Series X



301)   B²Ò TiÚõÀ ÿ AµÂ¢u® £¼zux GÚ¨ ö£õ¸Ò.

302)   GvUS \õuP©õP ÷Áø» ö\´£ÁÝUS G¢u \mh•® ö\À»õx.

          \mhzøu AȨ£ÁÝUS \mhªÀø».

303)     A poet does not try to create good men or heroes but real men.

          E¯º¢uuõ GߣvÀø», EÒÍx Gߣ÷u ¬•UQ¯®.

304)     The human choice is infinite, because he is infinite.

          AÚ¢uªÀ»õ©À AÁÛ°À GxĪÀø».

305)     · Comparison is human.

             · Sense of difference is a trait of Thought.

             · To know each in its own way is the very best possible for it is divine wisdom.

             · That will render the urge for evolution superfluous.

             · How should one who evolves view the high and low?

· To know the low is the highest for him, even as the high as the highest for him is the equality of one who evolves.

          ö£¯x®, ]Ô¯x® AuuØS E¯x.

             · One who evolves is concerned only with himself and not others.

             · His concern about others is theoretical.

          ©ÚzuõÀ ©ØÓÁøµ²® ö\¯»õÀ ußøÚ²® P¸u ÷Ásk®.

306)     To catch oneself being unconscious is a measure of consciousness. To prevent the consequences of unconsciousness is a must. To rectify the ill-effects of the previous act of unconsciousness, though difficult, is possible.

          öu¯õ©À uÁÖ HØ£mhx GÚz öuÁ÷u AÔÄ. ¦v¯ uÁØøÓz ukUPÄ®, £øǯ uÁØøÓ \ ö\´¯Ä® ¬•i²®.

307)     When someone is an occasion for you to err, it is wise to sever the relationship, if it is to be followed up by inner correction.

          uõß ©õÓ Â¸®¦Áß, öÁÎz öuõhºø£ AÖ¨£x |À»x.

308)     Clarifying thought when used to justify one’s action instead of correction, is undesirable as it becomes a means of indulging in the wrong.

          uÁØÖUSz xøn ö\´²® ]¢uøÚ uÁÖ.

309)  To intensely enjoy the good, man needs to know evil.

        {Ç¼ß A¸ø© öÁ°¼À öu²®.

        öÁ°ø» AÔ¯õ©À {Çø» AÝ£ÂUP ¬•i¯õx.

310)  E»QÀ C¸Ò CÀø». JÎø¯¨ £õºUP ¬•i¯õu PsqUS C¸Ò Esk.

          Darkness is for the poor eyes, not for the world.

          Light is darkness for weak eyes.

311)     When He says we, He means the soul inside, not the ego, not even the mental person.

          |õ® Gߣx Bz©õ, AP¢øu°Àø».

312)  Everything in the end does turn into a marvel, but what is not utilisable is to be left behind.

        Aئuzv¾® Âmk¨÷£õÁx®, »UP¨£h ÷Ási¯x®, AÈUP¨£h ÷Ási¯x® Esk.

313)   CøÓÁß PõoUøPø¯z v¸iU öPõsk ÷£õÚ¤ß ÷\¸® ö\õzx ö£¯x. Ax v¸mk ö\õzuõP C¸US®.

          v¸mkU PõoUøP v¸mka ö\õzøuz u¸®.

314)  By following the development of logic in the arguments of The Life Divine, one can get a rigorous training in logic. It is also the logic of the Infinite.

        uºUP® £°» EuÄ® ¡À Life Divine.

315)     The psychological capacity we have now will be that level of self-restraint where no misuse of power is admitted.

          EÒÍ £u AvPõµ® EÖzuõu £uÂ.

316)   AÔÂß Ãa_US Gmk® AøÚzøu²® ö©ÍÚ® \õvUS®.

             Silence grants the intellectual maximum.

317)     Those who are bound by duty and love often turn their face away, even when endowed with all authority to render you a help. Mother acts, and fulfils your need magnificently through those who are not so bound.

          E¯ÁÛß ]Öø©ø¯ AßøÚ Eø©¯ØÓÁß »® ö£¸ø©¯õP¨ §ºzv ö\´QÓõº.

          Eøh¯Áß Â»P»õ®, E»P|õuß Á¸Áõß.

318)   AßøÚø¯ ©mk® |®¤ ÁõÊ® ÁõÌÄUS A¸Îß AÇSsk. AÚ¢u•sk. Aئu•sk.

             When the world turns away, She turns to you infinitely.

319)     As Governorship is decided by the dislikes of a lady, great events are decided by small preferences.

          ö£¯øu {ºn°US® ]Ô¯x ö£¯uß÷Óõ!

             The tiny movement of the needle decides the course of Time.

             Time is decided by a tiny movement.

320)     A big organisation or a big family comes under stress of the members’ refractory behaviour. It is destroyed by mismanagement or ill-will or internecine quarrels. There are heavy misfortunes but still the organisation can survive. When members want to destroy the ideal and work for it, they will succeed.

          AÈÄUS ÷©øhø¯ |õk÷Áõº öÁØÔ ö£ÖÁº.

321)  Till the soul awakens, one can only prepare for it, not attempt to do what the soul must do.  

        \õuøÚ Bz© ÂȨ¤ØS¨¤ß.

322)     One’s character and values are known by the fact of their self-restraint and its absence. The respective areas reveal the man.

          Pmk¨£õk EÒÍ Ch¬•®, CÀ»õu Ch¬•® ©Ûuß ¯õº GÚU TÖ®.

323)  The unrealised dreams are of the unformed personality.

        E¸Á® ö£Óõux ]zvUPõx.

324)   ¦¢u¤ß ÂÍ[S£øÁ ¦Ûu ¡ÀPÒ.

          ¦Áuß ¬•ß £»ß u¸® ¡ÀPÒ AøÁ.

325)  Neither serious thinking nor deep concentration of the mind will reveal the Reality He speaks of, as it is a whole which the partial mind is incapable of seeing. Until the centre shifts to one of the two centres meant for it, it cannot be seen.

        ¤µ®©zøuU Põn ¤ßÚõÀ ÷£õP ÷Ásk®.

326)   ö\õÀ GÊ®Áøµ ö\õ¹£® öu¯õx.

As long as the parts of being activate themselves, concentration to see the Reality will not gather.

          ¤µ®© {èøh ¤µ®©õsh©õÚ {èøh.

327)     Clarity of thought, capacity for action together are still insufficient to reveal the Reality to the soul.

          ¤µ®©zvß ¬•Êø© ãÁÛß ¬•Êø©U÷P²sk.

328)   Phø©ø¯ PØ£øÚ¯õÀ ö\¾zu ¬•i²©õ? Põ»zøuU Ph¢uÁµõÀ ¬•i²®.

          Põ»® PhÄÎß PØ£øÚ¯ß÷Óõ!

329)     For sentimental persons of grateful emotions, nostalgia carries charm. In subtle life, they will find the other side of nostalgia, which is beyond anyone’s control.

          Ph¢u Põ» _øÁ Pº©zøuU Ph¢uÁÝUS EuÁõx.

330)     Readers of The Life Divine are not all practising Yogis. They read about His experiences as arguments. Intellectual comprehension will desert them at some point. For those who practice His yoga, the point of departure will be postponed. Giving the reading the aspect of Jnana Yoga will be of some small help in the right direction.

          £izx¨ ¦¯ £USÁ® ÷Ásk®, ¦zv ÷£õuõx.

331)     What we give carries our personality. It may not always be a blessing. Self-giving, whether it is a blessing or not, will be expansive on both sides.

          öPõk¨£Áß ußøÚU öPõk¨£õß.

332)     Giving as an attitude is expansive. Of all the things the best to give is one’s Self. He who can give that need not bother to give material objects. It is true even to the Divine, the Self-giving to the Divine.

          Bz©õøÁ Aº¨£n® ö\´Áx Akzu Bz©õÄUS ÂȨ£õS®.

333)     ‘Anyone is a friend as long as I am not hurt’ is the policy for a few. It will hold good as long as the relationship is distant.

          |èh® Á¸®Áøµ |s£ß.

334)     The experiences of the reader of The Life Divine are spiritual experiences in the mind. Mostly it gives powerful meditations. It can give spiritual experiences if the mind is open.

             £i¨¦® Bß«P AÝ£Á©õS® ¡À Life Divine.

335)     Compulsion of work or poverty generates a stronger will and more energy from the same intake of food which hardens the body as well as will.

          Ehø»U Pkø©¨£kzvÚõÀ Eh¾® EÒÍ•® EÖv¯õS®.

336)     Body is soft if emotions are soft. Absence of hard work alone will not render the flesh soft. It may render it flabby. Softness of the flesh is strength of will expressed in culture.

          Eh¼ß ö©ßø© EÒÍzvß vsø©.

337)  “The mind needs to be prevented from interfering with the descending intuition”. Mind can do so by shifting to intuition.

        ©ÚUSµ[SUS¯ ©¸¢x, Aøu Âmk¨ ÷£õÁx.

338)     Without getting out of Time, Ego and the Finite, it is not possible to get out of mind.

          ©Úzøu Âmk AP»U Põ»zøu Âmk® AP» ÷Ásk®.

339)     Human life is marked by possession. Mother’s life is characteristic for being possessed by the Beloved.

          Ehø© «xÒÍ Eø© ÁõÌÄUS¯x. E»PzvØS E¯ÁµõÁx AßøÚ ÁõÌÄ.

340)     The finer things in life are to be waited for with no expectation. When they come, they come on their own. There are rewards of the higher plane. They do not come even for an unexpected attitude of equality. They wait for the maturity of the plane and satisfaction of the soul expressed as inability to know that possibility. Man has a way of demanding all of them.

          ÷PmPõ©¼¸¢uõ¾® QøhUPõuøu ©Ûuß  AizxU ÷PmQÓõß.

341)  {£¢uøÚPøͨ §ºzv ö\´u ¤ßÝ® QøhUPõuÁØøÓ, {£¢uøÚPøͨ §ºzv ö\´¯õ©À ÷Pm£Áß ©Ûuß.

        ÷Pm£Áß ö£ÖÁvÀø».

        ö£Ö£Áß {øÚ¨£xªÀø».

342)     The shrewdest of men have no entry into higher consciousness. Instead of high success of life, here they will meet with high failure

          ÁÇUP©õÚ öÁØÔ, ÁÇUPzvØS ©õÓõÚ ÷uõÀÂø¯z u¸ªh® AßøÚ.

343)    |õöhÀ»õ® |®¤UøP ö£Ö® GßÓ |®¤UøP÷¯ |®¤UøP.

344)   Gøu |®¤Úõ¾® ¬•Êø©¯õP |®¦Áx AßøÚ «xÒÍ |®¤UøP.

345)  Esø©ø¯ Esø©¯õP EÒÍzvÀ HØ£x \zv¯®.

346)   GÊuõu £Ÿmø\US® II class £õì öPõkUS® AßøÚ GÊx® £mø\US £_ u¸Áõº.

347)   GÁ¸US® Jzx Áµõuøu GÀ÷»õ¸® HØP ÷Ásk® Gߣx C»m]¯® AÀ»x h|®¤UøP.

348)   ©ÚzxÒ Gsn® ~øDz•ß ö\´²® \©º¨£n® `m_©©õÚ \©º¨£n®.

349)   CxÁøµ ö\´ux ö£¯ ÷\øÁ. CÛ ö\´¯ ÷Ási¯x \©º¨£n®.

350)   ©Ú® P\[QÚõÀ EhÀ Á¼US®.


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