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Audio Downloads of Daily Discussions on Karmayogi's Commentaries on Pride and Prejudice

  1. Volume 3 Chapter 2

    Context in the novel: 
    Bingley arrives at the inn
    and prepare for such a visitor – Bingley" – “In a moment he entered the room
    Topics discussed: 
    Consecration, ascent, descent, 9 levels, psychic, matter, spirit, delight of being
    Questions raised: 

    What is the difference between vital in the mind and mind in the vital?
    Why don’t we include the psychic in the 9 levels?
    Is there only one being, or are there many beings? Is the being sometimes in the mental and sometimes in the vital?

  2. Volume 3 Chapter 2

    Context in the novel: 
    Elizabeth learns that Bingley is to be expected shortly
    and prepare for such a visitor – Bingley
    Topics discussed: 
    Grace, consecration, spiritual sensitivity and psychic sensitivity, mental and spiritual alertness, will, knowledge, consciousness, frustration, ego
    Questions raised: 

    When we think of opportunities, we obstruct them. We have created events by thinking about them. How can thinking about past events help?
    If we wish to give up a negative attitude or consecrate a past event, we start with our will. How can we shift from our will to knowledge?

  3. Volume 3 Chapter 2

    Context in the novel: 
    Elizabeth learns that Bingley is to be expected shortly
    She had barely time to express her satisfaction" – “and prepare for such a visitor – Bingley
    Topics discussed: 
    Revenge, silence, subconscious, humility, feeling of superiority, casual words, consecration, knowledge
    Questions raised: 

    How can I eliminate a negative subconscious attitude?
    How can we not feel egoistic when we know we are superior?
    When we try to avoid a negative person, are we not considering ourselves superior?
    When we call something low consciousness, are we not feeling superior?

  4. Volume 3 Chapter 2

    Context in the novel: 
    Elizabeth learns that Bingley is to be expected shortly
    She had barely time to express her satisfaction
    Topics discussed: 
    Let thy will be done, levels of yoga, sincerity, devotees, individuality, relying on others, consecration, self-righteousness, low consciousness, strength to support sincerity, superiority, we receive what we want to give
    Questions raised: 

    When we surrender, we are unsure whether we have surrendered. Does Mother accept it anyway, no matter how we surrender?
    For physical work, we see when we exhaust out efforts. For mental work, how do we know when we exhaust our efforts?
    When we change in one area, why do results come in unconnected areas?
    When we take a decision, and we receive a call from someone, what does that mean?
    How can one become an individual, and stop relying on others?

  5. Volume 3 Chapter 2

    Context in the novel: 
    Elizabeth learns that Bingley is to be expected shortly
    She had barely time to express her satisfaction
    Topics discussed: 
    Grace, super grace, sincerity, expectation, Let thy will be done, silence
    Questions raised: 

    What are the positive things that take us towards Mother?
    When we awaken our psychic, does it affect others' psychic?
    What would have happened if Elizabeth's psychic had been awakened?
    What progress did Jane and Bingley make to deserve each other?
    Expectation takes away some of the energy from accomplishment. How does aspiration differ from expectation?
    Are desire and ambition the same?
    How can we get out of the structure of a faculty of the mind?

  6. Volume 3 Chapter 2

    Context in the novel: 
    Darcy informs Elizabeth that Bingley would arrive at the inn shortly
    Darcy told her Bingley was also coming
    Topics discussed: 
    Character, karma, supermind, calling Mother from the depths, non reaction
    Questions raised: 

    What is the meaning of calling Mother from the depths?
    What is the importance of being aware of an accomplishment, grace or luck? Does that not result in satisfaction and leveling off?
    How should we become more aware of every blessing? How does one become conscious?
    Why do we face the same problems again and again, and even after solving the problem once, search for the solution again?
    What is the difference between a person in the vital and a person in the mind?
    What do we lose when we move from the vital to the mind?
    How would Elizabeth have been had she moved to the psychic?
    What will be the outcome of non reaction?
    What is it in us that prevents us from receiving abuse happily?
    Does our ego prevent us from progress?

  7. Volume 3 Chapter 2

    Context in the novel: 
    Elizabeth feels comfortable with Georgiana
    Elizabeth was much relieved by discerning such different feeling
    Topics discussed: 
    Language, gratitude, aristocracy, wealth and values, non reaction, complexity
    Questions raised: 

    If Elizabeth had not interfered, would Jane have married earlier?
    Did Darcy want Georgiana to marry Bingley?

  8. Volume 3 Chapter 2

    Context in the novel: 
    Georgiana is described
    but there was sense and good humour in her face
    Topics discussed: 
    Fear attracts, temperament, character, children, freedom, affection, substance, Mother's consciousness
    Questions raised: 

    Can the child be allowed to watch TV in the name of giving freedom?
    How much control does a child have over its nature?

  9. Volume 3 Chapter 2

    Context in the novel: 
    Georgiana is described
    She was less handsome than her brother
    Topics discussed: 
    Cause of a problem, being and becoming, romance, love, moving to falsehood, moving to truth, consecration, ill will, ideal
    Questions raised: 

    If marriage doesn’t exist, what is the purpose of romance?
    Is there a psychic element in romance?

  10. Volume 3 Chapter 2

    Context in the novel: 
    Georgiana is described
    her appearance womanly and graceful – She was less handsome than her brother
    Topics discussed: 
    Moving from the vital to mind, Sat Chit Ananda, satisfaction from life, non being, transformation
    Questions raised: 

    Does not inviting Lydia and Wickham home after the marriage result in good, as Lydia informs Elizabeth that Darcy helped the family?
    Why do we lose our receptivity and aspiration to progress after some time?
    When everyone moves to being, will non being cease to exist?
    What are the things that are described as tamas?

  11. Volume 3 Chapter 2

    Context in the novel: 
    Georgiana is described
    her appearance womanly and graceful
    Topics discussed: 
    Taking decisions, Brahman-Maya, Purusha-Prakriti, self-conception, time, timelessness, simultaneous time
    Questions raised: 

    How can we convert a past failure into an opportunity?
    Why do we forget what we read, learn and even begin to practice after some time?
    At what point in consecration do we reach simultaneous time? Does simultaneous time have gradations?
    Should we be in the psychic to glimpse simultaneous time?
    What should we do to utilize the positive atmosphere and the principles we learn in the best way and not waste it in lower things?
    How can we find where our energy is stored, how it is spent?

  12. Volume 3 Chapter 2

    Context in the novel: 
    Georgiana is described
    her appearance womanly and graceful
    Topics discussed: 
    Creation by objectification, self-conception, insistence, bargain
    Questions raised: 

    How are we creating in our daily lives by objectification?
    How can we find out what is the root cause of a problem?
    When can we point out a mistake, when should we not do it?
    What are we doing when we consider another as Mother?
    If we accept another as Mother and allow the other person's ego to subjugate us, where does the concept of courage and standing up for what is right come in?
    What happens when we consider another as Mother and accept what comes from them?

  13. Volume 3 Chapter 2

    Context in the novel: 
    Georgiana is described
    Though little more than sixteen, her figure was formed – her appearance womanly and graceful
    Topics discussed: 
    Mind and body, soul, disease, death, conscient, inconscient, grace, supermind, Atma, Purusha, Ishwara, Maya, Prakriti, Shakti
    Questions raised: 

    Do fatal diseases come because a person becomes fixed and rigid?
    How does the attitude affect the physical body?
    Why are people dying younger if we are moving towards immortality?

  14. Volume 3 Chapter 2

    Context in the novel: 
    Georgiana is described
    Miss Darcy was tall, on a larger scale than Elizabeth
    Topics discussed: 
    Enjoy a defect, transformation, jealousy, the British empire, justice
    Questions raised: 

    What is the method to find out which are the impulses of the vital?
    Can transformation be instantaneous?
    Has India developed like other countries? Why is it so slow?

  15. Volume 3 Chapter 2

    Context in the novel: 
    Georgiana is described
    She found it difficult to obtain even a word from her beyond a monosyllable – Miss Darcy was tall, on a larger scale than Elizabeth
    Topics discussed: 
    Reticence, timidity, culture, tallness, being proud of one's weakness, self- awareness, transformation, weaknesses, memories, higher consciousness, knowledge, Inner-outer correspondence
  16. Volume 3 Chapter 2

    Context in the novel: 
    Darcy and Georgiana meet Elizabeth and the Gardiners
    And this formidable introduction took place - Observation of a very few minutes convinced her that she was exceedingly shy
    Topics discussed: 
    Structure, form, energy, competition, social pressure, giving up the lower, pride, equilibrium, widening our perspective and solving problems, non reaction
    Questions raised: 

    If there is someone near us who is constantly competing and comparing with us, how can we understand it?

  17. Volume 3 Chapter 2

    Context in the novel: 
    Elizabeth is nervous at the thought of receiving Darcy and Georgiana at the inn
    the perturbation in the Mind of Elizabeth was increasing every moment – She retreated from the window, fearful of being seen
    Topics discussed: 
    Transformation, growth in society, seeing opportunity as a threat, rationality, fear, positive atmosphere, laws of life, pleasing another, response to grace, gratitude, exhausting the maximum, efficiency
    Questions raised: 

    When someone reaches his maximum, will he become stagnant if he doesn’t take conscious effort to expand his capacities? Or will his capacities automatically expand?
    Sometimes we come close to accomplishing, but things go wrong at the end, why?
    How can we exhaust our maximum in our daily lives?

  18. Volume 3 Chapter 2

    Context in the novel: 
    Elizabeth is nervous at the thought of receiving Darcy and Georgiana at the inn
    they could not but help supposing a partiality for their niece – the perturbation in the Mind of Elizabeth was increasing every moment
    Topics discussed: 
    Consecration, embarrassment, complete act, simultaneous integrality, creative moments, guilt, women in the story
    Questions raised: 

    Does consecration penetrate character?
    Is a certain minimum period of time necessary for an act to be completed? Can that time be skipped in simultaneous integrality? Does not each act/step in agriculture take its time? Can there be simultaneous, instantaneous results in the physical plane?
    Why didn’t Elizabeth realize at Rosings that Darcy’s own estate would be equally grand?
    How is that Elizabeth, who comes from modest Longbourn, does not get awed by Netherfield or Rosings?
    What is the connection between the outer and our inner behavior? Can one be controlled if we control the other?
    Do we make the same amount of progress in all the planes?
    Can a person be rigid outside and be a person of high understanding inside?
    Elizabeth feels guilty about having abused Darcy, whereas Wickham never feels guilty. Why is it that guilt sometimes destroys the person who feels guilty?
    What can Elizabeth do about her subconscious attitudes? How can she transform what she has inherited from her mother, how can she escape its consequences?

  19. Volume 3 Chapter 2

    Context in the novel: 
    The Gardiners guess that Darcy likes Elizabeth
    They now felt that there was no other way of accounting for the attention – they could not but help supposing a partiality for their niece
    Topics discussed: 
    Self-restraint, fixed habits, psychic freshness, positive atmosphere, external world is a projection of our consciousness, goodwill, simultaneous time, creative moment, guilt
    Questions raised: 

    Will a positive atmosphere turn our negative aspects into positive, or will it have just a temporary effect?
    Should we pray for a positive atmosphere constantly, or should we see the flaws in our atmosphere and surrender them?
    If we pray to Mother to change our defects, will she change them even if we are not aware of our defects?

  20. Volume 3 Chapter 2

    Context in the novel: 
    The Gardiners begin to wonder about Elizabeth’s relationship with Darcy
    joined to the circumstance itself and many of the circumstances of the previous day
    Topics discussed: 
    Relationship, complementarity
    Questions raised: 

    If in a relationship, the other person has opposite ideas, will the fulfillment be higher?
    In their relationship, do Darcy and Elizabeth have the same goal?

by Dr. Radut