Series IX


751)     Philosophy blooms when the urges of the physical have been conquered by the light of the mind. South India that has developed all the philosophies of India, need not go through the physical earnage.

          Âzøu GÊÁx Ãnß CÓ¢u ¤ß.

752)     To recognise there is a SOUL is the beginning of awakening, if not the awakening of the soul.

          C¸¨£øu AÔÁx CøÓÁøÚ AÔÁx.

753)   ö£õ´ ö©´ø¯ AøÇzuõÀ ö£õ_[S®.

754)   ©Ú® HØ£kzvÚõ»ßÔ Gv GߣÁÀø».

755)   {øÚÄ }sk Á¢uõÀ, {zv¯® {uº\ÚªÀø».

756)     Opposition in action or thought appears before us. Mind is unable to see its rationale. If accepted as valid, greater opposition will arise. The greater the opposition mind is able to accept, the greater is the true status of mind.

          Gvº¨ø£ HØS® AÍÄUS HØÓ•sk.

757)     Having heard of some great man, man believes he knows him. Thus he makes conception sensation. The wisdom of the folly conceives that conception is sensation.

          AÔ¢uøu BÒÁuõPU öPõÒÁx AÔ¯õø©.

758)     The past energes into the memory of the surface so that the unassimilated will now be assimilated.

          HØPõux Gv÷µ Á¸®.

759)     A drop of sincerity moves mountains.

          ©Ú® Esø©¯õÚõÀ ©PzuõÚ Põ¯® |øhö£Ö®.

          Esø©ø¯ HØÓõÀ E»P® |P¸®.

760)     The material, historical fact enriches a report or an essay. What gives life to fiction is the fictitious character. Otherwise it will become a lifeless chronicle.

          PmkøµUSU P¸ PØ£øÚUS Âå®.

761)  Constant Presence goes with the constant emotion of gratitude.

        {ø»¯õÚ |ßÔ¯ÔuÀ CøhÂhõu u\Ú®.

762)     Compassionate help to weakness is considered by it as indulgent patronage. Therefore it resents.

          C¯»õø© CµUPzøu HØPõx, öÁÖUS®.

763)     There is only one way of learning. It is Self-learning. Learning from another or one's teaching to another is to maintain the unmaintainable.

          PØ£x Gߣx |õ÷© PØ£uõS®.

764)     He who teaches the world in such a fashion that it receives the knowledge given as if they learnt entirely on its own is a leader of Thought. For this he must disappear from their view.

          BshÁß AøǨø£ |®¬øh¯ £Uv GÚ En¸Q÷Óõ®.

765)  The more invisible a leader, the greater is his effectivity.

        PsqUSz öu¯õuÁß PhÄÒ. ©Ú® AÔ¯õuÁß ©Põ ¦¸åß.

766)  Longevity has increased far more than justified by the increased prosperity because of modern medicines. This illustrates the principle that a right combination of strategies can yield greater results than the effort as the micronutrients have demonstrated. There is a formula for every field, especially Prosperity.

        `m_©® AÔ¢uÁ¸US `zvµ® öu²®.

767)     Let the country be honestly enthusiastic about the 'micronutrient', for prosperity, education, health, commerce, etc. before they learn the full formula.

          ö£¸® £»ß u¸® ]Ö Â寮 CÀ»õu ChªÀø».

          ©ø»ø¯¨ ¤µmk® ©¢vµ® ©ÚzvÀ Esk.

768)   |Àö»sn®, ö£¯ ©Ú®, ö£¸¢ußø©, Ba\¯©õÚ £»ß, Aئu©õÚ ÷\øÁ EÒ£h GxÄ® ö£õ´¯ß, P¯Áß, SuºUPÁõv°ß Áõ°¼¸¢x u¨£ ¬•i¯õx. AÁºPøÍ AhUP»õ®. ©õØÓ ¬•i¯õx.

          ÷Põn¼hª¸¢x u¨£ ÷Põ¢uÚõ¾® ¬•i¯õx.

769)   ÷PõnÀ ©õÖ® ö£õÊx Auß ©Ú® ©õÖÁvÀø». {ø»ø© ©õÔ Auß Gvº¨¦ Ah[Q ©õÖ®.

          AvPõµ® Ch® ©õÔÚõÀ ÷Põn¾® Ah[S®.

770)   AÈa\õmh® ö\´£Áß Ah[P©õmhõß. |õ® AhUP»õ®.

          AÁ÷Ú Ah[P AÁß AÔÄ öÁÎÁ¸®£i E»P® ©õÓ ÷Ásk®.

          AÁß AÔ÷Á AÁøÚz v¸zuõ©À, ¤ÓµõÀ v¸zu ¬•i¯õx.

          AÁÝ® AߦUSU Pmk¨£kÁõß.

          Aߦ ÷uøÁ°À»õÂmhõÀ, A¸øͲ® ©Ö¨£õß.

          Aßø£ ©Ö¨£Áº uµ AøÚÁ¸US® ©õÖ® Áõ´¨¦sk.

771)   ÷PõnÀ BuµÄ ÷ukÁx öPõmh® ö\´¯.

772)   ö£õ´ø¯ ÂmöhõÈzuõÀ ÷PõnÀ AȲ®. E°º ÁõÇ ¬•i¯õx.

          ÷Põn¾US ö£õ´ ÷Põmøh.

773)   ÷Põn¼ß \õxº¯® ÷Põi ö£Ö®.

774)     Clear understanding of the situation vanishes mental fear. More vital energy than the field one is in will not allow fear in the vital. Energy of that level, and understanding of that clarity reaching the physical consciousness help the man rise above physical fear.

          öuÎÄ® öu®¦® £¯zøu »US®.

          ÂȨ¦US ú¯® Esk.

775)   ]Ô¯ ¦zv°À»õuÁøÚ E»Pzvß ]ßÚzuÚ® £õvUPõx.

776)     The very best method to convey the MESSAGE of an era, better still the coming epoch is NOT to speak of it at all, but to write from that perspective. It is best done by those who are in the thick of that movement and do NOT know the message themselves.

          ²Puº©zøu Tøµ «x {ßÖ £øÓ\õØÖÁøuÂh ©õºUPm »® ö\õÀ»»õ®.

          æø¯Âh, ]è¯øÚÂh ²Puº©zøu ©UPÒ Áõ°»õP E»P® GÎvÀ AÔ²®.

          10,000 Põ[Qµì öuõshºPÒ öá°¾US¨ ÷£õ´ Âkuø» ö\´¯ ¬•i¯õu ©Põz©õøÁ öPõ_ Âkuø» ö\´ux.

777)  Churchill in winning the war, and Gorbachev in preventing the continuation of the cold war have become the men of this century. He who saw the revolution of rising expectations and located the instrument for its accomplishment will become the third man of the century if he also ushers it in.

        ¡ØÓõsiß ÷£õUøP ~qUP©õP AÔ¢u ÷©øuPÒ ßÖ ÷£º.

778)  Roads and markets are economic infrastructures. Education is the one powerful lever that gives the spurt to a nation's development. But the prime lever to any of these secondary phenomena is the expectation of people to a higher standard of life. When the expectation rises, it releases a revolution.

          The thought expressed by the phrase 'revolution of rising expectations' is the most original thought of this century in economics.

          The social strategy that would release such an expectation can now be fashioned.

          Society in all countries has already released that energy. That energy will achieve when it gets organised for action. This is the hour, or the decade, when knowledge through information can arrive at that ORGANISATION.

        \Pzvß Aî®ø\ Auß ìuõ£Ú®.

779)     Health is a battlefield or a micro social organisation carring within itself all the revolutionary turbulance possible for the society. Diseases are foreign invasions or local law and order problems. Treatment, coupled with a right diagnosis, is capable of winning a war, averting a social upheaval, or sowing the seeds of protection on the borders or peace at home. The doctor is a captain of so much in store.

             Doctor is to a patient what a general is to a nation.

          hõUhº ¦Ûu©õÚ ¦µm]z uø»Áº.

780)     Doctors, especially cabinet ministers of health, thinking of the nation's health over several decades, would find that the nation's health, in fact, its physical prosperity very much solicits their loving consideration and offers to reward their thought like a rising stock value.

          ¤öµg_¨ ¦µm] C©¯zvÀ GÊ¢ux.

          GvºPõ» ö\ÀÁ® ©¢v°ß GsnzvØS¯x.

781)   \¯õÚ ÷|µzvÀ GkUS \¯õÚ ¬•iÄPÒ ¦µm]Pµ©õÚøÁ, E»øPU S¾US® vÓÝøh¯øÁ.

             The amount of organisational power in the society today, along with the vast medical knowledge, is enough to wipe out most of the diseases from the face of the earth, if only the health perspective is there.

          P[øPU Pøµ°À uspº¨ £g\®.

782)  Writing that is cast in modern phraseology especially creating a special idiom by extending other fields to our writing will fully catch the attention of the reader, surely. To what that attention is caught depends upon the thought content of the writing.

        {PÌPõ» {PÌa]PÒ GÊzvØS ]Ó¨£ÎUS®. P¸zx Põ»zøuU Ph¢ux.

783)  Growth of personality at a wider level or to new heights consumes a lot of money of the personality -- potential energy at the base -- which reveals the innate imperfections of character and health.

        Áͺa] u¸Áx uͺa].

784)  Community does not take notice of social activities in its member organisation, but it responds to the status of persons in the activities. 

        ©Ûuß |õkÁx ìuõ£ÚªÀø», Auß A¢uìx.

785)  Leadership is spotted by its activities, its dynamism. On rare occasions, the mere sound and fury that express effervescent energy, is seen as a face of the leader.

        ÷£õk® \zu® ÷©øhUS Gmk®.

786)  Binding a physical man to the written word is inconceivable. But in a nation where the legal norms of social culture are sufficiently recognised, even that will hold good. It is significant that on one occasion it was effectively used to insure against drunkenness!

        ö\õÀ¾® ö\À¾®. |À»Áß ÁõÊ® |õmiÀ AxÄ® |hUS®.

787) PΩs ö£õ®ø©°h® PÛ¢u Enºa] Pmkøhzx AÈUS®.

        ö|QÌ¢u EnºøÁ {ø»¯õP¨ ö£Ó ö|g\® u¯õµõP C¸UP ÷Ásk®.

788) öPg]U ÷PmP ÷Ási¯Áß ÷uÒ ÷£õÀ öPõmiU ÷Pm£x EhÀ CÀ»õu Eø©ø¯ EnºÁuõS®.

        EhÀ Eø© ö£ØÓõÀ E°øµ GkUS®.

789) uõß v¸Ä¸©õÓ EhÀ E°øµ Gkzx ©Úzøu Á¼¯õÀ {µ¨¦®.

        E°øµ ©mk® Gk¨£x EhÀ.

        Eh¾US E°µÎUP ¬•¯ßÓõÀ, E»Pzuõº E°øµ GÀ»õ® GkUS®.

790) Põ¯zvß ö£õ´ ö©´¯õP Põuyµ® ÷£õÚõÀ ÷£õuõx. PõÚÀ }øµz ÷ui¨ ÷£õÁx ÷£õÀ ÷£õ´U öPõs÷h°¸UP ÷Ásk®.

        Põ¯zøu ©õØÓ ¬•i¯õx. uõ÷Ú ©õÔÚõÀ ©õÖ®.

791) |õ÷© Ehø» ©õØÖÁx ]zµÁøu, uõ÷Ú ©õÓ ¬•ßÁ¸Áx ½ø»°ß BÚ¢u®.

        ]zµÁøu BÚ¢u©õÁx v¸Ä¸©õØÓ ÷¯õP®.

792) AÔÂß PÛÄ AizuÍzv¾ÒÍÁºUS öPõkø©.

          Eliza is not meant for the love of Higgins.

        AÁ»zøu AߣõPU Põs£ÁºUS Aºzu® AÚºzu® BS®.

793)  Whatever subject you speak on, that which expresses is one's own wisdom or folly.

        Gøu¨ ÷£]Úõ¾®, EÒÍ÷u öÁÎÁ¸®.

794) yµ¨÷£õS® xèhøÚ usiUS® Eø© |©UQÀø».

        ÷Áshõu ÷Áø», uÁÓõx "£»ß' u¸®.

795) ©Ú® bõÚzøu |õkÁx Gmi ÁõÚzøuz öuõh ¬•¯ÀÁx ÷£õ»õS®.

796) ö\õÀ» ¬•i¯õuøuz uº¨£x CµP쯩õPõx. ¬•i¢uøuz uº¨£÷u CµP쯮.

797) Aß÷£°À»õuÁº ¤¯® Bº¨£õmh©õÚx.

798)     Root of failure is selfishness and its prestige. The greater the sense of prestige, the greater is the pain the Not-self gives. Faith in Mother works as long as that limitation is not confronted.

          _¯|»•®, Auß ©¯õøu²® {ø»¯õPz u¸Áx ÷uõÀ²® ÁÖø©²®.

799)     The All-inclusive concentration is a concentration spread over all the universe represented by all the parts of the Being.

          ©ÛuÄhÀ ¤µ£g\ ¯õ¨v.

800) ]¢uøÚUS AP¨£kÁvÀø» bõÚ®.


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