Series X



51)    ©µ¤À Bz©õÄUS PsoÀø», ÂȨ¤Àø». Ps vÓ¢x Bz©õÂß ÂȨø£U Põs£x ÿ AµÂ¢u®.

        ø£zv¯® AøÚÁøµ²® ø£zv¯® GßÓøÇUS®.

52)    Descent is to split. Ascent is to integrate. To turn the descent into ascent is awakening of the Being in the Becoming.

          ]¸èi AÈÄ, BUPÀ £nõ©®. AÈøÁ BUP»õP ©õØÖÁx ÿ AµÂ¢u® & Bz©õÂß ÂȨ¦.

53)       Normally a professional is one who holds one piece of useful knowledge which he organises by experience. By definition he cannot pursue knowledge.

          ~qUP©õÚ AÔÄ Á¸©õÚ® u¸® Á\v.

54)    Greater knowledge is, often, knowledge extended or applied.

        AÔÄ AÝ£ÁzuõÀ bõÚ©õS®.

55)    Extension of knowledge by application is energising the subtlety of life.

        AÝ£ÁzvÀ AÔøÁ AÔÁx AÝ£Ázvß Bß©õ öÁΨ£kÁuõS®.

56)    He who opposes on the surface will prolong your life in the depth.

        "E°øµ GkUS® Gvº¨¦  E°º ÁÇ[S® EÖv.'

57)    Absence of death prevents birth of life in matter.

        EhÀ AÈÁuõÀ E°º ÁõÌQÓx.

58)    One version of Sarvam Brahman is to say the atom is a full universe in miniature, which contains in it every single process the universe knows.

        \ºÁ® ¤µ®©® GßÓõÀ Aq÷Á AøÚzx® GÚ¨ ö£õ¸Ò.

59)    Converting pain into Ananda is human evolution. Converting psychic sadness into supramental bliss is the divine delight.

        ©ÛuÝUS¯ öu´Á® CÀ»õu ChªÀø».

60)    All processes of creation are present at all levels and act, thus keeping their integrality, absoluteness and infinity forever.

       \ºÁ® ¤µ®©® GßÓõÀ \ºÁ A®\[Pξ® \uõPõ»•® ¤µ®©®  GßÖ  ö£õ¸Ò.

          · \ºÁ Cµõ]°¾® ¤µ®©® \ºÁ® ¤µ®©®.

61)   ]Ô¯x®, ö£¯x® ]Ô¯ÁÝU÷P.

62)   Bß©õ AÔÂÀ ]zvzu¤ß AøÚÁ¸US® Ax Esk GßÖ ÂÍ[S®.

        AøÚÁº ö£ØÓøu AÔÁx Bß© ]zv.

63)    Matter takes on Form, which becomes perfect in Spirit before it merges in the Absolute.

        áh® ö£Ö® ¹£® ]¸èi. áh® Bß©õÁõQ, ¹£® »ñn©õÁx £nõ©®.

64)    Human enjoyment is in stagnant status. Divine JOY is in movement.

        ÷\õ®÷£Ô ©Ûuß _Ö_Ö¨£õÚ öu´Á®.

65)    Evolution begins with energy and ends in form.

        \z ¬•uÀ áh®Áøµ Gߣx \Uv ¬•uÀ ¹£®Áøµ GÚ¨£k®.

66)    His evolution includes involution.

        Á͸® Bß©õ ö£¸S® Cߣ®.

67)    Delight is there not only in evolving but also in involving.

        ·    `ǾUSshõÚ `m_©® ÷£ØÖUS® Esk.

      ·  `ÇÀ ö£ØÓ Cߣ® ÷£Ö ö£ÖÁx ÷£ØÔÝ® ö£¯x.

68)    ·  Ananda in matter turns sad in its untransformed parts.

·  Psychic needs to be born in matter. Sadness there is inevitable as there is a part left uncovered.

        EhÀ ÷\Ö; ø\zv¯¨ ¦¸åß ö\¢uõ©øµ.

69)   Manifestation is all-delight for the unmanifest.

        ußÝÒ GÊ¢uøÁ uõ÷©¯À»Áõ!

70)   |h¢uøÁ AøÚzx® |À»Ú÷Á GÚ AÔ¯ |õ® |À»øuU Ph¢x ö\À» ÷Ásk®.

        ·  |À»x |À»øu |õk®.

        ·  |À»øuU Ph¢uÁºUS AøÚzx® |À»x.

        · Ph¢uÁºUS Ph¢uøÁ PhÄÒ.

71)    wø©°ß |ßø©ø¯ AÔÁx wm\s¯®.

72)    Capacity to create something out of nothing is the capacity of Brahman.

        ¤µ®©® `߯® ö£ØÓ vÓø©.

73)       For the friendship not to mature in betrayal, one’s personality growth should outgrow the growth of intensity of friendship.

          |m¦ Á͸® ¬•ß |õ® Á͵ ÷Ásk®.

74)    · ©Ú® ö£õ´ø¯ |õiÚõÀ Áõ´ Esø© ÷£_®.

          · Esø©ø¯ FßÔ Eøµ¨£Áº ö£õ´US¯Áº.

75)    Genuine attitudes of surrender will be accompanied by expectation making it less pure.

        Ea]US¨ ÷£õS® Esø©ø¯²® ö£õ´ öuõh¸®.

        ö£õ´ Esø©°ß {ÇÀ.

76)    Life emerges  in matter as death.

        ©µn® ©ÛuÝUS ÁõÌÄ.

77)   ö£Ö® Bø\ ÷£õµõi öPõkUS® AߣõÁx £nõ©®. ÁõÌÄ ©Ú©õS® £õøu°x.

        AߣõP ©õÓ Bø\ ÷£õµõkQÓx.

78)   Eh¼À Aߦ ¤Ó¨£x \zv¯ 㯩õS®.

79)       Selfishness will not allow even divine love to pass its test successfully, if it does not serve its purpose.

          'Ai²®, ~Û²® AÁ÷Ú && AxÄ® |õ÷Ú'&& _¯|»®.

80)    Life’s Omnipotence in the finite appears as incapacity.

        C¯»õø© C[S CøÓÁß ö\¯À£k® ÁøP.

81)    Desire is Bliss in Time and Space.

        BÚ¢u® Põ»zvß Bø\.

82)    He who sees a fool as a fool is the FOOL.

        ©øh¯øÚ ©øh¯ÚõPU Põs£x ©hø©.

83)       As the driver who drives the President-elect to the swearing-in ceremony feels that he has given him the presidentship, man always feels he confers benefits on others.

          P¸Â Pºzuõ BPõx.

84)       Force and Grace should await their turn after Saravanan and soapstone in the scheme of devotees.

          Bø\ ¬•ß÷Ú, BshÁß ¤ß÷Ú.

85)    It is true one understands as he speaks. He can understand better when he refuses to speak. By refusing to speak, knowledge sprouts inside. By speaking out after it is born inside, KNOWLEDGE sprouts in the hearer, as it flows out of an unmoving reservoir.

        ö©ÍÚzvÀ ¤Ó¢u bõÚ®, \¨uzvÀ E»QÀ Á͸®.

86)   ‘Death makes life immortal’.

When a higher principle is coerced into a smaller existence, the coercion is negatived by an eternal positive principle.

        ©µn® ÁõÌÄUS \õPõÁµ® u¸®.

87)    The intensity of Bliss imprisoned in the physical atom is pain, confined to the individualised vital finite is desire.

        BÚ¢u® & Á¼ & Bø\ & Aߦ Gߣx ]¸èi £nõ©® BÁuõS®.

88)     ©mh©õP {øÚ¨£Áøµ E¯ºÁõP {øÚ¨£x Bø\.

          EnºøÁ E°µõP P¸x£Áº Bø\ø¯U Ph¢uÁº. AÁº ÂøÇÁx PõuÀ.

          E°º Bß©õøÁ |õkÁx Aߦ.

          Bß©õ Aiø©¯õÁx £Uv.

          Aiø© AvPõµ® ö\´Áx \Uv.

89)    It is life that can easily lend itself to universalising. Harmony is the impulse, universe is the plane for the fulfilment of life.

        ¤µ£g\® _¬•P® ö£ÖÁx ÁõÌÄ §µn® ö£ÖÁuõS®.

90)       Desire for the approving admiration of erstwhile rivals, enemies, friends and acquaintances is not, as is generally conceived, magnanimity, but lack of experience in subtle life knowledge.

          `m_©® AÔÁøu AÔÄ AÔ¯õx, Aºzu©ØÖa ö\¯À£k®.

91)     · AÔÄ ö\´²® uÁØøÓa `m_©® ö\´¯õx.

          · `m_© ÁõÌÂÀ AÔÄUS AÝ£ÁªÀø».

          · AÔÄ `m_©zvÀ AÔ¯õø©¯õS®.

92)     AÝ£Á® AÔÄUSa `m_©® u¸®.

93)       There is no single move or strategy or even ACT that can wholly neutralise folly. It can give a one-time result.

          · E»øP ©õØÖ® J¸ ö\õÀ E»Q¼Àø».

          · ÷|µ® Á¸® ÷|ºø©²sk & Ax AßøÚUS¯ ÷|ºø©.

94)     · ©¢vµzvÀ ©õ[Põ´ J¸ ¬•øÓ ÂÊ®.

          · {ø»¯õÚ ö£¸® £»ß u¸® J¸ ö\õÀ÷»õ, ö\¯÷»õ E»QÀ CÀø».

          ·  {ø»¯õÚ ÷|ºø© ö|k|õÒ ö£¸® £»ß u¸Áx ©Úzy´ø©.

          ·  {ø»¯õÚ ¬•Ê¨£»ß J¸ ñnzv¾® AßøÚ°hª¸¢x ö£Ó      ¬•i²® & y´ø©¯õÚ Esø©US Ax £¼US®.

          ©¢vµªÀ»õ©À ©õ[Põ´    ÂÊ¢u£i    C¸UP ö£õ´    ö\õÀ»U    Thõx.

95)    It is love -- purity  that is love -- that offers, knowing full well it will be rejected.

        öÁÖ¨ø£ ¸¨£õPU Põs£x Aß¤ß AÇS.

96)     öÁÖ¨ø£ ¸¨£õPU Põs£ÁÚõ¾®  wø©ø¯ |ßø©¯õPU Põn ¬•i¯õx.

97)     v¸Ä¸©õÓõ©À v¸¨v HØ£hõx.

          öÁÖ¨ø£¨ ö£õÖzxU öPõÒÍ»õ®, ¸®£ ¬•i¯õx. ¸®£, Ax ©õÓ ÷Ásk®.

          v¸Ä¸©õØÓ® Bz© v¸¨v u¸®.

98)     A][P®, B£õ\®, AÁ©õÚ®, x÷µõP®, öÁÖ¨¦, öPõkø©, P¯ø© BQ¯ÁØøÓ AÝ£Âzu Bz©õ, ¦Úº öáß©zvØS®, ¦v¯ Bß«P ÁõÌÄUS® E¯x.

          GÀø»US Á¢uÁÝUS GÀ»õ uÁÖPЮ öu²®.

99)     AÔÄ ö£Ö® ÂÍUP® Bß©õÄUS EuÁõx. AÝ£Á® EuÄ®.

100)   uÁØÓõÀ {ø»²¯º¢uõÀ A[S AßøÚ°¸UQÓõºPÒ.


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