Series X



551)     When a subject is studied as a science, facts become sovereign and cannot allow politeness or other non-scientific emotions. This need not take one into undesirable realms.

          \õìvµ® £Âzvµ©õÚx.

552)     As and when more of higher consciousness enters us by reading The Life Divine or by learning more of the process or by meditation, the subconscious opens. Opening of the subconscious means nightmare. It usually opens and gives a nightmare when we love its traits. Either way, nightmares are the order of the day, though they are not inevitable. They are fertile fields for observation.

          ãÁß ÂȨ£uõÀ öPmh ö\õ¨£Ú® Á¸®.

553)     Unconscious weakness, unconscious conflict and unconscious strength in doing a work, raises interference before, in the course of it or after it.

          \ÁõÀ, ¤nUS, Ga\UøP ¬•ßÝ®, |k¾®, ¬•i¾® SÖURhõP Á¸®.

          ÂȨ¦USU SÖU÷P GxÄ® Áµõx.

          ÂȨ¦ÒÍÁß AUPõ¯zøua ö\´¯©õmhõß.

554)     Observation, analysis, extending it to subtle observation, extending the analysis to the subtle plane, comparing with previous observations, evaluation in terms of the laws, in terms of another’s perception, are some stages of learning from the experience.

          ¬•Ê E»P•® Kº AÝ£ÁzvÝÒ ©øÓ¢xÒÍx.

555)     At least once Life Response should reveal itself as the full abundance of the whole plane of Life into our own life.

          ÷uõmhzxU PõÀÁõ°À PõÂ J¸ |õÒ ö£õ[S®.

556)     Work does not need Time, if organised at the highest plane. Products do not need materials known as raw materials. Maybe in insignificant quantities they are needed. Nothing is needed to do anything as everything issues out of Nothing.

          GxĪÀ»õ©À Gøu²® ö\´²®ö£õÊx ©Ûuß ¤µ®©©õQÓõß.

557)     Work is organised by paying attention to work, to men at various levels, the central forces like money or values and finally from one’s own power. It can be exceeded by organising it for the other man’s joy. At each level time is saved, efficiency rises and at the last level one will find oneself organising the JOY of his own world, if not humanity, at leisure.

          ÷Áø»US ÷|µ® ÷uøÁ°Àø».

558)     One who sees his spirit coming to the surface for work will see spiritual efficiency. It will make you see you have no work at all to do.

          · Bß©õ Av÷ÁP©õP ö\¯À£k®.

          · Bß©õ ö\¯À£k®ö£õÊx ÷|µªÀø» GߣvÀø».

559)     Fresh energy in increasing measures is spiritual opening.

          xÒÎ GÊ® SyP»® xønÁß Eu¯©õÁx.

560)     The central knot of HIS yoga is ego. We do have a well developed conception of it. To relish the course of forces, it would be better to have a more defined perception or sensation of that very conception we have of ego.

          AP¢øuø¯ AqAqÁõP A»] Bµõ´¢x AÔÁx AÁ]¯®.

561)     Sherlock Holmes’s admiration of Irene Adler baffled Watson. Here is an occasion to study that adoration in the light of her having escaped his net. No occasion of life is unsuitable for such a study.

          ©ÚzvÀ ¤i£hõux, øPUS Gmhõx.

562)   ¬•Ê uÁØÔß Ai¨£øh°À ¬•Ê \õìvµ® GÊu ¬•i²® GßÖ ÷áõ쯮 £øÓ¯ÔÂUQßÓx. ÂgbõÚ® Aøu ÂsöÁÎUS® öPõsk ÷£õ°¸UQÓx. GßÓõ¾®  Ai¨£øh  uÁÖ. ¦v¯   Ai¨£øhz  ÷uøÁ.

          \õìvµ® ¦Úº öáß©ö©kzx ¦x Ai¨£øhø¯U Põn ÷Ásk®.

563)     To ignore another’s defects is not a mere policy or a polite social requirement. It is spiritual wisdom. By noting the defect we activate ours, while our job is transformation.

          SøÓø¯U PshõÀ Á͸®.

          Á͵õ©À, v¸Ä¸©õØÓ SøÓø¯ {øÓ¯õPU Põn ÷Ásk®.

          ]¸èi°ß SøÓ, £nõ©zvß {øÓÄ.

564)     ·  Raise your strength to increase efficiency.

             ·  Remove your defects for greater good results.

             · Both are in the human plane.

             ·  We need abundant results always.

             ·  Results must be incapable of being accompanied by failure.

· That is not there in the human plane. To enable us to get it, we must see ALL defects as great perfection.

          SøÓø¯ {øÓ¯õPU Põs£Áß SnUSßÖ.

565)     He who equates the criminal and victim in his emotions is more dangerous than the criminal, as the criminal will commit crime with a motive to benefit. This man is capable of committing a crime without any motive.

          v¸hß A÷¯õUQ¯øÚÂh |À»Áß.

566)     He who has work will become efficient; he who has duties will become good. But neither can serve God. Efficiency will serve the society, goodness will serve man. To serve God one needs to be above work and morality.

          C¸ÍØÓÁß CøÓÁÝUS¯Áß.

          ÷Áø»²®, Phø©²® C¸øÍU PhUP EuÁõ.

567)     In a poor society even the above average persons are poor in spite of their best efforts. People are poor in an affluent society because they can still survive poorly. Still it is true in both situations, that only he who chooses poverty is poor.

           · \¢uº¨£® \v ö\´QÓx.

          · \¢uº¨£zøuU öPõø» ö\´QßÓÚº.

          \v ö\´Áx \¢uº¨£©À», |õ÷© |® \¢uº¨£®.

568)   ÷PmPõ©À öPõkzu ChzvÀ ö£¸®£»ß ö£ØÓøu²®, ÷Pmk® uµõu ChzvÀ ö£¸|èh©øh¢uøu²®, CÁØÔØS GvµõÚ AÝ£Á[PøͲ® |õ® AÔ÷Áõ®. Gøu C¨ö£õÊx G¨£i ¯õ¸US Hß ö\´¯ ÷Ásk®?

          |®ø© G¨£i |hzu ¸®¦Q÷Óõ÷©õ Ax÷£õÀ |hUS® Chö©À»õ® AßøÚ uÁÌÁøuU Põn»õ®.

          AkzuÁº Cèh¨£i |h¨£x Avºèh®.

569)     The lapses in money and sex are the least offensive. Selfishness can offend more seriously. Meanness can hurt deeply. Money and sex are social. Selfishness and meanness are psychological. Evil and hostility lie beyond.

          £n•®, ö£sq® ö\´ÁÚ ]Ô¯ uÁÖPÒ.

570)     Whatever is accomplished in the world is accomplished by Love in the background expressing in spite of us.

          \õvzux Aߦ, CÛ \õvUP¨ ÷£õÁx® Aß÷£.

571)     To let the hidden Love express, all that we have to do is to be quiet and happy.

          Aø\¯õuö£õÊx Aߦ öÁΨ£k®.

572)     He who mistakes proficiency in any language for intelligence is obviously devoid of intelligence. Surely his linguistic ability will not be first rate.

          ö©õÈ £°» AÔÄ ÷uøÁ°Àø».

573)     Moneyed people do behave as if money is of value and the only thing of value. It is true of anything else. The relationship between the giver and receiver is a bargain of strength. If that strength is transferred from money to MAN, human life can become higher life.

          £»® ö£õ¸ÐUPÀ», ©ÛuÝUS.

574)     Perfection in the society is not perfection, but social perfection.

          F¸US |À»x, E¯º¢ux.

575)     Surrender and consecration require enormous energies. There are times when we are exhausted. We cannot consecrate during those moments. The alternate for consecration is the memory of it or its absence which will restore the energies.

          ÷\õº¢u ö£õÊx® \©º¨£n® ÷\õº¢x ÷£õPõx.

576)     More difficult than consecration is not taking initiative.

          \©º¨£n® PiÚ®. ÷£\õ©¼¸¨£x öÁS ]µ©®.

577)     People of dubious character change sides, change behaviour. We can have the normal social attitude with them in social work. Unless they are handled according to their subtleties even in our social work, it will upset us fully.

          hõUh¸US AøÚÁ¸® JßÖ Gߣx Esø©. ÷ÁÖ Gߣøu²® P¸u ÷Ásk®.

578)     Without being good inside, Good things will not happen to us. But we must not dwell on it.

          |À»vÀ»õ©À |À»x Áµõx.

579)     Royalty was pure power. Later, it became a symbol. Therefore now it is a psychological power. In one sense, if royalty wants to play a significant role, it will be more powerful not to restore the old power, but to express a new power.

          E°¸hÛ¸¨£øÁUS E¯ºÄsk.

580)     The past that moved away on its own, has outlived itself. If it ever comes back for whatever reason, it can only hurt us and hurt itself.

          Ph¢ux®, PÈ¢ux®, «sk® £¯ßuµõ. ÷\ºzuõÀ u[PøÍ AÈzxU öPõÒЮ, |®ø© AÈUS®.

581)   ö\ßÓx ©Ú® ©õÔÚõÀ E¯º¢u ÷\øÁ ö\´²®. ©Ú® ©õÔ¯¤ß AÁß £øǯ ©ÛuÛÀø».

          Ph¢ux PÈÄ, ©õÔ¯x £zuøµ ©õØÖ¨ ö£õß.

582)     Public opinion, is, at best, public impression. At its worst, it is public scandal.

          A¤¨¤µõ¯® ¤¯zøuU SÔUS®.

          SuºUP©õÚõÀ ö\õ¢uU S¨ø£ öÁÎÁ¸®.

583)     What is wasted is not time, but an eternity.

          Põ»® µ¯©õPÂÀø», Põ»zøuU Ph¢u ²P[PøÍ ©Ûuß Âµ¯©õUSQÓõß.

584)     It is cheerful in the spiritual sense of the word, if by its presence it is capable of preventing acts opposed to its spirit.

          ö\ÍP¯® u¸® \¢÷uõå®, \¢÷uõå®.

585)     As long as we appreciate, react, or understand a character, we are still in a personal relation with it. It is only impersonality that is universality, and that can create REAL men as Shakespeare did.

          PÛ¢u EÒÍ® PÂø¯ Esk£sq®.

586)   ]¢v¨£Áß ]Ô¯Áß. ]¢uøÚ¯ØÓÁß ]¢uøÚ¯õÍß. AÁß ö£Ö® ]¢uøÚ AÁÛUS¯x.

          ]¢uøÚ¯ØÓÁß ]¢uøÚ°ß ]Ó¨ø£¨ ö£ÖÁõß.

587)     One who has the highest faculty of intelligence can become an idiot by the false exercise of it.

          AÔÄ {øÓ¢u AÔ¼.

588)   ©Ö¨¤ß Hئ ©n® Ã_®.

589)   öÁÖ¨¤ß Aߦ öÁmhöÁÎUS¯x.

590)   ÁÍ©õÚ ©s ©Úzøu Áͨ£kzx®, ÁÓsh £õøÓ ö|gø\ ÁͺUS®.

591)     The crankiness of character is original to the person. Once it is there, it has a personality which develops its own originality and a taste for it for its own sake. Knowing such a mind, one is likely to become a poet.

          SuºUPzvß öu´ÃP® PÂø¯ ]¸èiUS®.

592)     Man eagerly organises his misery, and grace equally in-builds relief into itself. At the breaking point, grace helps him get over the misery of his creation. He is amazed at the availability of relief.

          ©Ûuß ÷ukÁx Âå®. öu´Á® u¸Áx Aªºu®.

593)   AßøÚ°ß ©i°¼¸¢uÁº E°º ÷£õS® ÷|µzvÀ ÷Áu£õµõ¯n® ö\´x E°º ¤øÇzuõº.

594)     It was physical power man was after. Next it was devotion and popularity. In future man should love to be devoted to his following with the strength of physical power.

          öPõkø© CÛø©¯õÁx öPõ®¦z ÷uÚõS®.

595)     HE says search of God is enthralling and the highest endeavour of man. For one to discover love in another human being and relate to it through love, is the next best, even if it is a far distant second.

          BshÁÝUS Akzux Aߦ.

596)   Bz©õÄUS C¸¦Ó¬•sk. ©Ûuß Bz©õ GÚU Põs£x CøÓÁÝUS¨ ¤µ®©©õS®.

          ¤µ®©zøu Bz©õÁõPU Põs£Áß ©Ûuß. ¤µ®©zøu \a]uõÚ¢u©õPU Põs£Áß  bõÛ.

597)   £µ©õz©õÄUS®, ãÁõz©õÄUS® EÒÍ öuõhºø£ |õ® E»P® GßQ÷Óõ®.

             The world is Jivatma's view of Paramatma.

598)   £µ©õz©õ ¤¢x ãÁõz©õÁõQ, ãÁõz©õ Cøn¢x £µ©õz©õÁõÁx ]¸èi°ß ¬•UQ¯ CµP]¯®.

             Double double opening is the secret.

599)   A¤µõ©£mhº {èøh°¼¸¢uøu Si÷£õøu GßÓÚº AßøÓ¯ A¢unº.

          AvPõµ® ö\À¾ªhzx AvP Põµ•sk.

          AvPõµ® AvP Põµ©õÚõÀ, v¸Ä¸©õÔ Aߦ öÁΨ£k®.

600)     Evil that enjoys being evil, as every existence enjoys itself, is pure evil. It is an unfortunate hour when evil stung by conscience begins to regret being evil. Then it is caught and punished.

          uß ö£¸ø©ø¯ Enº¢x ÷£õØÔ AÝ£ÂUS® wø©, AuØS¯ »m\n•øh¯x.

          uß ö£¸ø©ø¯ EnµõuÁß ÁõÇz uSv¯ØÓÁß.


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