Series X



951)  The power of occupation can be conceded to be the greatest when we know that on giving it up one gets into temporal eternity – immortality of the soul.

        Aø\÷£õk® ©Ú® Aø» K¯õu \•zvµ®.

952)  Great posts are generally for a short period, even as the previous incarnation was only for a brief period. Spiritual experiences for which one becomes known are only for a few brief moments, like meeting great personalities of the world.

        ñn® GßÓõ¾® Ch® ö£¯x.

953)  Sri Aurobindo asked from the Highest the Greatest of boons for the earth. Can we not ask a similar boon at least for ourselves? The highest accomplishment in our life with the greatest grace of Hers, can be that.

        ö£¯ |À»øu Hß ö£¯uõPa ö\´¯U Thõx?

954)     ¤µ®©õsh©õÚ ¤µ®©® |® ¤vµõ䯮.

Áõø\ AÈzu AßøÚ u¢u ¤vµõä¯ ö\õzx ÿ AµÂ¢u®.

Á¢x Âmh ¤µ®©zøu |õ÷© ¤izxU öPõÒÍ ÷Ásk®. ¤µ®©÷© |®ø©¨ ¤izxU öPõÒЮ ÷|µ® ÁµÂÀø».

Á¢u ÷|µ® ö£¯x, Áµ ÷Ási¯x ¤µ®©õsh©õÚx.

955)  When a man shakes himself in frustration and swears loudly, he is trying to penetrate his dense layers with  understanding.

        uõÍ ¬•i¯õu Ga\À ußøÚ «Ó ¬•¯¾® bõÚ®.

956)   ©mh©õÚ Cu¯zvÀ ©mhØÓ ©QÌa]ø¯U Põn ¬•i¯õuÁÝUS ©Sh® CÀø».

957)  u¯[S£Áß uº©zvØSU Pmk¨£k£Áß.

u¯[PõuÁß uº©zøuU Ph¢x "²Puº©zvØ'S E¯Áß.

u¯UPzøu AÔ¯õuÁß uµoUS¯Áß.

uµoø¯ BЮ ÷|µ® ©ÛuÝUS Á¢x Âmhx. u¯UP® uøh.

958)   áh® wm\s¯® ö£ØÓõÀ ©Ó¨£vß ©PzxÁzøu AÔ²®.

959)     Evolution is an expansive movement. Offence contracts. There can be no progress, much less evolutionary progress through offending. Every offence we are capable of must be transformed into an expansive movement. It may be possible with difficulty. About offences we receive it is more difficult.

          `k£mh Ch® _øÁzx CÛø©¯õÁx ¦x ÁõÌÄ.

          `k _øÁ¯õÚõÀ ÁõÌÄ ÷¯õP©õS®.

          _øÁ¯õÚ `ksk.

960)     Man is more satisfied by the readiness of the other person to oblige than the obligation itself.

          EuÂø¯Âh Eu ©Ú¨£õßø© ¬•UQ¯®.

961)   ußøÚ AÈzx, ¤Óº ©»µ u¸Áx self-giving Aº¨£n®.

962)   uõß ¤Ó¢u ©so¼¸¢x ÷ÁÖ£kÁx ¦µm]. Ax ©»ºa]¯õP C¸UP ÷Ásk®. ¦µm] AÈzx \õvUS®. ©»ºa] §zxa \õvUS®.

963)     The only historical event of one presiding over an organisation of opposite constitution for destroying it is Gorbachev.

          Q¸ènÝøh¯ £øh x÷¯õuÚÝUS Gv.

964)     To preside over a corrupt organisation is not possible for one without being in its penumbra in some fashion or other.

          ÷uõ¾US Eh¼ß Sn® ¬•ÊÁx® Esk.

965)        Partiality for selfishness in the emotions is an effective bar to seeking selfless results outside.

S¨ø£ ÷©mk ¸¢x \õ¨¤h ¬•i¯õx.

966)        No man in the society will be rewarded, accepted and honoured by his being clean, pure and acceptable in an insular fashion in the office while he is a member of the pick-pocketing community.

\P® |®ø© HØP \Pvø¯ Âmk Áµ ÷Ásk®.

967)        Instead of grudgingly following your own enlightenment, do it cheerfully.

öuÎÄ Á¢u ¤ÓS \¢÷uõå•® Áµ ÷Ásk®.

968)     What we precisely know as the other man's defect is exactly ours.

        "A®©õÄUS Ax ¬•i¯õx" GÛÀ ö£sqUS¨ ¤¯® CÀø»  GÚ¨ ö£õ¸Ò.

969)  _¯|»©õÚ ¬•iÄ £µ|»©õÚ £»ß uµõx.

        EÒ÷Í _¯|»¬®, öÁÎ÷¯ |À» £ÇUP•®, Bß«P¨ £»ß uµõx.

        Esø©  EÒ÷Í Esk GÛÀ E»P® EßøÚ EÁ¢x AøÇUS®.

970)     "Don't ask for instructions. Learn the process. Decide on your own. Tell me your decisions. I shall comment."

          ¬•iøÁ HØÓõÀ £»ß Esk.

          } GkUS® ¬•iøÁ |õß HØ£x ¬•øÓ.

          ¬•iøÁU Ph¢ux ¬•øÓ.

          ¬•øÓø¯U Ph¢ux »®.

971)  ö£¯ Põ¯zøu (project) \õvUP EnºÁõÀ AßøÚ°ß A¸øÍ AÔ¢x, Aøua `ǼÀ Psk, PshøuU P¸zvÀ öPõsk, P¸zøu EnºÁõÀ «sk® |®¦Áx ÁÈ ¬•øÓ¯õS®.

          Luck is conscious spiritual action in life.

        ¯zøu EnºÁõÀ AÔ¢x E¯º¢x §ºzv ö\´Áx Avºèh©õS®.

972)  ÷Áu® AßÚ©¯¨ ¦¸åÚõÀ Pshøu \zv¯ ãÁß ø\zv¯¨ ¦¸åÚõÀ Põs£õß.

973)   ÷Áu® ¤µQ¸v°À Psh Bß©õøÁ, ÿ AµÂ¢u® Añµ ¤µ®©zvÀ Põq®.

974)  Time immortality is the knowledge of the Self in the birth and Becoming.

        ÷Áu® ¤Ó¨¤¾® ¤µQ¸v°¾® Bß©õøÁU Pshx.

975)  Preoccupation is one aspect of constitutional Ignorance.

        AÔøÁ HØS® EnºÄ Aø» £õ¯õx.

976) Inner mind which can open to the heights of the range of spiritual mind and the occult spirit within – double opening – is the secret of the new evolution. Shift the concentration upwards from below and inwards from without.

        £o¢x E¯ºÁx £USÁ®.

977)  «µõ \õ¨¤mh Âå® E°øµ GkUPÂÀø». CÛ Âå® Aªºu©õPz v¸Ä¸©õÓ ÷Ásk®. AÔ¾®, EnºÂ¾® Aªºu® EØ£zv¯õÚõÀ áh® ©õÖ®, Aªºu©õPz v¸Ä¸©õÖ®.

Gøu²® Gvº£õºUPõ©À EÒ÷Í ©õÖÁx Eß Phß.

978)  |õ¯Úõº £Uv, |©US AÔÄ, Bß«Pz öuÎÄ, Ai©Ú® ö£Ö® BÚ¢u® ÷©À©Ú® Á¸Áx.

|õ¯Úõß Ai ©Ú® \õuPÝUS ÷©À©Ú®.

979)  Happiness is a lower vital value; subliminal satisfaction on the surface is right. Not to seek happiness but to feel JOY in our being betrayed is the evolutionary goal.

        ]Öz öuõshº £Uv¯õÀ HØÓøu |õ® AÔÁõÀ HØP ÷Ásk®.

980)     Popularity is present success. Fulfilment is success in the subtle plane forever. To choose the latter is to recognise the subliminal joy of others who suffer on the surface as a result of betraying us.

          x÷µõP® ö\´uÁß ÁøuÁx Ai©Ú® BÚ¢u® Aݣ¨£uõPz öu²®.

          GvUS HØÓ® GvºPõ»zvÀ..

          Cß÷Ó Gv \¢÷uõ娣h {øÚ¨£x |®•Ò EÒÍ Gv.

981)   Gvø¯ öÁΰÀ Põq®Áøµ Pmk¨£õk. EÒ÷Í PshõÀ v¸Ä¸©õØÓ®.

          EÒ÷Í Gvø¯U Põs£x ¬•µs£õk EhߣõhõÁuõS®.

982)     The wayward woman gets diseases of contact or socially falls down in esteem due to lack of values. Sometimes she becomes rich because of no values and acquires a social power. It is the pioneer that always gains, not the rest till society accepts no values as its values.

          CÛ¯ ö\õÀ C[S® G[S® uß ÷Áø»ø¯a ö\´²®.

Society chooses a different line of growth through some existing high value and develops another great value through it. Humility and silent will are developed through pleasing the other man.

983)     Compelled by the social trend or led by it people live by immediate convenience instead of long term values. The force then fulfils itself by the gains open to it such as the value of land when it is not cultivated, subliminal general knowledge of the truant student.

          ¦µm]ø¯z uºUP \P® Põuø» |õi¯x.

984)  Sri Aurobindo says the gaps in the evolution are really gaps created by transformation.

        £nõ©® v¸Ä¸©õØÓzuõÀ HØ£mhx.

985)  Fluency of speech vastly hides the flaws in the language and passes for good. It can, if inspired, hide under a cloud gross errors in grammar.

      A»[Põµ® ÂPõµzøu AÇPõUS®.

986)     If we are able to visualise the earth and the world as an evolving being through its forces and fields, as a founder of a nation conceives of his creation, it will help us understand The Life Divine.

          E»øP ]¸èizu P塧 PØ£øÚ Life Divine.

987)  Non-stop abuse is the method of negative learning by total denial. Its quality decides its negative amplitude. Surely he learns. He learns at the end that he needs to accept everything that comes his way.

        øÁuÀ C¸ÎÀ JÎø¯z ÷ukuÀ.

988)   £¯® Á¢u¤ß £USÁzvØ÷Põ, £ÂzvµzvØ÷Põ, £UvU÷Põ ÁÈ CÀø». CøÁ £¯® ÷£õÚ ¤ß Á¸£øÁ.

          £¯£Uv ÷£õ´ £USÁ©õÚ £Âzvµ® ÷Ásk®.

989)  The Spirit goes from unity to division in the descent and rises to unite again in a greater fulfilment.

        ÷\º¢x ¤¢x ÷\ºÁx ]¸èi.

990)     A loving heart never ceases to love. It is not fixed or focussed on an object. It only needs a field for its endless expression.

¬•iÄÒÍx AߣõPõx.

AߤØS Aµ[P® ÷uøÁ, AߣÀø».

991)  ö|g]ß HUP® {øÓÁõÚ HUP®.

992)     He who initiates himself on one line of the evolutionary movement will find himself moving on all the lines simultaneously.

          |h¢uõÀ GÀ»õ® |hUS®.

          CÀø»ö¯ÛÀ GxÄ® |Pµõx.

993)     Hourly consecration alerts the surface and helps break the crest for those who desire to cross it. Having crossed the surface it is not such a great help as it needs attention periodically.

          ÂȨ¦ BÇzøuz öuõk®.

994)   Añµ ¤µ®©® Bv¯õÚ ¤µ®©zøuU Põmk®.

995)   ©Ú¬Á¢x E°øµ÷¯ öPõkUP ¬•ß Á¢uõ¾® EnºÄ E¯µ ¬•iÁx CÀø».

E°÷µ EnºöÁßÓõ¾®, EnºÄ E°øµ²® Ph¢ux.

996)     In conquering the Ignorance the very first step is the constitutional ignorance. For the emotions to accept rationality is that step. To conceive of the dissolution of all the seven ignorances may be inconceivable. Life Divine is that conception.

          PØ£øÚUöPmhõu P¸zvß uzxÁ® Life Divine.

997)     Shakespeare's words live forever. Words of the Veda have become mantras through the ages. Savitri and The Life Divine have elevated the language in which they are written to a status of visibility that has spread all over the world, while retaining the Mantric Power in all its versions.

          ©Põ ¦¸åß GÊv¯x ©¢vµzøuU Ph¢ux.

998)  It is the plot, theme, that gives a story or a film life. But the spirit of the language, and the force of the cast determine the power of its final delivery. As is the language, so is the delivery.

        ö\õÀ PøuUSa _øÁ u¸®. £õzvµ® |õhPzvØS¨ £USÁ® u¸®.

999)        There are no enemies in life. Today's enemy is tomorrow's friend.

There are no opposing forces in yoga as the opposing forces of one plane are supporting forces of another plane, sometimes lower, sometimes higher.

Except for the hostile forces, the yogi finds the other forces changing roles.

The hostile forces change character only when the yogi becomes the Supreme.

          Gvº¨¦, Gv GߣøÁ G¨ö£õÊx® }i¨£øÁ¯À».

1000)   The all–inclusive concentration that is hindered by words will still be helped by a silent yearning of the heart for the ALL.

          ãÁ {èøh £UvUS¯x.


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