Series VII

801)     If this is not the HOUR, which else is?

             CøÓÁß Á¢u ÷|µ® ÷|µªÀ»õÂmhõÀ, Gx ÷|µ®?Hx ÷|µ®?

          ÷|º¢ux ÷|µ®.

802)     Opportunity knocks at all the doors and windows too, all the time, once Life Responds.

             ÁõÌÄ Aø\¢uõÀ ÁõÌ÷Á Áõ´£õP ©õÔ ÁõÌzx®.

803)     When the wrong doer is cross with the victim of his wrong doing, Life announces the high principles of its right to punish the innocent because they are weak.

             £»ªÀ»øuÁøÚ £¼°kÁx £»¸US® £µÁ\® u¸Áx.

804)     A man wronged me and abused me. He was angry with me and would not speak, because he abused me!

             £¼¯õÚx |õß, ÷Põ£® AÁÝUS.

805)     From nowhere to everywhere is the possibility of Mother. Life Responds likewise if the emotions accept the mental knowledge. To learn is rare, rarer still to learn from life. No man wants to learn from others. He would learn on his own. To learn is to take another man’s point of view. Learning is to see another takes another view of our experience.

             To let the simple reveal the profound is learning. Life Response reveals to observation, to the other man’s point of view. It reveals most when we do not know, rather when we know we do not know.

             AhUP® AÚ¢uøÚ E»SUS AÔÂUS®.

806)     To recognise the opportunity is to be awakened. A rare opportunity goes unnoticed by unconsciousness. Even one right explanation is pure grace.

             Á®£ß Áõ´¨ø£ AÔ¯õß.

807)     Man evaluates himself by his effectivity. All urge for science, philosophy and yoga arose from it.          

             •i¯ÂÀø» GÛÀ øÍ ÷Áø» ö\´²®.

808)     Events occur in Time; they are not made by it. The one thing that precipitates events is emotion. Its intensity decides the speed of the event.

             &  {øÚÄUS›¯x {PÌa], Põ»zvØPÀ».

        &  Põ»zvÀ {PÌÁx Põ»zuõÀ {PÌÁuÀ».

809)     Abuse is a fight with words. One abuses the other in the measure social or personal authority is there. No one can do so when that power is not there. Abuse of words is abuse of power.

             vmkÁuõÀ {¯õ¯® A{¯õ¯©õQÓx.

          {¯õ¯® ÷£_®.

          A{¯õ¯® vmk®.

810)     When an act take place, we are generally able to understand the cause, but it is always an impression, not an  understanding, as several causes go to bring out a result. When pursued further, one will find like a physician that it is easier to cure a disease than to correctly diagnose it. To try this in any simple act is really a complex job, rather complicated. Analysis will reveal there is no simple ACT, but all acts are complex processes. Each is a marvel, defying classification. Understanding is to find the complex in the simple.

             AÇQÀ BÚ¢uzøuU Põs£x bõÚ v¸èi.

811)     Enjoy he must. Is not Ananda his goal?  Enjoyment is a must, not for his ego, but HE in the man should enjoy, continue to raise the level of enjoyment till it reaches Bilss and finally Delight. Note, take serious note of  the fact that the acts man enjoys and God delights in are the same, the forms of enjoyment too are the same. The only difference is that of ego and the psychic.

             God emerging in man in seeking the Delight does not change the act or form; HE only intensifies the enjoyment moveing away from the ego.

             Not the Act, nor even its Form but the centre changes in man emerging as God.

812)     Understanding is to see an event in the context that generated it.

             `ǼßÔ `m_©ªÀø».

813)     Bø\°ß _ÁkÒÍÁøµ BÚ¢u® Áµõx.  Bø\ AÈ¢u¤ß AßøÚ Bø\ø¯ BÚ¢u©õPz v¸Ä¸©õØÔ AvP©õP E¯ºÁõP¨ §ºzv ö\´QÓõº.

          Ananda does not arise as long as the traces of desire are present. Desire given up will be fulfilled at a higher level.

          |õ® øPÂmh Bø\ø¯ AßøÚ BÚ¢u©õP¨ §ºzv ö\´QÓõº.

          Desire stands transformed as Ananda.

814)  Psychic education speaks of four types of conscration. Sri Aurobindo explains that the surrender must be undertaken on four(different) fronts. They are all difficult. But the four types She speaks of or He speaks of meet at ONE point.

          Consecration undertaken from that ONE point or surrender made from that point is total.

815)  The differene between a particular endowment and its becoming a general one is the same between our doing something on our own initiative and waiting for it to happen on its own. The individual is to the general what initiative is to life response.

          |õ® ö\´Áx uõ÷Ú |h¢uõÀ J¸ÁÝøh¯ vÓø© E»Pzvß vÓø©¯õS®.

        uõ÷Ú |h¨£x uø»¯õ›US® |hUS®.

816)     We talk of defective communications. To improve upon arises an occasion of no communication which implies that work is being done in a vaccum.When mind tries to hasten development of the physical by earlier knowledge, the physical is blissfully physical, ignoring the need for mind.

             vh©õÚ áh®.

817)  In doing any work man preserves his skills, energy, attention, application from any other interference. That produces the good result. In doing a fresh work, he takes extra care in this regard. Does man follow these rules in doing any work to avail of an opportunity Mother gives? In fact, he consciously and  insistently introduces many alien elements in the work. It gets spoiled.

818)  The rules to successfully complete any work that tries to avail of a new great opportunity of Mother are

          1. Follows the rules of this work without exception.

          2. Do not bring in any alien skills or habits.

          v¸¢u ö\´Áøu vÓ®£haö\´.

819)  The smaller the part, the more important it is. Take care of the smallest part, i.e. concentrate on its uniqueness so as to know it more and more fully, and the highest will reveal to you by itself.

             ]Ô¯øu ]¢vzx ]Ó¨£x ]Ó¨¦.

820)     Man comes back to his original surface consciousness from a faint or depression or a daze. Instead of emerging into the surface, he must, from there, move into the depth to Mother, as these are occasions for one to find Her. Man faces the choice there.

             Man is the choices he has made.

             Á¸¢xÁ÷u ÁõÌÄ.

821)     Writers write for an audience. There are others who know they  have no audience but cannot restrain from writing. Maybe posterity will value it. Those who write for an anxiously waiting audience and those who know they have no audience often are those who voice universal truths and live forever.

             E»øP ©Ó¢uÁß E»øP öÁÀÁõß.

822)  It is not as if one goes up while in concentration. As this is a yoga of DOUBLE OPENING, as one goes up, so simultaneously he goes down towards the physical. While at the physical, he is the Self-conscious Being.

        ÷©÷» ÷£õÁx uÁ®.  R÷Ç ÷£õÁx ÷¯õP®.

823)  Disciples pick up the Master’s habits without knowing they are the habits of the Master.

          ußøÚ¯Ô¯õu ÷|µ® uø»Áº EÒ÷Í Á¸Áõº.

        uø»²m£h AøÚzx® uø»Á¸U÷P.

824)     When the physical man is happy, the one thing that suggests to him is “Let us have a party and eat”. In a similar situation, a mental man puts off occasions for eating as, putting anything in the month at a very happy moment dilutes that joy.

             Á°Ö {øÓ¢uõÀ ÁõÌÄ µ]UPõx.

825)    ©ÚuõÀ _zu©õP C¸UP •i¯õuÁº Eh»õÀ _zu©õP C¸¨£õºPÒ.  K›h©õÁx _zuª¸US®.

826)     C¸¨£øu ©Ó¢x, CÀ»õuuØS H[S® ©Ú®.

          AßøÚ°hª¸¢x ö£ØÓ B°µ® E¯ºÄPøÍ ©Ú® ö£õ¸m£kzuõ©À, Aºzu©ØÓ uÁÓõÚ £øǯ ö£¸ø©PøÍ {øÚzx H[S® ©Ú®.  GuØS® EuÁõuuØS GÊÁx HUP®.

827)     ¯õº «x |©US SøÓ°¸UQÓ÷uõ AÁºPÍõÀ ÷Ási¯ £õhzøu PØPÂÀø» GÚ¨ ö£õ¸Ò.  |® ©Ú® SøÓø¯ CÇ¢uõÀ, AÁºPÒ Â»SÁº.

          ©ÚUSøÓ £õhzvß SøÓ.

828)     One who has transcended the need for honour cannot be hurt by another’s dishonourable conduct, however close that person is. In truth, the other man will not have the strength to act dishonourably as he is in touch with him.

             ö£¸ø©ø¯z ÷uõhõÂmhõÀ ©õÚ® ÷£õPõx.

829)  Love is a useful ingredient of marriage just as much as health, age, wealth, education, etc., and not any more indispensable than any of these others. There can be no romance without love, but not marriage. Wedding ends romance.

          Põu¾ÒÍ ©nªÀø».

830)     Character shines through wisdom; not less so through folly or indiscretion.

          bõÚ® ö£ÖÁøu ©hø©²® ö£Ö®.

831)  Deceit entering the fortress of honesty on the invitation from inside and doing havoc, plunging the house in irredemable sorrow is the sign of social revolution which wants to integrate honesty with dishonesty! Honesty perfects itself with dishonesty.

             A÷¯õUQ¯ß |õn¯zvØS ö\´²® ÷\øÁ ö£›¯x.

832)   Gsn® GÚz ÷uõßÔÚõÀ GßÓõÁx J¸|õÒ Ax ö\¯À£k®.

          |À»Áº GÚ |®£ ÷Ásk©õÚõÀ, AÁ¸US Gsnzv¾® öPmhx G¨ö£õÊx® ÷uõßÔ°¸UPU Thõx.

           |À»uõP ©mk÷©°¸¨£x |À»x.

833)     If for any reason you wish to be very polite to one to whom many more are impolite, it will be a rare wonder if you are not the butt end of all that he has suffered.

             Ai£mhÁÝUS AÝuõ£® «Úõ Ai ö£ØÖzu¸®.

834)     We can say mind has fallen silent when a provocative question does not evoke a need to respond. Silence resists provocation to thinking.

             ©ÚªÀ»õu Chzx ö©ÍÚ•sk.

835)     To use a weapon to remove a defect by which the defect will grow stronger is a known way of human nature.

          wºÄ Gߣx ö£›¯ ¤µa]øÚ.

836)  The objective universalisation is the subjective Transcenden- alisation.

          APzvÀ £µ©ß ¦ÓzvÀ ¤µ£g\®.

837)  The distance between the Individual and the Universal is just a hair’s breadth physically, but it is worlds away in essence.

             A¸Q¾ÒÍ yµ®..

838)     Impatience calls the speed of patience, impatient.

             AÁ\µ©õÚ ö£õÖø©.

839)     Symptoms of spiritual realisation.

             • Absence of restlessness in the physical being. • Incapacity for reaction. • Absence of inner initiatives.• Widening of consciousness. • Work giving completer results. •  Steady joy welling up from inside. • Silence in the mind. • Opening of the subliminal mind. • Spiritual intuition into another’s mind.  • Atmosphere of Peace. • Áõºzøu £¼¨£x. Mind touching consciousness. • uõ÷Ú Á¸® v¯õÚ®. • Capacity to evoke Life Response. • An attitude of compassion.

             ö©ÍÚzvß ©ø»; ÷áõv°ß _hº; £¼US® ö\õÀ; Pº©® Pøµ²® PsPÒ; ÷uiÁ¸® ÁõÌÄ; ÷»\õÚ ÷uP®.

840)     Sundarar revived a girl of ten years dead 12 years before, which means the occult mechanism required is there. Mother’s power is infinitely greater.

          E»P® AÔ¯õu E¯ºÂÀø».

841)     In any work where there is complete result, we do not allow either the external environment or our mental interference. That is why full results issue. This is true of all works, small and big. Doing works undertaken in Mother SIMILARLY, the results will be infinite.

             £øǯ £USÁ®, ¦v¯ £s¦.

842)     Mind is not the best medium to understand The Life Divine, especially when it is not well developed or highly educated. The right medium is vital, and life examples are the right medium of instruction.

             ©ÚzvØS¨ ¦›¯õux, ÁõÌÄUS¨ ¦›²®.

843)  Idealism higher than the social average is suspect. Unideal motives will be imputed to that idealist.

          C¸¨£øuU PõUP C»m]¯® •øÚ²®.

844)     In Mother and under certain conditions in life too, anything can be set right straining every nerve. The reversal of past wrongs on top of that is not possible in life, but is possible in Mother only when the substance responds which means never without total sincerity.

             Pkø©°ß CÛø© Põ»zøu öÁÀ¾®.

845)     If one banishes a work out of mind either by a discipline or by a superior knowledge that in thatway the work is better consecrated to Mother, it gets done at once.

             ©Ó¢uõÀ ©ø»²® |P¸®.

846)     Every upsurge of heart towards Her is a jet of Supramental power.

             GÊÁx ö£ÖÁx.

847)  No one will be around you, if there is not a lesson you have to learn from him.

          EÓÄ CøÓÁÛß £õh®.

848)     Enjoying what is not due to us  effectively eliminates what is due to us from grace. At least every rupee that we do enjoy prevents a lakh or a crore that is due to us from grace.

             E›ø©¯ØÓ |õÈøP E¯º¢u ²Pzøuz ukUS®.

849)     Modern business that speaks of constant change, assuring that the only thing that will be constant in future is change, has spoken a fundamental truism of science which is now worshipping the superstition of predictability. Business has proved it is more scientific than science, once more proving that organisation kills creativity.

             {ø»¯õÚx A{zv¯®.

850)     Higher consciousness comes and comes to stay when the centre of consciousness moves deeper still.

             ö£›¯x EÒ÷Í ÷£õÚõÀ öÁÎ÷¯ Áµõx.


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