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Farmer Training Project


May 8, 2002

The Tamil Nadu Project is to train over 2,00,000 literate farmers over four years in 11 centres in  higher productivity in ten crops.

  • The higher productivity is to come from

- Awareness of the role of micronutrients.

- Deep ploughing to conserve water and root penetration.

- Balanced application of fertilizers.

- Role of Timeliness in production.

- Introduction and maintenance of higher organisation in cultivation and marketing.

- Creation of the natural fertility of the soil.

- Tuning the crop to the weather pattern of the season.

  • Higher income is expected from the shelf life, refrigerated storage and producing for the needs of the market near or distant.
  • All the above is external input and is capable of yielding the results by itself. The farmer who realises that these external potentials are available is an inner asset which includes the entire resources of the externals.
  • Should he SEE or be made to see that his realisation of this truth is his real potential, he becomes an awakened farmer who can never fail hereafter once he gears his training.
  • This training that awakens his agriculture productivity can always awaken HIM - his soul's awareness in life - when he becomes an awakened citizen.
  • That will enable him to be an enlightened head of the family, an enlightened citizen, etc. He can become a spiritually awakened Individual. The inspiration of this training can go up to any level.
  • By offering a national organisation, the Green Revolution opened up such a possibility though a distant possibility.
  • A doctoral thesis usually focuses on one principle and documents field observations to factually substantiate that principle.
  • One of the 300 principles can thus be chosen for the thesis while the entire scope of the Theory can be in the background. Below are a few such ideas that can form the basis of the theory.

1. One skill learnt well, implemented comprehensively can release the energies of production beneficially to raise the results many times.

2. Whether the skill is learnt or not, if the man's self-confidence is released for whatever reason, his production will multiply.

3. The role of micronutrients while it is one of the several factors, can raise the production in quality or quantity or in both.

4. The unorganized, unconscious farmer when he accepts a planned ORGANISATION for his production will find even his present technology can double or treble the results.

5. A very strict adherence to Punctuality, one of the dozen values of the project, can yield the same result which organisation can smoothly give.


  • A thesis highlights one principle. One who writes this thesis can, apart from this thesis, travel in the other direction of discovering the personality of the farmer while the project travels in the direction of securing productivity.
  • Discovering the personality of the farmer, the citizen, the person can open up understanding the state or national politics and solutions for any public issue can be meaningfully arrived at.
  • It can also lead to the discovery of the personality of the scholar who can arrive at the KNOWLEDGE of the life of the state or the country in terms of her problems. The mind in its exercise of broadening vision will find that that knowledge is POWER.
  • At its lowest, the Tamil Nadu Project can be the field of study for a doctoral thesis.
  • At its widest, it can help one SEE in himself a fresh future role in the life of the state or nation. Properly speaking, it makes him see himself as the representative human being on earth who can evolve socially or spiritually.

story | by Dr. Radut