Series VI                                                                                      


951)         When the heart is full, the psychic is open, calling Mother is a call on the spiritual internet. 5


952)        Literature is the autobiography of the author through the events and characters. Fiction is the author’s psychological biography.

               An author tells us his many traits and the way he understands his world through the characters.

               A writer’s many letters to his readers are his works. J

953)        Man always asks for justice that is generally found in his own society. When the devotees are confronted with a crisis, they need the supramental justice. To find its expression in one of the social actions and give life to it is not given to the existing forces in the society. 5

954)        An act that should offend sometimes pleases, or at least does not offend. It shows how much our organised lives are at variance with the roots of life and its realities. 5


955)        An act can be initiated and then surrendered. A thought can be formed for an act and then surrendered. Man can be present at any level and the rest can be surrendered. All these are partial surrenders which will not pass the gate. The act, the thought preceding it, the initiative for it and its impulse all have to be surrendered as what is needed is Total Surrender. &


956)        When you love doing something, try to see whether you like Mother equally. Try doing it after consecration, and you will like the work better still. &


957)        • If one attempts to remove harshness and meanness rooted in the substance,      it will set an earthquake rolling, not in the figurative sense.

                 Removing meanness is an earthshaking affair. 5


958)        Greater Silence and meditation come without fail accompanying problems, particularly when they are great. This is because each is part of the other. We are offered a choice at each moment.5


959)        An atmosphere of gratitude will ward off the hostile influences.5


960)        The mental man understands on his own. The vital man understands from others’ experience. The physical man waits until he himself understands out of his own experience. J


961)        As the inner richness rises in intensity, one marked impulse is to run away from it and take refuge in our own old consciousness. That desire grows into an irresistible temptation. J


962)        Any arrangement leaves some area, sometimes a lot of areas undefined. Work in those areas is to be maintained by values. More than the arrangements, it is these values that decide the effectivity of the total organisation. 5


963)        Forces that are denied freedom organise themselves in the very opposite direction to an intensity equal to the force that denied them freedom. 5


964)        When something goes wrong we can pray and get it right. We can move to God-vision and see, as it is, it is right. Then it RIGHTS itself. &


965)        The smile expresses a different emotion from that of laughter. It can be easily seen from where the smile originates and what it expresses. The smile can express a pleasant social emotion, good manners, felt warmth of the heart or the soul that is touched or the ego that wants to please. 5


966)        It is one thing to solve a problem by prayer; it is quite another thing to move to God-vision and see there is no problem. 5


967)        Consecration is to dissolve the ego, not the problems it creates.&


968)        The increasing speed of communication increases the abundance of wealth. The increasing abundance imposes itself on the recipients as free gifts of the society.  Thus money value is disinherited, paving the way for its disappearance. J


969)        Overcoming circumstances is good for man when he is making egoistic progress. Spiritual progress requires one to submit to circumstances. Egoistic progress of endeavour; spiritual growth of non-initiative. &


970)        Human nature does not relish the company of divine consciousness. It enjoys itself. J


971)        The illimitable Ananda which no individual can make a personal possession is turned into pain by the ego’s possessive JOY.  

               Possessive joy possesses Pain. 5


972)        The preservation of the form is the possessiveness of ego. 5


973)        One ridicules others that are like him, not their real defects. J


974)        Seeing the conflicts outside is the problem. Knowing them inside in their origin is knowledge. Conversion of that knowledge into experience is yogic realisation. 5


975)        Immediate solutions appeal most. Lasting solutions are best, but they cannot be immediate. Can we not have lasting solutions yielding results at once?  Let the depths accept the lasting solutions and offer a commensurate patience. The results will be immediate. 5


976)        Perspective is like the coating behind the glass that makes it a mirror. A transparent glass is like an intelligent mind without the perspective. J


977)        Contradictions are inevitable. They cannot be eliminated, rather should not be given up. Accepting the contradiction as complementary and growing into harmony is indispensable. &


978)        Consciousness extended inwardly is Time. By withdrawing the extension and concentrating, we overcome Time. By giving up the past and pouring ourselves more fully into the present, Time is overcome. &


979)        It is not so much the contact as the inner sympathy that can affect us when we relate to lower forces. 5


980)        Regret rectifies; reversal fulfils. &


981)        For a clear-headed person endowed with an equality that does not play into the trap of losing temper, strength gradually develops to which the hostile force or its instrument one day offers the very opposite argument and submits cheerfully. 5


982)        The irretrievable point to which man comes at the fag end of life would have first appeared in his life very early. He takes note of it only when he is pushed to the wall. 5


983)        It would be infinitely humorous and even captivating to see, rather to see through, the endless ploys instantaneously put up by the hostile forces to get their work accomplished. 5


984)        To sit quiet is not given to the mind of running thoughts at any age. A calm mind enables a still body. 5


985)        Ignorance insists. When knowledge comes after Ignorance goes, insistence of the Ignorance remains. That vitiates knowledge.  Giving up insistence makes knowledge free and the obstacle is removed. 5


986)        The next generation is next to two parents. Knowing the right next step into which that generation moves, one can have endless satisfaction of enormous achievement. 5


987)        Muscle built the world; money spread life wide and raised it to inconceivable heights; now man must emerge to fully civilise the world by his own resourcefulness instead of the other material resources. J


988)        Hostile forces in the guise of attachment are there only to destroy us. 5


989)        Consciously acquired knowledge needs to be saturated at all dimensions for it to move the subconscious in the physical where it becomes perfect. Complete conscious knowledge is made perfect subconscious possession in the physical by the wealth of apparently insignificant details. &


990)        The WOMAN is the treasure in any society. She is a greater treasure in India. Her values are invaluable. Her rising in the society is the progress of society. If only she can go from the old value to the new value skipping the usual fall, India will scale the heights.J


991)        Love is not made to order nor is information that is held back. Secrecy breaks when love appears. J


992)        The token projects of national development can change into those of world development as well as of a higher character. Practically feasible physical projects can move to psychological ones and can culminate in spiritual exercises. 5


993)        Impermissible behaviours amounting to betrayal also can be sweet if they are sincere and innocent. 5


994)        Neither sincerity nor hostility will go unnoticed by insight. Even sincerity discerns them. 5


995)        When you defy a valuable idea, the mode of defying will drive you to value the discarded idea greatly. J


996)        A cardinal sin of ill-feeling may be a common factor to two opposite characters of responsibility and irresponsibility. J


997)        More power than culture is a breeding ground for meanness. J


998)        Cultural degeneration into physical sensitivity of pride exhibits greater joy in refusing what he badly needs. J


999)        Death spreads a wave of exhaustion among all emotionally and physically related persons. 5


1000)       The desire for ignorance to appreciate your own intelligence is emotional ignorance. 5


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