Series VI                                                                                      


551)         The charm of the male for the female starts with the plant, survives in the animal, romanticizes itself in the human and consummates itself in the Ishwara.  The Ishwara enjoys the act of creation in his Shakti. The Shakti, having travelled through involution and evolution returns to Ishwara to consummate her mission. Together they return to the Absolute. &


552)         When you fully learn the essence of a certain experience, it goes out of your mind completely. Complete knowledge gives complete forgetfulness.  The past, lingering as a memory, is a sign of imperfect knowledge from that experience. &


553)         Where knowledge is imprecise and imperfect, it is customary that people insist that their own wrong knowledge, which they  have been used to for a long time, is right.  Right, for them, is their own habit, not the true right form. J


554)         A man cannot be always positive or positive to all people. He can be so to those whom he chooses. One who is positive to all is no longer human. J


555)         A work’s progress is dependent on the rise of emotions in the doer. If not about that work itself, at least emotion for some other thing must rise. It is emotion that achieves, not the body or mind.J


556)         Conscious enjoyment is full and manysided, truly all-sided. Therefore, it moves up constantly. Unconscious enjoyment is partial and each bout has to be compensated before the next rises.J


557)         To be God’s instrument we must receive His Grace and give it as Love to all. We refuse to receive grace and become finite. The finite is unable to practise self-giving to the other finites or the infinite not-self which turns out to be selfish or fear. He who is selfless and altruistic tries to give his knowledge or sympathy or his own possessions which can only help his ego grow.

Give we must, not our own possessions but love, which we receive as Grace from the Divine. 5

558)         Mother respects our freedom to act and insists on our choice. We use that freedom with a vengeance. 5


559)         To speak or to think is to be in Time.

To be silent is to be in Timelessness.

To be able to think, speak or act from Silence is to be in the simultaneous integrality of Time-eternity and Timeless-eternity.

To speak makes things clear; to think makes understanding clear; to be silent makes for higher understanding; to think in silence makes the human act divine. 5

560)         When a man acquires power, more people are able to accept him and his ideas than before. When a man acquires supramental power, all whom he deals with will readily obey him in life, if not in yoga. 5


561)         When the mind loses its curiosity, the vital loses its zest for life or the body fails to generate excess energy, it means the soul has decided that it cannot use this embodied being any more. Then OLD AGE sets in, senility follows, ailments get lodged in the body. As long as the mind wants to learn or the vital wants to live or the physical is energetic or the soul wants to use the being, there is neither old age nor death. It is possible to arrive at such a situation even at a young age. 5


562)         Loyalty’s best expression is faithfulness to the wife. One who is incapable of being unfaithful is a mental man of idealism. He who enjoys his loyalty is one who lives his idealism.

It is a feminine virtue to be instinctively loyal.

Physical purity comes from previous generations. Mental purity comes from previous births. Pure body and an impure mind is the formative stage of a mental soul. Pure mind and an impure body shows incomplete formation.5

563)         Chastity is the beauty of the soul.

Chastity of the body and mind belongs to the great soul or unformed goodness. 5

564)         Process of transcending mind and reaching Supermind:

                Conceptual – work out the process of Being, Consciousness, Ananda, Truth changing into Non-Being, Inconscience, Insensibility, Falsehood. Do the same for Goodness, Beauty, Delight, Power, Eternity, Infinity, Immortality, Peace, Silence for their opposites. A full conception of the lower becoming the higher will give the mental consciousness the full potentiality to transcend mind.

                Practical :  practise of any of them starts giving the power to reach Supermind; practise of all of them yields the supramental consciousness.

                Fullness:  The body consciousness admitting this knowledge and agreeing to this practise is the fullness of supramentalisation of the SUBSTANCE. &

565)         Truth to Falsehood:

I – Truth – Truth Consciousness – Conscious of its own fact.

 Harmony, unity, energy – inertia, Falsehood.


II – Truth – Truth Consciousness – Conscious of its own fact – energy of action – losing energy and becoming inert (Falsehood is the potential energy of lack of action and awareness.) &


566)         Subjective and Objective conditions are interchangeable because they are one; Time and Space are interchangeable. Matter – energy on one side and Time and Space on another side are inter-convertible as they are all four different conditions in a chain of successive changes. &


567)         How does the movement from action to the psychic take place? Object – Analysis – Ego – Purusha – Psychic. When we are lost in an act, we are the object.


Detachment makes for analysis. Thinking shifts the centre to Ego. Silence takes him to Purusha. When moving from the Timeless to simultaneous Time and Time eternity, the psychic emerges. This is the Being of the Becoming.

The Being, i.e. the psychic, rises to the Supreme Ishwara through silence, light, intuition and intuition inside.

To rise to the Absolute from there, it must cease to manifest. From there it can choose to manifest at the Supramental level or down to the level of Matter.

As in the ascent one moved from thought to knowledge inside, so in the descent the order is reversed. E.g. coming to Silence, he acts from the higher mind. From there he begins to think and talk, to act in the mental plane, but presided over by the inner Silence. &


568)         To receive Grace and use it for smaller purposes is involution. To let Grace impact on the small so that it rises is evolution. &


569)         In the great man, his routine responsibilities become subconscious, leaving his conscious energies free to maintain his greatness.

In the small man capable of potential greatness, the routine work remains conscious and he remains small. 5


570)         Matter is God in the descent. The Supramental Being is God in the ascent. &


571)         It is no longer religious worship but spiritual illumination, says Mother. As long as we ask, ‘What shall I do?’, ‘What is the rule or dharma which we should follow?’, it is to follow another’s awakening and therefore it is religious worship. When we surrender and let the Divine act, we allow the spirit in us to awaken.&


572)         Every obstacle, injustice, or evil doing is an occasion for getting over the ego. &


573)         Even infinite energies on an unorganised finite organisation cannot produce more than three or four times expansion. If the organisation has no measuring rod for work and is impressionist, he may not feel any progress at all. At best, he may feel the work has become streamlined. 5


574)         Constant remembrance is no exalted, noble phrase. It is memory becoming Mother. Beyond memory lies consciousness and beyond consciousness lies substance.

Constant presence in the substance is to be God. The same remembrance in the consciousness enables one to become God. When memory develops the same remembrance, it achieves as God achieves. &


575)         Man reaches a point in his life where his actions or thoughts cease or if they ever issue, issue out of a source that is no longer a cause. Such a joy is causeless joy, such an action is an action that moves the world.  To be in touch with a causeless joy is to be spiritually free. &


576)         To fashion the strategy by which people and society will move at once is the ultimate in development. To do so, it is necessary to prepare the society or the society should be prepared. It is a rare adventure to prepare an immature society by fashioning that strategy. J


577)         Moving from thought to silence is moving from the gross plane to the subtle plane. 5


578)         Patience is the ability to wait for any action till all aspects of a work are known. When all aspects are fully known, the work moves into action by itself. Before that, one takes initiative to act. 5


579)         To discover one’s soul and help others discover theirs is the only service man can do. &


580)         The boat of man moving upstream in the river of life is yoga. It is a nonstop effort of greatest strain.  A moment of respite pushes the boat downstream. 5


581)         The practice of self-giving in the beginning will end up in self-enrichment. In the final stages, self-giving practised genuinely will enrich the plane of life where it is practised by enriching everyone there. 5


582)         When we refuse to trust Mother, we really put ourselves into the hands of life which decides according to our karma. Better to put ourselves in Her hands.


When you arrive at a dead end it is always a resistance or refusal of Grace, not a confusion or incapacity. 5


583)         The ignorance that makes human life miserable is understood to be as one of NOT knowing. That ignorance by which one wilfully ignores what he knows very well makes for certain destruction and acts as the protective cover for the first type of ignorance.5


584)         If Love is born in you, give it to the Shakti, not to a woman. Shakti alone can receive it, as she has generated it. The woman can receive only a physical, vital version of it unless she herself raises herself to become Shakti.


One secret of this yoga is to receive Grace and give it out as Love. Grace cannot express itself as (human) love. &


585)         Energy is the Immutable’s self-chosen movement.

Eternal movement results in force.

Self-chosen movement is energy. &


586)         Matter–Energy in Being becomes Time and Space in consciousness, obeying the rule of reversal of consciousness. This can be reduced to a formula or several formulas if by concentration mind is raised to consciousness and Being. &


587)         Man thinks of Mother in times of crises. A great crisis drives him to call Her. A devoted heart thinks of Her involuntarily. He who loves to call Her and enjoys calling Her is a bhakta. A sadhak longs and yearns to call Her. Devotion turns into sadhana when the memory of Mother becomes sweet and one cannot exist without calling Her, as calling is then his breath of life. &


588)         Surrender begins after the realisation of the individual soul dissolving the ego. Consecration leads to that. One starts with aspiration. It is aspiration of all the parts all the time that is capable of maturing into consecration. Opening in all parts and sincerity in the central being can result in that aspiration. As this new evolution needs a double opening, one has to wait until the whole being opens. Opening, sincerity, aspiration, consecration and surrender are the landmarks in yoga. &


589)         Mathematics is the very first codification of the mental formulation of consciousness. Physics and mathematics represent two branches of knowledge and naturally get intertwined at their origin. J


590)         Equality is only for a SILENT mind. 5


591)         Accomplishment in life requires risking all that one gained until that point. Yoga demands that you come forward to lose entirely what you gained or created until now. &


592)         When a real strength does not cross the plane you are in, pushed to its extreme, it will turn into a weakness in another area. The principle here is strength is only one aspect. Real growth is growth of all aspects and into the next plane. In its absence, increasing the intensity of one aspect will have opposite results. 5


593)         Silence results when activity is destructured. Peace issues when Existence dissolves. The Absolute created the Self-conscious Being through Peace. &


594)         Mother always gives ‘more than what we ignorantly asked for.’ For the elite, She denies what they ask for and gives what they never knew to exist. For the chosen, She offers what they never could have conceived of as possible, since it is from the realms of new creation. &


595)         Sri Aurobindo has told in The Life Divine how the world was created and why. The Absolute choosing for one more joy, in the exercise of its prerogative of being infinite, decided on the course of self-concealing so that self-discovery would yield that intended joy.

   The creation proceeds from the Self-conscious Being until it converts itself into inconscient Matter through the intermediate stages of Consciousness, Supermind, Mind and Life. His arguments are fully rational, and explanations are logical. In the course of these explanations, He goes to the root of the matter and explains fully Being, Consciousness, Supermind, Mind and Matter. They are from the side of construction or creation. We can best understand those terms as well as terms like ego, Time, infinity, mind, life, sensation, feeling, thought, plane, etc. only from the side of our experience. We cannot find it in the book. To know the above terms clearly and concretely, even as we know the terms body, town, pen, etc., is necessary for a full appreciation of his philosophy.

   He has given the theory of creation with rational clarity and logical consistency. We have to extend it to practical appreciation evolving practical concepts.

   A practical concept of Infinity is the first real touch of His philosophy. &


596)         Concentration is to shift the centre of comprehension to a deeper level. 5


597)         When the letter of the law was butchering President Clinton, the spirit of the law was raising the rate of his popularity. J


598)         Intensity can change directions. 5


599)         An individual Idea becomes public opinion long before any semblance of its becoming an organisation. At best, some organisation espouses that Idea. Thus, slowly public opinion becomes the opinion of public organisations when it may become a movement. The movement creates the first organisation through national law. J


600)         The talents in others that surprise us are three fourths training. The inborn part of it also lends itself to training if there is superior interest. 5



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