Series IX


401)   ©ÓUPz xøn ö\´²® {øÚÄ ø\zv¯¨ ¦¸åß.

402)  The wisdom of the wise is the psychological biography of their human environment.

        ÷©øu°ß ö\õ¢u AÝ£Á® ÷©uõ»õ\®.

403)  The first expression of power is uncontrollable urges.

        AvPõµ® Á¢uõÀ B£õ\® öÁÎÁ¸®.

404)     The very first expression of further access of power is uncontrollable urges. Having expressed them, man will anxiously look for higher reputation.

          öÁÎÁ¸Áx A][P®. Gvº£õº¨£x ©¯õøu.

405)     In the measure we are open to Her, not only will our character reveal in us, but the wider areas of our community, nationality and humanity will surface.

          PsoÀ £k£øÁ ©soÀ EÒÍøÁ.

          ö\õ¢u Sn® uÁÓõx Põm]¯ÎUS®.

          £Uvø¯ E»P® |õiÁ¸®.

406)  Though intuitive knowledge is of a higher order than intellectual knowledge, for the purposes of making this world richer in content and life, intellectual knowledge is superior. As with all others, intellectual knowledge in the descent is expressive of Supramental creativity.

        AÍÂÀ ]Ô¯ Aq \Uv°À ö£¯x.

407)  Physical affection is an affliction. It is fostered by proximity. Once there, it will stay. It can be worshipped as an ideal, an ideal of the uncouth.

        áhzvß wµ® ÷Põµ©õÚ ÷ÁP®.

408)     All revolutionary ideas meet with not the best in the society, but the worst.

          BshÁß uuÚzøu ¬u¼À ö£ÖÁx Bsi.

409)     'Mother is Great' are words to us. Is She great to us inside, greater than our cherished possessions?

          ©uº ö£_ Gß ©Ú® £õºzx Âmhuõ?

          £õºzu ©Ú® £øǯøu Âk©õ?

410)     Suppose everyone who matters to you now is shed by your mind and memory. What is left? Our world is our relationships.

          ©ÚzøuU PhUP ©ÛuºPøÍU PhUP ÷Ásk®.

411)  Man's natural relationship with his friends is to try to destroy them when they rise. On failing this, he will, on his own, try to submit and adore him whom he tried to destroy.

        AÈUP ¬¯¾Áõß, ¬i¯õÂmhõÀ Ah[Q Aߦ ö\¾zxÁõß.

        ÷uõØÓÁß Aߦ x»[S®.

        GvºUPõ©À HØ£x AÔÄ.

        EÓÄ AÈUP ¸®¦® Aߦ.

        EÓÄ FÖ ö\´²® ¤¯®.

412)  The more hopeless a situation, the greater the opportunity to raise our faith.

          Call never fails. Man may fail.

413)     Those who are making history may not be aware of it. Often they rant against the ideas that recognise their achievement for the future.

          \õv¨£ÁÝ® ußøÚ AÔÁvÀø».

          Gkzxa ö\õßÚõÀ Gvº¨£x® Esk.

          £øhzuÁß £øhzuøu AÔÁvÀø», Gvº¨£xsk.

          AÔ¯õ©Ø £øhzuÁß, £øhzuøu Gvº¨£x® Esk.

             Achievement is unconscious, often hostile in its understanding.

414)                                                  ¤µ®©®

          ö\¯ø» Âmk, Bº¨£õmh® Ah[Q, ]¢uøÚø¯ ©Ó¢x, ö©ÍÚ® Põzx, bõÚ® GÊ¢ux 㯩õQ, AøuU Ph¢x \zv¯® ö£ØÖ AxÄ® AÁ]¯ªÀø» GÛÀ ¤µ®©® Põm] u¸®, ]zvUS®.

          AP¢øu AÈÁx ¤µ®© {ºÁõn®.

          \zx®, A\zx® ÷\º¢ux ¤µ®©®.

          ¤µ®©® Eh¼À ]zv¨£x ¤µ®©õsh®.

          ¤µ®©zøu Aøh¯ ö\´²® uÁ® ¤µ®©¨ ¤µ¯zuÚ®.

          ¤µ®©® ußÛøÓÄÒÍx.

          ¤µ®©® ]¸èi°À {øÓÄ ö£ÖÁx ½ø».

          ¼ø»°À ¤µ®©® ö£ÖÁx ¤µ®©õÚ¢u®.

          {øÓÄ Põ»zvØ÷Põ, Põ»zøuU Ph¢u {ø»U÷Põ E¯uÀ».

          {øÓÄ ]¸èi°À ¤µ®©zvØS¯x.

          {øÓÄ ö£Ó Põ»®, Ph¢ux® Põ»zvÀ \¢vUP ÷Ásk®.

          {øÓÄ ÁõÌÂÀ CøÓÁÛß {øÓÄ.

415)     Gratitude of a plane leads to understanding in the next plane, perhaps in the next generation.

          CßøÓ¯ |ßÔ |õøͯ bõÚ®.

416)  Love survives betrayal, but cannot resist the call of love from behind the betrayal.

        Q¸ènõ ÷£°ß Sµ»õÀ ÷£_Áõß. 

417)     Bill Gates is an illusion whereas ©õª¯õº is Reality.

418)     Mother reads the letters of those who send Her their minds. Others who need Her touch receive Her Touch to their messages.

          AßøÚ°ß ì£º\® ö\´vø¯ AÔ²®.

419)   »USÁøu ¸®¦Áx Ezu©®.

420) Pmk¨£õk ÁõÌÂÀ Pkø©²øh¯x. AßøÚ°À CÛø©¯õÚx.

        £i¨¦ £iUPõuÁß £Àø» EøhUS®.

421)     As gratitude generates comprehension in the next plane, treachery begets similar understanding in the next plane to know the potentials of the negative aspects.

          |ßÔ÷£õÀ x÷µõP® bõÚ® ö£Ö®.

422)     Marriages are made in heaven in the sense heaven alone can choose the right opposite vibration one needs through the husband or the mother-in-law or in those circumstances around the wife's family.

          v¸©n® Ehߣõmøhz ÷uk® ¬µs£õk.

423)     For the truly wise, new knowledge awaits in the next plane to be reached by a chink in present perfection.

          bõÚzvØS ¬iÂÀø».

          C¸US® ö£õUøP CÀ»õu bõÚzøu Gmk®.

424)  Possessiveness possesses. Man exercises this on his woman fully. As education and urbanisation advance, he acquiesces in her coming out. At the level of soul, a complete interchange of forces is called for.

        _u¢vµ©õÚ Bz©õÄUS E°÷µõ, Eh÷»õ uß Eøhø© AÀ».

425)  The conscious genius is aware that that is possible by total ignorance that is delightful stupidity of all the other parts.

        u® C¸øÍ AÔ£Áº ö£ØÓ ]zv ÂȨ¦øh¯x.

          Realisation is conscious for one who sees all his darkness in all the other parts.

        ÷©õm\® C¸Ò ö£ØÓ ]zv.

426)   |õi Á¸Áx A¸Ò; ÷ui¨ ÷£õÁx ©¸Ò.

427)     A project is to be prepared in consciousness before it can succeed in the physical plane. In doing so, several subsidiary issues will crop up. Instead of socially handling them, should one cope with them by the attitude and power of the central project, it is sure to succeed on that score alone.

          ö£¯x £¼UP ]Ô¯øuU PÁÛUP ÷Ásk®.

          ]Ô¯x Pmk¨£mhõÀ, ö£¯x §ºzv¯õS®.

428)   GxÄ÷©°À»õu PõµnzuõÀ, GÀ»õ¨ ¤µ£g\[PøͲ® ]¸èizu ¤µ®©zøu AÔ¯ |©US GxĪ¸UPU Thõx.

          EÒÍx ÷£õÚõÀ, CÀ»õux AøÚzx® Á¸®.

429)   |À»uØSU Põ»ªÀø» GßÖ TÔ÷Úõ®.

          |À»uØS Põ»® Á¢x Âmhx.

          |À»uØS Põ»® Á¢u¤ß öPmhx _»£©õP ÁͺQÓx.

          AuÚõÀ öPmhøu |õkÁx GÎx.

          |õ®, C¨ö£õÊx |À»øu |õk÷Áõ©õ?

          Põ»® Áµõu ö£õÊx |À»øu |õhÂÀø». Põ»® Á¢u¤ß _»£® GÚ öPmhøu |õkÁx \¯õ?

          Põ»® Á¢uõ¾®, ÁµõÂmhõ¾® |À»÷u |À»x.

          Põ»® Á¢x Âmhx GßÖ |À»øu |õk£ÁÝ®, ÁµÂÀø» GÚ öPmhøu |õk£ÁÝ® ©Ûuß.

          Põ»zvØPõP AßÔ, |À»uØPõP |À»øu |õk® ©Ûuß Áµõu ÷|µzøu ÁµÁȨ£õß.

          Capacity to choose the Good, makes Time come.

          |À»øu |õiÚõÀ ÷|µ® Á¸®.

430)  Man's conscience is awakened by social pressure or material interests. At best, it awakens to his present prospect of pleasantry. It is so because conscience is a social product. Even when you consider it a psychological product, there is no   other psychology than the social milieu.

        Bz©õ uµ AøÚzx® ¦Ó®.

431)   BuµÄ u¸Áx Aߦ.

          Aßø£ öÁΨ£kzxÁx A¸Ò.

          A¸Îß EøÓÂh® AßøÚ.

          AßøÚø¯ A¸ÍõPÄ®, AߣõPÄ®, BuµÁõPÄ® PõsQ÷Óõ®.

432)     Mother becomes real when prayers fail.

          uÁÔ¯¤ß ö£ÖÁx u\Ú®.

433)   ©Ú® ©uº ö£¯x GÚ AÔ¢u¤ß |õ® ö\¯À£kÁx E»QÀ. A[S öÁΨ£kÁx áh©õÚ EhÀ. A[S ©uº ö£¯uõP CÀø». ©ØÓÁºPÒ ¬•UQ¯©õP C¸UQÓõºPÒ Gߣ÷u Esø©.

          EÒÍøu EÒÍ£i HØÓõÀ ©uº ö£_ Gߣx £¼US®.

434)     Is this not the Hour of Mother for us?

435)     Mother comes to us not only as love personified but as the urges of the physical in a dying man of no culture.       

          ÷PõµzvÀ AÇøPU Psh ¤ßÝ® B£õ\zvÀ BÚ¢uzøuU Põs£x µ\©õÚx.

             It is like the caress of the leper. St. Francis enjoyed even that.

             The  Divine who, as a joke, presented fangs to Mother, after it was accepted revealed the unearthly beauty of venom.

          µ\® Â÷Úõu©õÚ ÂìÁ¹£®.

          uÁØøÓ ©Ú® HØS® £USÁ® Á¢u ¤ßÝ® uÁØøÓa ö\´¯ ©Ú® AÝ©vUPõx.

          Aøu²® HØÓõÀ Aøu¨ ¤ÓÀ ÷£õØÓ EnºÄ Ch® öPõkUPõx.

          AÁ©õÚzvÀ ©Ú® ö£¸ø©ø¯ AÔ¯õx.

          Aøu²® Ph¢ux BshÁÛß _u¢vµ®.

          Ax÷Á BÚ¢u®. ©Ú® BÚ¢uzøu HØÓõÀ AÁ©õÚ® «sk® ©õÔ Aئu©õPU Põm] u¸®.

436)     We have heard of the 'rule' of karma. We know all the 'rules' of Life. It is possible for us to know something, or at least a few of God's 'rules'? Does He have any rule?

          ÂìÁ¹£zøu ¬•u¼÷»÷¯ ÂÁUP ¬•i¯õx.

          BshÁß \mh® £õºzuõÀ, £õºzuÄhß öu²®.

437)   _u¢vµ® GßÓ C»m]¯® Bsh |õÒ ÷£õ´ Âmhx. £n® BÒQÓx. FÇÀ ©¼¢x Âmhx. £n®&Á¸©õÚ®&÷Ásk® Gß÷Ó _u¢vµzøu |õi÷Úõ®. £n® Á¢x Âmhx. Ehß FÇÀ Á¸®. FÇ÷» _u¢vµ©õP AÔÁx bõÚ®.

          |õmiÀ E»ÄÁx FǼÀø», _¥m\®.

438)     As man has not responded to the Force, or rather the idealists who organised themselves to work for Supermind have betrayed the descending Force, the Force is working in the subtle plane, and through governments.

          uõ¯ßø£z u¸® ö\¼.

          ©Ûuß uÁÓ»õ®, ©Qø© uÁÓõx.

439)     We wonder why man becomes vulgar as soon as money or power comes. It is natural for the unorganised energies to emerge at the outset of freedom.

          E¸Á®  ö£Óõux A][P©õÚx.

440)  The mother enjoys the vehemence of the child, never finding it vulgar. The nascent energy of man is always frowned upon, never appreciated. As in man new unformed energies emerge in uncouth form, so the society meets it with similr energies.

        C¯ØøPUS Aئu® ©ÛuÝUS B£õ\®.

441)   uÁÓõu ©øÇ uÁÔÚõÀ, A¸Ò uÁÖQÓx GßÖ ö£õ¸ÍÀ». Aߣº ÂÈUP ÷Ásk® GÚ¨ ö£õ¸Ò.

          uÁÖuÀ ushøÚ¯À».

          £¼¨£øu AÔÁøu¨ ÷£õÀ, uÁÖÁøu AÔ¯ ÷Ásk®.

442)  The freedom you need must be sanctioned by the environment. Or at least you must deserve it inwardly so that it may be secured when sought outside.

        uõÚõPU QøhUPÂÀø» GßÓõ¾® uSv ÷Ásk®.

443)  In a foreign culture we see the negative side first. They too put up their negative side easily. Therefore one becomes easily wise by travel.

        ¯õ£õUS Â÷ÁP•sk.

444)  To feel the touch of grace is the beginning of delight. To emerge out of involution in response to that touch is The Delight He is after.

        A¸Îß ì£º\® BÚ¢u®.

        죺\® £nõ©©õÁx BshÁß ÷uk® BÚ¢u®.

445)     Great decisions are made on small circumstances. It is life that offers these circumstances. Whether true love was achieved by such occurrences may be a question to many. All those who knew true love, know it is not those small circumstances, unless they are of spiritual import, that generate true love.

          Aߦ ÁõÌøÁU Ph¢ux.

446)     Absence of utterance allows inner strength to be organised, though feebly.

          ÷£\ ¬•i¯õu ÷|µ® Enµ ¬•i²®.

447)     Character is the result of work that achieves inspite of adversity and has the truth of spirit in it. In the absence of such accomplishment, it is behaviour that readily rises to the occasion of a material need that is mercenary.

          áh® vh©õÚx.

          áh÷© vh®.

          ¯zvØS Põµ•sk.

          ¯® ¬•i¯õ©À PõµnzvØS ãÁÛÀø».

448)     Man who has survived tragedies is often overcome by the emotions surging    to the surface. HE was similarly overcome by the tragic constitution of life and matter. Mother called it psychic sadness.

          BshÁß Á¸zu® Bß©õÂÀ öÁΨ£kQÓx.

449)     True love disregards honesty honestly.     

          {¯õ¯zøuU Ph¢u Aßø£ {¯õ¯©õP Aøh¯ ¬•i¯õx.

450) Pmk¨£õk ©ÚzvØSz ÷uøÁ. ©ÛuÝUS ©Ú÷©õ, Pmk¨£õ÷hõ ÷uøÁ°Àø».


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