Series XI                                                                     


251)     To know that HE loses Himself every moment a little bit more in the descent and He emerges a little every moment in the ascent, is to know HIM.


            CǨ£øu²®, GÊÁøu²® Põs£x CøÓÁøÚU Põs£uõS®.


252)     When an official is acting, it is possible to see the power of the entire organisation is behind him. The action of the surface man is seen only as his own action, not only by the entire being behind, especially by his own self.


            P¸Âø¯U PõsQ÷Óõ®. øPø¯U Põs£vÀø».


253)     Man rarely knows what he wants. He aims at one thing, but actively drives at another. It will be a great moment in his life to know what he really wants, because that knowledge will help him achieve it.


            ÷ukÁx öu›¯õx.

         öu›¢uõÀ QøhUS®.


254)     Any grand thing, plan, idea or project is of the ego. The sign of something being grand is a danger signal.


            ö£›¯øu |õk® ©Ú® AP¢øuUS›¯x.


255)     Occupation is there with things that are not fully understood through experience enough for them to be shed. Preoccupations are by the disturbed sensitivities.


            §ºzv¯õPõu Bø\ Gsn©õP ©Úøu {µ¨¦®.

               Ai£mh ö\õµøn A»Ö®.


256)     Literature finds good scope in several fields of life. One such is when a stupid fool intelligently mistakes culture for incompetence.


            ©øh¯ß H©õÖ® ö£õÊx ©PzuõÚ C»UQ¯® E¸ÁõS®.


257)    |Àö»sn® |À»x.

            Aøu ¤Óº HØ£x A›x, ÷PmhÔ¯õux.


         HØP¨£mh |Àö»sn® Gøu²® \õvUS®.


            öu´Ázvß Gsn® ©Ûuß ©ÚzvÀ |Àö»sn©õP EvUQÓx.


         Gsn®  |Àö»sn©õÚõÀ  ©Ûuß  öu´Á©õÁõß.


258)    One man's silence is an individual discipline. Silence descending on one man making him speak out Silence is universal Silence coming into its own, asking for permission for its rule.


            ö©ÍÚ® CÓ[Q ÷£\a ö\õÀÁx ¤µ£g\ ö©ÍÚ®.


259)     Observing the world as your reflection, you know the spots where you need to change.


            AP® Bz©õ; ¦Ó® Bz©õÂß ¤®£®.



§  E»P® J¸Áº |Àö»snzøu HØÓõÀ, uÁÖ v¸Ä¸©õÓ

§  ÂøÇÁuõP Aºzu®.

§  uÁÖ v¸Ä¸©õÔÚõÀ £Sv ¬•Êø© ö£Ö®.

§  |Àö»sn® ¤Óº HØÓõÀuõß |Àö»sn©õS®.

§  öu´Á® ¤ÓµõP Á¢x |Àö»snzøu ÷\õvUS®.


            E»P® HØ£x Ezu©ÝUS›¯ EzuµÄ.


261)     The entire being is there behind every action. It is enough we perceive it. We can see the action itself as the entire conscious being.


§  ¤µQ¸vUS¨¤ß ¦¸åß Esk.

§  ¤µQ¸v÷¯ ¦¸åß.


262)     Delight is discovery.

            Discovery is Delight.


            AÔÁx BÚ¢u®.

            AÔ¯õuøu AÔÁx BÚ¢u®.

            AÔ¯ •i¯õuøu AÔÁx ÷£µõÚ¢u®.


            To discover he is God is the greatest delight for man.


263)     Gøu J¸ {ªå® Th ¤›¯ ©ÚªÀø»÷¯õ Aøu \µn® ö\´Á÷u \µnõPv.


                   Surrender is to give up that thing which we cannot part with for a moment.


            ¬•i¯õux ¬•iÁx \µnõPv.


             Surrender of the unconscious is true surrender.

            Surrender of the conscious is impossible.

            Surrender of the unconscious is must.

            Surrender of the conscious makes the surrender of the unconscious possible.

            Surrender makes the impossible possible.


            JÎø¯ \µn® ö\´uõÀ, C¸Òuõ÷Ú \µnøh²®.

            JÎø¯ ÂmhõÀ C¸Ò ÷£õS®.

            C¸Íȯ Jίȯ ÷Ásk®.


264)     The Avatar can surrender to the Lord; others cannot. It is to Mother the surrender is due.


            BshÁß AÁuõµzvØS.  AßøÚ |©US.


265)    ÷£a\ØÔ¸¨£x ö©ÍÚ®.

            ö\¯»ØÔ¸¨£x ö©ÍÚzøuU Ph¢u ö©ÍÚ®.


             There is a Silence behind the Silence.


            JßÖ \õvUS®.

         Akzux \õuøÚø¯ £õv¨£øu APØÖÁøu \õvUS®.


            Akzux £õv¨ø£ AÈzx \õvUS®.


266)     ÷£aø\ CǨ£x ö©ÍÚ®.

         ©Úzøu CǨ£x ÷¯õP®.


267)     ÷£aø\ CǨ£x ö©ÍÚ®.

            ö\¯ø» CǨ£x ö©ÍÚzøuU Ph¢u ö©ÍÚ®.

            ©Úzøu CǨ£x ÷¯õP®.

            ÁõÌøÁ CǨ£x v¯õP®.

            Ehø» CǨ£x ¦Úº öáß©®.


         ãÁõz©õøÁ CǨ£x ÷©õm\zøu CǨ£uõS®.


            CǨ£øu CǨ£x CPÁõÌÄ £µ ÁõÌÁõÁuõS®.



§  ©ÚzuõÀ ÷£_Áx ¦Ó©õÚõÀ AP® ©ÚzøuU Ph¢u ©PzxÁ®.

§  AP® Bß©õÄUS›¯x.

§  Bß©õ ö\¯À£kÁøu ¦Ó® GÛÀ AuØS›¯ AP® ¤µ®©®.


         ¤µ®©® ö\¯À£mk, Bß©õ öÁΨ£kÁuõÀ, ©Ú® Áõ´Âmk¨ ÷£]ÚõÀ Áõºzøu E»öP[S® £¼US®.


            Áõºzøu £¼¨£x |Àö»sn®.

            Áõºzøu E»öP[S® £¼¨£x ¤µ®©zvß Gsn®.



§  Áõ°ö»Ê¢u Áõºzøu v¸®£ EÒ÷Í ÷£õÁx Aø©v.

§  ©Úvö»Ê¢u ö\õÀ «sk® EÒ÷Í ÷£õÁx AhUP®.

§  EnºÄ GÊ¢x Ah[SÁx Aø©v°ß AhUP®.

§  Eh¼À GÊ¢u EnºÄ GÊ¢uÄhß Ah[QÚõÀ EhÀ


             y´ø© ö£ØÖ Aø©v²ØÖ Ah[Q Bz© \©º¨£n©õS®.


         Bz©õ \©º¨£n©õP BÌ¢u ö\õÀ¾® ö\¯¾® Aø©v¯õÚ AhUP® ö£Ó ÷Ásk®.


270)     Individual silence will be observed.

            Universal silence will be infectious.


            ¤µ£g\ ö©ÍÚ® ¤µ£»©õS®.


271)     He who is stung by another's Silence has a little of it.


            ö©ÍÚ® ö©ÍÚzøu |õk®.


272)    \mh® uÁÖu»õP {¯õ¯® ÁÇ[SÁxsk. \mhzvØS® {¯õ¯zvØS® \®£¢uªÀø».


            \mh® \mh©õP ö\¯À£k®, {¯õ¯©õP |hUP ÷Ási¯ AÁ]¯® AuØQÀø».


273)     No man understands another's motives, though he sees his actions, as each man has a motive for his own understanding.


            ¤Ó›À ©Ûuß ußøÚ÷¯ ¦›¢xU öPõÒQÓõß.


274)     Man who has lost six senses must regain them as higher senses, the senses of the spirit.


            ©Ú® CÇ¢uøu Bß©õ ö£ÖÁx Áͺa].


275)     Legal justice is to decide one man's problems according to the understanding of all others except himself.


            \mh® {¯õ¯©õÚ ÷£õx® £µ® öu›¯ ¬•¯»õx, HöÚÛÀ, \mhzuõÀ £µ® öu›¢x öPõÒÍ ¬•i¯õx.


276)     Man's surrender starts with his thoughts, feelings, etc. Sri Aurobindo speaks of the surrender of Being, consciousness, power and delight. When he surrenders his thoughts, feelings, etc. he reaches his being and again as power and delight his thoughts and feelings present themselves to be surrendered.


            \µnõPv Gsnzv»õµ®¤zx ãÁß ÁÈ «sk® GsnzvØS Áµ ÷Ásk®.


         \µnõPv Gsn® ‰»® ãÁÝUS®, ãÁß ‰»® GsnzvØS® Áµ ÷Ásk®.


277)     Man is capable of doing his yoga as occupation.

            To convert his very occupation and even preoccupation into yoga is a must.


            Aø\øÁ \©º¨£n® ö\´Áx ÷¯õP®.

            ©Ûuß uÁzøu÷¯ Aø\÷£õh¨ £¯ß£kzxÁõß.


            Aø\÷£õk® ©Úzøu CøÓÁÛß Aø» Kø\¯õUP ÷Ásk®.


            Aø» Kø\÷¯ Aªºu Cø\.

            Aø»£õ²® ©Ú® Aºzu©ØÓx.


278)     Surrender is difficult for one who thinks, even as controlling an emotion is difficult while it possesses you.

            -- ]¢uøÚ¯õÀ Enºa]ø¯ AhUP ÷Ásk®.

            ---- ö©ÍÚzuõÀ \©º¨£n® ö\´¯ ÷Ásk®.


279)     To think and plan for the future is to constrain the future spiritual possibilities to the present limitation.


            Gvº£õºzuõÀ HØÓ® »S®.


280)     Human insistence:

·         People unconsciously insist on a certain way of life. All do so in one direction.

·         It is a negative insistence of NOT being of the higher consciousness.

·         Each does it in his own unique way. The majority tries to conform to the society. The rest insist on dissipation.

·         The patterns of conformity are infinite, those of dissipation are equally infinite.


            CøÓÁøÚ Â»USÁx C¯À£õÚ C»m]¯®.


§  »USÁøuz ÷ukÁuõPU öPõshÁß ©Ûuß.

§  "Põ¨£õØÖ' Gߣx uß ]Öø©ø¯U Põ¨£õØÖ GߣuõS®.

§  AÈÂß BÚ¢u® AhUP ¬•i¯õu BÚ¢u®.

§  ¤Óøµ AȨ£x ÷£›ß£®.

§  ¤Óº AÈÁøu, uõß ÁͺÁuõP ©Ûuß AÔQÓõß.

§  ÁõÌÂÀ ÁͺÁx vÓø©. Ax _¯|»® Á͸® vÓø©.


            =       A¢uìx® AvPõµ•® AøÚÁ¸® |õkÁx.


         *        AøÁ AP¢øu°ß A®\[PÒ.


            Bß«P÷© AP¢øu°ß Bm]USÒ Á¢x Âmhx.


281)     Psychological laziness is tradition to the physical.


            AÔÄ Aø\¯ ©Ö¨£x B\õµ©õS®.


282)     Things cannot be planned for in an unconscious atmosphere. To conceive of any planning there is to hasten the progress or hope for the non-existing.


            uõ÷Ú |hUP ÷Ási¯øu vmhªmhõÀ uøh¯õS®.


283)     Hostile beings are sincere enough to understand they are hostile, while negative, evil persons are not sincere and cannot realise their situation.


            w¯uØSÒÍ Esø© öPmhuØQÀø».                                         

284)     The more the surface likes, the more the subconscious decides against. One must learn to discern the very subtle symptoms that indicate a final decision of the subliminal.


            ÷Áshõ® GßÓ ö\õÀ ÷Ásk® GßÓ ©ÚzøuU SÔUS®.


285)     Man will do well to learn how Nature has so far accomplished. He will learn that She begins many things and gives the impression of working on one and wasting resources on others, whereas when the one is finished, we find all are completed.


            HµõÍ©õÚ Âµ¯® Pkø©¯õÚ ]UPÚ®.


286)     Outer Silence achieves.

             Inner Silence inspires achievement.


            ÷£\õ©¼¸¨£x ö£›¯x.

         ©Ú® ÷£\õu ö©ÍÚ® A›¯x.


287)     Work achieves. Deeply sincere work achieves in the subtle plane all over the world.


§  ÷Áø»US¨ £»ß Esk.

§  EÒ÷Í ö\´²® ÷Áø»US öÁÎ÷¯ £»ß Esk.

§  `m_©©õP ö\´u ÷Áø»ø¯ `Ì{ø» ¸®¤ HØS®.


288)     Energy decides.

            Energy alone decides.


            öu®¤¸¢uõÀ ÷Áø» |hUS®.

            öu®¤À»õ©À ÷Áø» |h¢uxshõ?

            ÷Áø» GßÓõÀ öu®¦.

            öu®¦ GßÓõÀ ÷Áø».


289)     Formula for the Key


·         Basically it is energy.

·         Energy organised achieves.

·         Value achieves in organisation.

·         Idea gives value its value.

·         The level of idea is decided by the aspiration.

·         Energy decides aspiration.

·         How does energy decide energy?

·         Evolutionary energy decides energy of achievement.

·         Spiritual awakening decides evolutionary energy.

·         Is spiritual awakening fixed or can it be raised?

·         It is decided at birth and upheld by the atmosphere of life.

·         You can be decided by that atmosphere or you can decide that atmosphere.

·         That CHOICE is there.

·         Exercising that choice, you go up or are part of a group.

·         Choose and achieve.


            ÷PÒ = QøhUS®.


290)     Flatness and dullness do not permit consecration. They are due to the presence of negative or hostile forces below. Becoming lively is the best way to overcome flatness.


            ©Ú® |Pº¢uõÀ ©¢u® ©øÓ²®.


 291)    It takes the psychic one second to review the whole life. He will lead you quickly.


            ²P® ñn©õÁx Bß©õÁõÀ.



·         It is time we stop needing anything.

·         It is better we stop needing to give.

·         It is to usurp God's role meant only for Him.

·         What are we to do?

·         Enjoy as HE enjoys, doing nothing.


            BÚ¢u÷© AÁÛUS›¯x.

            Ax ©mk÷© |©US›¯x.


293)     What makes life complete, a real whole, is the discovery that the negative is only the other side. To transform the negative and realise the completeness of life is one desirable goal, if not an exalted ideal.


            Á®¦®, ÁÇUS®, ©õÔÚõÀ ÁõÌÄ §ºzv¯õS®.


294)     There are two truths of life in yoga.


1.        The past could not have been different.

2.        The future can be anything.


§  |h¢ux |hUP ÷Ási¯x.

§  CÛ GxÄ® |hUS®.


295)     Lifeless flat feeling arises when there is below the surface negative feelings or evil thoughts. Hostility is their base.


            öPmh Gsn® ãÁÚØÓx.


296)     Generous self-giving is found in a limited circle even among frugal persons. Expansive self-giving is there on the surface for vanity or reasons of complex. Still they are issuing from a deeper source of the soul's self-giving. We need a self-giving where the Self gives itself for its sake in the other.


            BshÁß ©ØÓÁ›À AÁÝU÷P öPõk¨£÷u Bz©õº¨£n®.


297)    APsh ö©ÍÚ® §s£x Bz©õ, ©ÚªÀø».


             All-inclusive concentration is for the Psychic, not mind.


            APsh ö©ÍÚ® Bz© »m]¯®.


298)    Põ›¯® GÆÁÍÄ ö£›¯uõÚõ¾®, \µnõPv AøuÂh¨ ö£›¯x.


             Surrender is greater than the greatest of works.


299)    Añµ® \zv¯©õÚõÀ Avºèh©õS®.


             Truth consciousness is the Treasure of Luck.

             Truth is Luck.

             Luck is Truth.


300)     Values master social forces by their inherent spiritual power. Pure spiritual values are forces that can be completely masterful in society.


             Bß©õÄUS AQ»® Pmk¨£k®.



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