Series VIII




251)     He who uses pronouns in place of proper nouns in speaking to another, speaks to his own self. It is a measure of being not aware of the other.

          uÚUS ©mk® ¦²® £i ÷£_Áx _¯|»®.

252)     The poor small man receiving a patronising gift from a rich man, without being mercenary and with a grace that intends to please or delight the better part of the giver, is one who is in touch with the Being of his Becoming.

          PºÁ® öÁΰk® P¸ønø¯ Põ»zøuU Ph¢u÷u Põn ¬•i²®.

253)     The most generous impulse of munificence or forgiveness is often delivered through an attitude which is equally virulent in its opposite character.

          Cßö\õ»õ»ßÔ C¸}º ¯ݻP® Áßö\õ»õÀ GßÖ® ©õÓõ÷u.

          CÛø© GßÖ® ¤µ®©®.

254)  Mind can only find itself to be right. It is not made to see its wrong. Emotions go further and see the other man as wrong. Self-knowledge is not given to the faculties of any plane.

        ußøÚz uÁÖ GÚ AÔ²® ußø© ©ÛuÝUQÀø».

255)  When an unpardonable suspicion is spoken out by the victim, it will disarm the accuser and will become pardonable. When Truth is uttered, it will release a force to overcome its adversaries.

        ÷Põ£® GÊ¢uõÀ SØÓ® \õmi¯Áß SØÓÁõÎ BÁõß.

256)   ö£¯ Áõ´¨ø£a `Ì¢xÒÍ ]Ö ÷uøÁPÒ §ºzv¯õS® ¬•øÓø¯U PshõÀ, Áõ´¨¦ G¨£i ¬•i²® GÚ AÔ¯»õ®.  

          C¸¨£øuU Psk CÛÁ¸Áøu AÔ¯»õ®.

257)     To know Him, we should appreciate,



             Infinity of infinities

             Psychic is the High in the Low.

             The Hour of God.

             Neither a method, nor the process is the end.

             The Absolute in the relative is Absolute.

             The aspiration to be God.

258)     The measure of one’s perfection is seen in the ability to push away imperfect persons.

          »UP ¬•iÁx Âvø¯ {ºn°US®.


259)            The heart opens only once.

             I know my heart did open that once.

             Heart knows how to love, not what to love. It loves to love.

260)     If what one understands is clarified enough for the level of communication intended, anyone can explain anything to anybody.

          GÁ¸US ©ÛuøÚ¨ ¦QÓ÷uõ, AÁµõÀ Gøu²® AÁÝUS ÂÍUP ¬•i²®.

261)     Understanding at any level needs mental energies at that level.

          Eh¾US¨ ¦¯ Eh¼ß ©Ú® ÂȨ¦Ó ÷Ásk®.

262)     Understanding is facilitated by emotional sympathy, physical proximity, spiritual opening in the mind and subliminal receptivity. The shishya as well as the wife are the subconscious recipients of the realisation of the guru.

          æ £zvÛ æ°À £õv.

263)   PsqUSz öu¯õu |À»øu Phø© GÚU TÖQ÷Óõ®.

264)     The insight – the sight directed inside -- which truly reflects the outside is a ray of sincerity.

          ¦ÓzøuU Põmk® AP® Esø©.

265)   ©snõ[Pmi ©øÚ塧 ©Úzøu AÔ¢uõÀ AÁÒ ©Põ»m_ª BÁõÒ.

          PÀ»õÚ PnÁß P¸zøu AÔ¢uõÀ AÁß P¸Å»©õÁõß.

266)   \õn® ÷£õmk ö©ÊQ¯ ©s uøµ  surf ÷£õmk A»®¤¯ mosaic uøµ¯õP ©õÖÁx consciousness E¯ºÁuõS®.

267)   ö£soß ö£¸ø© Aߦ Aªºu©õQ AvPõµ® ö\´²® AÇPõS®.

268)   £¯® øu¯©õÚõÀ, Bø\ AߣõP ©õÔÚõÀ, ©Ûuß öu´Á©õÚõÀ, ÷ÁºøÁ²® \¢un©õS®.

269)     Abundance in a family – material abundance – deserts and changes into poverty when neglect offends the growing energies of matter that expresses as abundance.

          A»m]¯® ÁÍø©ø¯ ÁÖø©¯õUS®.

          ÁÍzøu ÁÖø©¯õUS® A»m]¯®.

270)     Lack of self–respect is the energy of self-preservation.

          uß ©õÚ® Áµ ¤øǨ¦ {ø»¯õP ÷Ásk®.

271)     Man longed for moksha urged by the sense of union in spirit.

          ÷©õm\® Bß©õ ÷uk® Bv.

272)     When manifestation reaches its keenness of accuracy, the finite is ready to turn again on its back into the Infinite.

          ]Ô¯x ]Ó¨£õÚõÀ ö£¯uõS®.

273)     Culture forms as an organisation of energy and expresses as the mental knowledge of the physical sensation. Yoga begins where culture recedes.

          £s¦ Gߣx EhÀ uß EnºÂÀ ö£ØÓ AÔÄ.

          AÔÄ bõÚ©õÚõÀ ÁõÌÄ ÷¯õP©õS®.

274)     Professionals have technical knowledge and offer service. Their practice does not bring knowledge as there is no knowledge either of service or technical qualifications. The seat of knowledge is not work, but thought.

          ÷\øÁUS¨ £»ß, ]¢uøÚUS bõÚ®.

275)   ¤µõºzuøÚ uÁÔ¯x ö£¯ Áõ´¨¦.

276)   Áõ´¨ø£ £¯¢x AqSÁx {a\¯©õP¨ £¼US® GÚ¨ ö£õ¸Ò. Áõ´¨¦ £¼zu ¤ß £¯® ¥v¯õP ©õÖ®. AßøÚ »® HØÓõÀ £¯® øu¯©õP ©õÔ \¢÷uõå•®, öu®¦® Á¸®.

277)     Occupation is self–indulgence in memory of egoistic existence.

          CøhÂhõu {øÚÄ ©ÛuÝUSsk. ußøÚ÷¯ CøhÂhõ©À {øÚ¨£Áß ©Ûuß.

             Man is equal to the Supreme in that both are capable of constant Self-awareness.

          CøhÂhõu ö\¯À CøÓÁÝUSsk.

          CøhÂhõu {øÚÂÀ ©Ûuß CøÓÁÚõÁõß.

278)  The greatest of defences is gratitude. Better, it is constant.

        |ßÔ |®£U Ti¯ ÷Põmøh.

          Gratitude is remembrance.

        |ßÔ {øÚÄ; {øÚ÷Á |ßÔ.

279)   £¼UPõu ¤µõºzuøÚø¯ «sk® ö\´ÁuØS¨ £v»õP, £¼UPÂÀø» GßÓ ÷uõÀÂø¯ \©º¨£n® ö\´¯ ÷Ásk®. 

          ÷uõÀÂø¯ \©º¨£n® ö\´Áx E¯º¢u \©º¨£n®.

280)     Nascent energies are always in great abundance and there is no question of controlling them. Initial excitement of mind learning anything is of that kind. Learning higher concepts can be a constant source of excitement in the brain.

          ¦xø© ö£õ[Q Á¸®.

          ¦x AÔÄ AvP©õP¨ ö£õ[Q GÊ®.

          áh® ö£Ö® AÔÄ á©uUÛ¯õP GÊ®.

281)  The best judgement of oneself is at best a blind judgement.

        u®ø©¨ £ØÔ¯ PnUS uÁÓõÚ PnUS.

282)     Low consciousness will not respond without offence. No offence can ever elevate it. Is there an offence that can open and elevate too? He who is offended by his own position will find energy enough to elevate himself. Self–offending sensitivity turns around to raise itself. An atmosphere that can create self-awareness, though stingingly offensive, will offer the energies for progress.

          ö£õÓõø©²®, ö£õa\¨¦® ö£õx ©UPÐUS ö£õUQå[PÒ.

283)     Neither he who knows he is right or the one who knows he is wrong will ever accomplish.  To accomplish at any level, he should have transcended the right and wrong of the previous level.

             Progress is to overcome dualities.

          \²®, u¨¦® \õvUPõx.

284)   £¯¬®, Bø\²® ÷£õmi°mhõ¾®, ¬•iÄ GßöÓõßÖsk. Aøu £¯zøu «Ô²® ö\¯À£k®, Bø\ø¯ AhUQ²® ö\¯À£k®, Bø\UPõPÄ® |hUS®.

          £¯zøu²®, Bø\ø¯²® Ph¢u ¬•iÄ.

          ¬•i÷Á ©Ûuß.

285)     Surrender is a method that can give us the whole of which we are a part. It is a method that can take us straight to the goal from wherever we follow it.

             Surrender is the method of infinity to change the finite into itself.

          ]Ô¯øu ö£¯uõUS® ¬•øÓ \µnõPv.

286)     It is not given to man to resist the evolutionary force in any form he encounters.

          ¦¯À uõ÷Ú Ah[S®.

287)     I hate the man who is like me. He who is not like me is loathsome. Either way I end up in hate, as hatred is my present consciousness. To love another because he is like me and not hate a person as he differs from me is a desirable human state.

          öÁÖ¨¦ ¸¨£õÁx ¬•ß÷ÚØÓ®.

288)     One can move to surrender from thought or feelings or acts. In the ascent, the higher is of greater difficulty. In the descent, the lower is more powerful. The greater the difficulty, the greater the result.

          G¢u {ø»°¾® HØPU Ti¯x \µnõPv.

          \µnõPvUS {£¢uøÚ°Àø».

          {£¢uøÚ¯ØÓ \µnõPvø¯ {£¢uøÚ°ßÔ ÷©ØöPõÒÍ ÷Ásk®.

             She demands unconditional surrender and offers us ‘Surrender’ as a method that can be accepted with no stipulations and successfully undertaken at any level.

          \µnõPv {£¢uøÚ¯ØÓx.

          £»Ý® {£¢uøÚ¯ØÓx.

          {£¢uøÚ¯ØÖ HØÓõÀ, {£¢uøÚ¯ØÓ £»Ýsk.

289)     Families and institutions come to stay after making innumerable obscene adjustments that arise during moments of crises. The reality of these institutions always bases itself on those ugly truths.

          ----AÇS®, Aئu•® B£õ\zøu AìvÁõµ©õP¨ ö£ØÓÚ.

          Aئu® GßÓ ©µzvß Bo ÷Áº B£õ\®.

          uõ©øµ ÷\ØÔÀ ¬•øÍÁøu¨ ÷£õÀ ¤µ£»©õÚ Sk®£[PÒ \Pzvß \Pv°À GÊQßÓÚ.

          ÷\ÔÀ»õ©À ö\¢uõ©øµ°Àø».

             Family is the balance of good over evil.

             A family that is good at the top and bottom is rare. Maybe it is a paradox or non-existent.

290)     Mind, as any other part of our being, cannot reverse or rectify itself. Either the spirit above or the higher emotion below can do it.

          EnºøÁU Ph¢u ©Ú® Enºa]¯õÀ £USÁ¨£k®.

291)     Inspiration that comes from above also comes from below. Coming from the body, it can be ultimate.

          AßøÚ u¸® EØ\õPzøu AßøÚ {øÚÄ u¸®.

          EhÀ u¸® EØ\õP® Ea\ Pmh©õÚx.

292)     How can others know me when I cannot know myself?

          ußøÚ¯Ô¯õuÁøÚ u©µÔÁ÷µõ?

293)     Greater energy gives a finer shape.

             Much greater energy can make the substance more solid.

          APzvß \Uv ¦Ózvß AÇS.

          ö£¸Q Á¸® \Uv EÖv ö£Ö® Eh»ÇS.

294)     When we appreciate someone, we do so for one quality in him without being aware of any other side in him.

          £õºøÁ°À £mhøu¨ £õµõmkQ÷Óõ®.

295)   bõÚ® uºUPzvÀ öÁØÔ ö£Ö®.

          SuºUP® bõÚzøuz ÷uõØPiUS®.

          {¯õ¯® SuºUPzvh® öÁØÔ ö£ÖÁxsk.

          SuºUP® bõÚ® ö£ØÓõÀ {¯õ¯® ÷uõØS®.

          uº©® SuºUPzøu öÁÀ¾®.

          bõÚ® ö£ØÓ SuºUPzøu²® \zv¯® öÁÀ¾®.

          ö£õ´°¼¸¢x GÊ® \zv¯® ÷£õµõhÁÀ»x.  Auß ¬•ß uºUP®, SuºUP®, Auº©® {a\¯©õPz ÷uõØS®.

          \zv¯® öÁÀ¾®. ö£õ´°¼¸¢x GÊ® \zv¯® uÁÓõx öÁÀ¾®.

296)     Some men who are cruel to their wives, when it comes to money abundantly provide for them, showing the strong bondage at the physical while the vital is in violent conflict. Man who has moved to the vital, in these cases, fails to dominate his wife. Such a failure is compensated by greater physical care.

          »UQ¯ ©øÚÂUS PnÁß AvP Á\v u¸QÓõß.

          »SÁuõÀ ö£¸S® Á¸©õÚ®.

297)     The man who is angry about solving a problem is like the mechanic who beats his broken machine with a stick as a method of repairing it.

298)     Those who get into irretrievable situations have always created them by their choice. When man tries to overcome his acts by emotions, he always does it.

          \õvUP ¸®¦£Áß \¢vUS Á¸Áõß.

299)   ¬•µhÛß CÛø©ø¯ ¬•P©»º¢x HØP»õ®. CÈ¢uÁÛß CÛø©÷¯ ¬•µmkzuÚ® Gߣøu Enº¢uÁß bõÚ® Eh¼À AÁß öÁΨ£kÁuõS®.

          E»P® AئuU Põm]¯õP ©õÓÁÀ»x. ©Ú® Aئu©õP ©õÔ EÒÍ÷u E¯ºÄ GÚ AÔ²® Aئu® BshÁøÚU Põq® |ßÔ¯ÔuÀ.

300)     Misery comes from several levels of the environment and also from inside. The former will vanish with the changing environment while the latter will manage to enjoy the same misery in the changed circumstances under a new guise.

          {ø» ©õÔ²® ©õÓõu öPõkø© |õ® ¸®¦Áx.


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