Series VII

651)  A dull man bored with his life complains of dullness, little knowing that he is dull becuase he is lucky not to have worries. Had there been worries, he would be occupied with them and not be dull.

          PÁø»¯ØÓÁß \¼¨£øhÁõß.

          Men who complain of dullness are really the lucky ones who do not have worries or depression.       

652)  If man’s highest ideal is to help others to find their souls, having found it in himself, his ego starts doing it before he finds his own soul.

          uõß Psh Bz©õøÁ ¤ÓºPõn EuÄÁx ÷\øÁ.

          Self-giving is to give the very best one has. Ego ‘emulates’ God in self-giving, trying to give away what it has not yet acquired.

653)     A grain is produced by a long stalk. It is not as if the stalk is a waste. Integral experience should appreciate the stalk as much as it does the grain.

             ö|À ©o¯õÚõÀ, øÁU÷PõÀ £Äß.

             Man appreciates the fruit produced by the tree. God appreciates the marvel of the tree producing the fruit.

             The fruit and the tree that produces it are together the fruits of spiritual flowering in the Becoming.

654)     The mind has two ends of surface and depth. Surface belongs to Time, depth to Timelessness. Ego keeps it to the surface where it is finite.Psychic turns the finite to the infinite. One reaches the Purusha in the Timeless by concentration and the psychic by consecration.

             Mind is a whole that can act in either end of unconsciousness or conscious awakening.

             ­‰kÁx®, vÓ¨£x® ©Úzvß ¤›¯®.

             Mind is a miniature of the universe. It can shift its centre form the lowest unconscious finite matter of brain to the highest conscious psychic. It retains its option of going to the Timeless Purusha the highest of the lowest movement.

             Egoistic, finite mind that acts in Time on the surface has the ability to move to the psychic in  integrality of Time, when it is not exercising its option for the Purusha in the Timelessness.

655)     What we see as mechanical laws operate by a self-aware consciousness, even as we order our affairs. Man orders his affairs by a self-consciousness. He digests his food by subconscoius awareness.

             Gravitation acts by the self-awareness of that which sleeps in Matter. Material laws are actions of the self-aware which sleeps in Matter.

             BPºå \Uv áh¨¤µ®©®.

656)     Ideals can rise to fill a material need. Material needs can come in to fill up an ideal need.

             C»m]¯•®, ¯uõºzu•® Cµmøh¨ ¤ÒøÍPÒ.

657)     Man in misfortune gets the worst of it, even when luck opens to him. One established in Mother has the best side even when the worst opportunity opens.

             Mother is a consciousness component that gives you the very best of life even in the very worst of aspects. When the worst occurs to you, Mother gives the best even there. When you see the best in the worst, you have discovered MOTHER.

             There is no going up without the lower side opening too. Even that has two sides, positive and negative. By remaining firmly in Mother, one always has the positive results.

             C¸Îß Põq® JÎ bõÚv¸èiUS›¯x.

658)     Where stakes are high, morals are low. This is the law of life. In the higher consciousness, it is  -- where stakes are high, morals are high too.

             One cannot rise high without diluting morals -- Life.

             One cannot rise high without raising the morals -- Higher life.

               ©õÚ® ÷£õPõ©À A¢uìx Áµõx.

            ©õÚ® ÷£õÚõÀ A¢uìx® ÷£õS®.

            ©õÚ® PõUPõ©À A¢uìx Áµõx.

            ©õÚ÷© A¢uìx.

659)     Context makes knowledge superstition. Superstition is knowledge in a context.

             ­‰h |®¤UøP÷¯ ÷©uõ»õ\®.

660)     Pursuit of idealism will bring on the idealist ideal torture -- only by thsoe whom he wishes ot serve. Pursuit of idealism is the shortcut to slaughter and witch-hunting.

             |À»x GÚ C»m]¯zøu ©Ûuß |õiÚõÀ, |À» £õ®ø£ Aizx¨ ÷£õkÁx÷£õÀ AizxU öPõÀÁõºPÒ.

          Aȯ ¸®¦£Áß C»m]¯zøu |õkÁõß.

661)     No idealist who cannot appreciate the joys of the people whom he wants to uplift and who cannot identify himself with their inner urges, however low they presently are, will succeed in his mission.

             Appreciation of the present helps achieve the future.

             EÒÍøu HØ£x E¯ºÄUS ÁÈ.

662)  At the best of moments, SINCERITY shows our worst is there fully alive.

          º¢u ÷|µ÷© uõÌ¢uuØS›¯ ÷|µ®.

663)     Physical presence releases the subtle force. Mental presence can unleash the force in grosser forms.

             AßøÚ CÀø» GߣuõÀ \Uv AvP®.

664)  The greatest joy in life, when consecrated, becomes the greatest joy in Spirit.

          There is no greater joy than a consecrated living.

          Creation came into existence for Delight.

          Life creates out of opposite principles.

          Shakti creating in Supermind with Ishwara is the highest moment of evolution.

          Each thing is at the height of creativity when it creates out of its opposite.

          Gvº¨÷£, HØÓ®.

665)  Mother’s security is total, for those who do not petulantly give it up.

          CÀ»uøuU öPõkzuõÀ ÷Áshõ® GßÖ TÓU Thõx.

666)     So far, tyranny issued out of social structure. Now, it is gradually changing into a tyranny of self-inflicted superstition.

             öPõkø© Gߣx ©hø©.

667)     Knowledge communicates itself to brainless people when there is good will in the vital. Absence of brains can be adequately compensated for by a vital alertness, for purposes of communication. Any part can play the role of any other higher part by a higher awareness.

             ÂȨ¦ E¯ºÄ.

668)     Man’s natural requirements are many. He would satisfy them from different sources. Institutions like family, marriage, professions, etc. demand he does so within their own limits. Thus, these institutions are valid until he develps these capacities.

             vÓø© Á¸®Áøµ ìuõ£Ú® ÷uøÁ.

669)  Types of questions asked:

          1. One asks about the obvious. It means the vital asks it. The physical does not question.

          2. After an explanation is completed, one asks a question for which the explanation has to be repeated as an answer. The physical mind, being enamoured of the theme wants a repetition. One may have to repeat a hundred times.

          3. As their mental basis is irrational, even though the explanation is satisfactory, they would ask the basis to be justified. This should not be asked or answered.

          4. Having understood the rational answer, they would draw an irrational conclusion and would want an explanation.

          5. Rationality can lead to irrationality and irrationality to rationality. Questions will rise from such conclusions.

          6. We find a rational man in an irrational faith or society, etc. His questions will arise from there.

          7. His impressions, facts, beliefs, arguments and explanations would be irrational, but he would try to be rational.

          8. While all these are rational, he would be irrational.

          A rational mind, basing itself on rational facts, beliefs, using rational arguments and offering rational explanations, while living among rational people can understand anything. If rationality is mixed with one small grain of irrationality, it turns into irrationality.

          ©hø© AÔøÁ ©hø©¯õUS®.

670)  Total absence of security is rarely seen as the highest possible security.

          GxĪÀø» GßÓ ö£õÊx GÀ»õ® C¸US®.

671)  Patience converts tension into peace.

          AÁ\µ® Aø©v¯õP¨ ö£õÖø© EuÄ®.

672)  Mother’s Joy:

          -- Is ensured in doing good or being right.

          -- Is greater when doing neutral works appropriately.

          -- Is greatest when done in transformation, even if the act is unpardonable.

          The ever-present Mother’s Joy increases when the character of the act deteriorates.

          AȾ® AvP¨£k® BÚ¢u®.

673)  To understand the incoming Grace as a punishment is the characteristic of the human mind. Man accuses God, who offers him heaven on earth, of asking for all his ‘riches’ -- meaning his sorrows and vices.

          öPõk¨£ÁøÚ öPõÒøͯi¨£Áß GÚ ©Ú® TÖ®.

674)     There is nothing in Sri Aurobindo’s yoga which they had not known. Only that they did not believe in its possibility and therefore pursued moksha. If they were unaware of anything, it is the further evolution of man.

             ©µ¦ AÔ¯õu ©PzxÁªÀø».

675)  Surrender is stalled by thought of mind or desire of the vital. Surrender requires the stillness of the parts of being.

          ìu®¤zu Bz©õ \µnøh²®.

÷676)   For one to have the vision of the Marvel at the vital level, he must be able to see betrayal in its evolutionary context and enjoy God’s Grace in its emanation and impact. For the same to move to the physical, one’s body must enjoy God’sTouch when it is being destroyed by hostile instruments.

             AÈÂÀ ö£Ö® BÚ¢u® A©µzxÁ®.


677)  A][Pzøu÷¯õ, B£õ\zøu÷¯õ Aݣ¨£Áß Eøh¯ \¢÷uõå® J¸Áº©ÚzvØS Cu©õP C¸¨£x, AÁº A][PzvÝÒ EÒÍ \zv¯zøu AÔQÓõº GÚ¨ ö£õ¸Ò.

          To appreciate one’s enjoyment of the hideous is to be aware of the seed of Truth in the hideous. It is a supramental insight.

          Ga]À Cø»US® _zu•®, y´ø©²® Esk.

678)     -- Accomplishment is enjoyment.

             -- Enjoyment in Silence and Stillness is greater than enjoyment in activity.

             -- To express that enjoyment in Silence and Stillness in activity is still greater than the enjoyment in silence.

             -- Not to seek even that enjoyment is to give up initiative.

             -- That enjoyment can be sought after from a higher plane. That is the enjoyment of Lila by the Absolute.

             \õuøÚ BÚ¢u®.

679)  Leadership has always been barbarian, corrupt, inept, and unthinking becaause leadership is physical. When the body begins to think, it thinks of its own aggrandisement, with the result that it produces the robber baron as the leader.

          uø»ø© uizux.

680)  Kashmir is no mere military conflict. It is the residue and symbol of the Britisher’s divide and rule policy in India. Each nation as well as individual has such an attitude in him. He who recognises and rectifies it in himself will be able to understand Kashmir and solve it.

          JØÖø©ø¯ {ø»|õmh JßÖ£mh ©Ú® ÷Ásk®.

681)  Capacity to grow is seen in the capacity to show deference to potentials of benefit.

          •ßÝUS Á¸£ÁÝUS •P[PÒ ©ÓUPõ.

682)  When a shallow character is called to defend himself, in the absence of seriousness of thought or weight of substance, he swings to the other extreme uncalled for by the situation.

683)  To consider the lapses of the socially superior as their own misfortune or even lapses is the perfect social sentiment. It can even become a vital or physical sensitivity.

          Gß Sk®£zvß SøÓ Gß SøÓ.

684)     The aim of Nature is to unite India. Kashmir longs for autonomy like the Punjab. Pakistan is favoured just now. It only means that when the Kashmir problem is solved, Pakistan will return to India.

             £Sv°ß ¤µa]øÚ •ÊÁvß ¤µa]øÚ.

685)  That nowhere in India do the rulers exhibit an interest in the country is symptomatic of the entire system giving way to a new system and a new leadership.

          uø»ø©°ß Põ»® Ph¢x Âmhx.

686)  In learning new names, we see illiterate servants as well as the well-educated men undergoing the same confusion. Education does not increase intelligence. The illiterate and the educated have the same intelligence in learning new names.

          AÔÄ AÝ£Ázøu¨ ö£õ¸zux.

687)     A universal formula must be valid in small routine works, whereas the formula of the latter cannot upgrade itself into that of the former. Evolve a universal formula and test it at home.

             ÁõÌÂß `zvµ®, ¤µ£g\ `zvµ®.

688)     Sri Aurobindo:

               English became the international language on the strength of His writing in language.

               The capital was shifted to Delhi when He left Calcultta.

               An Indian newspaper rose to world eminence as He was reading it.

               He won the 2nd World War.

               Mother prevented the Cuban crisis.

               Mother sent the Chinese back.

               Sri Aurobindo saved the life of his brother after he bravely pleaded guilty in the Alipore case and was sentenced to death.

               He did not prevent the Bengal famine or the communal carnage in Calcutta.

             GxÄ® •i²®.

        öPõk¨£uØS ¼ªm CÀø», ö£õÖÁuØS ¼ªm Esk.

689)  The ability to play a role in a play is an ability of the intelligent emotion.

          Enºa]°ß Esø©÷¯ |i¨¦.

690)  Meanness values the power of shamelessness.  

          öÁmP® öÁØÔUS EuÁõx.

691)     To know one aspect of life like law in terms of another aspect of life like love, is to grow in experience mentally. The next step is imaginative experience. Both  totally replace the need for experience physically. Experience relates man to one field. Imagination relates man to several fields at the same time.

             PØ£øÚ AÝ£ÁzøuU PØ£Pz u¸ÁõUS®.

692)  Poor people desire to take from others. Cultured rich people despise that attitude. What the poor do in material things, the rich do in social benefits. The rich never see that their behaviour is just like that of the poor and the only difference is in the plane.

          öÁÖ¨£øu ¸®¦® ©Ûuß.

693)  To enjoy another man’s enjoyment irrespective of its character is the vital freedom called for in yoga.

          J¸Áº ¸®¤ Aݣ¨£vÀ A÷u \¢÷uõå® ö£Ö£Áß ÷¯õPzvØS›¯ £USÁ® Eøh¯Áß.  º AÝ£Âzøu¾® Gß ©Ú® §ºzv¯øh²®.

694)  When a society is ‘ready’ for change, the only one who is really ready is the pioneer. The rest are ‘ready’ in the measure they are unwilling to destroy him.

          AÈUPõ©¼¸¨£x AÝuõ£®.

695)  Causeless joy is creative.

          BÚ¢u® ]¸èi.

696)     Progress is in the measure man is willing to withdraw his resistances.

             GvºUPõÂmhõÀ, HØÓ® Esk.

697)  Idealism that is counter to the cherished beliefs of the present will be destroyed physically, however justified and noble it is otherwise.

          C»m]¯® F¸US; F¸US GvµõÚ C»m]¯® FÖ ö\´²®.

698)  Doyle’s ultimate value was the preservation of the socially achieved culture. He could not respond to HIS vibration because HIS vibration would destroy those values, rather see Europe wiped out.

          ©PõßPÒ Á¸øPø¯ E»P® •ß Tmi AÔÂUS®.

699)     The physical touch that gives a sense of inner lightness is the touch of Spirit expressing in the body.

             Bß©õ Eh¼ß öÁΨ£kÁx »î©õ.

700)     After enjoying the touch of the Divine and its continued expression of Grace on all levels, it is in man to seek the coarse enjoyment of service to low consciousness. It opens up the process of right balance.

             AßøÚ°h® ö£ØÓÁº AÁ»zøu |õkÁx® Esk.


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