Summary of Ideas on Self Multiplying Money
July 19, 2006
- Money was a thing, a transaction, a symbol, TRUST, a social force, pure force and finally a Divine Force.
- Money was a creation of mind, an organised symbol that organises life putting it at the centre of life.
- As it passes through the above stages, it acquires two main powers of multiplication and self-multiplication.
- Money is non-moral or amoral but has the capacity to acquire the character of the Master it enslaves.
- In its social journey it integrates with every other social organisation.
- It honours the rule of Line and acts according to its relation with the Line.
- Money is a vital power, mentally organised.
- Education is a mental light, illumined by the awakened mind.
- Education and Money integrating will create the Real-Idea of social evolution.
- Man, the creator of Money, is now its slave.
- The two hundred points on education and the 4000 points of elaboration directly and fully apply to Money.
- What is true of Money is true of all social forces - education, language, work, skill, capacity, communication, transport, sports, war, technology, tapas, etc.
- Money is to global peace what war was to the security of the empire.
- As the Euro has created the European Union, the world currency can create the world government.
- Money persuades nations to achieve prosperity what was imposed on them by force.
- Money can achieve the third dream of Sri Aurobindo, world union.
- Money is the third stage of universal education, universal suffrage as Universal prosperity.
- Money is the instrument of both winning instead of one losing and the other winning.
- The Individual creating infinite Money is the parallel in knowledge to the Genius.
- The unconscious process of Money growth is from below while the conscious process is by descent from above.
- Our concern here is Money as a conscious ORGANISATION.
- World currency can wipe out the poverty of the world.
- The value of the Euro rises by the rise of population.
- ‘Clarity of thought is a contribution to Peace' applies to Money fully.
- Money is not black; man is black.
- In a transaction, Money removes social inequality.
- Money abridges Space and Time, awakens consciousness and organises it.
- At each step, money represents the highest formulated social power that is consciousness.
- Money is the modern army which has neutralised nuclear power.
- For the miser, Money gives a physical sensation of possessive delight. The Spiritual Individual possesses money.
- Any Individual who understands Money and requires the power to fulfil its conditions of growth can create ‘infinite' Money.
- Money is the symbol and motive power of social dynamism.
- Money is ubiquitous, a force always on the move that does duty to the society as cities now do.
- All aspects of society are found in the constitution of Money.
- Scales, measurements, and their tools dynamise Money.
- The future Individual can be JP Morgan of 1907.
- Money is complete only when its negative power also is acquired.
- Money is the social executive of judiciary that is the social law.
- Mind is organisation. The most organised social institution is Money.
- The Great Depression was caused to negatively exhaust Money power which resulted in war to overcome the human physicality first destroying Money by inflation.
- The New defies entry through old methods.
- Lady Mason and Reverend Crawley.
- The part Money is in the whole the society is.
- Power of multiplication and Self-multiplication.
- Foreign Aid is to be scrapped.
- The more subtle, the more powerful.
- Consciousness and organisation.
- Human value of currency.
- The four stages of development.
- The society, the bank, the Individual multiply Money by the same law.
- The determinant of social progress is Money, NOT social resources.
- The psychological origins of Money in the society and the Individual.
- The highest has granted our greatest prayer - Ours is to cross the border a little.
- As Money exhausts our capacity, when it is a thing, it releases social aspirations.
- Like the city, Money includes all social powers from production to highest culture.
- Money is the outer organisation reflecting the inner psychological man.
- Money plays the role of the infinitesimal as well as Infinity.
- Money is inherently measurable by its constitution in countable numbers.
- Man rushing towards Money changes into Money moving towards him when he moves from Force to Being.
- The nine ways by which one can move from Force to Being and move Money also like that.
- Physical power - vital power - mental power - social power - money as the organised social power organising the society.
- The relationship of the institution of Money with the other institutions such as law.
- The virtue of being a mental organisation.
- Old literature and New Knowledge.
- Monarchy - money - knowledge.
- Money - language - Internet.
- The power of a symbol Money is.
- The three powers that attract the ego: Money - Power - Sex.
- Money as a medium of social transformation.
- Cause and effect.
- Existence - Energy - Progress
- Aristocracy and Money.
- Money and Individuality.
- The choice at every step mattes, matters ultimately.
- Money force is an interplay of social forces.
- Human management of Money need not and should not allow the negative potentials of the society to be activated.
- Money is infinite. It can emerge by any method from the physical to the Supramental.
- Corruption is Money outgrowing its social structure.
- Withering of Money.
- Money can create law and order and maintain it.
- The greatest potential of Money is in poverty.
- Earning is not money, nor spending it. Money is a psychological power.
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