Series XI                                                                     


51)       If a right context arises for a work it means the atmosphere is ripe for success.


            ÷£a_ uõ÷Ú GÊQÓx GßÓõÀ Põ»® PÛ¢xÒÍx GÚ¨ ö£õ¸Ò.


52)       Coordination by communication through a centre is meant for work organisation in the physical plane. In a subtle organisation, news can be received with the centre, not given out.


            E»QÀ ö\´v öu›¢uõÀ ÷Áø» |hUS®.

            `m_©zvÀ ö\´v öÁÎ÷¯ ÷£õÚõÀ ÷Áø» öPmk¨ ÷£õS®.


53)       EÒÍ® ©»º¢uõÀ E»Pzøu EmöPõÒЮ.


54)       A million mouths may gossip. One single inner move will evaporate all that.


            C»m\UPnUPõÚ |õUS®, Áõ²® ÷£\»õ®. J¸ xÎ Esø© EÒÍzvÀ GÊ¢uõÀ ÷£]¯ Áõö¯À»õ® Aøhzx¨ ÷£õS®.


55)       ¤µg_¨ ¦µm]°À ©ßÚß AÈ¢ux÷£õÀ ÷¯õP¨ ¦µm]°À AP¢øu Aȯ ÷Ásk®.


         AP¢øu°ß uø»ø¯ ^ ÷¯õP® Bµ®¤UP ÷Ásk®.


56)       Market is collective endorsement of individual achievement.


            ©õºUPm ©ÛuøÚ HØ£uØS Aøh¯õÍ®.


57)       Gvº£õºUPõÂmhõÀ H©õØÓªÀø».

            CÀø»ö¯ß£x CÀ»õÂmhõÀ Gvº£õºUP ÷Áshõ®.

         C¸¨£x GßÚ GßÖ öu›¢uõÀ CÀ»õux CÀø» GÚ¨ ¦›²®.


             |õ® ¯õº GßÖ öu›Áx H©õØÓzøu AÈUS®.


              C¸¨£x öu›¢uõÀ H©õØÓªÀø».



§  |®ªh® C¸¨£x E¯º¢ux GÛÀ ¤Ó¸USU öPõkUP¨ ¤›¯¨£kQ÷Óõ®.

§  ¤Ó›h® EÒÍx E¯º¢ux GÛÀ Aøu¨ ö£Ó¨ ¤›¯¨£kQ÷Óõ®.

§  AøÁ \©® GÚz öu›¢uõÀ öPõkUP÷Áõ, ö£Ó÷Áõ {øÚUP ©õm÷hõ®.

§  ö£›¯x, ]Ô¯x Gߣx ©õø¯.

§  ¤µ®©zvÀ ö£›¯x, ]Ô¯x CÀø».

§  ¤µ®© bõÚ® ö£Ó÷Áõ, öPõkUP÷Áõ {øÚUPõx.


              ©Ûuß öPõkUP»õ®, ö£Ó»õ®, ¤µ®©® öPõkUPõx,  ö£Óõx.            


59)       The theory of relativity was not given the Noble Prize, nor did Gandhiji receive it. No local pandit would pass the great poets when the passage is not recognised. No saint was locally popular nor was any genius recognised at home in the beginning.


            E»P® HØÓøu F¸®, Ãk® HØS®.


         EÒÍøu En¸® Esø© E»Q¼Àø».


60)      Ãk®, F¸® HØÖ¨ ÷£õØÖ® GÚ {øÚ¨£Áß Ãnß.


61)       When people are proud of their meanness and trickery, what can you think of one who longs for their applause? Their applause is a condemnation.


            v¸hÛß |À» ö£¯º v¸mk¨ £mh®.


62)       AP¢øuUS AhUPªÀø».

             AP¢øu¯È¢u¤ß Á¸Á÷u AhUP®.

          AP¢øu²ÒÍÁøµ EÒÍ AhUP® AhUP©õPõx.


63)       The optimists anticipate God. The pessimists still long to enjoy earth and swear that God cannot succeed.


            AÊ£Áß Aݣ¨£x AÁÛ°ß BÚ¢u®.


64)      A man is wise by mistake.

         A man is stupid by choice.


            Â÷ÁP•¬® ©hø©²® \©©õÚøÁ.


65)       All-inclusive concentration includes the substance of the body.


            Ehø» EmöPõsh E›ø© ÷¯õPzvØSsk.


66)       Spirit and mystic emotion are clothed in poverty in Asia today for Matter and intellect of Europe and America to seek it as market. Man will seek Spirit as market.


            Bz©õøÁ ©Ú® ©õºUPmhõP |õk®.


67)       The human unconsciousness is the conscious awareness of the subliminal.


            S¸mk ©Ûuß öu´Ázvß v¸èi.


68)       In life we 'surrender' to the professionals, workmen, and DRIVERS we employ. No developed mind can even consider surrender to the Divine.


            öu´ÁzvØS |õ® ©ÛuÝUS öPõkUS® Chzøu²® u¸ÁvÀø».


            \P»•® §ºzv ö\´¯ \µnõPv ÷uøÁ.


69)       Yogic achievement can never be compared to achievements in life, as yoga tries to accomplish more than all life can. But yoga of life goes beyond yoga. There is nothing beyond yoga in life.


            PhÄøͯøh¯»õ®. ©ÛuÛÀ PhÄøÍ Aøh¯ PÚÄ® Põn ¬•i¯õx.


70)      ö©´ ö\õÀÁx GÎx. ö£õ´ ö\õÀ»õ©¼¸¨£x Pèh®.


         ö£õ´ø¯ AÓ÷Á Âhõ©À ö©´ø¯ ¬•Êø©¯õPU øPU öPõÒÍ ¬•i¯õx.


            ö©´°ß CµP쯮 ö£õ´°À EÒÍx.


             Truth emerges when falsehood dissolves.


71)       One's growth is in the measure of his right handling of the sore points of life as they arise. He who has failed has now a chance to do so. Would he be less unwilling now than before?


            ÁõÌÄ Á͵ ÷Ási¯ AÁ]¯ªÀø». ÷Ásk® GÛÀ Á͵»õ®.


            Áͺa]US›¯ Ch® Á®¦ÒÍ Ch®.


            ÁøÍøÁ {ªºzvÚõÀ ÁõÌÄ Á͸®.


72)       The field of this yoga is the inner emotions and attitudes. Its method is transformation. Its path is to the inner and to the subliminal. Its centre is psychic. By giving up one's fixed poises, one goes down to rise.


            AP¢øuø¯ AÈzx _£õÁzøu ©õØÖ® £°Ø]°Àø». ©Ú® ©õÔ v¸Ä¸©õÖ®.


73)       Eternal adventure of emotions is romance.


            PõuÀ CÍø©ø¯ |õk® CøÓ²nºÄ.


74)       The urge to break a discipline has the energy to implement it perfectly in the reverse.


            ÷ÁP® \Uv.

            vø\ v¸®¤ÚõÀ v¸Ä¸©õØÓ®.


75)       When parents deeply regret or feel disgusted with the behaviour of their children, the truth is what the children do now only reflects the deep wishes of the parents which they could not enjoy.


            ö£›¯ÁºPÒ Akzu uø»•øÓ°À u[PÒ BÌ¢u Bø\PøÍ AÝ£ÂUQÓõºPÒ.


76)       Realities of life are not in the physical consciousness, but in the substance. Words, ideas, emotions, convictions will not touch it. Hard facts of life alone can touch it.


              ö\õÀ¾®, ö\¯¾® ö\À»õx.

            ö\õzx ö\À¾®, ö\õzx ©mk® ö\À¾®.


77)       The human collective even in the smallest unit of family is there for ONE to shape himself in its image and the principle holds good for all such collectives big or small.


            EÓÄ Gߣx E°¸US EÖv AΨ£x.


78)       The hallmark of non-existent superiority – true inferiority – is to feel taking as giving.


            ö£ÖÁøuU öPõk¨£uõP {øÚ¨£x ÁÖø©°ß 㯮.


             Men who want LUCK to rush into their lives must give up even poverty consciousness. Let them truly acknowledge what they receive, if not with gratitude which they are incapable of


·         We are poor. Our perversity preserves our poverty.

·         Let us know we are false, low, poor and treat ourselves as such with     


·         Humility that is Gratitude is LUCK.


            AhUP©õÚ |ßÔ¯ÔuÀ Avºèh®.


79)       Human success is no more valid than human failure.


            öÁØÔ u¸Áx® JßÔÀø».

            ÷uõÀ AȨ£x® GxĪÀø».


80)       When a brother is stealing, you want to prevent the stealing, not punish him. Thus, you are soft to the stealing in you, which is there in your brother. You cannot stop his stealing without his getting punished for it. You bail him out of difficulties each time and he never stops stealing. In fact, you protect the 'stealing' in you. 


            Gv›ø¯ EßÝÒ AȨ£x Eu ö\´¯õ©¼¸¨£x.


81)       Learning is a curiosity. It has no end for any reason, nor is age a bar. There is no limit for knowing or learning or for that matter enjoying.


            Eh¾US¨ ¦zx°º u¸Áx AÔÄ.


82)       Emotions, at the least sign of a possibility, dream of the result, as emotions achieve at once.


            ÂÀø»z öuõmhÄhß ]®©õ\Ú® {øÚÄ Á¸®.


83)       Sri Aurobindo's glory begins in the depth. He offers it in the depth as well as on the surface as an integral expression. Man does not want the depth or the integral expression. He asks for the Glory of the surface as the surface.


            ÷uøÁ¯õÚx öu¸UTzx.


84)       Surrender opens up the subconscious vision.


            \µnõPv BÌ©ÚU Põm]ø¯U Põmk®.


85)       A devotee, or better still a sadhak knows it is he who always wins.


             All the time he sees it is only victory.


            öÁØÔ uµ ÷ÁöÓxĪÀø» GßÓÔ²® ÷|µ® ©Ûuß öu´Á©õQÓõß.  


86)           Poisonous creatures, catastrophes of Nature, the incarnation of Evil are the storehouses of divine raw material for the Delight the soul seeks. Are not raw materials necessary?


            Âå® Â¸¢vß AªºuzvØS Âzx.


87)       Identifying with Sri Aurobindo's consciousness is to identify with the Transcendent in its aspect of manifestation.


            ÿ AµÂ¢u IUQ¯® £µ©õz©õÄhß §Ä»QÀ CønÁuõS®.


88)       Identifying with Mother is to be Her instrument in your life on earth.


            AßøÚ°À »°¨£x BÚ¢u ÷\øÁ¯õÁuõS®.


89)       You are available for any service in the measure different urges have lost their power over you.


                   ÷ÁP® µmhÂÀø» GÛÀ ÷\øÁUS Ch® Esk.


90)       To become full, one should accept the negative side, appreciate the activities of children and recognise himself in his environment.


            •Êø©ø¯ ‰ßÖ Âu©õP¨ §ºzv ö\´¯ ÷Ásk®.


91)       The greatest of spiritual service is still the service to the ego. Service is to dissolve the ego.


            E»P÷© Ah[QÚõ¾® Ax Eß AP¢øuUS Ah[SQÓx.

            ÷\øÁ Gߣx AP¢øu AÈÁx.


92)       Infinity:


            Man is FINITE. God is INFINITE. Man is God in disguise. He should transform himself into God in mind, in feeling as well as in fact. To know that the parallel lines do meet, reason becomes intuition, logic becomes Logic of the Infinite, complete minus complete is complete, money expands like knowledge with spending and darkness and pain are their opposites is the beginning.


            Aß£ß Aªºuzvß Añ¯ £õzvµ®.


93)       To give something away is great in a world where there are many who cannot part with trifles. Giving away the thing whose value one fully knows is true giving, which ends in Self-giving by one who has realised the Self.


            Aº¨£nzv¾¯º¢ux AÚ¢uøÚ AÝ£Âzx Aݨ¦Áx.


94)        People gather when attention is paid. They go away when it is withdrawn.     

            Had there been strength in the substance, they will not go away, but             

            cling faster to you.


             ÷Ási¯ Â寮 CÀ»õÂmhõÀ, PÁÚ® SøÓ¢uÄhß   Pø»¢x      



95)       God has nothing to manage in the world of his creation but to watch with enjoyment. The organisation you create can be more and more self-managing with growing experience.


            }[Q {Ø£x {ºÁõP®.


             Enjoyable watching is Management.

             Management is self-sustaining.


             Organise and watch. Don't try to manage.


96)       To know that one's highest creative work is after all a kind of occupation is yogic insight.


            Pø» Põ»zvØS›¯x Gߣx ÷¯õP bõÚ®.


97)       However little you know, consecration opens the entire knowledge to you. When you rely on your own knowledge, then it is available in little quantities.


            EÒÍx ÷£õÚõÀ GÀ»õ® Á¸® GߣuõÀ GxÄ® ÷uøÁ°Àø».


         \©º¨£n® \P»•® u¸®.


98)       The world is there to learn self-preservation, not for you to serve. It is a dangerous idea to serve, unless you seek self-destruction.


             E»P® EÚUS £°¾® Aµ[P®. ÷\øÁUS›¯uÀ».

               ÷\øÁ ö\´£ÁøÚ AÈUS®.


99)       Knowledge

·         To understand creation, understanding Ignorance is necessary.

·         The capacity to know a fool's thinking is intelligence.

·         Accomplishment needs knowledge of the crook.

·         These are all human achievements.

·         For the Divine to achieve in us, these are of no use. The Divine begins where Man ends.

·         Man's ending his efforts is Surrender.


             Human accomplishment is by knowledge. For the Divine to accomplish in us, it needs our surrender.


100)     The outer politeness apart, the inner human attitude is, "I am the boss of everyone" which is ill-concealed. Should a man recognise that in himself, the best inner discipline for him is to acquire an inner attitude of "Everyone is my boss".       


            AøÚÁ¸US® Ai £oÁx AhUP®.



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