March 3, 2006
- When Man started life, he worked on his own.His children learnt work by observing him, thus combining subconscious inheritance and subconscious or unconscious observation.
- Conscious training has been by apprenticeship until 1900 A.D.
- This was true of crafts, house building, rearing a family, military leadership, political hegemony, parliamentary life, business management, etc.
- About a hundred years ago, professional colleges arose to give theoretical understanding of practical issues. It was education, making the unconscious endowment of the society a conscious faculty that is given by the past generations to future generations.
- Oxford and Cambridge founded 800 years ago the same thing in general in the belief that man is entirely religious and religious education would make him a fuller personality. It was confined to classics and languages.
- The basic structure of university education all over the world remains the same while the refinement is in the proliferating information and the tools of measurement employed. As early as 1940 European professors visiting US universities said they were more fully occupied by the newly constructed buildings than IDEAS.
- As of today, social leadership has no well-defined understanding of education or its theoretical status. A recent publication of fifty educational thinkers speaks of educational methods exclusively.
- Coaching, training, etc. are the physical part of EDUCATION. (The 200 principles of education and their 4000 extensions fairly cover the territory of education theoretically. They can be summed up below).
- Education is the conscious transference of subconscious experience to abridge the role of Time, to minimise the role of mind and to almost eliminate the ego so that mental knowledge can become life knowledge.
- The KEY factor of education is not the Teacher, the Subject, the Method, but the Person that learns.
- That Person lies in four layers. The deeper we reach, the better.
- If a Method is to be thought of, it is to put the learner in the full context of learning, withdrawing the tools, methods, subject, teacher as soon as possible.
- For general education, the context is life; practically, it is social life.
- In the measure Life replaces social life, education is meaningful.
- Further, the place vacated by social life will be occupied by psychological life. As soon as we are aiming at a social product, psychological education need not be eliminated.
- A psychological education can create a better social product as spiritual education can create a better psychological product.
- Professional education is a narrow specialisation where material results are of importance. Here the real education goes to the background, while machines, results, money, market claim predominance. Still, in this finite -- of tools - the infinite of the whole society emerging brings the FULL results.
- Therefore, our work is to express the entire Society, life, work, etc. in the limited context of business productivity. The better we do it, the greater is the result.
- As elsewhere, HOW to make work, life, man, his own context, etc., the centre in executing a work is the central approach. In doing so, these great fields should bring up the rear, be behind the scene, almost invisible.
- If there is any method, this will be the method.
- Its advantages are:
Being comprehensive, this method does not bypass any segment of life or its potential.
By virtue of what it is, it produces the maximum possible results and provides scope to raise the maximum limit.
The rule of life that the higher you rise, the less is the attention to details is not true here. The opposite is true. The higher you rise, the more comprehensive is the scope and the greater the attention to details.
This method by its very structure moves from the social man to the psychological person and still rises to the Spiritual Individual.
To spell out the rules or codes, say some 20 or 200 will be useful when we know the context more precisely.
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