Series XV


201)     The physical will rather break than bend.

             PØys Eøh²÷© uµ Áøͯõx.

202)     Adventure for the unattainable is eternal Romance.      

             Gmhõuøu GmkÁx uo¯õU PõuÀ wµõU Põu»õÁx.

203)     Gratitude that is due to the Divine, if given by a mistaken social consciousness to non-divine or undivine forces will have the opposite effect. The question arises whether we can take the help. Yes, it can be paid service. Divine courtesy is not for others.

             |ßÔ öu´Á¨ £s¦, ©ØÓÁºUS›zuõÚuÀ».

             Gratitude is Divine courtesy, meant only for the Divine.

204)    Põuø» |õi v¸©n® ö\´x PõuÀ AÈÁx ÁõÌÄ. ÁõÌÄ Põu»õP ©õÔ Põ»zøuU Ph¢x Á͸® Bß©õ ÁÍ® ö£Ö® ÁÈ ÷¯õP ÁõÌÄ.

             Põ»® BshÁøÚ ÁõÌÂÀ |õi ußøÚU Ph¨£x Bz©õ BshÁøÚU Põu¼¨£x.

             Lightning steadied in the sky, miracles becoming commonplace is life becoming a fertile field of the soul’s Romance to God.

205)    Bz©õ BshÁß «x öPõsh wµõU Põu¾US ÷¯õP® GÚ¨ö£¯º.

             Yoga is the awakened Soul’s adventure to express God in Life as Romance.

206)     Sychophancy is the romance of life below the Line for the negative to achieve positive results by a lower motive.

             £¯ß yUQ¨ £s¦øµ¨£Áº Aئuzøu Buõ¯zvÀ Põn ÂøÇ£Áº.

207)     Any work that is completed will have its gross physical facts and subtle facts taken care of. The more complex the work is, the richer will it be in the subtle facts softly merging with the gross events.

             •i¢x £»ß u¢u ö\¯¼À öu›¢u ö\¯ÀPÒ öu›¯õu `m_© ö\¯ÀPЮ JßÖ Th Âmk¨ ÷£õ°¸UPõx. •UQ¯©õÚx Gx uÁÔÚõ¾® •iÄ Áµõx.

208)    AhUP® Gߣx GÁ¸® AÔ¯õ©À ö\¯À£kÁx.

             Humility is the capacity to act without the knowledge of anyone.

             AÚ¢uÛß ö\¯ø» AÔ£Á›Àø».

209)     An idea goes into words as long as the idea is untouched by the will. When the will touches it, in that measure it tends to silence. When the Silence is full, it agrees to go into words to effectuate by that expression.

             ö\õÀ ö\õÀ¾®, ö\´¯õx. ö\´¯ Bµ®¤zuõÀ ö©ÍÚ©õS®. ö©ÍÚ® ÷£_Áx ©PzxÁ®.

210)     Diplomacy uses the language of physical prowess.

             Aµ]¯¼À ö\õÀ AvPõµzvß ö\õÀ.

             International diplomacy is organized by power, not by Law or Truth. It is at the level of firmly believing blatant falsehood as utter Truth.

211)     International politics in times of crises is like Indian politics during a non-crisis. The one declared motive is self-seeking.

             \ºÁ÷u\ Aµ]¯À ö|¸UPi ÷|µzvÀ öÁmPªßÔ Buõ¯zvØPõP ©mk® ö\¯À£kQÓx.

212)     Conquests or accomplishments are inner, never do they lie outside.

             öÁØÔö¯À»õ® APzvß öÁØÔ÷¯¯õS®.

213)     Satisfaction, challenge, taunting, capacity to answer a point of view are the traits of ego which will be thwarted by beings in other worlds.

             {uõÚ® \ÁõÀ Âhõx, £v¼ÖUP •¯»õx.

214)     Ahimsa of compassion is the Truth of the Soul. That of the mind is falsehood.

             Bz©õÂß Aî®ø\ P¸øn. ©Ú® Aøu¨ ö£õ´¯õUS®.

             Mind renders the Truth of the Soul into Falsehood.

215)     Knowledge emerging out of ignorance is as difficult as someone rising out of his own efforts against the organized attacks of jealousy.

             ö£õÓõø©ø¯ öá°zx Á¸Áx ÷£õÀ AÔ¯õø©ø¯ bõÚ® öÁÀ» ÷Ásk®.

             Knowledge is to Ignorance what accomplishment is to jealousy.

216)     Break a sacred rule to raise its sacredness.

             ¦Ûu® ¦ÓUPoUP¨£mhõÀ ¦Ûu® ¦so¯©õS®.

             At times of crises one does not mind breaking a sacred rule to survive which reveals how sacred it is for him.

             ¦Ûuzøu¨ ¦ÓUPoUS® ¦so¯ ö\¯¾® Esk.

             Desecration reveals the sacredness.

217)     Language sometimes becomes metaphorical and figurative by an ignorant use.

             ¤øÇ ö©õÈø¯ C»UQ¯©õUSÁxsk.

             To say ‘mother is serious’ instead of ‘mother’s health is in a serious condition’ makes serious figurative.

218)     Great work is spontaneous, never a result of labour; but once the greatness has emerged it needs a great labour to have it expressed.

             ö£¸[Põ¯® ö£¸öÁÒÍ®. öÁÒÍ® öÁÒÍõø©¯õP ö£¸•¯Ø] ÷uøÁ.

219)     Force becoming conscious is yoga outgrowing ego. Subtle sight reveals it as light in the Force.

             ußøÚ¯Ô²® \Uv ÁõÌÄ ÷uõÀÂø¯z ÷uõØPi¨£x.

220)     Vituperation is expressing the evident experience of yours about another. In intimate relationships, it will increase the relationship’s intimacy. In yoga, it misses the opportunity for growth.

             SøÓø¯U SøÓUPõ©À TÖÁx £ÇUPzøu ö|¸UP©õUS®. ÷¯õQUS Á¢u Áõ´¨¦ |ÊÄ®.

221)     The Future is for the adventurous; no longer it is the adventure of the physical or mental, but it is hereafter always the adventure of consciousness.

             GvºPõ»® HØÓ•øh¯x. E¯ºÄU÷P E›¯x. õ® E¯¸® ö£õÊx uõÌ¢ux® E¯¸®. uõÌÄ E¯º¢uõÀ E¯ºÄsk. uõÌÄUS GßÖ® E¯ºÂÀø».

             As the adventure rises in its level, so the lower levels of life too rise to the occasion bringing them into the field of action. Still it will be true adventure.

             As the quality of action rises, the plane of action too rises. At the same time the double action makes the newer higher action for the lower too if it offers to change.

·         The low always remains LOW.

·         What the low gets in future is an opportunity to change into the high.

·         The low that insists on being low does not get the opportunity. It has the
opportunity to perish.

222)     One who wants to help another on his own invites the other’s karma on his own self. What invites karma is ego.

             Eu ©ØÓÁº Pº©zøu HØ£x. Aøua ö\´Áx AP¢øu.

223)     In dire circumstances people are advised to resort to utter Truth as the only safe course. Relying on utter Truth always avoids dire circumstances and keeps one on the safe path.

             •iÁõP |õk® \zv¯zøu •u¼÷»÷¯ •ußø©¯õU öPõÒÁx ÷uõÀÂø¯ AÈUS® •øÓ¯õS®.

224)     A tangle is dissolved when a higher idealism surfaces. It is quelled when the reasonably available strength is quietly used.

             C¢v¯º ©Ú® Pmk¨ö£mi¯õÚ ©u EnºÄ BÍ Â¸®¦ÁøuU øPÂmhõ¾®, •ì½® Áß•øÓø¯U Pmk¨£kzvÚõ¾®, C¢v¯õÂÀ _•P® Á͸®.

             An answer is always there. The will is missing.

225)     Passive voice in the language shows man is moving from the narrow individual to the individuality of the collectivity.

             uõß Áͺ¢x   u©µõÁx  ö©õÈ°À ö\¯Ø£õmk ÂøÚø¯ Gʨ¦®.

226)    ©µn® £¯•ÖzuõÂmhõÀ B²Ò Á͸®.

             Life becomes immortal to him who ceases to fear death.

227)     Medicine can cure man fully of the ailment but not its roots. Mantra can equally cure but symptoms will resurface. A judicious combination of both – Spirit and Matter – shows the ultimate truth.

             ©¸¢øu²® ©¢vµzøu²® \›¯õPU P»¨£x Bß«P Â÷ÁP®.

228)     The spiritual value of the physical is honour.

             ©õÚ® PÁ›©õÛß Bß«P®.

229)     The honour for which in the earlier centuries people fought a duel was mainly physical and sometimes vital. What is honour there is rational comprehension in Mind. Only in Spirit it becomes Love.

             Eh¾US® E°¸US® EÒÍ ©õÚ® ©ÚzvÀ öuÎÁõÚ AÔÁõS®. Ax GvµõPĪ¸US®.

230)    £zøu AÔÁx Â÷ÁP®.

231)     Romance is noble, but short lived. It is the pure excitement of the heart that can live forever in its own self-existent Joy.

             Pn¨ö£õÊx Bz©õ ö|g]À Gmi¨ £õº¨£øu |õ® PõuÀ GßQ÷Óõ®.

232)     Man needs his wife and the mother. The woman needs her husband and children.

             BqUSz uõ²®, ö£sqUSU SÇ¢øu²® •UQ¯®.

233)     Thought absorbs itself into itself to become Silence.

             ö©ÍÚzxÒ EøÓ²® Gsn®.

234)     The arduous tapas that seeks moksha resembles a boy scout movement when seen in the context of surrender which is a gulf war.

             uÁ® PiÚ©õÚ £¯n®.

             \µnõPv \¢vµÝUS¨ ÷£õÁx.

             uÁ® Pkø©¯õÚ £›mø\.

             \µnõPv ¡À GÊxÁuõS®.

235)     The undisturbed man of cocksure security announces his centre of unconsciousness.

             |èhªÀø» GßÓ ö£¸ø© ö©õmøh ©µzvØSsk.

236)    AÔÂÀ»õuÁß E»SUS AÔÂUP AÁ\µ¨£kÁõß.

·         AÔøÁ E»P® AÔ²®.

·         AÔ¯õø© AÔÂUS®.

237)     No one can claim freedom from superstition. All that he can do is to desire to get rid of it. A claim of freedom from superstition is likely to be superstition.

             ‰h |®¤UøP uºUP •i¯õux Gߣx bõÚ®.

238)    Gv›ø¯ AÁÝøh¯ ÷|õUQÀ ¦›¢x öPõÒÁx, |®ø© BshÁÝøh¯ ÷|õUQÀ ¦›¢x öPõÒÁx.

             Understanding another from his point of view is to understand ourselves from God’s point of view.

239)     The acme of Self-giving is physical in the descent. It is truly supramental Love that gives for the sake of giving.

             EhÀ £µÁ\¨£mk ©»º¢x ußøÚ •ÊÁx® ¤Ó¸USU öPõk¨£x |ßÔ¯Ôuø»U Ph¢u Aº¨£n®.

             Body’s giving is Brahman’s Self-giving.

             GxÄ® Eh¼À §ºzv¯õS®.

240)    h®Í›À Põ¤ \õ¨¤mhõÀ h®Íº Põ¤ öPõkzuuõPõx.

             The illusion of the instrument is enduring.

             h®Íº AiUS® h©õµ® ö£›¯x.

             We can never convince the tumbler that it is only an instrument.

241)     Any disciple wants to imitate the Guru, without the attainment of the Guru.

             öPõÒøÍ S¸ ÷£õÀ \õ¨¤h»õ®, öPõÀ»ß £mhøµ Boø¯a \õ¨¤h •i¯õx.   

242)    Põ›¯® •i¯õuÁøµ ÷£a]Àø». AkzuõØ ÷£õÀ Põ›¯® |hUP ÷Ásk©õ?  |®©õÀ |hUP ÷Ásk©õ Gߣx ¤µa]øÚ. |õ® |Pº¢uõÀ Ax |hUS®.

             Põ›¯® uÁÓõx |hUS®. |õ® ©mk÷© uøh.

             Results elude when we want to appropriate them.

243)     When the plane changes a little, sound common sense becomes unsound and even devoid of sense.

             {ø» ©õÔÚõÀ E¯º¢u AÔÄ® {ø»Sø»²®.

244)     ‘Blood brothers are natural enemies’ shows the closer the relationship, the greater the cleavage. As the closeness is physically consummated, the next cycle should be to be apart.

             Asnß u®¤ áß© £øP¯õÎ GßÓ ö\õÀ Ehߣõk •µs£õhõS® GߣuØSa ]Ó¢u Euõµn®.

245)     The honesty of the western woman would compel her to tell the truth about sexual lapses and would prevent her from lying.

             Esø© ÷£_Áx öPmh |hzøuø¯ ©øÓ¨£øu Âh C[Q»õ¢x ö£sqUS AÁ]¯®.

246)     The conquest of communication lies in sound and vision as in phone and video. Sound is the first extension of force and sight is the third extension. Touch is the last.

             \¨u•®, v¸èi²®, Enºa]US®, öuõk Enºa]US® •¢øu¯ {ø»PmS›¯øÁ.

247)     The physical mind is creative and it is an ever-present creativity. It is creative of ignorance.

             •iÁØÓ £øh¨¦z vÓÝøh¯x ©Ú®. Ax £øh¨£x AÔ¯õø©°ß AÚ¢u Sn®.

             Each part is creative of its own principle. The physical naturally creates Ignorance.

248)     The man who is known to lead a strict life is usually incapable. If he is really capable and strict, he will be a tyrant.

             Pmk¨£õk umk¨£õhõPĪ¸US®.

249)     Genius is one who expresses the highest formulated thought in any field not by studying from its components, but by a vision of it in the higher subtle plane. He who can consecrate his thoughts in any field enters these higher subtle planes. Hence consecration of one’s thoughts creates the genuius in him.

             \©º¨£n® ©Úzøu ÷©øu¯õUS®.  

250)     It is not moral compunction or personal idealism that shapes one’s life but  social permissiveness.

             ÷Pm£uØS BÎÀø» GÛÀ, ö\´ÁuØS AÍÂÀø».


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