Daily Messages                                                                             

Series IV


601)         In the plane of life or mind we meet with alternatives. Supermind gives both. It is one symptom of its fullness.

602)         HE says the human mind needs a self-escape. The part seeking fullness gets fulfilled in an escape.

603)         Society has created an organisation to compel the individual to acquire its subconscious knowledge consciously. It is the educational setup.

604)         The subconscious emotion of the society for Peace, Democracy and Prosperity has not yet found an organisational expression. Auroville represents Peace.

605)         To found an AUROVILLE for Peace and Prosperity is the future mission. Such an organisation can be known as Mother’s Prosperity, better still Mother’s Consciousness.

606)         To work for Prosperity before Democracy is established is to put the cart before the horse.

607)         Excellent organisational manners that recognise the equality of others spiritually is the order of the day.

608)         It means in practice by functioning in Her organisations one can educate others in good manners never trying to enforce it, because it is not enforceable.

609)         Not to enforce the authority for which one has the strength fully is the restraint called for in the presiding individual who presides over Her organisations.

610)         The individual who emotionalises his supramental knowledge is the pioneer for the collective emotional organisation on a parallel with education.

611)         A further stage to that is he who accomplishes in the society for Her knowledge and emotion.

612)         To found an organisation for that purpose is to extend Auroville into Mereville.

613)         Concentration on the psychic is the process of emotionalising the Supramental knowledge.

614)         Shifting to the psychic in the physical is to make that emotion accomplish.

615)         It is the same process of shifting to consciousness from thought and then to the substance.

616)         Two people who practice controlled speech do not so much talk intermittently as they shift their plane of communication from speech to thought.

617)         Their conversation discloses to the listener long gaps in speech which are really closed in thought.

618)         Their oral speech is an expression of enriched consciousness.

619)         Giving expression to a higher thought in a lower plane disturbs the equilibrium.

620)         By moving from personality to impersonality one gets the strength not to react to events that stir the vital sensitivities.

621)         Depravity in the context of personality and culture(*) becomes potential endowment in the context of impersonality.

622)         Expectation and impatience are the aspiration and energy of the unformed immaturity.

623)         Information is the external form of idea.

624)         Idea is the psychological truth of knowledge.

625)         ußÁ¯ªÇ¢x £µÁ\¨£kÁx Põ»zøuU Ph¢u {ø»¯õS®. Self-forgetful bliss is to move from Time to Timelessness.

626)         The vision of self-forgetful bliss at the sight of the hideous or at the touch of tyranny or betrayal is the supramental sense.

627)         To know how an event came to pass after the event has taken place, one needs to know the theory in terms of its principles of working.

628)         To know it before the event occurs one needs to know the truths of those principles as they would express in their interaction.

629)         To read a wearisome book with interest, one needs the psychic energy of the substance of mind.

630)         There is the joy of non-discovery which is the joy of quiescence or laziness that is unconscious.

631)         Evolving is the joy of self-discovery which is active and conscious.

632)         One is parabrahman in involution; the other in evolution. Both are godheads.

633)         To be energetic is enjoyable, rather enjoyment. It rises in intensity when the excess energy finds expression.

634)         The Divine enjoys expressing psychic energy. Expression of such energy through the body can be a way of yogic progress. In a transforming human life there can be no greater progress or enjoyment.

635)         Even in fields where we have acquired an expertise, mental opening to grace shows our ignorance is limitless. This knowledge turns into an emotion of humility.

636)         Humility is the process through which knowledge turns into emotion.

637)         Movement makes physical energy into vital energy.

638)         Organisation turns energy into mind.

      Stillness raises mind to spirit.

      Widening the vision raises the spiritualised mind to Supermind.

Narrowing the vision, thinking, feeling, acting are the reverse processes from Supermind to   body.

639)          In the descent of Supermind these characteristics also will be there but would have grown into a positive dimension as humility in thought becoming emotion.

640)          Widening the vision but focussing action without losing the breadth of vision is the transition from Supermind to mind.

641)          Stillness of descending energy turns in the body into supramental power.

642)          Gratitude turns emotion into power. That is why the physical thrills.

643)          Backward people advance more rapidly because the social circumstances impose humility on them. Spiritual intelligence gives a conscious sense of humility that makes for progress in yoga.

644)          One subtle assumption behind altruism is the capacity to help another. It is an element of unconscious pride.

645)          To transform itself, mind must make the impersonal psychological truth of Divine Consciousness into personal psychological truth.

646)          When the objective matter of the body changes into subjective being, matter is transformed.

647)          Matter is transformed when the subconscious will it is becomes conscious will.

648)          When life becomes force and then consciousness, life is transformed.

649)          In surrender man give up his limitation, unconsciousness, finite form.

650)          How can the finite, unconscious, limited person initiate this surrender?


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(*)  Cultured personality