Series VII

301)  Man discovers himself in whatever he meets.

302)     •øÓ ö£›¯uõP ]Ô¯uõP GߣvÀø». |® {ø»US¨ ö£õ¸zu©õÚ •øÓ ö£¸®£»ß u¸®.

             It is not the superiority of the method that matters, but its suitability.

             ºøÁU P¸uõ÷u, EP¢uøu |õk.

303)  Society is not sensitive enough in its culture to receive SERVICE from anyone. Its emotions are ‘taking’, not ‘giving’. It is centred in the physical substance yet.

304)     Unthinking adulation is capable of universal condemnation or its opposite, unanimous praise. In this phenomenon, the victim can witness that the very same mouths which once blamed now change to praise for apparently no great reason.

               yØÖÁx®, ÷£ØÖÁx® AÔÂÀ»õu BºÁ÷©.

            AÔÁØÓ BºÁ® ÷£õØÖ® AÀ»x yØÖ®.

305)  -- Without higher levels rising, the bottom cannot rise.

          -- The higher serving the lower raises the higher.

          -- The Final Refusal of the Brahmin must now become the final and full refusal of Falsehood by the Brahmin, for him to rise further and lead the nation to spirituality.

          \zv¯©õÚ ¤µõ©nß \zv¯ ã¯zøuz öuõkÁõß.

306)     How great the social appearance and how hollow the inner content is best seen in marriage. Devotees can make the appearance real and the hollow inside can be filled in, if both really accept Mother.

307)     Wealth is one’s productive capacity. A person of higher consciousness, obviously, has higher capacities of production. Naturally wealth in a greater measure will reach him. How much one actually gets depends upon his psychological as well as social infrastructure.

             ö\ÀÁ® Gߣx ã¯zuõÀ ö£ÖÁx.

             Money is a function of consciousness.

308)  Any trait like Good Will matures in one’s nature when it is formed in the substance.

309)  Mind can easily see two sides and choose one. Usually the vital chooses the opposite. In life, it is represented by a wife to a man or rarely someone else. What the mind misses, the vital insists on.  The conflict in life representing the inner conflict is real. The value of the man is determined by how ell he faces it or solves it.

          •µs£õ÷h CµP쯮, Ehߣõ÷h ÁõÌÄ.

310)  Comparison is of the vital. Standards are of the mind. He who evaluates himself by comparing himself to a standard is one whose mind is under the influence of the vital. It can neither be free, nor rational.

          ©Ú® öuÎÄ ö£ØÓõÀ, ©ØÓÁºPÒ PnUQÀø».


311)  -- In our perception, work and the benefit are apparently separate. In reality, they are one.

          -- So, we expect others to work and expect to benefit by their work.

          -- It never occurs to us that he who works will carry the reward.

          -- We know it in certain areas and not in all.

312)  The best way to cancel a refractory idea is to fully welcome it. Life cancels it.

313)  We fail to arrive at a solution for a tangle, not so much because of its insoluble nature but because of our unwillingness to touch its corresponding areas in our personality.

314)  Any article, if somehow related to Mother or Sri Aurobindo, carries their Power Silence and their Atmosphere.

315)  An activity organises the energy of that plane. Certain activities like thinking help one to rise from the vital to the mental plane. Any activity can at best raise one only to the next plane. If surrender is considered an activity, it can raise man from any plane to the very  highest.

          EÒ÷Í ÷£õ´ \µnõPv AÚ¢uøÚU Põq®.

316)  To work for another’s victory is to be egoless. To seek the success of an idea is to be universal. To work unaware of possible success is to work for Her. Identifying oneself with the Supreme leads to a state where work in our sense or any sense does not exist.

317)  Individual success gives one popularity. Fame comes from universal success. Success for Nature is not recognised by most while success for the Divine is unseen by those around and sometimes by the person who achieves it.

318)  The mental block is the vital possessing the mind. The physical possessing the vital is the vital block.

319)  The most dreadful event is always accompanied by the most glorious omen, thus indicating the complementary nature of the opposing events.

320)  With all the right intentions, for the work to be smoothly completed, the strategies at each step -- the work skills -- must be perfect.

321)  The best policy towards Kashmir is NOT to have a grudge against the rulers who divided and ruled. By shedding that strategy in our present work, the Kashmir problem will lend itself to a solution.

322)  A feeling of fullness and richness arises only when the substance is touched by the descending Grace.

323)  By paying a pension to Satprem, Mother said the French government was participating in Her work. To persuade any government to fund a project they approve of, even as a token, is not easy, as it means their participation.

324)  The Science of life is to life science what thought is to the body.

325)  Manners break down when we want to comment on the silly side of someone. Character gets built up if we explore the same side in ourselves.       

326)  A man who is unable to see the world acting towards him EXACTLY as he is acting towards others is clearly blind to what he is. How many people are thus conscious?

          Psnõi°À öu›Áx |©x •P® GßÖ AÔ¯õuÁß ©Ûuß.

327)     One is not able to move from mind to emotion or spirit because emotion or spirit is not as valuable as the mind to him. The capacity to be enamoured of the spiritual element in the higher plane enables one to attain to that.

                ºa]°ßÔ Põ›¯® •i¯õx.

328)     Try to reach anyone through Mother and you will never fail.

          AßøÚ ‰»® ö\ßÓõÀ GÁøµ²® uÁÓõx AqP»õ®.

329)  It is a simple truth often unobserved that when a work is completed, one is cheerful or remembering Mother. When a work fails, one is not cheerful and Mother is forgotten.

          {øÚÄ •iUS®; ©Óv ukUS®.

330)  The silly habits of children that surface as jokes really express the true human nature.

               ]Ô¯Áº ö£›¯Áøµ¨ ¤µv£¼US® Psnõi.

             SÇ¢øu GÝ® Psnõi.

331)  A mean, selfish community treats the pioneer of idealistic self-sacrifice with a total indifference. Indirectly it helps the idealist to function accoridng to the divine injunction that he should be oblivious of the positive results of his work.

          P¯ø©¯õÚ _¯|»® öu´ÃP {£¢uøÚø¯¨ §ºzv ö\´QÓx.

332)     The great philosophic truths learned from scriptures must be discovered in the smallest acts of the daily routine. If not so discovered, it means it is not fully assimilated.

             ]Ô¯vÀ öÁΨ£hõu ö£›¯ bõÚ® b\Ú©õPõx.

333)     Ego’s self-righteousness is expressed as human incomprehension.

             ¤iUPÂÀø» Gߣøu¨ ¦›¯ÂÀø» GßQ÷Óõ®.

334)  The evolutionary spirit dwells in the avatar, not the whole of his life but only for a period of its choice. How can a sadhak who joins the Ashram claim membership there beyond the period of his inspiration?

             AÁuõµ©õÚõ¾®, B]µ© ÁõÌÁõÚõ¾® BºÁ® EÒÍÁøµ ãÁÝsk.

335)  Anyone can be used, any organisation can be employed for a work as long as the primary reliance is on Her.

          Work is done by the Force, not the instrument.

          As long as the Force uses the instrument, work will be done. The moment the reliance is shifted to the instrument, the only thing the instrument does is to serve as an obstacle to the Force.

336)  A selfish perosn accepting a selfless ideal for the sake of his own selfishness will ultimately end up serving his own selfishness.

          {øÚzu÷u |hUS®. ö\õÀÁuÀ».

337)  The last resorts of the mind in clinging to the subconscious are expressed by its seeking the approbation of its enemies who belong to the establishment.

          Føµ ©Ó¢x Ezu©ß ]zv ö£ÖÁõß.

338)     Military and market are physical, vital institutions of the society. Education and media are the mental institutions of the society. Values are the spiritual institutions. The energies that become values have organised themselves into an institution that is subtle as well as causal. They rise from below to meet the institution in creation that fosters evolution in the universe. It originates at the Conscious-Force and in this century it has descended into the physical body as The Mother.

             Põµn ÷uPzvß `m_© ìuõ£Ú® AßøÚ°ß AÁuõµ®.

339)  All decisions great and small are taken at the depth of personality which constantly surfaces in all acts. It is scarcely noticed, never given its due.

            •iÄ ‰»zvØS›¯x.

         ÷©ö»Ê¢x RÌ HØPõux |h¨£vÀø».

           ö\õºUP•® E»P•® ÷\º¢x {ºn°¨£x ÁõÌÄ.

             C¸Á¸® CønÁx CøÓÁß ÁõÌÄ.

          Nothing is done unless Jivatma and Paramatma endorse it.

340)  Self-existent beauty is purposeless. Purposelessness transcends the human scheme of things.

            PõµnªÀ»õu Põ›¯® ]¸èi°À ]Ó¢ux.

         C¯À£õÚ Cߣ® CøÓÁÛß Cu¯zvØS›¯x.

341)  When two people by the best of their efforts try to discover the other, they do succeed to a great extent, but a large gap remains. A decision to join forces on the basis of such an understanding covers the conscious possibilities. The gap opens up the unconscious possibilities. Through both the possibilities, man tries to discover the truth in the contradictions.  Human action is the field of reconciling the opposites.

          AP•® ¦Ó•® CønÁx ÁõÌÂß Aµ[P®.

342)  Strength that is not crude but born out of higher knowledge in the depths of living can disregard the wound inflicted on the heart and go about its pleasant duty. It can even allow a genuine smile to escape its lips.

          What callousness is selfishly capable of, absence of egoism expresses out of magnanimous strength.

          £õ ö\´Áøu÷¯ £Âzvµ©õÚÁÝ® ö\´Áõß.

343)     ©Ú® P\¢u ö£õÊx® ©»º¢u •P® ©ÚzøuU PhUPÁÀ»x.

             To smile pleasantly when the heart is bitter, one should have seeds in his mind that enable him to cross over.

344)  • Reticence requires restraint.

          • Reticence that is dignified needs restraint that is dictated by cultural sensibility.

          • Ebullience based on reticent restraint expresses as laughter and mirth.

          • Exuberance whose reticent base is unseen is expressive delight that energises others without excitement.

          BØöÓõÊUPõÚ Bº¨£õmh® £s¦ §›zx¨ §¨£x BS®.

345)     Movement is slower in lower planes. While an explanation can be understood in an hour, an act that expresses itself takes several days. The speed of our progress depends on the plane in which we want to solve our problems.

             AgbõuÁõ\® 13 |õÎÀ •i²®.

346)  To be embarrassed is to be sensitive. Not to be embarrassed is to be sensitive of one’s culture.

          ö\õµøn \[Ph¨£k®.

        £USÁ® ußøÚ CÇUP •i¯õx GÛÀ ©Ú® \[Ph¨£kÁøu AÝ©vUPõx.

347)     Advice can be sought in many issues. In an issue where no advice can ever be asked for, it rarely strikes us that it is the best occasion to seek it from Mother.

             GÁøµ²® P»UP •i¯õu ÷|µ® AßøÚ°À Pøµ²® ÷|µ®.

348)  Courtesy that survives commotions of temper is culture.

          ©Úzvß ¦¯ø»U Ph¢u C[Qu® Cu©õÚ £s¤ß £USÁ®.

349)     Aristocracy of character is real, whatever is the truth of aristocracy of class or caste.

             ºÄ ¤Ó¨¦US®, Áͺ¨¦US® Esk.

350)  Sulkiness of a kind man becomes sadn

          |À»ÁÝUS Sn® öPmk¨ ÷£õÚõÀ •P® Á¸¢u® ÷uõ´¢x Âk®.


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