Series XIV


251)         For the inner being to awake and extend above the head and below the feet is for the vital to be emancipated from the thraldom of the body.


                EnºÄ E°º ö£ØÓõÀ Ehø»U Ph¢x {ØS®.


252)         No love can become Love without freedom emerging in full.


                Aß¤ß _u¢vµ® BÚ¢u®.


                Love matures into Ananda in Freedom.


253)         The emotion of loyalty in love that matures into chastity begins when that emotion begins to be the sensitivity of the body.


                Ehø»z öuõmh EnºÄ Pئ.

                Aߦ Eh¼ß EnºÁõÁx Pئ.


254)         The capacity for the mind to go beyond the work on hand, except as forethought, is the measure of inefficiency arising out of lack of concentration.


                Psq® P¸zx® øP°À EÒÍ ÷Áø»US.


255)         Man was unable to understand the meaning of dirt and oscillated for centuries in spite of the bad odour it generated.


                SΨ£øu²® ¦›¢x öPõÒÍ AÔÄ ÷Ásk®.


                Mental knowledge is important to guide man.


256)         Sn® öPmhx’ ‘]k‰g]’ are rich expressive phrases that stand for a world of experiences taking vital forms.


                Sn® CÛø©¯õP C¸UP ©Ú® Âkuø» ö£Ó ÷Ásk®.


Normal emotional behaviour needs the temperament overcoming the above two states.


257)         Poverty, disease and ignorance are insufficiencies of the material circumstances of the body.  Pleasant behaviour will not issue from the body in the vital as long as they are not overcome.


                Á°Ö {øÓ¯õ©À Sn® {øÓÄ ö£Óõx.


258)         Values are knowledge of the whole.


                {øÓøÁ AÔÁx £s¦.


                Partial knowledge necessarily fails; knowledge of the whole never fails.


259)         Life is full of hostility or hostile forces in the sense it is unstable.


                }izx {ø»¨£x ÁõÌÁÀ»,



                Mother gives stability. Man weans himself away from it.


260)         The onset of a fever that can oppress for a few days defying medication, gives way for calling, may be two or three times. It is true for warding off earth- quakes where symptoms are seen by one.


                ö£›¯®ø© Áµ C¸¢uõ¾® JßÖ AÀ»x Cµsk Sµ¾US Ax AȲ®.


                        E»øP Bmk® ¤µa]øÚ²®, Eh®ø£ E¾USÁx® AøǨ¤ß Sµ¾US Jß÷Ó.


261)         Travelling is the hangover of the instinct of the nomad.


                AßÖ |õ÷hõi¯õP Aø»¢u ©Ûuß CßÖ EÀ»õ\¨ ¤µ¯õn® GÚ E»P® _ØÔ Á¸QÓõß.


                Nothing once born will die. It lends itself to transformation.


262)         Restful sleep is the meditation one needs to cure his ailments.


                Bz©õÄUS v¯õÚ®, ¯õvUSz yUP®.


263)         Man’s existence has a centre and it acts with reference to something which is usually of self-interest or an ideal. That centre can be the psychic which is universal or the Transcendent inside himself.


                ©Ûu ø©¯® ¤µ£g\©õP÷Áõ, EÒÐøÓ CøÓÁÚõP÷Áõ  C¸UP»õ®.


264)         The organised saturated selfishness rightly accuses the selfless man of selfishness when his selflessness drastically affects his own selfish interests.


                £µ|»® _¯|»zvß _¯|»zøu¨ £õvUS®.


265)         Whatever one knows about himself, all those who know him will surely know through their subliminal. Its surface expression goes by the name of public opinion, rumour, gossip.


                |©US |®ø©z öu›Áx ÷£õÀ |®©Áº AøÚÁ¸US® öu›²®.


266)         The emotions that are disturbed are human, egoistic and are incapable of accomplishment. Calm emotions can achieve at their level.


                Bmh® Psh Enºa] \õvUPõx.

                Aø©v¯õÚ Enºa] \õvUS®.


267)         To be uncovetous is no great virtue. Still, one who deals with his mind and its emotions knows how difficult it is to be so.


                GÎø©¯õP¨ ¦›Áx, |øh•øÓUS GmhõUPÛ.


                        E»P® HØÓøu, EÒÍ® HØPõx.


268)         Open-mindedness is consecration of the mind.


                SuºUP©ØÓ ©Ú® \©º¨£nzvØS›¯x.


                        öÁÒøÍ ©Ú® öÁÒøÍz uõ©øµ°¾ÒÍÁºUS›¯x.


269)         When ego is shed, mind becomes open-minded.


                vÓ¢u ©Ú® öÁsø©¯õÚ y´ø©²øh¯x.


                Open-mindedness is purity of mind.


270)         Nehru who went to USA for aid could not ask for it as he was very sensitive.


                Bß©õ ©Ú® ÁÈ E»øP¯øh²®.


                Self-respect for Indians and generosity for the Americans will make them receptive.


271)         öuõ¢vµÄ EÒθ¢x uõß Á¸®. öÁΰ¼¸¢x Áµ÷Á Áõµõx.


                        EÒÍx Jß÷Ó.


                        Life is inside, not outside.


272)         The very fact that spiritually capable people are not earning shows they are capable of earning infinitely.


                If a spiritual country is poor it means it is only by its choice.


                \®£õvUP¨ ¤›¯ªÀ»õuÁß uõß HøÇ, •i¯õuÁÛÀø».


273)         Smallness expanding in vain too is expansiveness.  Mother’s reward is great there, though short-lived.


                        ö\´u ÷Áø» Ãs ÷£õPõx.


274)         Spiritual people are poor is a contradiction. Either they are not spiritual or are poor by choice.


                Bß«P® HøǯõP C¸UP •i¯õx.


275)         While concentration is a strain, what we call all-inclusive concentration is not such a strain. It is natural.


                ©ÛuÚõP •¯Ø] ÷uøÁ°Àø».


All-inclusive concentration does not come in response to intensity, but to raising of one’s consciousness.


276)         Sri Aurobindo said that this yoga is not for man. His part is surrender. Yoga is for God, He said. He never disclosed the secret that surrender too is for God.


                CµPì¯zvØS¨ ¤ßÚõÀ CµP쯮 Esk.


                Desire, ego, dharma are to be surrendered according to the Gita. Surrender itself is to be surrendered is the truth.


277)         One can surrender to anyone because he has to surrender to everyone.


                \µnõPv J¸ •øÓ¯À», C¯À£õÚx.


278)         What took Buddha forty years, surrender gives in a minute, but surrender cannot be achieved by effort even in forty years.


                AvPõµ® ö\´Áøu Âh £oÁx ©ÛuÝUS® ©ÚzvØS® EP¢ux.


                        Surrender is there when you want it.


279)         £oÁuØS £øuUS® ©Ûuß AvPõµ® ö\´QÓõß.


280)         Non-ego is effortless, has no memory, seeks no friendship and does not strive for anything including being good.


                AȲ® AP¢øu AÚ¢uøÚ |õh ÷Ásk®.


                Non-ego is not psychic, but helps the psychic emerge.


281)         Falsehood cannot bother one when he fully realises its true role. A vibration persists as long as it is not fully understood or appreciated.


                ¦›²® Áøµ ö£õ´ ÷£õPõx.


282)         Enµ •i¯õuøu EnºzxÁx ÁõÌÄ.


283)         Is it not a living wonder that God submits to all the atrocious assertions of man?


                \µn® öu´ÁzvØS›¯x.


                        ©Ûuß \µnõPvø¯ |õk® Áøµ PhÄÒ ©ÛuÝUS \µnøhQÓõº.


284)         Man has unconscious double consciousness. God has conscious multi-consciousness.


                GÀ»õÁØøÓ²® öu›¢x® öu›¯õ©¼¸¨£x CøÓÁß.


285)         To appreciate virtue, one must be human. Only God can know the value of sin.


                £õÁ® öu´ÁzvØS¨ ¦so¯®.


286)         ©UPÐUS öu›¯õuøu ö\õÀÁx bõÚ®. öu›¢uøu ©ÚvÀ £k®£i  ö\õÀÁx uø»ø©.


                Wisdom is to tell the population what they do not know. Leadership makes the people do what they already know but do not follow.


                Wisdom instructs, leadership leads.


287)         Life sets limits to our exuberance. We can ourself set them reluctantly or with understanding. They are the breakdowns, restraint and culture.


                AÍøÁ AÔ¢x |õk® ©Ú® £s¦øh¯x.


288)         Nearness is always mistaken for equality.

                Misconception serves the mercenary.


                Buõ¯zvØS AøÚzx® ¦›²®.


289)         It is common for the next generation of idealists to be opposed to it. In rare cases, the founder himself goes against his own idealism.


                öÁÖ¨£øu C»m]¯©õP HØÓõÀ Aøu |õ÷© GvºUP ÷Ási Á¸®.


290)         Neither urge nor impulse is generosity. Still, we know of generous urges and impulses.


                |À»x GßÖ® |À»÷u.


                Generosity is pure, simple and inviolate.


291)         Unpardonable ambition and greed are the other side of the ever-present universality as a live vital vibration.


                Bø\²®, ÷£µõø\²® Aß¤ß Av÷ÁP©õÚ ©Ö E¸Á®.


292)         A fight against a tendency inside yields slow progress when one is unwilling for it while inner resistance increases the strength of what one tries to get rid of.


                ¸®¦Áøu ÷Áshõ® Gß÷£õ®.


                        ÷Áshõ® GÚ Áõ¯õÀ ö\õÀÁx Á͸®.


293)         If your enemy benefits by your hatred, it means he is working for your ideal.


                Gv›US® Eß C»m]¯® Esk.


294)         Nothing surfaces if you do not have something to learn from it.


                AÔÄ §ºzv¯õS® Áøµ AÝ£Á® •i¯õx.


295)         In the second chapter of Book II, Sri Aurobindo makes the Spiritual Reality self-evident to us through the right massive language and comprehensive statements. He wants us to place ourselves in the position of the Infinite, Formless, the Identical, the Silent, the Self, the Purusha, Ishwara, the One and the Being of the Becoming. This He does in all the chapters.


                bõÚzøu ]zv¯õP AΨ£x The Life Divine.


                Through understanding, HE takes us with Him.


296)         Man always has double consciousness but is aware of only one. Sri Aurobindo asks for double awareness too.


                öPmhÁøÚ H©õ¢x |®¦Q÷Óõ®. öu›¢x |®¦Áx ÷¯õP®.


                        |©USz öu›²® GßÓ ¤ß öPmhÁß Ah[SÁõß.


297)         All truths are not explainable, though speech may permit. Man is not ready to hear them. Life makes him see what he cannot hear.


                ÷PmkU öPõÒÍ •i¯õu Esø©ø¯ Enµ •i²®.


298)         Decisions taken on the spur of the moment govern the life forever thereafter. Decisions are taken in Time that govern the movements of Space.


                Põ»® Chzøu BЮ.


                Space is the objective expression of subjective Time.


299)         The joy of Self-discovery is greatest when the Self forgets itself. It is also greatest when the differences are greatest making each item unique. Prakriti insists on offering the Purusha the greatest opportunity for unity in diversity.


                \¨u® \[Ru©õQ Ea\ìuõ°ø¯ AøhQÓx.


                Uniqueness makes possible the maximum difference.


300)         ÷Põ£®, ÷µõå®, õõ¨¦, øÁµõUQ¯® ©ÛuøÚ ÃnnõUS®.


                        Sensitivity will render man senseless.



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