imperfection in another important area.

             SøÓ¯õÚ \‰P® K›hzvÀ {øÓÄ ÷uiÚõÀ, Akzu Ch® SøÓ¯õS®.

211)     Bribe will not deter merely physical people. It may induce them to rob you further.

             »g\® ö£ØÖ Ah[PÄ® KµÍÄ ußø© ÷Ásk®. ui¨¦ £nzvØS Ah[Põx.

212)     Internet is the universal currency of mind.

             Internet Gߣx ©Úzvß ¤µ£g\¨£n®.

213)        ¤iUPõux CÀø» GÛÀ, ÂÍ[Põu÷uõ, •i¯õu÷uõ CÀø».

There are things we do not like. If it is not there, there is nothing that is not comprehensible or impossible.

214)     Freedom grows by control. Control thrives in freedom.

             CxÄ® Ax÷Á; AxÄ® Cx÷Á.

215)     The thought that is provoked is no thought of value. A thought of value flowers without the tension of provocation.

             {ø»ø© ]¢vUP {º¨£¢u® ö\´²®. ^Ô¯ ]¢uøÚ ©ÚzvÀ uõ÷Ú ]ÓUS®.

             ^ÖÁx ^Ô¯ ]¢uøÚ¯õPõx.

216)     Form seeks perfection, force equilibrium, thought conception. Supramental Truth seeks the Perfection of the Whole in the Parts.

             ¹£® |õkÁx ]Ó¨¦. \Uv ÷ukÁx {uõÚzvß ÷ÁP®. Gsn® ¤µ®©zøu |õkQÓx. \zv¯ 㯮 •Êø©°ß ]Ó¨ø£ £Sv°À ÷ukQÓx.

             £Sv°ß •Êø© £µ©Ûß BÚ¢u®.

217)     It is easier not to set out to earn money, than to give it up after earning.

             £nzøu \®£õvUP ©ÖUP»õ®. \®£õvzu¤ß Âh •i¯õx.

             \®£õvzx ©Ö¨£x £nzvß CµP쯮.

             Earning without attachment is the secret of money power.

218)     To become wealthy is an achievement in Force, not in accomplishment. To outgrow money is essential for accomplishment.

             £n® \®£õvUPõ©À \õvUP •i¯õx. £nzvß «xÒÍ £ØøÓ Âhõ©À \õuøÚ E¯µõx.

             ©Ú® £nzøu \®£õvzx, Ph¨£x AÁ]¯®.

219)     Knowledge of a plane acquired in a prolonged period is acquired at the next plane at once.

             EhÀ Kµõ°µ® BsiÀ ö£Ö® AÝ£Ázøu ©Ú® Eh÷Ú ö£ÓÁÀ»x.

             ²P® ñn©õP {ø» E¯º¢x ©õÓ ÷Ásk®.

220)     Instantaneous miraculousness is seen when we shift inside from outside. Moving to the next plane and shifting inside are the same.

             APzøu |õiÚõÀ ²P® ñn©õS®. ¦Ó® AP©õÁx®, EhÀ ©Ú©õÁx®, ²P® ñn©õÁuõS®.

221)     Shaw, Russell, and Einstein refused to condemn USSR, as the wrong side of the RIGHT  side should not be condemned.

          ÷|µõÚÁß SøÓø¯z uÁÓõÚÁß GkzxU TÖÁõß.

222)     ¤Óº uÁØøÓ GkzxU TÖ®Áøµ uÁØÔ¼¸¢x »P •i¯õx.

             Complaint is subconscious awareness of one's own defect.

223)     The arguments of the ego will not avail when a work is to be accomplised.

             \õ©ºzv¯•®, \õxº¯•® ÷Áø»ø¯¨ §ºzv ö\´¯õ.

224)     öÁmP¨£hõuÁÝUS Â寮 •i¯õx. öÁmP¨£h •i¯õuÁß \õuøÚ, öÁØÔ ö£ØÓõÀ öÁmP® Á¸®.

             Shameless man will accomplish what one will be ashamed of.

             öÁmP® \õvzuõÀ öÁmP¨£h ÷Ási¯øu »US®. öÁmP ©ØÓÁÝUS öÁmP® \õuøÚ.

225)     Affection born or received by a character of physical indulgence ennobles the person and remains pure affection.

             Momentary purity purifies ages of impurity.

             A][P•®, B£õ\•® ñnzvÀ bõÚzuõÀ ¦Ûu¨£k®.

226)     Work creates money that is physical. Trust creates vital money that facilitates progress. Comprehension creates mental money that has a tendency to multiply. Faith goes with infinite money.

             EøǨ¦,  Fv¯® u¸®. |®¤UøP CÀ»õu £nzøu Gʨ¦®. AÔÄ Á͸® £nzøu ÁͺUS®. Bz© |®¤UøP AÚ¢u©õÚ £n®.

             £n® £µ©øÚ¯øh¯ EuÄ®.

227)     G¨£i¯õÁx \®£õvUP ÷Ásk® GߣøuÂh G¨£i²® \¢÷uõå©õP C¸UP ÷Ásk® Gߣx |À»x.

Man wants to be successful somehow. Instead, he can try to be happy at all costs.

             \®£õzv¯zøuÂh E¯º¢u \¢÷uõå®.

228)     Attention is silent praise.

             PÁÚ® ö©ÍÚ©õÚ £õµõmk.

229)     AÝ£ÁzvÀ ö£Ö® bõÚ® Â÷ÁP®.  APzvÀ ö£Ö® AÝ£Á bõÚ® ÁõÌøÁ Bz©õÁõÀ AÔÁx.

Wisdom is from life experience. Jnana is from inner spiritual experience.

230)     Charm is the energy of Ignorance, ignorance of the other side of personality. When the other side is seen as positive, charm changes into ecstasy.

             AÔ¯õø©°ß Avºèh® PÁºa]. AÔ¯õø© bõÚ©õÚõÀ PÁºa] §›¨£õS®.

231)     Organisation is the enlightenment of the will to be more effective in action by coordinating its various acts by greater knowledge.

             AÔÁõÀ ö\¯À ÂÍUP® ö£ÖuÀ ìuõ£Ú Aø©¨¦ E¸ÁõÁuõS®.

232)     Charm is the intensity of the energy of expansive good will.

          ©»¸® |Àö»snzvß ©n® Ã_® EnºÄ PÁºa]¯õS®.

             PÁºa] ©Ú©»ºa].

233)     This theory is the SKILL of creation.

          ÿ AµÂ¢u® GßÓ uzxÁ® ]¸èi°ß uzxÁ®.

234)     The stupid man becomes most efficient when he learns something. His efficiency issues from his stupidity.

             ©øh¯ß PØÓøu ©µn® Áøµ ©ÓUP ©õmhõß. ©hø© AÁß vÓø©.

235)     As biological functions lie in wait, selfishness is always ready to act without notice.

             _¯|»® EhÀ EnºøÁ¨ ÷£õÀ ö\¯À£hz u¯õµõP EÒÍx.

236)     The intransigent defiance of politicians of every decent behaviour makes people learn of the basic provisions of law.

             ©UPÒ \mhzøu¯Ô¯ Aµ]¯ÀÁõvPÒ AµõáP®   ö\´QßÓÚº.

237)     Tyranny and torture are the doorways by which the human Spirit leaves the physical imprisonment to rise to mind.

             ãÁß Eh¼¼¸¢x ©ÚzvØS Á¸® Áõ°À öPõkø©, ]zµÁøu.

238)     To show selfishness that its aims will be better achieved by selflessness is civilisation. To show that self-giving better replaces selflessness is spirituality.

             £µ|»® _¯|»zøu AvP©õP¨ §ºzv ö\´²® Gߣx |õPŸP®. Aº¨£n® ÷©¾® |ßÖ Gߣx Bß«P®.

239)     ©Ó¢uõÀ ©ØÓÁº {øÚÄ øÁzv¸¨£õº.

©Óv, ¤Óº {øÚÄ.

             Forgetting makes another remember.

             ¤Óøµ {øÚÄ£kzxÁx |©x ©Óv.

240)     öÁmP® öPmhÁß ©ÛuÚõP •i²©õ?

             To be a human being, one should have some sense of shame.

             Shameless man is no man.

             öÁmP® J¸ÁøÚ ©ÛuÚõUS®.

241)     ¤›¯® ¤ßÚõ÷»÷¯ ÷£õS®.

             Passion will be impatient.

242)     ©mh® öuõmhõÀ JmiU öPõÒЮ.

             The low gravitates to the high.

243)     Cèh¨£kÁuõÀ öPõkzxÂh •i¯õx. öPõk¨£uõÀ ÷£õ´ ÷\µõx.

             Nothing can be given as we choose.

244)     GÁ¸® u®ø©¨ ¤Óº öuõh Âh©õmhõºPÒ.

             One cannot touch another – his inner personality.

245)     |À»øua ö\õÀ¾® E›ø© |©UQÀø».

             No one has the right to tell another what is right.

246)     ÂøÓ¨¦US Á°Ö •ßÁ¸®.

             Assertion pushes the abdomen in the front.

247)     ÷PmPõ©À ö\õÀ»U Thõx. ÷Pmhõ¾® ö\õÀ»õ©¼¸¨£x ÷©À.

             Advice is out of place.

             Better refuse it even when sought for.

248)     |õ´ Fº _ØÖ®. |õ® Aøu {®©v GßQ÷Óõ®.

             Unpardonable laziness is understood as relaxation.

249)     |À»øu ©Ûuß AÔ¯õß.

             Man gravitates away from the GOOD.

250)     ußøÚ¨ ö£›¯ÁÚõUSÁx uº©®.

             Charity is self-adoration.


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