Series XII                                                                    


151)         öPõmh® Ah[QÚõÀ öPõmk ©øÇ ö£´²®.

ö£¸ ©øÇ ö£›¯ |À» \SÚ®.


öÁÖ¨¦ ¸¨£õÚõÀ ÁõÚ® öÁÎ Áõ[Põ©À ©øÇ ö£´²®.


Rain will pour down if the inner truant changes or is crushed.


152)             •UQ¯©õÚ Â寮 ©Ó¢x ÷£õQÓx, {øÚÄUS ÁµÂÀø» GÛÀ, AvÀ AUPøµ°Àø» GÚ¨ ö£õ¸Ò.


{øÚ¾ÒÍ÷u {uº\Ú®.


153)             ]¢uøÚ ÷Á÷µõk Aȯ Gsn® EØ£zv¯õSªh©õÚ Eh¼À Aø©v {»Á ÷Ásk®.


Gsn® Eh¼ß Aø\Ä.


The restlessness of the physical being should be saturated with peace.


154)         öPõi¯ u›zvµ® ÷PõjìÁµ ö\ÀÁ©õP ©hø©¯õÚ PºÁ® AhUP©õÚ £s£õP ÷Ásk®.

                        AhUP® Aߦ.

|® AhUP®  AøÚÁº Aßø£²® AÍÂßÔ ö£ØÖz u¸Áx vµsh ö\ÀÁ©õS®.

                        vµsh ö\ÀÁ® v¸¨v¯õÚ AhUP®.


Pride is poverty.


155)        I¯® AߤØS›¯uÀ».

                        PõuÀ EnºÂß Aº¨£n®.

I¯® ©Úzvß ÷|õUP®.

©ÚzuõÀ Põuø» Gʨ£ •i¯õx.

PõuÀ Põu»øÚ ©mk® AÔ²®.

PõuÀ Põuø» ©mk® PõnÁÀ»x.


Love is incapable of suspicion.


156)         ©Ú® AøÇzuõÀ ©ßÚÝUS® ÷PmS®.


©Ú® AøÇzx |Pµõu ©ø»°Àø».


Inner call moves seats of power.


157)         Ezu©ß Põ»iø¯ E»P® ÂøÇQÓx. v¸Áiø¯z wsh ÂøDz® E»P® |Pµ •i¯õ©À vnÖQÓx. Ax Aø\¯Ä® AÁÚ¸Ò ÷uøÁ.


AhUP® BÇzøuz öuõmhõÀ AøÚzx® AÁøÚ AøhUP»® ¦S®.


His grace is awaited for the world to move towards Him.


158)             _£õÁ® ©ÛuÛß "\µnõPv'.

                        \µnõPv CøÓÁÛß uÁ C¯À¦.

                _£õÁ® \µnõPv¯õÁx ÷¯õP®.


The evolving Soul takes the poise of surrender as if it is its nature.


159)         He who acts in any plane can seek the results only in that plane. Any redressal is in the plane of action, not anywhere else.


ö\¯À K›h®, £»ß ÷ÁÔhªÀø».

                        ö\´u ChzvÀ £»ß.

                        £»ß ö\¯À ö\´u ChzvÀ.


160)         The return of Evil to Good is announced by evil entering one's life. Often it is through marriage.


v¸©n® v¸Ä¸©õØÓz v¸¨£®.


161)         Work is what one does inwardly.


÷Áø» APzvØS›¯x.

¦ÓzvØS›¯x öuõÈÀ.


162)         Self-absorption is as great a joy as Self-discovery.


Psk¤i¨£x BÚ¢u®; Põnõ©Ø ÷£õÁx® BÚ¢u®.

                ©øÓÁx® ©»ºÁx® ©n® u¸® BÚ¢u®.


163)         Another man's achievement generates no inner energy of expansiveness.


¤Óº \õuøÚ ö£õÓõø©US›¯x.

                        ö\õ¢u \õuøÚ _P® u¸®.


164)         |À» Põ›¯zøu u¨£õ  ÷£_£Áß öPmhÁÚõP ©mk©À», ©mh©õÚÁÚõPĪ¸¨£õß.


öPmhÁß ©mh©õÚõÀ |À»x öPmhuõS®.


In the mouth of an evil low person, good becomes bad.


165)         The maximum understanding or health is determined by intelligence and health, not information and food. So, the maximum yogic benefit is NOT determined by practice but by consecration.


{ºn°¨£x \©º¨£n®, v¯õÚ©À».


166)         Expanded selfishness is not selflessness.

                Self dissolving gives rise to selflessness.


                        £µ|»zøu _¯|»©õP AÔÁx bõÚ®.


167)         A man is his problems and opportunities combined. He rarely knows it. Knowing them and consecrating them, he makes yogic progress in life.


                        ¤µa]øÚPЮ Áõ´¨¦® ÷\º¢ux ©Ûuß. AÁØÔß ø©¯® AÁß. Ax \©º¨£n©õÁx ÷¯õP ÁõÌÂß •ß÷ÚØÓ®.


168)             |õøÍUS Aߦ {ø»¯õÚõÀ CßÖ Aªºu® £ÇUPzvÀ öu›²®.

                        CßÔÀ»õu Aªºu® |õøÍ AߣõP Áµ¨ ÷£õÁvÀø».


                        Future goodness can be seen in present sweetness.


169)         Our idea that our children will be affectionate, our friends will be loyal, etc. does not so much reflect the reality as our own self-esteem.


                |® ö£¸ø© ¤Òøͨ £õ\©õPz öu›QÓx.

                |m¤ß ]Ó¨¦ |®ø©¨ £ØÔ¯ E¯º¢u {øÚ¨¦.


                Human goodness is human expectation.


170)         The greatest progress one can induce in the society is that which he can realise in his inner spiritual substance.


                        uõß \õvzuøu uµo \õvUS®.


171)             Sense of unreal superiority that is emotionally fulfilling is that of the primitive who prides in his primitivity. All orthodox people are like that.


                        uß ö£¸ø©ø¯ uõ÷Ú EnºÁx ‰h |®¤UøPUS •u¼h® u¸Áx.


172)             Surrender is the reversal of the original hostility to God's creation.


                A_µºPÒ ©õÖÁx \µnõPv.


                        The very first contradiction is the birth of Asuras. Surrender is the reversal of that contradiction.


173)         Neither man, nor woman, can hope for fulfilment without the other. Tapas that gives up the woman is obviously partial.


                        \UvUS ö\´²® \µnõPv ¤µ®©® ußøÚ ÁõÌÂÀ AÔÁuõS®.


                Shakti demands surrender of the Ishwara and there is no escape from it as he seeks the whole that is integral.


174)         Surrender is not a method in that it is not partial. It is a state of consciousness that is not only full but is indivisible.


                        \µnõPv uß •Êø©¯õÀ ãÁÝUS® ã¯zvØS® E›¯x. £Sv¯õÚ ©Ú® \µnõPvø¯ HØP •i¯õx.


                Methods are partial. Fullness requires a status, not even an attitude.

                Opinion is of the mind, attitude is of the vital, motive is of the being.

                Status is all embracing.


175)         One needs a full YOGA to realise the value of surrender. Consecration is difficult to begin as it is to leave the surface being and enter into the subliminal being.


                        \©º¨£n® \ºÁ÷»õP[PøͲ® ußÝmöPõshx.


176)             Instead of one trying to change from evil to good, one should surrender that effort to Mother. That knowledge is the knowledge which awakes to Him in one and is far higher than the tapas for moksha.


                \µnõPv ¤µ®© bõÚ®.


                        Surrender is the awakening of the soul to the reality of Brahman inside as The Mother.


                Tapas is to recognise one's capacity to liberate oneself. Surrender is to give up one's reliance on one's own capacities.


177)         The idea of surrender is the knowledge of the existence of a greater power. Surrender to be real must begin as total surrender and be total throughout.


                §µn©õP CÀ»õux \µnõPv°Àø».


                By being total and integral Surrender is a vibration of Brahman even as Supermind is a plane that is in constant touch with the Absolute.

                Surrender begins when the being becomes integral and complete.  


§µn÷©  §µnÝUS Aº¨£oUP •i²®.


178)             Espousing ideals, especially high ideals, blunts the conscience in other areas and lapses are justified by the mind.


C»m]¯ÁõvUS uß x÷µõP® öu›ÁvÀø».


May we say it is the ideal that negatively spurred the betrayal?

                Essential lapses in character offset espousal of high ideals.


179)         Evil nature seeks ideals as a compensation.


w¯ _£õÁ® ö£›¯ »m]¯zxÒ ©øÓQÓx.


180)             The rational mind feels like a fool when he sits and calls Mother. But, it is not only what no mind can ordinarily do, but the first step into the golden hour.


ö£›¯ Põ›¯zøu ‰h|®¤UøP GÚ ©Ú® TÖ®.

                        Põ›¯® ö£›¯x Gߣx ©mk©À», GÁµõ¾® •i¯õux® Th.

•i¯õu ö£›¯x® ©ÚzvØS ‰h |®¤UøP.


181)             He who has chosen Mother has only one thing to do which he always avoids and forgets. He has no right to ask what it is.


uø»¯õ¯ Phø©ø¯ ©Ó¨£x _£õÁ®.


©Ó¢u Phø© ©ßÛUP •i¯õux.


He forgets it because it is too much for him.

                When reminded he wonders how he forgot it.

                Man forgets Mother.


182)         Repentance on the part of man, forgiveness on the part of the divine in man are the most distant echoes of Surrender that is the action of self- awareness. Surrender is self-made, not imposed from outside or even inside.


                BshÁøÚ ÂmhPßÓ A_µß «sk® AÁøÚ |õkÁx \µnõPv.


Evil returning to Good is surrender. It is the Hostiles returning to God, the Absolute.


183)         God takes man back to Himself through his wife. That is why marriages are made in heaven.


\Uv DìÁµøÚ ¤µ®© ]zvUS AøÇzxa ö\À¾®.

                        \¨u£v \¨u ÷»õP[PÍõS®.


184)             uÁÔ¸¨£x uÁÓÀ».

                        uÁØøÓ Á¼²ÖzxÁx uÁÖ.

                        uÁÖ uÁØÔ¼Àø», ©Úzv¾ÒÍx.


Sin is not an act; it is an attitude.

                Error is not sin, to stick to it is.


185)         uõÚÔ¯õux Esø©¯õÚ AhUP®.

                        uõÚÔ¢x Ah[Q ö£ØÓ AhUP® uµoø¯ BЮ AhUP®.

AhUP® BЮ. AhUP® BÒ£Áøµ²® BЮ.


Conscious humility is God's self-awareness.


186)         Aº¨£n® Aئu©õÚõÀ Aß£ß ÷¯õQ¯õÁõß.

                        Aº¨£nzvß Aئu® AÝ£ÁzvØS›¯x.

                        Aº¨£n® A´¯Ûß Aئu®.

                        Aº¨£n® Aß¤ß Aªºu®.


Consecration makes the past present.


187)         Humility not only recognises we are part of the whole, it enables the whole to offer the efficiency of it to the part.


E»P® J¸Áº ÁõÌøÁ |hzxÁx E»Pzvß ö\ÀÁ® J¸Áº ö£ÖÁx.


Humility is the strength of prosperity.


188)         Ideals, doctrines, creeds, etc. are followed not as they are but as one's personality permits or accommodates.


©Ûuß ©uzøu {ºn°UQÓõß.


©u® AÁøÚ {ºn°¨£vÀø».


Man alone is the determinant.


189)         ©Ú® ©õÓ ]¢uøÚ {ßÖ BÇ® öÁÎÁµ ÷Ásk®.

                        EnºÄ ©õÔÚõÀ EÒÍ® ©õÖ®.

                        EÒÍ® ©õÓ EÁøP ö£õ[P ÷Ásk®.

                        EÒÍzvß EÁøP Enºa]°ß ö£¸©øÇ.

                        ©øÇ ©Úzvß ö©´.


Change is by emotions, not by thought.


ö£õ´ ö©´¯õÚõÀ ö£¸©øÇ ö£´²®.


190)             ö\õÀø» \©º¨£n® ö\´uÁß ö\õÀ £¼US®.


\©º¨£n©õÚ ö\õÀ £¼US®.


He who consecrates his speech will find his words come true.


191)         Man rarely turns to God or does anything GOOD. But the moment he does so he abundantly resorts to the opposite.


|À»x ö\´ÁvÀø», ö\´uõÀ  Eh÷Ú öPmhøu AvP©õP ö\´Áx _£õÁ®.


The moment man does anything Good, God compels him to balance it fully without waiting for the Good to be completed.


öPmhvÀ»õ©À |À»vÀø».


192)             Punctuality is time deciding work. Work deciding Time is the WORK.


÷Áø» \mhzvØSm£hõx.

                \mhzvØSm£mh ÷Áø» \õ©õÛ¯ ÷Áø».


193)             uõÚõP |h¨£x \µnõPvUS Aøh¯õÍ®.

                        APzvß \µn® ¦Ózvß ö\¯À.

                        E»P® ö\¯À£kÁx EßøÚ HØ£x.

                        \µn® \ºÁ áÚÚ®.


Initiative is inhibitive. Surrender rises when initiation is given up.


194)      To be what one is, even if it is evil, is REAL while the effort or desire to change into GOOD is not real to man. One is what is real to him. Against the needs and urges of his nature he is helpless. One is awake if he is good.


C¯À£õP C¸¨£x _£õÁ®.


•¯ßÖ ©õÖÁx ÂȨ¦.


Soaked in Mother's atmosphere one is awake to the necessity to change his              evil nature. Life gives only antidotes, not awakening.


ÁõÌÄ ©ÛuøÚ ©õØÓõx. ÂȨ¦ ©õØÖ®.


                Bz©õ ÂÈUP B°µ® BshõS®.


195)             Till man recognises his own evil, he serves the evil in others. Squint is expressive of the evil.


ußøÚ¯Ô¯ ©Ûuß ¤Ó¸US ÷\øÁ ö\´QÓõß.


One meets oneself in others.


196)         A lack is a warning signal when one arrives at the end of his resources. For a sadhak it is an occasion to remind himself of the Infinity of his energy and capacity for skill formation.


B£zx BshÁøÚ AÔ²® ÷|µ®.


197)             When work stalls, it means the energy of the capacity is insufficient. As the demands of work on the person rise this happens, which is a good sign and an occasion for progress.


Á͸® ÷|µ® Á¢x ÂmhõÀ EÒÍx ÷£õuõx.


A lack is a signal for growth.


198)         Thought works in the mind. Methods work in their own planes.

                The plane of Surrender is not mind or body but evolution.

                Surrender is not a method nor does it belong to any plane.


\µnõPv £›nõ©zvß £›v.


199)         §µn |®¤UøP°À»õ©À \©º¨£n® ö\´¯ •i¯õx.


\©º¨£n® Gߣx £›§µn |®¤UøP.


|®¤UøP÷¯ \©º¨£n®.

                  \©º¨£n÷© |®¤UøP.


Faith and consecration are almost synonymous.


200)         \µn® ö\´¯¨£mh ö\õÀ»õ÷»÷¯ \µnõPvø¯ öÁΨ£kzu •i²®. \µnõPvUS •ß{ø» uÁzøuU Ph¢u {ø». ¤Óº ußøÚa \µnøhÁ÷u ©ÛuÝUS \µnõPv.


Man can entertain surrender from others. The offending part in others is an announcement of God to him of his spiritual duty.



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