Series XV


701)     Corruption is the experience that the longest route is the only short cut.

             ÷Áø»US›¯ £»øÚ ö\´x©mk® ö£Ó»õ® GßÓ AÝ£Ázøu |èhzuõÀ EnºzxÁx »g\ FÇÀ.

702)     A man becomes God when he does what no man can do. Great souls do so in a great way. Mean people do so in a mean way. Man never fails to act as God, only that he does as he is constituted.

             ©Ûuß PhÄÍõP |hUPz uÁÖÁvÀø».
BÚõÀ ©Ûu ö©õȯõÀ ußøÚ öÁΨ£kzxQÓõß.

703)     The greatest joy is to discover oneself. The greatest of accomplishments is to give up all one’s possessions and possessiveness and wait for them to be rediscovered for you.

             ©øÓ¢x Põs£÷u ©¯ß u¸® BÚ¢u®. Ehø©ø¯²®, E›ø©ø¯²® öPõkzxÂmk AøÁ v¸®£z uõ÷Ú Á¸®Áøµ Põzv¸¨£x ÁõÌÂÀ CøÓÁß ö£Ö® BÚ¢u®.

704)    Bø\ AÀ£zøu |õkQÓx.
A®\zvØS Aئu® Põzv¸UQÓx.

             Desire dissolves in pettiness. A wonder awaits the inner desert.

             Bø\°ß AÀ£zøu¨ ¦ÓUPozx A®\zvß Aئuzøu HØ£x {uõÚ®.

705)    AkzuÁß Á\©õP |® øP°À ©õmiU öPõshõÀ AÁøÚ xÁ®\® ö\´÷Áß Gߣx ©Ûuß. £Uuß H©õ¢x ÷£õÚõÀ, PõoUøPø¯z v¸i¯õÁx AÁÝUS AÝUQµí® ö\´¯ ÷Ásk® Gߣx BshÁß.

             Man awaits an opportunity to trap another and crush him while God awaits an opportunity to steal the offering from an oblivious man to shower grace on him.

706)     Common sense is the subtle knowledge of the subconscious comprehension.

             BÌ©Ú® `m_©©õP AÔ¢uøu |õ® common sense £SzuÔÄ GßQ÷Óõ®.

             Totality of efficiency is common sense.

707)     Moralistic evaluation of non-moral life is like the factory owner scheduling his production on the pattern of agriculture seasons of rains.

             C¢x Q¸zxÁ¨ £siøPPøÍU öPõshõkÁx® ÁõÌøÁ uº© {¯õ¯©õP¨ ¦›¯ •øÚÁx® \©®.

708)     The subconscious learning by the awakening superconscious in it is to unite them both in the conscient man.

             BÌ©ÚzvÀ ÷áõv ÂȨ¦ØÖ AÔÁx
£õuõÍ•®, £µ©õz©õÄ® CønÁuõS®.

709)     Tragedy of the part becomes the Marvel of the whole when the centre moves from the part to the whole.

             Pº©zvß Â£zx Põµnzvß Aئu®.

             From part to the whole can be traced on all lines of life, when the failure of the past becomes the fulfillment of the present.

710)     The most powerful consecration is to go from an act to consciousness. One can consider being in consciousness and going to the act from there.

             ã¯zv¼¸¢x ãÁß ö£Ö® ö\¯À
CøÓÁß Cu¯zvÀ GÊ® ö\¯À.

711)     Creative work is for the depth of consciousness. Non-creative work is for the substance. The substance accepting wearisome work as if it is creative is the psychic of the substance emerging.       

             ÁÓsh Cu¯® ©»ºÁx Bß© ÂȨ¦.

712)     The accomplishments of one in his best work will be fully determined by the quality of his enjoying the lowest of works.

             ö£›¯ \õuøÚø¯ {ºn°US® ]Ö Põ›¯zvß \¢÷uõå®.

713)     A fresh explanation of a phenomenon by spiritual experience is to expand intellectuality to open to intuition. To do so positively from the mind is resourcefulness of a genius.

             AÔÂß Áõ°ø» Bß©õøÁ ÷|õUQz vÓ¨£x Bz©õÝ£Á®, ÷©uõ»õ\®.

714)     He who accuses original Spiritual experience with ingeniousness is one who has acquired ingeniousness.

             Bz©õÝ£ÁzøuU SuºUP©õP SuºUP® Põq®.

715)    & AvPõµ® AߣõÁx Avºèh®.

             & EÒÍ E›ø©ø¯ AÝ£ÂUP ©Ö¨£x Avºèh®.

             & _u¢vµzøu CÇUS® _u¢vµ® ¤µ®©®, Avºèh®.

716)     Culture is the calm expression of life in a plane of patient existence. American nerves have not yet emerged out of the hurry of life whose security of survival is threatened. USA cannot acquire any culture for long. When acquired it will be caustic culture, not culture.

             £s¦ Aø©v°À ¤Ó¢x BÚ¢uzøu AÚ¢u©õP Aݣ¨£x. AÁ\µ® Auß Gv›.

717)     One who has absolute freedom when he chooses not to limit himself by that, becomes the Absolute Brahman. It is true when he has the strength commensurate with that Freedom.

             £»\õ¼ ö£ØÓ £›§µn _u¢vµ® AÁøÚ AuÚõÀ Pmk¨&
£kzu¨£hõÂmhõÀ AÁß ¤µ®©©õÁõß.

             £»Áõß ö£ØÓ £›§µn _u¢vµ•® AÁÝUSz uøͯõPõ&
ÂmhõÀ £»•®, _u¢vµ•® AÁøÚ ¤µ®©©õUS®.

             ¤µ®©® Gߣx £¯ß£kzuõu ö£›¯ vÓß.

             Unused, unusable great attributes make one the Absolute.

718)    ÁõÌÂÀ ©Ó¢ux \õÂÀ Ps •ß GÊ¢x ]®© ö\õ¨£&
Ú©õS®. \©º¨£n® ©Ó¢uøu ©QÊ® {øÚÁõUS®.

             Life may forget, not death. Consecration converts the horror into the harmonious.

719)     What an uncultured man does out of compelling necessity, a cultured person does out of elevating values.

             Pmhõ¯zvØPõP ö\´Áøu £s¦UPõP ö\´¯ ÷Ásk®.

720)     The idealism of force more readily becomes crude bluntness than the flame that stirs the hearts of men.

             ÷ÁP® C»m]¯©õÚõÀ ©Ûuß •µhÚõÁõß.

             Maybe the only ideal is the idealism of cultured Quiet.

721)    E»Pzøu AÔ¯ •¯»õuÁÝUS A¸Ò Aøuz öu›ÂUP ¸®¤ÚõÀ, E»Pzvß B£õ\[PöÍÀ»õ® J¸ E¸Á©õÚ PnÁøÚ AÀ»x ©øÚÂø¯ AÎzx ©QÊ®.

             Grace presents a personality of all the world’s meanness as a spouse when it wants to awaken wilful blindness.

722)     Accepting Mother means turning away from the outer life and moving steadily inside without looking back.

             ¦Ó® AP©õÁx Bz©õ ö\´u ¦so¯®.

723)    Á¼ø¯ BÚ¢u©õP Aݣ¨£Áß ©Ûuß.

             BÚ¢uzøu Á¼¯õP ©õØÔ µ]zx ¸]¨£x ©Ûu _£õÁ®.

             Á¼ Gߣx EnºÂß AÔ¯õø©.

             ©µn® Gߣx Eh¼ß ¹£zvß AÔ¯õø©.

724)     Computerising common sense, known as Alternative Intelligence is the effort to make the subconscious conscious.

             BÌ©Ú® ÷©À ©Ú©õS® •øÓø¯U P®¨³mhº ö\¯ØøP AÔÄ GßQÓx.

725)     The exactness and precision of knowledge consists NOT in knowing a thing but in knowing what it is not as well as its difference and relationship with every other thing.

             GßÚ GßÖ öu›ÁøuÂh GßÚ CÀø» GßÖ öu›Áx®, ©ØÓÁØÖhß EÒÍ Âzv¯õ\•® öuõhº¦® öu›Áx öuÎÁõÚ, ›ÁõÚ, ~qUP©õÚ bõÚ®.

726)     The past, when energised, will activate only its own swabhava that is to be given up, not the new ones which it refuses to acquire.

             Ph¢uøuU P¸vÚõÀ PÊzøu AÖUS®.

727)     The knowledge of the genius is not all-knowledge, but rises as a peak emerges out of a huge base.

             ÷©øu°ß bõÚ® ]Ó¨£õÚ ]Pµ®, §µn©õÚ §µnªÀø».

728)    ÁõÌøÁ E¯º¢u •øÓ°À AvP©õP Aݣ¨£x AßøÚ ÁõÌÄ.

             To enjoy life intensely at a high level is Mother’s Life.

729)     The accomplishment of a work depends not only upon learning its process but also upon how to respond to the non-work that constantly interferes and knowing those things that should NOT be done.

             J¸ ÷Áø»ø¯U PØÖU öPõÒÁxhß, AuØSÒÍ Cøh-&-³ÖPøÍ G¨£i »USÁx Gߣøu²® GÁØøÓa ö\´¯U Thõx Gߣøu²® PØÖU öPõshõÀuõß Aøu {øÓ÷ÁØÓ •i²®.

730)     Surrender renders the entire process of action an inner process.

             AøÚzøu²® APÁõÌÁõUSÁx \µnõPv.

731)     Exclusiveness is not perfection. Perfection is there at all levels, even in imperfection. To see the Perfection of imperfection is to see the Marvel.

             Aئu® Gߣx SøÓ°ß {øÓÄ. SøÓ°ß •ÊUSøÓøÁ {øÓ¯õPU P¸xÁx AÔ¯õø©.

732)     A mean character can have an excellent culture of pleasant exterior because of high education or high birth.

             PÀ²®, ¤Ó¨¦® P¯ø©USU Pso¯©õÚ £sø£ öÁÖ® £ÇUP©õPz u¸®.

733)     The Infinite self-giving to the finite makes the finite feel that the Infinite entirely belongs to it as the finite gets all that it needs from It.

             |©USz ÷uøÁ¯õÚ AøÚzøu²® |õ® AßøÚ°hª¸¢x ö£ÖÁuõÀ, AßøÚ |©U÷P²›¯Áº GÚz ÷uõßÖQÓx.

734)     In Churchill’s rising to save the world we again witness HIS habit of choosing the lowest or lower than the lowest to be transformed to great achievement.

             v¸Ä¸©õØÓ® v¸hÛÀ Bµ®¤US®.

735)     A forward movement may use ebb and flow like a wave.

             HØÓ•®, CÓUP•® •ß÷ÚØÓzvß P¸ÂPÒ.

736)     Caution is to do a thing all the time so that an occasional lapse can be provided against.

             Gß÷Óõ J¸ |õÒ ÁµU Ti¯ v¸høÚz ukUP vÚ•® PuøÁz uõÎkÁx Ga\›UøP.

             Perennial alert to prevent a one time lapse. Everpresent alertness is caution.

737)     One’s highest total idealistic effectivity is determined by the very lowest act he is capable of.

             J¸Á›ß Esø©¯õÚ E¯ºÄ AÁº ªPzuõÌ¢u ö\¯¼À öÁΨ£k®.

738)     A good servant needs no explicit instruction.

             SÔ¨£Ô¢x ö\´Áx SØ÷ÓÁÀ.                      

739)     The word of mouth finds its real origin in the inner urge to know of others’ real social position.

             |õ® ¤Óøµ¯Ô¯ ¸®¦Áx Áu¢v.

740)     Yama refused Savitri’s words after he became a figure of light.

             Aµ\ß ¤aø\ Gkzuõ¾®, ¤aø\UPõµß Aµ\ÚõÚõ¾®, £øǯ _£õÁ® {ø»¯õP C¸US®.

741)     Man knows the subconscious formula of unfailing success.

             ÷uõÀ°À»õu ÁõÌøÁ ©Ûuß Eh»õÀ ÁõÌQÓõß.

742)     The formula is clear at all levels. That of internal security is a strong army.

             Á¼ø©¯õÚ £øh Gv›°ß {øÚÂÀ Gvº¨ø£ AÈUS®.

743)     Denying man the option of destruction denies to the world progress forever.

             CÇUS® E›ø© ÁõÊ® Ásn®.

744)     Nature helped Hitler arm himself through the blindness of pacifism in English leadership.

             wø© Á͵ C¯ØøP |ßø©US •P‰iø¯ AÎUQÓx.

745)     Anyone who has ever come into Touch with His Force never fails to reach the top of his own possibilities.

             ÿAµÂ¢uµ¸Îß £õºøÁ£mh GÁ¸® AÁ¸US›¯ Ea\&-Pmhzøu¯øh¯z uÁÔ¯vÀø».      

             Ramsay MacDonald who appreciated the prose of Sri Aurobindo in the Parliament became the Prime Minister.

746)     The formula of everlasting social success is to centre oneself in his mind.

             ©ÚzuõÀ E¯º¢uÁÝUS ÁõÌÂÀ ÷uõÀ°Àø».

             Success in any plane is assured to one who centres himself in the next higher plane.

747)     Know your enemies in your own people. Withdraw from them for a problem–free life.

             Gv›ø¯ ©Ú•Á¢x HØPõuÁÝøh¯ ÁõÌÂÀ
HØÓ® SøÓ¯õx.

748)    »m\UPnUPõÚ ©õk øÁzv¸¨£ÁøÚ E»P® ÷£õØÓõx. £n•øh¯ÁøÚ¨ ÷£õØÖ®. £n•®, ©õk® Jß÷Ó.

             Gøu²® HµõÍ©õP¨ ö£ÖÁx HØÓ©õPõx.

             To man money is different from cattle. As long as he sees that difference, he will remain cattle.        

749)     Understanding is consciousness expanding or extending itself into Thought.

             ãÁ¯® ›¢x Gsn©õÁx
¦zv ö\¯À£mk AÔÁõÁuõS®.

750)    ©Ûuß ÷Pm£õß, GkzxU öPõÒÁõß. öu´Á® öPõkUS®, öPõkzxU öPõs÷h°¸US®.

             The human is self-aggrandisement. The Divine is Self-giving.


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