Series IX


101) The reconciliation of One without a second and All is Brahman is the point at which concept moves to practice, mind rises to Supermind, science accepts spirituality, and emotions rise to mind.

        _ÁºUPzvß `m_©®.

          The knowledge can be had in the body, and the power of physical accomplishment can be had in the mind’s substance. They are,

          -- Capacity to surrender the impulse of substance in the mind – that value, and

          -- Theoretical clarity of the very last detail of work.

102)   ©µø£ HØ÷£õ®.

        Aøu÷¯ ¬•iÄ GÚU öPõÒÍ ÷Áshõ®.

103)  Nature’s profoundest method of presenting itself through opposites arises out of the involution by self-absorption.

        •µs£õk ½ø»°ß ¬•uÀ {£¢uøÚ.

104)     An organisation is administratively effective and efficient when each fully understands his powers and duties. It becomes creative when each is aware of every other department’s powers too. This is true of families as well as individuals. For men to be dynamically creative, each part should know fully what every other is capable of.

          E°º Eh¼À P»¢x EØ£zv ö\´Áx ]¸èi.

105)  Capacity without character, wealth without culture, and strength without knowledge are destructive of personality.

        ãÁÚØÓ ö£¸EhÀ ©ÛuÚÀ», Áͺ¢u ª¸P®.

          Science today is power without social culture. Hence it is a BRUTE.

        ÂgbõÚ® Âs Av¸® bõÚ®.

        ÂgbõÚ® ÂÁìøu öPmh bõÚ®.

106) •i¯ÂÀø» Gߣx ¬•¯Ø] ö\´¯¨ ¤iUPÂÀø» GßÖ ©mk® ö£õ¸Ò.

        ¬•i¯ÂÀø» GßÖ ö\õÀ»U Thõx.

        ¬•i¯ÂÀø» GÛÀ ¬•u¼¼¸¢÷u ¤iUPÂÀø» GÚ¨ ö£õ¸Ò.

107) \zv¯® 㯮 ö£ÖÁx \zv¯ 㯮.

108) AÚ¢u©õÚ _u¢vµ® BÚ¢u®.

109) ¤µ®©zv¼À»õux E»Pzv¼Àø».

        C[SÒÍöuÀ»õ®, A[SÒÍøÁ÷¯.

110) EøǨ¦US Fv¯®.

        vÓø©US £n®.

        AÔÄÒÍ vÓø©US Avºèh®.

        Avºèh® AvP ö\ÀÁ®.

        vÓø©US |®¤UøP°¸¢uõÀ vµsh ö\ÀÁ® Esk.

111) Ph¢uøu AßøÚ°h® TÔÚõÀ Pº©® Pøµ²®.

        £mhÁÛh® ö\´u £õÁzøuU TÔÚõÀ, Pº©® Pøµ¢x, Avºèh® EØ£zv¯õS®.

112) Á͵õu Bz©õ, ãÁõz©õ.

        Á͸® Bz©õ ø\zv¯¨ ¦¸åß.

113) Bß©õ Á͸® Gߣx  ÿ  AµÂ¢u®.

114)  Mind discerns the process; Supermind sees the essence.

        AÔÁõÀ ö\´¯»õ®, Bz©õÁõÀ ]¸èiUP»õ®.

115)  The four points of transition from mind to Supermind-- Reconciling the One without a second with All is Brahman, Man’s aspiration with God’s descent, knowing Matter as fully as the sannyasi knows the Spirit and the greater scruple with the Aryan legacy. They are 1) unanswered question of the Upanishads, 2) occult link – secret, 3) The last step for the scientists, and 4) Integral aspiration.

        E£|åuzv¼¸¢x ÿ AµÂ¢uzvØS¨ ÷£õS® £õøu.

116)     He who acquires innumerable embellishments in his trade, without first qualifying for it, forgets that all or any of these embellishments will only highlight his disqualification.

          v¸©n® ¬•ß÷Ú, \¢uõÚ¨ £õUQ¯® ¤ß÷Ú.

117)  The greatest possible attention is conscious neglect.

        ©ÓUP ÷Ásk® Gߣx ©Ó¨£uÀ».

        JxUSÁ÷u ¬•Ê PÁÚ®.

118)  To dedicate all one’s creative thinking to formulate an idea that is action itself is something one can feel an utter satisfaction about during his last days.

        ©Ú{øÓÄ ©PzuõÚ ÷\øÁ.

119)  Man can be jealous of the success of his own work in others; it becomes subconscious intolerance of one’s own progress.

        ö£õÖUPõuÁÝUS GxÄ® ö£õÖUPõx.

120)   A negative movement of a positive being will still have a positive effect.  

          öᯩß÷Óõ ÁõÚÁºUS!

121)     Indian society, - maybe all over the world – is bent on destroying all social, cultural values so that a new evolutionary beginning can be made.

          AøÚzøu²® AÈzx GÊu C¢v¯õ P[Pn® PmiU öPõskÒÍx.

122)  A nation’s integrity is seen in all aspects of her culture. The measure of freedom women enjoyed in England in the 19th century is a function of the truthful character of youth.

        \zv¯÷© _u¢vµ®.

123)     Love felt gives intensity; love received is expansive.

124)     Unselfish strength and rightness of the situation make one invincible in all situations.

          Á¼ø©US ÷|ºø©°¸¢uõÀ ÷uõÀÂUS ÷uõÀ {a\¯®.

125)     In a developing country, especially in a developing market, the segment of newly created market is greater than the one in which there is competition.

          EÒÍx øP®©s AÍÄ, ¦v¯x E»PÍÄ.

126)     The husband wants to please the wife which makes him vulnerable. If he wants to be right, he will be strong.

          Bø\USz ÷uõÀÂ, Á¼ø©US öÁØÔ.

127)  John’s mother’s faith in the doctor.

          Cancer is cured by Force. It is difficult for Mother’s Force to win the approval of the doctor.

        ¦v¯øu £øǯvß ö£¸ø©US¨ £¯ß£kzu ¬•i¯õx.

128)  The subtle omens in life are far more abundant than what we know as omens – the ones in the gross physical plane. The trained sensitive eye will not miss them. Similar symptoms in the causal plane are by vague, but strong inner feelings. Arrival of good news in thus felt as deeply as joy.

        `m_© ÷»õP® PsqUSz öu²®.

        Põµn ÷»õP® `m_© Cu¯zvØSz öu²®.

        Põµn ÷»õPzøu `m_© Cu¯©Ô²®.

129)     A law or a rule when perceived becomes less effective later. If anticipated – if a result is anticipated based on that law – the anticipation reverses the effect. Effectiveness of the mind, here, is at its height.

          \mh® ¦¢uõÀ £¼US®.

          Gvº£õºzuõÀ, Gvº©õÓõP C¸US®.

          Cx ñnzvØS¯ Av\¯®.

130)  Certainly Mother and Her works are great. Work’s greatness subdues the ego. One’s greatness felt boosts the ego and blunts the work.

        ÷Áø»°ß ö£¸ø© AP¢øuø¯ AÈUS®.

        AP¢øu°ß ö£¸ø© ÷Áø»ø¯ AÈUS®.

131)  Man understands better through faith, than through his intellect.

        P¸Âø¯ ©õØÔÚõÀ ¦¯õux ¦²®.

        AÔÄUS¨ ¦¯õux, £UvUS¨ ¦²®.

        £UvUS®, |®¤UøPUS® Life Divine ¦²®.

        Eh¾US¨ ¦¯õux CÀø».

        Eh¾US¨ ¦²®£i ö\õÀÁx ö£¯ Bz©õUPÒ Phø©.

        AuØS® ÷|µ® Áµ ÷Ásk®.

        A¢u ÷|µzøu²® ÁµÁøÇUP»õ®.

        AÁuõµ¨ ¦¸åÛß Eh¾US¨ ¦¢uõÀ ÷|µ® Á¸®.

        GuØS® ÷|µ® Áµ ÷Ásk® Gߣx Phø©. A¢u ÷|µzøu ÁµÁøÇUP»õ® Gߣx® Esø©.

        ¬•i¯õux GߣvÀø».

132)  Outer awakening

         Outer conflicts are seen.

         Conflict become compelling.

         It grows strong in the periphery.           

         It moves to the centre and destroys the stubborn physical.

         Better to understand the conflict.

         Compelling conflicts must become convincing arguments.

         The strong growth in the outskirts must change into strong devotion at the centre.

         It will move to the centre and transform it.

         Only surrender can do it.

133)  Man wants to create trust so that he may betray. As long as measures are not there to prevent that possibility, man and the society do not progress. Records prevent it essentially. Now computer prevents almost every possible lapse.

        x÷µõP® ÂìÁõ\©õÁ÷u ¬•ß÷ÚØÓ®.

134)  Passion that overcomes one’s heart leading to death, rises in utter indifference to the quality of the love object. Not only that, it can rise from good motives as well as the opposite. Overcoming of the heart or death depends on the intensity of passion, not its ethical source or goal.

        Eøh²® ö|g\® GuØPõPÄ® Eøh²®.

135)     Can the evolutionary adult hope to have less dedication than the courage of Churchill or the tenacity of the primitive’s physicality?

          E»P® Psh øu¯® AßøÚUS G¨£i¨ ÷£õx®?

136)  One who is offended by his own position of which others may not be aware has  no right to attribute that offence to those who pronounce statements touching his positions.

        ußøÚa _k® ©Ú® ußøÚ ©mk® _h ÷Ásk®.

137)     Spiritual courage is not something known to the world. It may not be exhilarating, and may be sweet in its benevolence, capable of any act God wills.

          CÛø© CøÓÁÛß wµ®.

138)  One’s freedom in speaking to another, if limited to the courage of the other person, will be true freedom.

        Gv°ß øu¯® u¸® _u¢vµ® _u¢vµ®.

139)  What is the idea of calling someone mannerless when you choose to talk to a mannerless man. Manners require that we talk only to those who are capable of manners.

        AÔÂÀ»õuÁÛh® AÔ÷Áõk £ÇQ AÁøÚ AÔÄ CÀ»õÁuß GÚU TÖÁx AÔÂÀ»õu ö\¯À.

        AÔÂÀ»õuÁÝUS¯x Aߦ.

        AÔøÁ AÁÛh® Gvº£õº¨£xAÔÂÀø».

140)  As we do not consider animals as our enemies, but protect ourselves from them, those who carry light must carefully protect the light, by totally keeping off beings of darkness.

        JÎø¯¨ £õxPõUP Jx[P ÷Ásk®.

141)  Surface surfeits.

         Depths decide.

        ÷ukÁx vPmk®.

        |h¨£x |õµõ¯nß ö\¯À.

142)  If the role of an event is to give man a certain knowledge, human relationships cannot fare better than one such episode in one’s life.

        ÷uøÁUS®, AÔÄUS® ÷uøÁ°À»õux |m¦®, EÓÄ®.

143) £izuõÀ ¦zv Á¸®, Á¯uõÚõÀ ©mk® Áµõx.

        JßÖ® ö\´¯õ©À, GÀ»õ® Á¸® GÚ ©Ú® Gvº£õºzu£i°¸US®.

144)   |õ® ö\´Áx E»QÀ £µÄ® GßÓõÀ, E»P® ö£ØÓ ¤ß uõß |©USU QøhUS® GÚ¨ ö£õ¸Ò. AuÚõÀ Self-giving AÁ]¯®.

          ]Ô¯x ö£¯uõÁx Self-giving Aº¨£n®.

145) AߣõÚõ¾®, AvPõµzvØS ©mk® ÷Ásk®.

        E»QÀ Aߦ AvPõµzøu Gvºzx öá°zuvÀø».

        AßøÚUS Aߦ, |©US AvPõµ®.

146)  Mean, shameless, mercenary character can be above monetary  mercenariness.

        ö£õ´¯Ý® £nzøuz xa\¨£kzxÁõß.

147) What are Inderterminates to us are really cosmic Determinations. In fact they are the determinations of that which is Indeterminable to us.

        ¤µ£g\ ]¸èi ¤µ®© ]¸èi.

148) GxÄ® CßÔ¯ø©¯õuvÀø» Gߣx ÿ AµÂ¢u®.

149)  He is the Play, He is the Playground and He is the Player.

        Bmh•® AÁ÷Ú, Aµ[P•® AÁ÷Ú, Bk£ÁÝ® AÁ÷Ú.

        Bmh÷© Aµ[P©õÚ Bk£Áß AÁß.

150)  Mother does not have the limitations of the other gods in sanctioning our prayers. The limitation is ours.

        ¤µõºzv¨£ÁÝUS AÍÄsk, ¤µõºzuøÚUS AÍÄ CÀø».


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