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Introduction to Organisation

March 26, 2007

An act is a direct, simple movement of force or energy, as lifting a stool. When more than one person coordinates to execute a work, organisation is born, as one man passes bundles to another man who puts them in an order. It may be one man helping another man or it may be a tool. A crowbar acts as a lever to lift a weight. It too can be called an organisation.

"When men or materials are arranged to act in a fixed relationships that can be endlessly repeated, an organisation is born and is at work."  An office is such an organisation.

Organisations vary in composition:

  • Men, materials, rules, events, work can coordinate to become an organisation.

E.g. all social institutions such as offices, families, schools, hospitals, shops, trade, commerce, transport, government, communication, etc. are organisations of one or another description.

  • Organisations are worked through rules.
  • It is made possible by the cooperating attitude of men.
  • Society itself is at its base an organisation of sorts and therefore it creates several organisations for its survival and growth.
  • Organisation is born in a society that is conscious.

Hence we say life progresses by consciousness and consciousness develops by organisation.

  • Organisations can be mainly of men, forces, rules, systems, attitudes.

Though there is a main component, it cannot come into existence without the presence of all the other aspects mentioned here.

  • A village is an example of an organisation mainly composed of men.

A computer is an organisation mainly of rules of coordination.

A political party is an organisation mainly led by one significant goal.

  • A machine is a material organisation with material parts whose main power issues out of the design.
  • Transport like railway is an organisation whose essential part is the train.
  • Family is, in that sense, an organisation where the binding force is affection born out of blood relationship.
  • Organisation occupies the fourth place in a chain that begins with Act and ends with consciousness.

Act - Activities - System - ORGANISATION - Institution - Culture - Custom - Usage - Consciousness.

  • Organisations compose of systems and mature into institutions.
  • In one sense, we can say organisation is ubiquitous.
  • Organisation enormously increases power of work drawing that power from the higher planes of existence, called the subtle plane.
  • An organisation can do the work of a hundred or 100,000 men depending on where it exists.

story | by Dr. Radut