Series I


801)   Aspiration is the dynamism of spiritual evolution, even as concentration is the psychological instrument for Jnana yoga.


802)   Man is naturally lazy because work demands concentration of physical energy.


803)   Man loves dissipation because it is the opposite of discipline that needs full vital concentration.


804)   Man readily espouses social opinion, as the formation of individual opinion requires enormous concentration of mental energy.


805)   Spiritual concentration which is tapas is sought only by the rare few as it requires all the human energy to focus on the higher centres on the planes above mind.


806)   Aspiration that leads to surrender in Purna yoga collects, focuses, and rises on the basis of full collection of all the available evolutionary energy in the individual. No wonder aspiration is not the natural state of many, even the rare chosen few.


807)   He who finds DISCIPLINE enjoyable is meant for yogic life. Man in life is one who enjoys dissipation. Discipline can be energising and later can lose its structure to become an attitude and lose its attitude to become consciousness, at which stage living is evolving.


808)   Knowledge is the essence of experience practical or theoretical. Wisdom is the result of the reflection of the Spirit in that essence.


809)   He who relates to the human environment with dynamism progresses. One who relates to the Divine Existence with aspiration, evolves.


810)   Whether in yoga or in life when man comes forward to exhaust doing what he knows and can, progress starts never to stop.


811)   Justice cannot be delivered through law or rule. Injustice can be prevented by them. Justice can be meted out by law or rule in the measure they are tempered with higher values of honesty, discrimination and sensitivity to justice.


812)   Consecration is made possible in the measure Mind is able to accept the results according to Mother, in the measure desire is dissolved and in the measure the body is willing not to insist on the habit.


813)   To spot out the smallness of the great is possible though not many indulge in it. To discover the greatness of the small one must be great himself.


814)   It is a spiritual perception to see that the small and great are equal in their origin. Purna yoga sees them equal in their expression too.


815)   War destroys the physical ego of the nations.


816)   Shame is the process of vital self-awareness of public conduct.


817)   Pain is the incident of the physical tasting Ananda in the reverse.


818)   Confusion is the mind's losing the structures of present convictions and the state before achieving the next.


819)   Sensitivity is the physical structure expressing the vital attitude through age-long culture.


820)   Energy is the Force expressing through a part of being in its nascent state making it available for organising it into power of action that can acquire a skill of work.


821)   In a house where the head of the family has the true attitude of service -- self-effacing, thoughtful acts from another man's point of view pleasantly delivered and resourcefully reinforced -- the servants offer genuine service.


822)   Higher education changes superstition. Cultural changes change sentiment. Altered view by altering consciousness transforms matter.


823)   Cruelty, insensitivity, jealousy, betrayal, hatred, sentiment, prejudice are necessary mechanisms for growth at different stages. Yoga itself is a human aspiration similar to these sentiments, not indispensable to the unmanifest Absolute.


824)   Man at each stage enjoys the appropriate impulse of growth. Yoga is the impulse of evolution, not enjoyable by mankind.


825)   One can enjoy yoga when he identifies himself with the Absolute in manifestation. In that sense any of the above-mentioned impulses are enjoyable at those stages.


826)   You are what you are identified with. Now you are a vital or mental man; yoga will make you the evolving spirit. It is still possible to be the evolving ABSOLUTE. Our ancestors had succeeded in becoming the unmanifest ABSOLUTE; if so, to become the evolving ABSOLUTE is possible for us.


827)   To respond to the outer event is to be human; to initiate inwardly without the outer occasion is to be the strong human who accomplishes without fail. To cease to initiate from inside and await the Divine Impulse from above is to be evolving according to HIS plan.


828.   EwIäeÀ GÈl¼h{hbÊ, EwIwä sbÊJ ßwn. DbÊ sIäSn vÉ sIänek= skeÇ’ ßwn.


829)   The shortest route for the greatest result is to commission the highest knowledge we have into action and to discipline our most refractory faculty -- the lowest faculty -- to serve its cause.


830)   The strategy of the Vedantic secret seeking tantric aim is fashioned like that. The occult secret HE discovered is its method. To find its own version for us is the SECRET in yoga.


831)   Of all the capacities of man, his ability to bend the new for serving the purposes of the old, to fulfil his lower aims in the guise of his higher ideals, his ability to make God serve him in the name of his service to God, stands out as a monumental capacity for self-preservation, maybe self-deception.


832)   The opening into the inner being comes when we overcome the Ignorance on any score. As the surface being is the expression of the inconscient energy, the movement away from the Ignorance becomes a movement into the inner being.


833)   When we are able to overcome what is irresistible to us, God rises in us and is irresistible to nature.


834)   Often the sishya has a greater faith than the guru. At the highest level often the sishyas find it difficult to muster as much faith as the Guru has in them.


835)   Overcoming irresistibility, force becoming conscious, moving from the surface to the depth, the inner being opening, sacrifice face to face with Him, wide massive opening, complete consecration, the spiritual being in the physical coming forward, dissolving of the ego, an infinite patience that knows eternity is before you, rising above contradictions, knowing we are immortal, the spirit moving matter, knowledge of the process, reconciling the ‘One without a second’ with ‘All is Brahman’, having a glimpse of That, reason freeing itself from senses, finding the inner guru and several other things are the first steps into Yoga.


836)   The world organisation is run by the rule of Matter determining the Mind while creation and its evolution is based on Mind determining Matter. Hence its reversal will unleash not manifold progress but a multifold progress at the next higher level of evolution.


837)   Nations, companies, families and individuals will enter into evolutionary progress, as against progress within their planes, if they accept to reverse their perceptions.


838)   They are expressed in terms of manners, behaviour, character, personality and values -- personal, psychological, social, moral, spiritual values.


839)   A drastic change is brought about in its perception in one area and a practical reversal. The process of reversal will be energising with evolutionary force and the results will be far-reaching, mainly in changing the future perception.


840)   That PROCESS of reversal is force becoming conscious. It is to be Mother's Instruments when people bring about that change in others.


841)   Each level of life has its enjoyments and disciplines. Not to enjoy them is a folly which is going to benefit no one. It is common among men to imagine the disciplines of the next level and foolishly practise it at their level. A child should play, a householder should rightly enjoy the things meant for his enjoyment.


842)   There is an evolutionary creation at any given moment. That movement is THE MOTHER for us.


843)   Enjoyment issues out of overcoming difficulty or challenges. A greater enjoyment awaits in challenging oneself. The individual soul in search of the greatest enjoyment loses its knowledge in Ignorance so as to rediscover it. This is Lila.


844)   Thought in the mind, the physical senses that are the vital and the body’s movements constitute the external being. For the inner being to open, thought in the mind should cease and one should rise above senses in a still body.


845)   Our past endowments even in their state of purity are a bar to the new discipline. The worst habit of man is to admire them.


846)   We pray to Her to complete our surrender to Her.

          She asks whether She should do it.

          Ordinarily, the human soul, being human, submitting even our surrender to Her is the highest attitude. SHE accords to us Divine Individuality and surrender is its part. After this, resorting to the old attitude that sprang up from an unconscious state, allows room for ego to usurp that gap.


847)   To be able to accept the full responsibility for our surrender is to fully surrender our ego and become an adult in the yogic effort.


848)   To be able to see the outer events -- positive and negative -- in terms of the inner is knowledge. The outer positive expresses a correspondence, the negative expresses an inverse correspondence.


849)   When you are not able to see so, to remain undisturbed is to have faith, resting only on the inner indications.


850)   The welling up aspiration being irresistible makes it intense aspiration which is Supramental vibration.



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