Series XI                                                                     


851)     Man calls the grace mostly when in distress, very rarely to make yogic progress. His response to the descending grace is never complete, but is always minimal to remove the pressing problem.


            BshÁÝUS® Aøµ {ªåzvØS ÷©À AÝ©v°Àø».


852)     PhÄÒ, öu´Á®, CøÓÁß, AßøÚ, \¬zvµ® GߣøÁ |® PØ£øÚUS Gmhõu ö£¸® P¸zxUPÒ. |® ÁõÌøÁ |hzu AßøÚ BºÁ©õP C¸UQÓõº. |õ® AÁ›h® ÁõÌøÁ J¨£øhUP ÷Ásk® Gߣx   ÿ  AµÂ¢uº P¸zx GßÖ |õ©Ô÷Áõ®. |® ÁõÌøÁ÷¯õ, AvÀ J¸ ö\¯ø»÷¯õ AßøÚ°h® |õ÷© J¨£øhUPz ÷uõßÖÁvÀø». ÷uõßÔÚõÀ ö\´ÁvÀø».


            \ºÁzøu²® Aº¨£n® ö\´Áx \©º¨£n®.


853)     The Divine gives complete protection which is total in every sense except that it is helpless when the wilful self-assertion of complete folly chooses to walk out or turn against grace. Mother takes it to greater richness.


            AߣõP AµÁønUS® A¸Ð® ¬•¯ßÖ ¬•Ô¯iUS® •mhõÒuÚzvØS £¼¯õS®.


         ©hø© ©ÛuÛß ©Qø©.


854)     If you intensely aspire for something, Life grants it perversely after a long time, and Mother fulfils it graciously in an unexpected fashion, rarely unpalatable.


            ÁõÌÄ®, AßøÚ²® Bø\Pøͨ §ºzv ö\´QßÓÚº.


    The fulfilment is a marvel when one is full of good will. In fulfilling it, Mother avoids our perverse propensities, but we always insist till She grants them.



·         Ignorance is the greatest accomplishment in creation.

·         Taste of Ignorance is over.

·         To evolve, to emerge out of Ignorance as knowledge is Delight.

·         The choice is between Taste of Ignorance and Delight of emerging out of it as Knowledge.

·         Power should precede Love that is Delight.

·         Power is the Force of Knowledge

·         Taste is sensation.

·         Sensation should lead to knowledge that is Force.

·         The Being tasted Ignorance and that sense should give it the knowledge by which power it should emerge out of ignorance.

·         The choice is between the present taste and future knowledge for which one needs the power of knowledge to emerge.


            C¯ØøP°ß Cߣ©õÚ AÔ¯õø©, £›nõ©zvß vÓÚõÚ bõÚ©õP ©õÖÁx v¸Ä¸©õØÓ®.


            Nature's taste of Ignorance changing into the knowledge of evolution by the power of emergence is transformation.


856)     Someone betrays another. It means he has a need to betray another. The other has also a need to be betrayed. This is the way friendship fulfils itself in uncultured societies.


         x÷µõP®   ö\´£ÁÝUS   Ax  AÁ]¯®.  ©ØÓÁÝUS x÷µõP® ö\´¯¨£kÁx AÁ]¯®. |m¦ £s¤À»õu F›À x÷µõPzuõÀ §ºzv¯õS®.


            |mø£ x÷µõP® §ºzv ö\´²®.

         x÷µõP® |m£õP ©õÔ §ºzv ö\´²®.

            x÷µõP÷© |m¦. |m÷£ x÷µõP®.


            Betrayal fulfils friendship.


857)     Knowledge is Power


·         Supramental Knowledge need not be converted into power. It is Power.

·         The translation of that power or its effectivity is in the measure knowledge is true.

·         It extends or expresses in the gross or subtle plane depending on how the knowledge is received.

·         Subtle reception is possible when there is no conscious knowledge of receiving it.

·         Our own minds may resist or  those to whom we give it may resist it, but those who are around the hearers would receive it subtly. There it effectuates.

·         To have effectivity in the gross material plane, it must be received in our gross material parts.


            £»ß uÁÓõx.

            uÁÔÚõÀ £UPzv¾ÒÍÁº ö£ÖÁõº.


            ö£Ö£Áº uÁÓ»õ®, öPõk¨£Á¸US¨ £»ß Esk.


            A¸Ò uÁÓõx.

            ö£Ó ÷Ási¯Áº uÁÔÚõÀ AkzuÁ¸US¨ £¼US®.


858)     Anyone coming out of a post, political or administrative, shrinks in power as it is temporal power. One cannot quit spiritual power. A spiritual person occupying temporal power quitting it will NOT lose a shade of what he  enjoyed.


            Aµ\ £u Aȯ»õ®, Bz© \Uv Aȯõx.


859)     Man does not cherish his insufficiencies. This goes to the greatest length of man's unwillingness to recognise a simple fact that he is illiterate. It will be intriguing to know a confirmed idiot has never considered himself in that light. Nothing infuriates him more than its recognition by anyone, especially himself.


            ©ÛuÚõÀ Gøu HØP ¬•i¢uõ¾®, ¬•i¯õÂmhõ¾® uß ©hø©ø¯ HØP÷Á ¬•i¯õx.


         ©øh¯ß Em£h GÁ¸® HØPõux ©hø©.


860)     The sea is not all waves nor is the sky all dawn. The brightest of lives will be bright only for a short period, not forever.


            ©µö©À»õ® £Ç©õPU Põ´UPõx.


861)     Man dividing the earth into his land does not divide earth, nor is the atmosphere divided by the building of houses. Brahman is not and cannot be divided by creation.


         |õmiß GÀø» §©õ÷uÂø¯¨ ¤›¨£vÀø».


            Kk® P¨£À Phø»¨ ¤›UP ¬•i¯õx.

            `›¯ JÎø¯ _ÁØÓõÀ ¤›UP ¬•i¯õx.

            v¸©n® Sk®£zøu¨ ¤›UPõx.


            Betrayal does not destroy the basic unity.

            Becoming does not destroy the unity of Being.



·         Surrender restores the unity with the Absolute.

·         Transformation restores the original status of Spirit.

·         Universalisation removes the division of ego.

·         Transcendentalisation helps find the original centre.

·         Spiritual awakening is the great beginning.

·         Birth of the Supramental Being takes ego to the higher hemisphere.

·         Man in Knowledge moves to the Absolute through life, ascent, rebirth, self-awareness, transformation, all through surrender.

·         Surrender is the beginning and surrender is the end.


         \µnõPv \ºÁ•® ¤µ®©©õS® Pv.


            ¤µ®©® ußÛaø\¨£i Bß©õÁõQ, E»P©õ°ØÖ.

            \µnõPv E»Pzøu Bß©õÁõUQ, ¤µ®©©õUS®.

Surrender is the reversal of the original Self-conception.


         \µnõPv ø\zv¯¨ ¦¸åÛß ußÛaø\.


             Surrender is the self-conception of the psychic.

             Creation is the Self-conception of Brahman.

             Surrender reverses creation into evolution.

             Surrender reverses involution into evolution.


863)     Mother says that it is not so difficult to change as to know where to change. As Brahman created Ignorance, each man has created his own version of ignorance. To know that is self-awareness. To change there is self-conception. According to Mother, to remember that one is God is more difficult than becoming God.


            {øÚÄ ]zvø¯Âh¨ ö£›¯x.

            ©Ó¢uÁß ©Ûuß.

            Bvø¯ AÔÁx A¸Ò.


         {øÚÄ A¸Ò, ©»ºÁx £›nõ©®.


            {øÚøÁz u¸Áx \µnõPv.

            {øÚÄ {zv¯®.

            \µnõPv £›nõ©®.

            uõß ¤µ®©® GßÓ {øÚÄ Bz© ÂȨ¦.


864)     Horizontal expansion is existence.

            Vertical expansion is growth.

            Inner is growth, outer is existence.


            EÒ÷Í ÷£õP ©Ú® Á¸ÁvÀø».

            AP ÁõÌÄ, Bß«P ÁõÌÄ.

            AP® Bß©õÄUS, ¦Ó® ©ÚzvØS.


865)     We evaluate historical figures, great leaders, artists, geniuses by our norms. They deserve to be evaluated by a different standard. Everyone deserves to be evaluated on his terms, which means one should pass judgement on no one else.


            öu›¯õu Âå¯zøu¨ £ØÔ¨ ÷£\õ©¼¸¨£x Â÷ÁP®.


866)     Education sublimates by knowledge. Experience sublimates by the weight of living. To know the real role played by an event in one's life is to sublimate the reaction it generated.


            vøµ©øÓ¾ÒÍ  bõÚ CµP쯮 ©Úzvß v¸mk Gsn[PøÍ AÈUS®.


         G›a\¼ß C¸øÍ bõÚ JÎ AÈUS®.


867)     One becomes rough in language and behaviour when people around do not respond to soft words. A hard atmosphere generates a rough character.


         ÁÖø© ©ÚzøuU Pkø©¯õUS®.


             Less energy in a hungry population necessitates harsh language.

             Energy is the basis of culture, as in every other area of life.


             Movement is energy. At bottom  lies movement.


868)     {PÌPõ»® {uõÚ©õÚõÀ GvºPõ»® uõ÷Ú ußøÚ \©õÎzxU öPõÒЮ.


         GvºPõ»zøu {ºn°US® {PÌPõ»®.


869)     A decision will lead to right results if the inner attitude and outer factors are all right. If both are wrong or inadequate, it will be a non-starter. One can begin successfully but will lead to later failure if the outer alone is right. When the inner alone is right, ultimately it will be a success.


         •iÂß ¬•UQ¯ ¬•øÚPÒ Cµsk.


870)     AÔÄU öPmhõux ã¯zvØS Gmk®.

            AÔÄUS Gmhõux Bµõ´a]US Gmk®.

            AÔÄ Gߣx ¦»ß AÔÄ.

            ¦»ß AÔøÁ ¬•iÁõPU TÔ¯Áº GÁ¸® CÀø».

            AÔÄUS Gmhõux AߦUS Gmk©ß÷Óõ.



·     Aߦ Azv¯õÁ]¯©õÚx.

·     Psi¨¦ Pmhõ¯® ÷uøÁ.

·     AߣõPU Psi¨£x Aºzu•ÒÍ EÓÄ.

·     Psi¨¦ xsiUS®.


            Aߦ AµÁønUS®.

         AߣõP Psi¨£x Psi¨ø£ AߣõUS®.


872)     Responses received by one's own effort are not to be accepted as they are. It has to be sifted to separate the true ones.


         AøǨ£õÀ Á¸ÁÚÁØøÓ²® £õºzx PÁÛzx GkUP



            AøǨ£õÀ Á¢uõ¾® AøÚzøu²® HØP ¬•i¯õx.


873)     He who successfully hides everything he does does not know it is his long-standing subconscious wish sanctioned by life.


            AßøÚ _£õÁzøu {øÓ÷ÁØÖQÓõº.

         ©ÛuÛß BÌ¢u Bø\ø¯ AßøÚ {øÓ÷ÁØÖQÓõº.

            AßøÚ {øÓ÷ÁØÖÁuõÀ Bø\ \›¯õPõx.

         ö£õÊx ußÚõÀ ÂiQÓx GßÖ {øÚ¨£ÁÝ® Esk.


·         Bø\ø¯ Âh ÷Ási¯x ©Ûuß.

·         AÁßÂh ¬•¯ßÓõÀ, AßøÚ Aøu¨ §ºzv ö\´QÓõº.

·         Bø\ø¯¨ §ºzv ö\´¯ ¬•¯ßÓõÀ, AßøÚ Aøu¨ §ºzv

·         ö\´QÓõº.


         ©Ûuß Â¸®¦Áøu AßøÚ §ºzv ö\´QÓõº.

            |À»øu ¸®¦Áx |©x Phø©.



·         Socially chastity is for the woman to ensure her husband's property for her children.

·         Psychologically chastity for man or woman gives a rare intensity in the emotional relationship.

·         Spiritually "all in each and each in all" requires the highest emotional intensity in every relationship.


·         E»QÀ Pئ ö\õzøuU Põ¨£õØÖQÓx.

·         EÒÍzvß E¯º¢u ö\ÔøÁ J¸zv°À Põ¨£x Pئ.

·         J¸Á¸US›¯x E»PzvØS›¯x Gߣx Bß«P®.

·         Ph¢u {ø»°À Pئ PhÄÐUS AΨ£x ÷£õÀ PnÁÝUS AÎUPÁÀ»x.

·         PnÁÝUS›¯ Pئ PhÄÐUS® E›¯x.

·         ö£sqUS›¯ Pئ ö£¸ø©²øh¯x.

·         BqUS›¯x, BshÁÝUS›¯x, AøÚÁ¸US® E›¯x.

·         BqUS®, ö£sqUS®, BshÁÝUS®, AøÚÁ¸US•›¯ Pئ Põ»zøuU Ph¢x Põ»zøuU Pmk¨£kzx®.


875)     Life acts always in the most efficient way, expending the least energy. At those times we find the human instruments stingy, mean, cunning, etc. Seeing their evolutionary role, they may deserve praise.

             Evolutionary praise is social condemnation.


            vÓø© öÁΨ£hõu ÷|µªÀø».


876)     Reaction is inability; equality is capacity.


            G›a\À C¯»õø©; {uõÚ® Á¼ø©.


877)     The first charge on any faculty is to preserve itself. Unconsciousness, to preserve itself, very quickly forgets whatever consciousness does to it. Ingratitude is the conscious effort of unconsciousness at self-preservation.


         ©Ó¢uõÀ ©snõ[Pmi ÁõÇ»õ®.


            |ßÔ {øÚ¸¢uõÀ ©snõ[Pmi ©ÛuÚõÁõß.

            |À»øu, |ßÔø¯ ©ÓUPõ©À EÒÍøuU Põ¨£õØÓ ¬•i¯õx.


878)     Silence makes the inner thought eloquent in the world.


            ö©ÍÚ® \•zvµzvß \¨u Aø»PÒ.


879)     The work is INSIDE, only inside. There is NO work outside, except to express the inside.


            ÷Áø» EÒ÷Í°¸UQÓx, öÁΰÀ CÀø».


880)     A new technology needs only acceptance to countermand agelong ignorance. Time is not needed to adapt it. Mother acts if accepted, needs no time.


            ¦v¯øu HØP \®©u® ÷uøÁ, Põ»® ÷uøÁ°Àø».


            AßøÚø¯ HØP Põ»® ÷uøÁ°Àø», ©Ú® ÷uøÁ.


            ÷Ási¯x ©Ú®, ÷|µªÀø».


881)     When self-formulation of knowledge is not saturated inside by becoming power, it seeks communication, endorsement outside.


            ö\ÔÁõÚ bõÚ® ö©ÍÚ©õS®.

            §ºzv¯õPõu bõÚ® ÷£\¨ ¤›¯¨£k®.


         AP® SøÓ¯õÚõÀ ¦Ó® ö\¯À£k®.


882)     As man is using only an infinitesimal part of his energy for his survival, when harnessed and organised it is easily and eminently possible to increase his energy a few hundred-fold. Anyone can rise a hundred-fold and any nation can rise by organisation ten-fold.


            B°µ® ©h[S vÓø©²ÒÍ ö£õÊx ¡Ö ©h[S E¯µ ¬•i¯õuõ?


883)     When no crime is unpardonable one becomes neutrally eligible to see the Marvel. The Marvel discloses to one who can reach the origin of the movement and evaluate it from the motive of that particular movement. Then each contradiction will disclose it is making for its exact complement on the other side.


         ÷£a\õÍÝUS E°º AΨ£x Tmh®.


            £õhPÝUS Ea\ìuõ° £õmiÀø», Pµ÷Põå®.


884)     Patience, Equality, Sincerity are great concepts in yoga. Efficiency, luck are wide concepts in life. One who seeks efficiency or luck can try to acquire one of the yogic concepts within the bounds of his projects, which will bring yogic force to life.


            £µ©ß wsiÚõÀ £µ÷»õP® C[S Á¸®.


885)     Often we search for an answer for months and finally we arrive at it to our satisfaction. Instead of acting on that answer, it is better we surrender it.


            \©º¨£n® AÔÂß ]Pµzøu²® Ph¢ux.


886)     The small vital's perverse thinking often considers the greatest future or present benefactor as the one who exploits it. As and when the vital is draining the benefactor dry, it can loudly proclaim the opposite.


            uõß ¯õøµ ¬•ÊÁx® _µskQÓõ÷Úõ, AÁß ußÚõÀ £¯ß£kQÓõß GßÖ SuºUP® ÷£_®.


887)     Before man reaches the intensity he seeks in joy, it is available for him in grief which is rarely missed.


            BÚ¢uzøu |õk£Áß ÷\õPzvÀ vøÍzx v¸¨v¯øhQÓõß.


         |õkÁx BÚ¢u®; ÷ukÁx ÷\õP®.


888)     "Is not your offence sweet to me? Have you not the right to offend me? Don't you come closer to me by that offence?" is the language of love.


ushøÚø¯ x÷µõP©õUQÚõÀ ÁõÌÄ ÷¯õP©õS®.


             Who will refuse to God the right to anything, even betrayal?


            x÷µõPzøu¨ ÷£õØÓõu £Uv, £Uv¯õPõx.


889)     Management is management of nether forces.


         Aø©vø¯ {ø»|õmh BÇ® ¤i£h ÷Ásk®.

            A_µß ¤i£mhõÀ AÁß Aµ\ÚõÁõß.


890)     The best of men in their best moments do not function at the peak of their capacities. If they do, it is just for a small part of the day. Yoga cannot be done without the effort being at the peak all through the day.


            ÷¯õPzvØS›¯ \µnõPv ‰a_ ÂkÁøu¨ ÷£õßÖ CøhÂhõu JßÖ.


         ©ÛuÝUS ‰a_; ÷¯õPzvØS \©º¨£n®.


891)     The greater the height man rises to, the lower the depths open. Heights do not increase perfection by themselves. Heights offer greater opportunities for higher perfection.


            ãÁß C¸¦Ó¬® ©»¸®.


892)     Man's mastery over circumstances is partial. He moves up when it is complete. Outer mastery comes from inner mastery. He can move up to rule the entire world by entirely mastering his inner life.


                Mastery is inner mastery.


            AvPõµ® APzvØS›¯x.

         AP® Ah[QÚõÀ AvPõµ® ö£¸S®.


            You will have mastery over one against whom you don't complain.

            It comes either by submission or humility.

            True humility is true mastery.

            Mastery is absence of complaint.


893)     Evolutionary enterprise is the enterprise of the feminine energy.


        Man releases energy, woman conserves it.

            Organisation is woman's; man's part is to release it.


            ö£ØÓx ö£snõÀ, ö£¸SÁx BnõÀ.

         öu›¢uøu¨ ÷£_Q÷Óõ®, ö\´¯ ÷Ási¯øu Áõ¯õÀ ÷£_ÁvÀø».


            ÷£\õux ö£›¯ Â寮.

         ¯õ¸® ÷£\õux |hUS®.



·         No man makes inner progress or any real progress in any work whether it is leading a nation or cooking a meal unless he really enjoys it.

·         Progress is from work enjoyed.


            ÷Áø» ¦v¯uõÚõÀ ÷ÁP©õP ÷©÷» Áµ»õ®.

            JxUP¨£mhÁÝUS GÀ»õ ÷Áø»²® ¦v¯x.


            ©›¯õøu Á¢uõÀ ©ÛuÚõP»õ®.

         ©›¯õøuUS £nzøuÂh ©›¯õøu.

            £nzuõÀ ©›¯õøu Á¸ÁuõÀ £nzvØS ©›¯õøu²sk.


·         Work that yields progress is that which you enjoy.

·         To enjoy a work it must be constantly learned.

·         Drudgery keeps you where you are.

·         There is greater scope to learn in anti-social activities.

·         Oppressed people enjoy working as they constantly learn.

·         One learns in new work.


            ©›¯õøu÷¯ ©Ûuß.

            £nzvØS ©›¯õøu²sk.

            ©›¯õøu¯õÀ £nzvØS ©›¯õøu.


            AßøÚUS ©›¯õøu²sk.

            AßøÚ £nzøuÂh E¯º¢uÁº.

            £n® AßøÚUS Pmk¨£mhx Gߣx AßøÚUS›¯ ©›¯õøu.


            AßøÚ¯õÀ \®£õv¨£x AøÚzv¾® E¯º¢ux.


895)     We call Mother for a while from different depths of the being. We rarely go to the greatest depth of our being. To call Her non-stop from there is yoga.


         AqP ¬•i¯õu BÇzv¼¸¢x C¯À£õP CøhÂhõu AøǨ¦ ÷¯õP®.


            ÷¯õP® Gߣx BÇzvß AøǨ¦.

            BÇ® uõ÷Ú AøǨ£x ]zv.


896)        Problems of life are very small before the higher consciousness. All of them are soluble only if the person desires to relate to the higher consciousness.


         |h¨£x CøÍbÝUS ¤µa]øÚ¯õP C¸UP ¬•i¯õx.

            ¤µa]øÚ, ¤µa]øÚ°Àø».


897)     Reaction is reverse attachment.


            G›a\À GvµõÚ öuõhº¦.


898)     Suppression is never elimination, nor is it sublimation. A vibration is sublimated to the extent one gains experience or knowledge.


            ©øÓ¨£x, ©øÓÁõP ÁͺÁx.


899)     Taking to consecration is like choosing an army career, not easy to choose, nor easy to keep.


            ÷¯õP® Bz©õÂß ÷£õº¬ •øÚ.


900)     When something refuses to consecrate, push it aside and call Mother till it gets consecrated. Mostly it will be accomplished. When you find yourself unable to call Mother, it means you enjoy that problem subconsciously. Looking inside, you can see when you called it in.


            |õ® µ]US® ¤µa]øÚ wµõx.



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