Series VIII




851)   EøǨ¦ _¯|»®.

          £µ|»® _¯|»©õÚ EøǨø£ ÷\øÁ¯õUS®.

852)   EhÀ EøǨ¦ EnºÁõÀ ÷\øÁ¯õS®.

          uÚUPõP EøǨ£x, ¤Ó¸UPõP ÷\øÁ¯õP ©õÖ®.

853)   »Q²ÒÍÁøµ ¸¨£®.

          ö|¸[Q Á¢uõÀ öÁÖ¨¦.

854)   |À»x® öPmhx® |®ø©¨ ö£õ¸zux. |õmk {ø»ø©ø¯¨ ö£õ¸zuuÀ».

855)   AP® {øÓ²•ß, ¦Ó® CÀø».

856)   Põ]US¨ ÷£õ´ P[Põì|õÚ® ö\´Áøu Âh ©Ú® Pøµ¢x {øÓÁx ÷©À.

857)     To be awake helps to be alert in the subtle planes.

          Ps ÂÈzx® `m_©zvÀ PõÁÀ ¦Áxsk.

858)     Blind remembrance blights the interest. Intelligent remembrance is interesting and gains intensity.

          ᣮ \¼US®.

          Aºzu•ÒÍ á£® £¼US®.

859)     The realised soul who is in moksha enjoys Ananda in the secrecy of trance as his own personal possession. When one enjoys the highest Ananda in the lowest term of consciousness in the waking state, sharing it with all, one changes the secret Ananda into universally limitless Delight.

          BÚ¢u CµPì¯zøu AøÚÁ¸US® AΨ£x ø\zv¯¨ ¦¸åß.

          ãÁõz©õ uõß ©mk® BÚ¢uzøu \©õv°À ö£Ö®.

          ø\zv¯¨ ¦¸åß ÂȨ¤À ö£Ö® BÚ¢u® Aøua ÷\º¢uÁº AøÚÁ¸US® E¯x.

          BÚ¢u CµP쯮.

          CµP쯩õÚ ÂÍ®£µ®.

             Secret advertisement.

860)   }\ £õøå°À ö£¸ø©¨£kÁx B\õµ©õS©õ?

861)   BÚ¢uzvØPõP HØ£mh ]¸èi°À Á¼ BÚ¢u©õP ©õÖÁx ]Pµ®.

          Á¼¯õP ©õÖ® BÚ¢u® BÚ¢u©õP ©õÔ Aݣ¨£x ]¸èi & ½ø».

862)   uõß ö£ÖÁx ]zv.

          uõß ö£ØÓ ]zvø¯ E»SUPΨ£x £nõ©®.

863)   £õÁzøu¨ ¦so¯©õP AÔ²® £Âzvµ® ø\zv¯¨ ¦¸åÛß ÂȨ¦.

864)   |øh¬•øÓ C»m]¯zvØS EøÓ PÀ.

             Practice is the acid test for ideals.

          |øh¬•øÓ÷¯ |¯® ªS C»m]¯®.

865)   Akzu ÷Áø»°À v¸ÄÒÍ® §ºzv¯õÁx £nõ©®.

866)   |À»øu²®, uºUP ¬•i¯õu öPmhøu²® HØÖ, öPmhuõÀ AvP® £õvUP¨£hõu Áøµ°À ö\¯À£kÁx ÁõÌÄ.

          ©ÖUPÄ® Thõx. Ai²® £hU Thõx.

867)   Á¸® |À»øu ÷\ºUS® AÔÄ® ÷£õS® öPmhøu »US® öuÎÄ® AvºèhzvØS¯øÁ.

868)   PsqUS ¬•ßÚõ¼¸¨£øu PhÄÎh® ö\õÀ»z ÷uõßÖÁx A¸Ò. ÷uõßÓõux ©Ûu AÝ£Á®.

          A¸Ò Gߣx AÁß {øÚÄ.

869)   öu²®, ö\´¯ ¬•iÁvÀø» Gߣx EÒÍ÷u |ßÓõP C¸UQÓx. Aøu µ]UP ©Ú® ¸®¦QÓx GÚ¨ ö£õ¸Ò.

          ÁÖø©ø¯ µ]US® ÁÔbß.

870)     Dissipation is an attempt to enjoy more than one can. Ambition is to achieve more than one is equipped for. The result on the personality is the same for different reasons.

             Ambition is dissipation in another line.

          GÀø»ø¯ G[S «ÔÚõ¾® µ¯® Esk.

871)     It is a truism that a problem dissolves if it receives our most serious attention for 24 hours when its intensity matches that of the problem. Unsolved problems have not received that level of attention. Occupation that is unconscious dissipation is that strong.

          E°øµ Âmhõ¾® ÂkÁõß ©Ûuß, ¤µa]øÚUS¯ PÁÚ® uµ©õmhõß.

872)     The ideal is not towards the world, but to the highest one knows of. A worldly ideal is in place so long as you do not know anything higher.

          E¯º¢uøu |õkÁx C»m]¯®.

          Ph¢uøu |õkÁx C»m]¯©À».

873)     When selfishness changes, it does not change into selflessness. It shifts to an ideal and becomes a higher ideal of selfishness.

          _¯|»® ©õÖÁuØS £v»õP J¸ »m]¯zøuz ÷uk®.

          C»m]¯® _¯|»zøu¨ £µ|»©õUPõx.

874)     The wisest of men cannot successfully answer the meanest of men using perverse arguments, since meanness rules now. Should someone do so, meanness will be overcome in life. It may have no future role.

             To overcome mean perversity, one needs spiritual goodness.

          P¯ÁøÚ öÁÀ£Áß PØ£Pzu¸.

875)     Conflict and dislike going together against another imagination find a field day and errors accumulate not so much to reflect the real situation but to fan the fire of involved characters. LIFE at such moments is as fertile as a poet’s mind.

          `k `møh ÁͺUS®. Sn® JzxøÇUS®.

876)     Nature’s way of pounding on the head with stark realities that one utterly ignores achieves the harmony she aims at.

          £õºøÁ²ÒÍ S¸hß Psøn ÁõÌÄ ¬•µs£õmhõÀ vÓ¢x EhߣõhõUS®.

877)     To understand the process of creation in all minute details in involution as well as evolution and being able to discover it in life around is the ultimate WISDOM.

          £µ©õz©õøÁ ãÁõz©õÂÀ Põs£x bõÚ®.

          ]¸èiø¯ BshÁß E»QÀ PõsQÓõß.

          AÁß GßÚ ö\´QÓõß, G¨£i ö\´QÓõß, Hß ö\´QÓõß GÚ AÔ£Áß AÁ÷Ú¯õQÓõß.

878)   ©õÖÁx AÁ]¯® GÚ¨ ¦¢uÄhß ©Ûuß ©ØÓÁºPøÍ GÀ»õ® ©õÓa ö\õÀÁõß.

          |À»öuÀ»õ® GÚUS, ©ØÓöuÀ»õ® ©ØÓÁºUS.

879)     ‘Not that I do not know, but that I don’t do it’ is conscious unconsciousness.

          öu¯õ©¼Àø», ö\´ÁvÀø» Gߣx S¸hõP C¸UP¨ ¤¯¨£kÁuõS®.

          S¸hß £õºøÁø¯ ¸®¦ÁvÀø» Gߣx ö£¯ Esø©.

880)     Even as death makes life immortal, organisation organising death as a way of life rejuvenates the life of the nation.

          E°øµ Gk¨£ÁÝ® E»PzvØSa ÷\øÁ ö\´QÓõß.

881)     Man is oblivious of known remedies and then diagnoses it as “The time has not come.” He forgets them as one expression of his unconsciousness.

          S¸hÝUS £õºUP ¬•iÁvÀø».

          ©Ú® S¸hõÚõÀ £õºUPz ÷uõßÖÁvÀø».

882)   ©Ú® E¯º¢x ©ßÛ¨£Áß ©Ûuß.

          {ø»ø© {º¨£¢u® ö\´x uÁØøÓ HØ£Áß ö\õµøn¯ØÓ ©snõ[Pmi.

          ©ßÛ¨£Áß {ø» ©ÛuøÚ {ºn°US®.

883)     Mind has no capacity to repeat. When it appears to repeat verbatim, its tonality changes one shade.

          QΨ¤ÒøÍUS® SµÀ ©õÖ®.

884)     Even in going to the Not-Self, the self seeks to serve the selfishness of the Not-Self.

          _¯|»® £µ|»zvß _¯|»zøu GÎvÀ HØS®.

885)     To win a victory pushing aside our rivals is overmental. To be able to help their own innate goodness change their ignorance into knowledge is supramental.

          Gvø¯ »UQ öÁÀÁx öu´Ázvß vÓß.

          Gv ©õÔ |s£ÚõÁx \zv¯ 㯠\Uv.

886)     Having consciously courted the ideal of serving evil, man still resents it coming to him again unconsciously, least realising that his ideal is yet to be realised.

          ÷ui¨ ÷£õÚ \Û¯ß, £õUQUPõP |õi Á¸Áøu ©Ú® öÁÖUQÓx.

887)     Life permits mercenary exploitation to enter into an idealistic pattern of service, appearing as its part. Absorbing it positively is a near impossibility. Allowing it as a reality is abominable.

          ¤aø\UPõµøÚ ¤µ®©©õPU PshõÀ, AÁß ¤µ®©zøu²® ¤aø\UPõµÝUSÁõß.

          GuØS® C¸¦Ó•sk.

888)     Social absorption of any new product—computer, phone, car, electricity, agriculture—is the way of the society abridging time.

          ¦v¯øu HØ£x ¦µm]ø¯z uº¨£x.

889)     Temporary success is at the expense of permanent energy until that source is raised.

          Ehø©ø¯ ÂØÖ Fº £õºUQ÷Óõ®.

890)     The intellectual orthodoxy frowns on the phone and computer!

          ©i²®, B\õµ•® Põ¨¤ \õ¨¤mk Âmk PnUS¨ ÷£_QßÓÚ.

891)     Embarrassment arises out of several occasions of which one is the inability to oblige. It can arise even by successful obligation.

          ¬•i¢uõ¾® ¬•i¯õÂmhõ¾® \[Ph® \[Ph÷©.

892)     When a problem arises, it is right to consider the solution, better still the cause. But the mind imagines imaginary situations and solutions, thus aggravating the issue.

          PØ£øÚ ¤µa]øÚø¯ ÁͺUS®.

893)     When superstitious faith in Mother overshoots its mark, it becomes sleepy to Her consciousness.     

          ¬•vº¢u h|®¤UøP E¯º¢u ã¯zvØSz yUP©õS®.

894)     A thought does not occur in the mind if it has been well understood. When it repeats, it repeats with a new shade. Only in the stupid mind it appears again and again in the very same words or in the same form. Life continues to be unique even here, as the stupid person has a way of enjoying each repetition in a fresh dimension.

          ©hø©US® ©PzxÁ® Esk.

895)     That tribals have becomes vestiges of primitiveness will be easily conceded. The world is not aware of hundreds of other such residues of extinct ages of the past. Is it possible for us to convince the world that rich men belong to that tribe? They have also raised that residue to the level of organised anachronisms.

          |Pµzv¾ÒÍ Põmk ©Ûuß |® PsqUSz öuÁvÀø».

          ö£¸® £n® A|õPŸP®.

896)     What a man practises is in the physical plane. It moves to the subtle physical plane when his physical is saturated. The Formula we have is a mental knowledge. For it to be communicated to all, it should move not to the physical or subtle physical plane, but to the True Physical Plane as it is a supramental knowledge.

          E»P® ¤µ£g\ bõÚzøu¨ ¦¢x öPõÒЮ.

          E»P® EßÚõÀ £¯Úøh¯ } ¤µ®© bõÚ® ö£Ó ÷Ásk®.

          ¤µ£g\® bõÚ® u¸®.

          ¤µ®©® £»ßu¸®.

897)     The desire to quote the past or other known information is the pride of knowledge. Nostalgia is the emotional satisfaction of that pride.

          ö£¸ø©°Àø» GÛÀ £Ç_ CÀø».

          £øǯ {øÚÄ ö£¸ø©.

898)     It is an insurmountable difficulty to place simple facts before the public in a non-controversial issue and carry the point across. Such is the nature of public education. The real situation is the eager public are denied the facts, and are given instead opinions.

          CµÂÀ öu¯õu |m\zvµzøu¨ £P¼À £õºUP ¬•øÚÁx ÷£õÀ.

899)     Frustration is from solving problems. Fulfilment is by inner change.

          ]UPÀ Ga\À u¸®. ©Ú©õØÓ® {øÓÄ u¸®.

          Ga\À u¸® ]UPÀ, {øÓÄ u¸® ©Ú®.

900)     Knowledge must be rescued from the intellectuals, particularly from the scientists.

             “Save Science from the Scientists”

          PhÄøͨ §\õ°hª¸¢x Põ¨£õØÖ.


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