Series XI                                                                     


201)       uÁ® ã¯zvß _£õÁ®.


             Tapas is the nature of the consciousness.


         ©Ú® uß \Uvø¯ AÔÁx uÁ®.


202)     Unsuspecting nature of security is of status unquestioned.

             Royalty was oblivious of danger.

             Majesty of magnanimity thinks not of loss.


            Aµs©øÚ APÁõÌÂß ÷Põmøh.


203)     The problems of the nation and the world are to be understood at home and at work. What is not learned here will never be learnt.


            E»øP AÔ¯ Føµ AÔ¯ ÷Ásk®.


            Âvø¯ AÔ¯ Ãmøh AÔ¯ ÷Ásk®.


204)     Give up the immediate, in favour of the Ultimate.

                                                -Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukerjee.               24.4.1951


            ÷Ási¯x Ax,  CuÀ».


205)     Idealism is based on ideas to be realised.

             Work is to be based on inner achievements that are to be expressed.


            C»m]¯® GvºPõ»zvØS.

            E»QÀ \õv¨£Áß EÒ÷Í \õvzuÁß.


206)    E›ø©°À»õuÁß HUP® E»Pzvß HUP®.


            E›ø© ÷£õÚ ¤Ó÷P E»PzvØS EuÁ ¬•i²®.


207)     Lapse in sex is a social deviation, not a sin on one's conscience, unless the conscience believes it.


            £õÁ® ©Úa \õm]US, Eh¾UPÀ».


208)     Equality is possible when the vital physical restlessness calms down.


            Eh¾® EnºÄ® Ah[Põ©À ©ÚzvØS {uõÚªÀø».


209)     There are occasions when a genius expects the admiration of his ideas by his colleagues who are incapable of understanding it. A Napoleon looks for the approval of a Josephine, an Einstein expects another to applaud his formula. As a rule, invariably they withhold it.


            ©øh¯ß BuµøÁ |õk® ©PõÝUS® Ax Qøh¨£vÀø».


             Great minds look for approval of the small.

             The small take pleasure in denying it.


210)    ÷Áø»ø¯z ÷ui öÁÎ÷¯ ÷£õP ÷Áshõ®.


            ÷Áø» EÒ÷Í°¸UQÓx.

            EÒ÷Í ö\´Á÷u ÷Áø».


            öÁÎ÷¯ ö\´Áx Ãs ÷Áø».


211)    ÷|µ®, |À» ÷|µ®.

         {ªº¢x {ØS® ÷|µ®.


            AÈÁx Bº¨£õmh©õP C¸UQÓx.

            AÈÁx, Aȯ ÷Ási¯x.


            ©QÌ¢x, ©»º¢x, ©n¢x, E¯¸® ÷|µ® ©u¸US›¯ ÷|µ®.


212)     Determination without discrimination is a violence committed on oneself and peters out sooner or later, either crushing the mind or spirit or frustrating them.


            öuÎÂÀ»õu wº©õÚ® |õ÷© |©UQøÇUS® w[S.


213)    Aø©v¯õÚÁß BÇzvÀ ö\¯À£k£Áß.


214)     The character in the underworld of thieves, robbers, scoundrels, rogues, cheats, etc. is a true measure of a nation's culture.


            v¸hÝøh¯ £s¦ Føµ vmhÁmh©õPU Põmk®.


215)     The desire to benefit your family or friends or even the world when they do not deserve it is the same desire for the results without doing any work.


            ÷Áø» ö\´¯õ©À £»ß ö£ÖÁøu ©Ûuß C»m]¯ ÷\øÁ Gߣõß.


216)     The physical uses force where it lacks skill; the vital uses anger, while the mind either curses or forms an opinion. One must patiently acquire the skill.


            ¦v¯øuU PØ£x ¬•i¯õx.

               ¦zv\õ¼US® A[S ÷\õ®÷£ÔzuÚ® Á¸®.


            B\õµ® Gߣx AÔÁõ롧 ÷\õ®÷£ÔzuÚ®.


217)     Life is a slow journey along a field of  "Snakes and Ladders".

             Mother gives you dice that gives the scores you choose.


            £µ©£u® GßÓ ÁõÌÂÀ AßøÚ |® Gsnzøu¨ §ºzv ö\´²® uõ¯UPmøh u¸QÓõº.


            ÁõÌÄ & uõ¯UPmøh

            £µ©£u® & AßøÚ²øh¯x.


218)     The source of energisation drains.


            ö\»ÂÀ»õ©À Á¸©õÚªÀø».


219)  |h¢uøÁ AøÚzx® \›, |hUP¨ ÷£õÁx AøÚzx® \› GßÓõÀ, AP¢øu ¬•øÚ¨ø£ CÇUQÓx GÚ¨ ö£õ¸Ò.


§  \›²®, u¨¦® AP¢øuUS.

§  AßøÚUS AøÚzx® \›.

§  AP¢øu Aȯ AøÚzx® \›ö¯Ú¨ ¦›¯ ÷Ásk®.


220)     While you are in Silence, most of the work that needs speech – really all the work – is done without speaking, as others speak your thoughts.


            ö©ÍÚ® \õv¨£x ©PzuõÚx.


221)    AÁv |®©x; BÚ¢u® AÁÝøh¯x.

            AÁøÚ¯øh¯ AÁv EuÁõx, BÚ¢u® ©mk® EuÄ®.



·         The communal carnage of 1947 was a misfortune.

·         It was because of British duplicity.

·         It was due to Muslim intransigence.  

·         We can say it was owing to Hindu short-sightedness.

·         Instead of seeing it as a past misfortune, we can see it as a past inevitability.

·         It is that which makes future glory possible.

·         To know it lies in our attitude is to know Him and Her.


            HØÓ ªS¢u GvºPõ»® C÷u ñn® |® øP°¾ÒÍx.


223)    Á®¦ ÁnUP©õÚõÀ, ÁõÌÄ ö\õºUP©õS®.


            \•uõ¯zvß ]Pµ® v¸hß øP°À EÒÍx.

            v¸hß v¸¢xÁx v¸Ä¸©õØÓ®.

            v¸hß |®ø©z v¸Ä¸©õØÓ Á¢u P¸Â.


         v¸hß v¸hÚÀ», vsø©¯õÚ £s¦øh¯Áß.


             All errors are rich raw material for future higher culture.


224)     Higher human values converted into higher divine values in life can be exalted but have nothing to do with divine life. What appears unattainable in life is the least the devotee can aspire for.


            CßÖ Gmhõu Ea] Gmk® Gߣx ©mk©À», Ax÷Á Aߣ¸US

            SøÓ¢u £m\©õS®.


225)     The world has not completed the available resources of knowledge, organisation, technology and values. This backlog is vast. Nor has it fully responded in utilising the new resources.


            EÒÍøu E£÷¯õP¨£kzvÚõÀ E»P® ¬•ß÷ÚÖ®.


             This is a golden rule for the individual and the collective.


            \õ¨¤mhx ãµn©õPõ©À ÷©¾® \õ¨¤h ¬•i¯õx.


226)     _¸[P ÷Ási¯ ¬•P® ©»ºÁx _•P®.


         _¸[Põ©À ©»ºÁx _•P®.


            {uõÚ® ©»ºÁx {ø»¯õÚx.


227)     If the atmosphere is undisturbed and calm even without a mental effort on your part, it means your substance is calm.


            EhÀ ö£ØÓ Aø©vø¯ Fº ö£Ö®.


228)     Support is that which offers security not only where we are but in the deeper plane too.


            {ø»ø¯U Ph¢x {ø»¯õP C¸¨£x BuµÄ, £õxPõ¨¦.


229)    öPõÒøÍUPõµß öPõkø©UPõµß.

              AÁøÚ Â¸®¤ uø»ÁµõP HØ£x P¯ø©.


         uø»ø© |õk£ÁÛß ußø©ø¯U Põmk®.


230)     Obedience can be enforced, not kindness.


            £o¯ EzuµÄ ÷£õh»õ®.

            £Ç©õPU PÛ¯ EzuµÂh ¬•i¯õx.


231)     A man, having committed an error for whatever reason, who is capable of inflicting on himself the punishment the rules enjoin can be called rational and just.


            ushøÚ°ß {¯õ¯zøu uÚU÷P AΨ£Áß ©Ûuß.


232)     ]ÖÁÝUS uß GvºPõ»zøu²®, Auß ]Ó¨¦PøͲ® AÔ¯ •i¯õx Gߣx ÷£õÀ ©Ûuß öu´ÃP ÁõÌøÁ AÔ¯ •i¯õx.


            öu›¯õuøu öu›¢x öPõÒÍ ©Ûuß ¬•¯ÀÁvÀø».


233)     Sense of propriety becomes a sacred sentiment in the physical man.


            B\õµzøu Aئu©õPU Põs£Áß öÁÖ® EhÀ.


234)     {øÚUP ¬•i¯õuøÁö¯À»õ® |hUP {£¢uøÚ {øÚøÁ AÈUP ÷Ásk® GÛÀ {øÚÄ GßøÚ «Ó»õ©õ?


         {øÚøÁU Ph¢u {ø» {uº\Ú©õÚ Ea\ Pmh E¯º¢u {ø».


235)     There are three levels of the capacity that can change the finite into the infinite.


1.        A one-time capacity.

2.        Capacity to do so consciously in many things.

3.        A permanent state of this higher consciousness.


        The first is enough to be lucky. The second will give one the capacity to         create luck in others. The last is higher consciousness.


            PkPÍÄ Qøhzuõ¾® Põu yµ® ÷£õP»õ®.


236)     When you call a liar truly a liar, he can falsely call you a liar, as verbal expression permits falsehood. So, people catch hold of a liar and beat him. The strength of Truth that cannot be expressed in words can overpower a liar and shut his mouth.


            \zv¯® ö£õ´°ß Áõø¯U Pmk®.


237)    ©ÛuºPÎøh÷¯ C¸¨£x ©Põß.

            Bz©õUPÎøh÷¯°¸¨£x BshÁß.


            ©ÛuÝUS ©Põß.

         Bz©õÄUS BshÁß.


238)     Age blunts the force of enjoyment or complaining, but the character remains. Education and refinement change for the better the rigid structure of the force. Neither is transformation. Transformation reverses the structure of character into its opposite.


            ©õØÓ® ©ÚzvØS›¯x. Á¯x®, PÀ²® uµõux.


239)    BshÁß Bø\¨£mhx BÚ¢u®.


            Creation is Lila for Delight.


            Discovery is Delight.

            Self-discovery is ultimate Delight.

             Delight in the descent, Delight in the ascent.


240)     Practical concept of Infinity.

             Concrete conception of Eternity.


            Añ¯ £õzvµ® AÁÛ°À AÚ¢u®.


241)     Mother touches the depths of anyone who comes to Her, takes them to the heights for a split second, but we are oblivious of the experience when it happens and later completely forget it.


            AøÚzøu²® Aøµ ñn® AßøÚ öPõkUQÓõº.


242)     The sign of the whole is


             Accomplishment that has the character of Infinity.

            Causeless Joy.


            E£›²® EÁøP²® Ea]ø¯z öuõmhuØS Aøh¯õÍ®.


243)     The idealist who passionately believes that his idealism is of importance to the world subconsciously cherishes his own importance to the world.


            uß ö£¸ø©ø¯ AÔ¢uÁß C»m]¯Áõv.


244)     When we feel it is too much for us to stand, it is the best occasion for us to know what we can do.


            'uõ[Põx' Gߣx ußøÚ¯Ô¯ EP¢u ÷|µ®.


            Our real inner possibilities will fully reveal only at a moment when we are overwhelmed by stress.


245)     The studios produce extraordinary films that are faithful to life and history in spite of the very low atmosphere of dissipated consciousness. It shows the least can achieve the most by values in skills.


            Ai©mhzv¾ÒÍÁÝ® AvP£m\ £s¦ÒÍ vÓø©¯õÀ ]Pµzøu Gmh ¬•i²®.


            £õuõÍzvØS® £›_sk.


246)     The arguments of The Life Divine which are explained explicitly at length, are nowhere seen by the intellect in clear coherence. One who gets them in clear sequence will cross over from mind to Supermind.


            BÌ¢x ÂøDz® ö£sø©°ß AøǨ¦ PõvÀ ÂÇõx,

            PsqUSz öu›¯õx.


247)     Human handling distorts the issues. Thinking spoils understanding of it; feeling mutilates emotional appreciation; doing destroys.


            Mother acts when Man is quiet.


            Eß £[S E£zvµÁ® ©mk®.


248)     If mind is quiet, even reading The Life Divine disturbs it. Even in such a situation, reading Savitri can further quieten the mind.


            The Life Divine £izx® ö©ÍÚzøuU Pø»UPõ÷u.


         \õÂzv› ö©ÍÚzøu ÁͺUS®.


            It does not matter what you do, but it matters how you do it.


249)    öu›¢u Áõ´¨¦PÒ A÷|P®.

         öu›¯õuøÁ AÚ¢u®.


            Gx Áõ´¨¦, GxÄ® Áõ´¨¦.

            ©Ûuß Aø\Áx öuõ¢uµÄ, Aø©v¯õÁx Áõ´¨¦.


            Aø©v AøÚzøu²® Áõ´¨£õUS®.


250)     AßøÚø¯ AøǨ£x ö\õÀ»À». ö\õÀ AÈ¢u¤ß GÊÁx AøǨ¦. ö\õÀ¾®, EnºÄ®, ö\¯¾® AÈ¢u¤ß AøǨ¦ GÊÁx ]µ©®. HöÚÛÀ A[S AøÇUP GxĪÀø». A¨£i AøÇzuõÀ Ax ãÁÛß AøǨ¦. AxÁøµ AßøÚ ö£õÖUP ©õmhõºPÒ. AøÇUPõ©À Á¸Áõº.


            AøÇUP ¬•i¯õu BÇzvÀ AßøÚ AøÇUPõ©À Á¸Áõº.  GxÄ® ¬•i¯õu ÷|µ® GÀ»õª¸¨£uõPU P¸xÁx AßøÚ.


            We touch the Brahman inside at that moment.



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