Series XI                                                                     


401)        To know that a requirement can be met by several different methods is to know Infinity as a fact of life.


§  ©ÛuÝUS J¸ ÁÈ.

§  ÷¯õQUS GxÄ® ÁȯõS®.


402)     People who do not like company bordering on misanthropy can be extremely friendly in their behaviour.


            BÇzvÀ öÁÖ¨¦ ö|¸UP©õÚ |m£õP öÁΨ£k®.


403)     Men made a mark becoming rich when they stumbled upon a natural resource. Later, it was technology that made men prominent and possibly rich. Hereafter such resources must be discovered in the mind, as a mental resource. Whether it will make one rich or make riches beside the point, remains to be seen.


            ¦v¯ _µ[P® ©ÚvÀ EÒÍx.

            ¦v¯ öhUÚõ»â êìhzv¾ÒÍx.

         ‰ßÖ® ÷\º¢ux P®¨³mhº.


404)     E»QÀ áÚzöuõøP ö£¸SQÓx Gߣx ¤µa]øÚ. ÿ AµÂ¢uº ©ÛuøÚz ÷uiÚõº & QøhUPÂÀø».


            áÚz öuõøP ö£¸P»õ® & ©Ûuß CßÝ® ¤ÓUPÂÀø».


405)     Yoga is to live the life of the world in your own life, better still inside.


            E»øP EÒ÷Í HØ£x ÷¯õP®.


406)     Generosity in professional behaviour follows professional eminence in serious strong characters in a socially truthful atmosphere. Otherwise, their behaviour can give some scope for professional meanness.


            ö£›¯ ChzvÀ ö£›¯ÁºPmS ö£›¯ \¢uº¨£zvÀ ö£›¯x ö£¸¢ußø© u¸®.


407)     Dissipation, laziness, cruelty and all the negative traits receive the delight of involution which can be as nearly intense as the delight of evolution.


            AÈÂß BÚ¢u® JÎÁvÀ BÚ¢u®.


408)     You can communicate to one or many, possibly a dozen by the spoken word. In the subtle plane the unspoken word communicates to all men on earth.


            \¨u® Põx ÷PmS® Áøµ Gmk®.


            `m_© SµÀ & ÷£\õux & `›¯ß Áøµ ÷PmS®.


409)     To do what we know is to organise the physical. It is selfish, narrow, and prevents outgoing. Tradition is to enjoy being selfish. Done properly, selfishness can lead to Selfishness which is spiritual realisation.


            _¯|»•® £µ©ß |»©õÚ £µ|»©õS®.


410)     The behaviour of orthodoxy, the closed minds of the fundamentalists, etc. are just like refusing to use the car, phone and computer. They are so rational!


            B\õµ®, A¤¨¤µõ¯® Gߣx CßÖ u£õÀ GÊu ©Ö¨£x ÷£õÀ.


411)     The contact with The Mother, inner or outer, cannot be suspended for a minute, as it is the lifeline.


            ñn•® ¤›¯õu EÓÄ, AßøÚ EÓÄ.


412)     ÁÓsh EÒÍ[PÒ ]ÖÁº Enºa]ø¯ AÔ¯õº.

            C»m]¯ ©Ú•®, ]À»øµ ]Ó¨¦PøÍ AÔ¯õx.


            BºÁzøu AÔ¯õux ÁÓm].

            Aºzu©ØÓøu AÔ¯õux C»m]¯®.


413)     Life Response is the action of a deeper plane on its own, as we are, in our plane, full, saturated, mature.


            E»P® EßøÚ HØ£øu ÁõÌÄ uß ÁõÌzx ‰»® öu›ÂUS®.


414)     The body learning a lot of useless things and breaking it is revolution, while the body learning from the mind gradually is evolution.


            ¦µm]US›¯x EhÀ, Áͺa]US›¯x ©Ú®.

415)    Our effort is a reaction to the insistence of the Spirit.


            ¬•¯Ø] Gߣx Bß©õÂÀ ÁئÖzuø» Gvº¨£x.


416)     When a statement is made, a strategy is resorted to or an ideal is offered, it is in the plane of life where we are. It will necessarily reflect the plane it is in. Any such thing we do must be integral in the sense that from every point of view our new stand must be vindicated.


            GÀ»õ ÷Põn[Pξ® \›¯õÚx \›¯õP C¸US®.


             One way of knowing that something is right is to verify it from every idea we know of.


                   \›¯õÚx G¨£i¨ £õºzuõ¾® \›¯õP C¸US®.


417)     One does not give up what he has outgrown. It won't give him up even if he does. It is the substance, while he gives up in consciousness.


            ÷Áshõuøu ÂmkÂmhõÀ, ¦µm] ÷uøÁ¨£hõx.


418)     A writer comes to an understanding after crossing several steps. For his readers to appreciate his writings, he must somehow lead them through a similar process of thought experience. A vision of a Seer needs the same formula for effective communication.


            bõÚU Ps £õºzuøu FÚUPs £õºUPõx.

            £õºøÁUSz öu›¯õux, £õºzu £õøuUSz öu›²®.


419)     One characteristic of the higher consciousness, above the golden lid, is it is full of benevolence and compassion. It is felt by the fact of complete absence of violence. Its overwhelming strength enters us compassionately.


            Pkø©ø¯U Ph¢u Á¼ø©²ÒÍ PÛÄ P¸ønUSsk.


420)     Achievement is possible only in the measure protection is established from the negative, evil, hostile forces.


            ÷Á¼USÒ÷Í uõß £°º ¤øÇUS®.


421)     Perfection in any one aspect is known to have brought the ultimate social reward in spite of the fact it is perfection in only one aspect. That perfection, if perfect perfection, is known to override even other cardinal defects.


            J¸ Â寮 \›¯õP C¸¢uõÀ, ¬•iÁõÚ £»ß AvP©õP Á¸®.



§  £Uv vÓø©, öÁÖ® Bø\°Àø».

§  Bø\ vÓø©¯õPõx.

§  Bø\ EnºÂß {øÚ¨¦.

§  vÓø© EnºÄUS›¯ EÓ®.


·         Desire is emotional goal.

·         Aspiration is the organisation of emotions.


·         Bø\ vÓø©¯õP £s¦®, £°Ø]²® ÷uøÁ.


423)    Gøua ö\´uõÀ Põ›¯® öPk÷©õ, Aøua ö\´²® ö£õÊx Põ›¯® TiÁ¸Áx ©Ú® AßøÚU÷PØ£ ©õÔ¯x GÚ¨ ö£õ¸Ò.


§  öPk¨£x TiÁ¢uõÀ ©Ú® ©õÔ¯uõS®.

§  öPkUS® ö\¯À Põ›¯zøu¨ §ºzv ö\´Áx ©Ú©õØÓ AÔSÔ.


            Aizx ö\¾zx® Aߦ AÚ¢uÛß Aߦ.


424)     What makes life lively is not culture, but consciousness.


            ÁõÌÄUS ãÁÚΨ£x £s¤Àø»  £Âzvµ®.


425)     The world has outlived culture. Just now it needs Consciousness.


            £Âzvµ® £sø£U PhUS® ÷|µ® Á¢xÂmhx.


426)     £õºøÁ¯ØÓ S¸hÝUS £PÁõß £õºøÁø¯U öPõkzx Âmhõº.  Ps vÓ¢x £õºUP ÷Ásk®.


            £õºøÁø¯U öPõkUP»õ®.

            £õºUPa ö\õÀ» ¬•i²©õ?


            Sri Aurobindo came to give us blind men sight. Will we open our eyes and see?


427)     The same spirit looking at the world through different eyes sees the same OBJECT differently for the purposes of evolving out of Ignorance and emerging as Knowledge. If the Spirit, instead of looking out, looks inside, he will see all the knowledge he seeks. Hence the Delight.


            EÒ÷Í Enº¢x E¯÷µ GÊÁx BÚ¢u®.


428)     The backward rustic is undeveloped not because there are no opportunities, but because he has not understood them as such. Those who are already introduced to Sri Aurobindo are exactly like the determined poor men in rich countries. 


         £µõ•P©õÚ £UuºPÒ ¤µ®©zvß A\z.


429)     Avºèh¬®, \¢÷uõ嬮 AøÚÁ¸US® A£›ªu©õP Esk.


         B¨ø£ ¤k[PU Thõx.


430)     B£z÷u°Àø» GßÓ Esø© öu›¯õu Áøµ £¯® Á¸®. Auß ‰»® B£zx® Á¸®. ¬•iÁõPz öu›¢uõÀ AÁµõÀ E»øP £¯zv¼¸¢x Põ¨£õØÓ ¬•i²®.


            öu›¢uõÀ £¯ªÀø», öu›¯õÂmhõÀ £¯®.


431)     ÷uÒPi ©¸¢x ÃmiÒÍÁøµ ÷uÒ PiUPõx. Cx ©¸¢vß `m_© \Uv u¸® £õxPõ¨¦.  ÿ AµÂ¢uº £h•® ¡ÀPЮ A¨£õxPõ¨ø£z u¸£øÁ.


            `m_©©õÚÁºUS `m_©¨ £õxPõ¨¦ Esk.


432)     ö\õzx®, A¢uìx® Ai¯õÍõÀ Põ¨£õØÓ¨£h ÷Ásk®.


            PõÁÀ CÀ»õ©À ö\õzv¸US©õ?



·         When World Forces are studied closely, they disclose the LAWS Sri Aurobindo has enunciated.


·         As days pass by, one can discern the life of the world more and more coming under the Supramental Force that descended in 1956 and which is organising itself in the atmosphere of earth.


·         One very striking phenomenon of the above is, old laws suddenly cease to be valid or start behaving in the very opposite way to the usual.


            ÿ AµÂ¢u® Aµ[÷PØÖ£i¯õQÓx.


434)     Waste


    There is waste in our social life, psychological life and finally in Life. It is obvious. All that man learns can, in one sense, be explained as learning to avoid waste. To know there is no waste is to know the fullness of life. Waste is the appearance the efficiency of creation takes upon itself.


            µ¯® Û¯©õÚ vÓø©°ß ¤µ£g\ Ãa_.



§  SøÓ Põn •i¯õuÁß ©Ûuß.

§  ¤Óº SøÓø¯ uß SøÓ¯õP HØ£x ö£›¯x.

§  ¤Óº SøÓø¯ EÒ÷Í ußÛøÓÁõPU Põs£x Aߣ¸ÒÍ®.

§  SøÓ PõnõU SyP»® ÁõÌÂß A®\®.

§  Psh SøÓ {øÓÁõÁx ÷¯õP®.


            GxÄ®, G[S®, G¨ö£õÊx®, {øÓÁõÚ÷u Gߣx bõÚ v¸èi.


436)     Luck is withstood only by memories of unwanted person. They MUST be given up at all costs. Decide to forget them and pray for that.


            Âh ¬•i¯õu {øÚÄP÷Í u›zvµ®.


437)     Man succeeding in life with Mother's Force is like a genius taking an examination.


            AßøÚ ÁõÌÂÀ öá°¨£x õ¨£øÚ Aö©›UP CµõqÁ® ¤i¨£x ÷£õÀ.


438)     PnÁß, ©øÚÂ, ö£Ø÷Óõº, ¤ÒøÍPÒ, S¸, |s£º GßÓ GÀ»õ EÓÄ® \‰PzvØS›¯øÁ. AøÁ ©Úzuõ¾® P¸u¨£mhõÀ ÷¯õPzvØS ChªÀø».


         ©ÚzøuU Ph¢u ÷¯õPzvØS ©Ûu EÓÂÀø».


439)        The longing for friendship is because the vital enchantment holds its sway.


            EnºÄ ¸]zuõÀ EÒÍßø£ |õk®.


440)     If the national leadership from any side is evil, it only means the evil should exhaust itself being at the top.


                   AÈÄ ußøÚ AÈzxU öPõÒÍ Bº¨£õmh® ö\´²®.


441)     _¯|»® ußøÚ AÍÄ Ph¢x ÷£õØÔ AøÚÁ¸® £õµõmh ÂøÇÁx £µ|»zvØS Âzx.


         _¯|»® £µ|»zvß Bµ®£®.



·         Mastery comes not from a mass of knowledge, but from the fact that that MASS covers ALL facets of existence represented in life, in other words, where work results in a RESULT. Based on this truth, we conclude that the extent of one's knowledge is seen by the extent of his accomplishments.


·         Accomplishment is knowledge; rather, enjoyment is



            bõÚ® Gߣx \õuøÚ.

            bõÚ® Gߣx BÚ¢u®.


443)     Aspiration is emotional capacity for the goal.


            £Uv BshÁøÚ Aøh²® vÓø©.


444)     AÔÄ ÷£_®; _£õÁ® ö\¯À£k®.


            ©ÚzvØS AÔÄ, EnºÄUS _£õÁ®.


445)     Nature enjoys its leisurely progress as she has the entire infinite field before her. She does so as Time is necessary to consolidate the ascent and integration at all other levels. Otherwise her speed will be rapid.


            BÖ A®\[PЮ §ºzv¯õP ÷Ásk® GßÖ ¤µQ¸v BÚ¢u Aø©vø¯ |õkQÓx.


                ¦»¨£mhx ¤i£k® Áøµ ¤µQ¸v Aø\¯õx.


446)         The painstaking labour and patience of the scholar, and the endless endeavour of the energetic technician produce perfect localised results which are the indispensable foundation for great results. When emphasised they act in the opposite direction preventing the great results.


            C»m]¯zvß AìvÁõµ®, AuØS Gv›.


447)    \zv¯ 㯮 £¼¨£x ÿ AµÂ¢u¸øh¯ AÁ\µa \mh® £¼¨£uõS®.


448)        Paying attention to one's children or friends is to pay higher attention to him.


            ¤ÒøÍø¯ PÁÛ¨£x ö£›¯ PÁÛ¨¦.


449)     Intense desire for an inaccessible person can give rise to a perverse wish of desiring for a punishment from him so that an intense relationship can be had.


            Bø\ AvP©õÚõÀ ©Ú® ushøÚø¯²® |õk®. 


450)     Sn® öÁΨ£mhõÀ AuØS›¯x |hUS®. AßøÚ Sn® öÁΨ£mhõÀ, A¸Ò ö\¯À£k®.


         SnzvØS CÛ ÷uøÁ°Àø».



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