Series I


101)     Opinion is will accepting the knowledge. Vital taking the mind's direction for action is attitude. Body willing to be guided by the attitude is Power.

            Being, with the sanction of the spirit, endorsing the Power of the body that  includes the vital attitude and mental knowledge is VALUE. (refer to 204) YouTube Discussion || Daily Discussions on June 3, 2023


102)   Goodwill for one or a few can be selfish goodwill. For goodwill to be selfless, it must go towards all.


103)   Not to know that what advice you are offering others applies to you is mental unconsciousness.


104)   (Refer 94)      Money value, selfish values and false values rule life. Those who genuinely try to come out of them resort to these values for the sake of others. Even then it is not for the sake of others but only for their subconscious sake.

          Values given by the surface will be followed by the subconscious and it will justify them as if it is for the sake of others.


105)   Comprehension of the body is omnipotent. Find out your level of comprehension and the next level for you to move into.


106)   Adverse forces come to you in life as tricks played on you. Find out the type of trick you will fall for.


107)   Presently nature is creative, endowed with an organisation for manifestation. Each level of transformation is an endeavour to create an organisation for manifestation at that level.

          Now the psychic is buried and dormant. To bring it forward and offer an organisation in our nature is psychic transformation.

          Jivatma is immutable now. To make it evolve in life by infusing our parts of being with its aspects is spiritual transformation. 


108)     Will is born when the mind wants to act.


109)     Body's comprehension is through sensitivity.


110)     Any project can be completed, if the mind with respect to the project is positive and sincere and the effort taken inwardly is spiritual.


111)     The Purusha on the surface surrenders to the Shakti in the subliminal to fulfil itself as Ishwara.

            Man surrenders to the Divine in the wife to fulfil his soulhood.

            We surrender to the Divinity in the child so that we in the child will be fulfilled. The child outgrows the father and when it deviates the parent pulls it up.

            All civilisation and culture are possible by the higher submitting to the lower in the understanding that it submits to the Higher in the lower.


112)     A man has all the external circumstances necessary to understand the entire universe.


113)     Self-offering and self-giving are the most beautiful acts that make Time into Eternity. It is the longing of the finite for the Infinite. “என்னை உன் உடமையாக்கிக் கொள்.”.


114)     Reason -- Power -- Realisation

            Reason prevails with reasonable people; unreasonable people exhibit their resourcefulness in the negative direction paralysing reason.

            Power succeeds up to a point; beyond that it succeeds only by suppression.

            Realisation makes the other reasonable giving them the power to transform.


115)     A knowledge ends up in a work; a work expresses itself as knowledge; either may produce a satisfying EMOTION. Corresponding human personalities to the above process are dynamic men, men of mind and heart. Know what you are and seek your progress accordingly.


116)     நமக்கு எதைச் செய்ய முனைப்பிருக்கிறதோ, அது தேவையில்லாத சின்ன விஷயம்.

        நம்மையறியாமல், நம்மை மீறிய நிலையில், எதைச் செய்வதற்கு உள்ளிருந்து உந்துதல் இருக்கிறதோ, அது பெரிய தெய்வ காரியம்.


117)     Catch yourself at the moment of the greatest excitement. Consecration at that moment is great. Consecration of the excitement itself is momentous.


118)     Mind, vital, and body functioning from the surface function as partial instruments and negatively too. Functioning from the depths or expressing the spirit, they are not partial and they are always positive.


119)     Mother says She should be read in French.


120)     When a long drawn event is over, we discover that we have learnt one truism of emotion, i.e. attitude.


121)     Learning the truth of all our present attitudes to the point of changing them gives us the progress of a lifetime.


122)     When Grace comes:  'Why?'  'How?'  if asked renders you unfit to receive it. And Grace often comes from your boss whom you may not like. It comes in the shape of a disagreeable order.


123)     There are individuals and institutions on earth who constitute the nucleus of Mother's Ideals to fulfil themselves. Only that their attitude is SILLY.

            (E.g. Dr. Glen of Philadelphia Institute for brain injured children).


124)     In essentials quantity is an illusion. One horse power motor and 100 hp motor work on the same principle. All atoms are constituted similarly. Quantity assumes importance only in the inessentials of outer appearance.


125)     He who did tapasya all his life for the eternal joy of the Earth, had a sad face all the time.


126)     Try to make the IDEA that there is no suffering in the world REAL to your entire mind. The mind will take on a spiritual dimension and will pass into joy.


127)     Education changes behaviour and manners. Experience changes character.


128)     Man possesses his world and the things in it as the property of his Ego. He will be possessed by God and all HIS possessions when he sheds his Ego. It is a spiritually revealing decisive moment in one's life when the surrender is accepted by his being.


129)     Such moments are heralded by the opening of the inner being more than concretely visible to his naked eye.


130)     Faith is expectation based on a fact. Superstition is expectation based on desire. (E.g. when a brilliant boy secures 23% you ask for revaluation and he gets 83% while a foolish boy's revaluation confirms 23%).


131)     Mother is looking for the KEY in the physical. What is the key in the vital or mental? Can we think of the KEY at any level?  from poverty to wealth, illiteracy to education, from backwardness to sophistication, stagnation to progress?


132)     Sri Aurobindo wrote the aphorisms to get over his Christian education. Each one of us must get over the mentality of the modern man.


133)     Shifting from unthinking information  to thought is a mental leap, the difference between the scholar and thinker; the inexperienced but informed public and the expert in the field. [In the court procedures this difference is there between an informed citizen and  வக்கீல் குமாஸ்தா].


134)     The best form of knowledge for the physical mind is analogy,

            the thinking mind is argument or law,

            the vital emotion is harmonious feeling,

            the vital sensation is excitement,

            the physical body is skill or power or a feeling of fullness,

            the higher mind is silence,

            the illumined mind is vision,

            the intuitive mind is direct knowledge,

            the Overmind is the Formulated Form,

            the Supermind is the triune truth of each in all, all in each and all as each.


135)     Justice of a higher plane becomes injustice in a lower plane, especially when the recipient is negative.

            Divine Justice is human injustice for the infrarational


136)     Emotional arrears -- settling ancient scores, acquitting well before  old rivals--indicates the depth of our weaknesses.


137)     At a time the being is on the threshold of a new spiritual experience, emotional arrears rear their heads asking for redressal with the result that the new experience vanishes and the arrears remain arrears.


138)     Not lingering on to the past, opens the way for the future.


139)     The progress of the MIND is determined by the positive clarity of the EMOTIONS.


140)     Transformation is doing what we do out of desire for a desireless motive. Man coming forward to do all that he does today out of a lower motive for  a higher motive is transformation.


141)     Changing human motives into divine motives is transformation.


142)     Most successful human relationships are based on a) relating to another on his values and,  b) being stronger than the other man in his own terms.


143)     எந்தப் பிரச்சினை தீரவில்லையோ அவ்விஷயத்தில் நமக்கு அன்னை மீது நம்பிக்கையில்லை எனப் பொருள்.


144)     நமக்குள்ள சந்தர்ப்பத்தில் அன்னை சட்டப்படி எந்தப் பெரிய திட்டம் பூர்த்தியாகவில்லையோ, அவ்விஷயத்தில் நம் முயற்சி, ஆர்வம், தெளிவு பூர்த்தி பெறவில்லை எனப் பொருள்.


145)     When the desire for action ceases, desire for knowledge rises. Desire for knowledge does not rise till the desire for action survives.


146)     Great experiences await for the desire for knowledge in man to die.


147      Duality gives an intense enjoyment even as hatred is intense. One rises above duality when one no longer needs the lower intensity.


148)     The mind wants to understand. The vital wants to possess. The physical wants to repeat.

            Capacity that does not want to understand raises you above the mind. Absence of desire to possess frees one from the vital. Incapacity to repeat or a wish to repeat grants freedom from the physical. All these release one from nature enabling him to centre in the psychic.


149)     To treat petty behaviour magnanimously, one needs true magnanimity.


150)     He who aspires for progress in all, progresses.



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