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January 14, 2002

  • Expectation is the thought in the mind energized by the vitality of the mind and pushed by the physical urge.
  • An urge energized in its own plane and organised as a power there accomplishes there.
  • When work is accomplished, it accomplishes itself.
  • Work begins when the mind in the body understands.
  • It completes when the body in the mind organises itself.
  • There is a stage when the urge in the body rises to the mind with the energy of the vital but the mind does not extend its comprehension to organisation.
  • At that stage, it remains a thought but full of energy and the power of the physical.
  • Mind's constructive thought ceases to be constructive, as it is not organised into power of execution.
  • Nor will it allow SILENCE in the mind which is necessary for accomplishment.
  • Trying to be silent at this moment generates tension as the knowledge that absence of silence is absence of accomplishment is there.
  • Intense prayer will be able to suppress expectation for the period of prayer. Even that will be a great accomplishment.
  • Is there anything a person at this stage can do?
  • There is nothing a man cannot do, if he wants from the same depth where it is to be accomplished.
  • Man learns from below by trial and error, which means several failures teach him not to expect. By these failures, the mind that has no organisation acquires it.
  • The other way, which is quicker, is to extend the education of the mind to the body.
  • Though it is a strenuous method, it abridges years into months. These people generally fail the first time, but struggle not to fail anymore.
  • There is another method which will avoid even that one failure. It is to shift the outer into the inner.
  • One who knows ALL the rules of accomplishment is not guaranteed success as knowing is not doing.
  • If the knowing is intellectual, it is to know in the outside.
  • When the knowing is an insight or intuition, it is to know inside.
  • A previous experience shifts the outer knowing to the inner knowledge.
  • A token work is done to acquire this knowledge.
  • The onrush of Grace will not await the completion of the token act or even the beginning of it. The success will surface before the token act commences as an opportunity or even an accomplished fact.
  • One can accept the opportunity and educate the deeper layers of the body by the knowledge of the mind and avoid expectation by taking the other man's point of view and all those that go with it.
  • The golden rule is to be selfless, egoless, unthinkingly silent, concentrating on the present, seeking  joy, not profit. That can give a measure of equality.
  • Expectation is the effort to accomplish by a thought what needs physical work. It is a wish.
  • Wishes remain wishes never to be fulfilled.
  • The dynamism of the wishes is destructive.
  • A conscious inner process of education begins with consecration of each of the past failures until it resolves into equality. By bringing the memory of the past to the present, the mind is educated not to repeat the old errors. Psychologically it is known as humility, spiritually as sincerity, evolutionarily it is known as knowledge emerging from Ignorance.

story | by Dr. Radut